function Wsoc = soc_function(W_initial, rate, desired_SA, gamma)
%% Create a stability-optimised circuit
% This code creates a stability-optimised weight matrix following Hennequin
% et al., Neuron, 2014.
% Inputs:
% W (initial 'unstable' weight matrix)
% rate (gradient descent learning rate)
% desired_SA (the ultimate spectral abscissa after stbility optimisation)
% gamm (the inhibition/excitation ratio)
% Outputs:
% Wsoc (stability-optimised weight matrix)
% Written by Jake Stroud
Wsoc = W_initial;
% Plot spectrum of W_initial
xlim([-10 10]);
ylim([-10 10]);
xlabel('Real part');
ylabel('Imaginary part');
i = 1;
e = max(real(eig(Wsoc))); %Initial largest real part in the spcetrum of Wsoc
while e(i) > desired_SA
i = i+1; %Output iteration number
Wsoc = ssaCode(Wsoc,rate,gamma); %Run one iteration of the gradient descent
e(i) = max(real(eig(Wsoc)));
if mod(i,20) == 0 %Plot spectrum of Wsoc every 20 iterations
xlim([-10 10]);
ylim([-10 10]);
xlabel('Real part');
ylabel('Imaginary part');
ylabel('Spectral abscissa')
xlabel('Number of iterations')
spec_abscissa = e(i) %Print the current maximum real eigenvalue
%% Code that produces one gradient descent iteration
function [Wo, Emax] = ssaCode(Wi,rate,gamma)
N = length(Wi); %Number of neurons
end_exc = N/2; %Index of final excitatory neuron
start_inh = N/2 + 1; %Index of first inhibitory neuron
Emax = max(real(eig(Wi)));
% Setup lyapunov equations
s = max(Emax*1.5, Emax + 0.2);
A = Wi - s*eye(size(Wi));
X = 2*eye(size(Wi));
%Solve the lyapunov equations to obtain the observability and
%controllability gramians
Q = lyap(A',X);
P = lyap(A,X);
%Calculate gradient with which to move the inhibitory weights
grad = Q*P/(trace(Q*P));
Wo = Wi;
%Change the inhibitory weights according to the gradient
Wo(:,start_inh:end) = Wi(:,start_inh:end) - (rate*grad(:,start_inh:end));
%% Now perform all constraints
%Set any positive inhibitory weights to 0
I = Wo > 0;
I(:,1:end_exc) = 0;
Wo(I) = 0;
%Make all inhibitory weights on average gamma times stronger than the
%excitatory ones.
exc_to_exc = Wo(1:end_exc,1:end_exc);
meanEE = mean(exc_to_exc(:));
exc_to_inh = Wo(start_inh:end,1:end_exc);
meanEI = mean(exc_to_inh(:));
inh_to_exc = Wo(1:end_exc,start_inh:end);
meanIE = mean(inh_to_exc(:));
inh_to_inh = Wo(start_inh:end,start_inh:end);
meanII = mean(inh_to_inh(:));
Wo(1:end_exc,start_inh:end) = -gamma*(meanEE/meanIE) * Wo(1:end_exc,start_inh:end);
Wo(start_inh:end,start_inh:end) = -gamma*(meanEI/meanII) * Wo(start_inh:end,start_inh:end);
%Make only 40% of the inh weights non-zero by setting the smallest
%inhitiroy weights to 0. (This step is slightly different to that used in
%Hennequin et al., Neuron, 2014.)
inh_weights = Wo(:,start_inh:end);
inh_weights = inh_weights(:);
[~,I] = sort(inh_weights,'ascend');
thres = round(0.4*length(inh_weights));
inh_weights(I(thres:end)) = 0;
Wo(:,start_inh:end) = reshape(inh_weights,N,end_exc);
% Remove any self-loops
Wo = Wo - diag(diag(Wo));