import re
import moose
# Equations here are:
# Adot = 1 -6A + 5A^2 - A^3, or spread out as:
# Adot = k0a + k1a.A + k2a.A.A + k3a.A.A.A + k4a.Ca.A/(1+A+10*B) - k5a.A.B
# Bdot = k1b.A - k2b.B
def parseExpr( expr, params, hasCa ):
if hasCa:
expr = expr.replace( 'Ca', 'x0' )
expr = expr.replace( 'A', 'x1' )
expr = expr.replace( 'B', 'x2' )
expr = expr.replace( 'Ca', 'x0' ) # happens in the negFF model
expr = expr.replace( 'A', 'x0' ) # This is the usual case.
expr = expr.replace( 'B', 'x1' )
parts = re.split( 'k', expr )
ret = parts[0]
for i in parts[1:]:
ret += str( params[ 'k' + i[:2] ] )
ret += i[2:]
if hasCa:
return 'x3*( ' + ret + ')'
return 'x2*( ' + ret + ')'
def makeChemProto( name, Aexpr, Bexpr, params ):
sw = params['stimWidth']
diffLength = params['diffusionLength']
dca = params['diffConstA'] * diffLength * diffLength
dcb = params['diffConstB'] * diffLength * diffLength
# Objects
chem = moose.Neutral( '/library/' + name )
compt = moose.CubeMesh( '/library/' + name + '/' + name )
A = moose.Pool( compt.path + '/A' )
B = moose.Pool( compt.path + '/B' )
Z = moose.BufPool( compt.path + '/Z' )
Ca = moose.BufPool( compt.path + '/Ca' )
phase = moose.BufPool( compt.path + '/phase' )
vel = moose.BufPool( compt.path + '/vel' )
ampl = moose.BufPool( compt.path + '/ampl' )
Adot = moose.Function( A.path + '/Adot' )
Bdot = moose.Function( B.path + '/Bdot' )
CaStim = moose.Function( Ca.path + '/CaStim' )
A.diffConst = dca
B.diffConst = dcb
# Equations
Adot.expr = parseExpr( Aexpr, params, True )
Bdot.expr = parseExpr( Bexpr, params, False )
CaStim.expr = 'x2 * exp( -((x0 - t)^2)/(2* ' + str(sw*sw) + ') )'
#print Adot.expr
#print Bdot.expr
#print CaStim.expr
# Connections
Adot.x.num = 4
moose.connect( Ca, 'nOut', Adot.x[0], 'input' )
moose.connect( A, 'nOut', Adot.x[1], 'input' )
moose.connect( B, 'nOut', Adot.x[2], 'input' )
moose.connect( Z, 'nOut', Adot.x[3], 'input' )
moose.connect( Adot, 'valueOut', A, 'increment' )
Bdot.x.num = 3
if name[:5] == 'negFF':
moose.connect( Ca, 'nOut', Bdot.x[0], 'input' )
print 'Doing special msg'
moose.connect( A, 'nOut', Bdot.x[0], 'input' )
moose.connect( B, 'nOut', Bdot.x[1], 'input' )
moose.connect( Z, 'nOut', Bdot.x[2], 'input' )
moose.connect( Bdot, 'valueOut', B, 'increment' )
CaStim.x.num = 3
moose.connect( phase, 'nOut', CaStim.x[0], 'input' )
moose.connect( vel, 'nOut', CaStim.x[1], 'input' )
moose.connect( ampl, 'nOut', CaStim.x[2], 'input' )
moose.connect( CaStim, 'valueOut', Ca, 'setN' )
return compt
def makeBis( args ):
params = {
'k0a':0.1, # Constant
'k1a':-5.0, # Coeff for A
'k2a':5.0, # Coeff for A^2
'k3a':-1.0, # Coeff for A^3
'k4a':10.0, # turnon of A by A and Ca
'k5a':-5.0, # Turnoff of A by B
'k1b':0.01, # turnon of B by A
'k2b':-0.01, # Decay rate of B
'diffusionLength':1.0e-6, # Diffusion characteristic length, used as voxel length too.
'dendDiameter': 10e-6, # Diameter of section of dendrite in model
'dendLength': 100e-6, # Length of section of dendrite in model
'diffConstA':5.0, # Diffusion constant of A
'diffConstB':2.0, # Diffusion constant of B
'stimWidth' :1.0, # Stimulus width in seconds
'stimAmplitude':1.0, # Stimulus amplitude, arb units. From FHN review
'blankVoxelsAtEnd':10, # of voxels to leave blank at end of cylinder
'preStimTime':10.0, # Time to run before turning on stimulus.
'postStimTime':40.0, # Time to run after stimulus. ~3x decay time
'settleTime':20.0, # Settling time of response, after stimulus.
# To include in analysis of total response over
# entire dendrite.
'fnumber':1, # Number to append to fname
for i in args:
params[i] = args[i]
makeChemProto( 'bis',
'k0a + k1a*A + k2a*A*A + k3a*A*A*A + k4a*Ca*A/(1+A+10*B) + k5a*A*B',
'k1b*A*A + k2b*B',
params )
return params
def makeFHN( args ):
params = {
'k_t':2.5, # Time-const.
'k_a':0.7, # Coeff1
'k_b':0.8, # Coeff2
'kxa': 2.0, # Offset for V for FHN eqns.
'kxb': 0.8, # Offset for W for FHN eqns.
'diffusionLength':1.0e-6, # Diffusion characteristic length, used as voxel length too.
'dendDiameter': 10e-6, # Diameter of section of dendrite in model
'dendLength': 100e-6, # Length of section of dendrite in model
'diffConstA':7.5, # Diffusion constant of A
'diffConstB':5.0, # Diffusion constant of B
'stimWidth' :1.0, # Stimulus width in seconds
'stimAmplitude':0.4, # Stimulus amplitude, arb units. From FHN review
'blankVoxelsAtEnd':10, # of voxels to leave blank at end of cylinder
'preStimTime':10.0, # Time to run before turning on stimulus.
'postStimTime':40.0, # Time to run after stimulus. ~3x decay time
'settleTime':20.0, # Settling time of response, after stimulus.
# To include in analysis of total response over
# entire dendrite.
'fnumber': 1, # Number to append to fname
for i in args:
params[i] = args[i]
makeChemProto( 'fhn',
'5.0*(A - kxa - (A-kxa)^3/3 - (B-kxb) + Ca)',
'(A-kxa + k_a - k_b*(B-kxb))/k_t',
params )
# We do this to get the system to settle at the start.
B = moose.element( '/library/fhn/fhn/B' )
B.nInit = 0.2
return params
def makeNegFB( args ):
params = {
'k1a':-0.1, # Coeff for decay of A, slow.
'k2a':-0.2, # Coeff for turnoff of A by B, medium.
'k3a':10.0, # turnon of A by Ca, fast.
'k1b':0.2, # turnon of B by A, medium
'k2b':-0.1, # Decay rate of B, slow
'diffusionLength':1.0e-6, # Diffusion characteristic length, used as voxel length too.
'dendDiameter': 10e-6, # Diameter of section of dendrite in model
'dendLength': 100e-6, # Length of section of dendrite in model
'diffConstA':0.5, # Diffusion constant of A
'diffConstB':1.0, # Diffusion constant of B
'stimWidth' :1.0, # Stimulus width in seconds
'stimAmplitude':1.0, # Stimulus amplitude, arb units. From FHN review
'blankVoxelsAtEnd':10, #of voxels to leave blank at end of cylinder
'preStimTime':10.0, # Time to run before turning on stimulus.
'postStimTime':40.0, # Time to run after stimulus. ~3x decay time
'settleTime':20.0, # Settling time of response, after stimulus.
# To include in analysis of total response over
# entire dendrite.
'fnumber':1, # Number to append to fname
for i in args:
params[i] = args[i]
makeChemProto( 'negFB',
'k1a*A + k2a*A*B + k3a*Ca',
'k1b*A + k2b*B',
params )
return params
# Was negFF2 in earlier versions of abstrModelEqns
def makeNegFF( args ):
params = {
'k1a':-0.1, # Coeff for decay of A, slow.
'k2a':-0.01, # Coeff for turnoff of A by B, medium.
'k3a':10.0, # turnon of A by Ca, fast.
'k4a':40.0, # amount of B inhibition of turnon of A by Ca.
'k1b':2.0, # turnon of B by Ca, medium
'k2b':-0.05, # Decay rate of B, slow
'diffusionLength':1.0e-6, # Diffusion characteristic length, used as voxel length too.
'dendDiameter': 10e-6, # Diameter of section of dendrite in model
'dendLength': 100e-6, # Length of section of dendrite in model
'diffConstA':0.02, # Diffusion constant of A
'diffConstB':0.4, # Diffusion constant of B
'stimWidth' :1.0, # Stimulus width in seconds
'stimAmplitude':10.0, # Stimulus amplitude, arb units. From FHN review
'blankVoxelsAtEnd':10, # of voxels to leave blank at end of cylinder
'preStimTime':10.0, # Time to run before turning on stimulus.
'postStimTime':40.0, # Time to run after stimulus. ~3x decay time
'settleTime':20.0, # Settling time of response, after stimulus.
# To include in analysis of total response over
# entire dendrite.
'fnumber':1, # Number to append to fname
for i in args:
params[i] = args[i]
makeChemProto( 'negFF',
'k1a*A + k2a*A*B + k3a*Ca/(1+k4a*B*B)',
'k1b*Ca + k2b*B',
params )
return params
if __name__ == '__main__':
moose.Neutral( '/library' )
print "Making Bistable model"
print "Making FHN model"
print "Making Negative Feedback model"
print "Making Negative Feedforward models"