/* ?0 UserClasses Electrode An current injection electrode inserted in the middle of the current section which can be switched between current and voltage clamp modes and can do simple voltage clamp families. usage: section e = new Electrode([xplacement, yplacement]) e.stim and e.vc can used to set parameters programatically. Electrode can be saved in a .session file and is best used anonymously so that it is dismissed and point processes deleted when the graphic is dismissed. ?1 IClamp Switches the Electrode to single pulse current injection. Uses IClamp point process. ? del Time (ms) of the onset of the current stimulus relative to t = 0. ? dur Duration (ms) of the current stimulus ? amp Amplitude (mV) of the current stimulus ?1 VClamp Switches the Electrode to two electrode voltage clamp. Uses VClamp point process that allows up to three level changes. The clamp is set to be ideal. ?2 dur0 dur1 dur2 Duration in milliseconds of each level change starting at t=0. Each level is concatenated. At t = dur0+dur1+dur2 the clamp is switched off and no longer injects current. ?2 amp0 amp1 amp2 Amplitude in millivolts of each level. ? VClampigraph Creates a currentgraph displaying the voltage clamp current. This button exists because, with the present implementation, it is generally not possible to reference the Electrode object from hoc because the only reference is held by a vbox which in turn is only referenced by this Electrode. In this way, when the Electrode window is dismissed, the Electrode is destroyed and the point processes are removed from the neuron. ?1 VClampFamily Several common families for voltage clamp experiments. One should bring up a current graph (VClampigraph button in VClamp card) and select KeepLines in the graph popup menu. Only one clamp parameter is changed and the other duration and amplitude levels are given by the values set in the VClamp panel See User HocCode Electrode varyamp for the how the levels are varied. ? Testlevel varies amp1 in 10 steps ? Holding varies amp0 in 10 steps. Initialization is carried out at the value of amp0 so it is equivalent to the holding potential. ? Returnlevel varies amp2 in 10 steps. ?1 Location Shows a Shape scene of the neuron with the Electrode location marked as a blue dot. The electrode location can be changed by making sure the Section item in the selection menu is selected (right mouse button) and pressing the left mouse button at any point on the picture of the neuron. The position of the electrode is also reflected in the varlabel in the panel just above the Shape. ?0 User HocCode Electrode Modified: Alain Destexhe, Jan 1995, with SEVClamp */ help ?0 begintemplate Electrode public stim, vc, unmap, map, v1, installIclamp external run, set_v_init, stoppedrun, addplot objectvar stim, vc, v1, d1, this, shape, g strdef durstr, ampstr, tempstr, grname double vdur[3] double vamp[3] proc set_vclamp() { for i=0,2 {vc.dur[i] = vdur[i] vc.amp[i] = vamp[i]} } proc store_vclamp() { for i=0,2 {vdur[i] = vc.dur[i] vamp[i] = vc.amp[i]} } proc installVclamp() {local i set_vclamp() if (is_cl == 0) { samp=stim.amp stim.amp=0 is_cl = 1 } d1.flip_to(0) } proc installIclamp() {local i if (is_cl == 1) { stim.amp = samp for i=0,2 {vc.dur[i] = -1} is_cl = 0 } d1.flip_to(1) } proc installFamily() { installVclamp() d1.flip_to(2) sprint(durstr, "dur %g %g %g", vdur[0], vdur[1], vdur[2]) sprint(ampstr, "amp %g %g %g", vamp[0], vamp[1], vamp[2]) } strdef sec strdef location proc init() {local i can_locate = 1 sectionname(sec) xloc=.5 sprint(location, "%s(%g)", sec, xloc) stim = new IClamp(.5) stim.del=.1 stim.dur=.1 stim.amp=0 vc = new SEVClamp(.5) sprint(grname, "%s Graph", vc) vc.dur[0]=.1 vc.amp[0]=-65 vc.dur[1] = 5 vc.amp[1]=10 vc.dur[2]=100 vc.amp[2]=-65 if (numarg() == 1) { if ($1 == 0) { return } } map() } proc locate() { if ($1 == 1 && can_locate == 1) { d1.flip_to(3) return }else{ push_section(sec) hoc_ac_ = xloc move() pop_section() } } proc move() { xloc = hoc_ac_ if (object_id(shape)) { shape.select() } stim.loc(xloc) vc.loc(xloc) sectionname(sec) sprint(location, "%s(%g)", sec, xloc) } proc glyph() { // v1 is the main box and contains a panel and deck v1 = new VBox() v1.ref(this) v1.save("save()") v1.intercept(1) xpanel("Electrode") xradiobutton("IClamp", "installIclamp()") xradiobutton("VClamp", "installVclamp()") xradiobutton("VClamp Family", "installFamily()") if (can_locate) { xradiobutton("Location", "locate(1)") } xvarlabel(location) xpanel() v1.intercept(0) d1 = new Deck() d1.intercept(1) xpanel("VClamp") sprint(tempstr, "%s pulses", vc) xlabel(tempstr) for i=0,2 { sprint(tempstr, "dur %d", i) xpvalue(tempstr, &vdur[i], 1, "set_vclamp()") } for i=0,2 { sprint(tempstr, "amp %d", i) xpvalue(tempstr, &vamp[i], 1, "set_vclamp()") } xbutton("VClamp.i graph", "mkgraph()") xpanel() xpanel("IClamp") sprint(tempstr, "%s pulse", stim) xlabel(tempstr) xpvalue("del", &stim.del, 1) xpvalue("dur", &stim.dur, 1) xpvalue("amp", &stim.amp, 1) xpanel() xpanel("VClampFamily") sprint(tempstr, "%s Families", vc) xlabel(tempstr) xvarlabel(durstr) xvarlabel(ampstr) xbutton("Test level", "varyamp(1)") xbutton("Holding", "varyamp(0)") xbutton("Return level", "varyamp(2)") xpanel() if (can_locate) { shape = new Shape() shape.point_mark(stim, 3) shape.action("move()") locate(0) } d1.intercept(0) v1.intercept(1) d1.map() v1.intercept(0) installVclamp() installIclamp() if (can_locate) { d1.flip_to(3) } } objectvar grbox proc mkgraph() { grbox = new VBox() grbox.save("") grbox.intercept(1) g = new Graph() g.addvar("vc.i") grbox.intercept(0) grbox.map(grname) addplot(g, 0) } proc varyamp() {local i, x, x1, x2, dx, old i = $1 set_vclamp() old = set_v_init() if (i == 0) { x1 = -100 x2=-50 dx=5 }else if (i == 1) { x1 = -50 x2 = 40 dx=10 }else{ x1=-100 x2 = 0 dx=10 } for (x = x1; x <= x2; x = x + dx) { vc.amp[i] = x if (i == 0) { set_v_init(x) } run() if (stoppedrun()) { break } set_v_init(old) } } proc varydur() { set_vclamp() } proc map() { samp = stim.amp store_vclamp() glyph() if (numarg() == 2) { v1.map("I/V Clamp Electrode", $1, $2, 100, 100) }else{ v1.map("I/V Clamp Electrode") } } proc unmap() { v1.unmap() } proc save() {local i v1.save("load_template(\"Electrode\")}\n{") //has to be executed first v1.save("ocbox_=new Electrode(0)") sprint(tempstr, "can_locate=%d sec=\\\"%s\\\" xloc=%g locate(0)",\ can_locate, sec, xloc) v1.save(tempstr, "ocbox_") //execute in scope of the object installVclamp() for i=0,2 { sprint(tempstr, "vc.dur[%d]=%g vc.amp[%d]=%g",\ i, vc.dur[i], i, vc.amp[i]) v1.save(tempstr, "ocbox_") } installIclamp() sprint(tempstr, "stim.del=%d stim.dur=%g stim.amp=%g",\ stim.del, stim.dur, stim.amp) v1.save(tempstr, "ocbox_") v1.save("samp=stim.amp store_vclamp() glyph()", "ocbox_") v1.save("ocbox_ = ocbox_.v1") } endtemplate Electrode objectvar tempobj proc makeelectrode() { tempobj = new Electrode() objectvar tempobj }