// Demo.hoc - Main file for demo mode
// Sets a basic retino-thalamo-cortical circuit
// and adds conductance and voltage graphs.
// Topology: 1 retinal cell diverging to 30 relay cells, re-converging to 1 cortical cell
// The demo will first show activity traces for an optimal regime (uncorrelated synaptic noise in TC cells).
// After 1s, correlation of the synaptic noise across TC cells will be switched from 0% to 99%.
// Voltage graph
// =============
// Blue trace: cortical Vm
// Black traces: TC cell Vms (10 out of 30)
// Red spikes: retinal input spike-train (common to all TC cells)
// Conductance graph
// =================
// Green and red traces: synaptic noise for 1 TC cell (excitatory and inhibitory components, respectively)
// Brown: retinothalamic AMPA synaptic conductance patterns (shown for 1 TC cell)
// Orange: thalamocortical AMPA synaptic conductance patterns (shown for 1 TC cell)
// Thalamocortical convergence studies
// Sébastien Béhuret, UNIC/CNRS Paris, 2013

// Retinothalamic topology
// Relay cells will alway converge to the cortical cell (this is hardcoded in Geometry.hoc)
RetinalDivergenceCount = 30
RelayConvergenceCount = 1
RetinalCellCount = 1
RelayCellCount = 30
RelayAMPAWeight = 12.5 // nS

// Another example: 15 retinal cells, each diverging to 4 distinct relay cells, and 30 relay cells, each being connected by 2 distinct retinal cells
// TC retinal input (RelayAMPAWeight) is spread in the two synapses of each TC cell (0.75*RelayAMPAWeight in one synapse and 0.25*RelayAMPAWeight in the other synapse) 
//RetinalDivergenceCount = 4
//RelayConvergenceCount = 2
//RetinalCellCount = 15
//RelayCellCount = 30
//RelayWeightSpread = 0.75
//RelayAMPAWeight = 12.5

// Retinal stimulation: 30 Hz / Gamma 3 (see Geometry.hoc)
RetinalCellFrequency = 30

// TC cells with independent (uncorrelated) synaptic noise input
// This is an optimal regime
FeedbackNoiseEnabled = 1
FeedbackNoiseInterCorrelation = 0
TC_Grest = 8.34 // nS
TC_Vrest = -74.31 // mV
TC_Gexc = 1.5 // excitatory conductance mean amplitude
TC_Ginh = 1 // inhibitory conductance mean amplitude
TC_Sexc = 0.2 // excitatory conductance variation ratio
TC_Sinh = 0.2 // inhibitory conductance variation ratio

// Cortical cell (no synaptic noise)
CorticalAMPAWeight = 7 * 30 / RelayCellCount // optimal rule: 7 nS for 30 TC cells and 2.33 nS for 90 TC cells
CorticalNoiseEnabled = 0
C_Grest = 33.4 // nS
C_Vrest = -70.57 // mV
C_Gexc = 0
C_Ginh = 0
C_Sexc = 0
C_Sinh = 0

// Translating the above parameters to synaptic noise conductance mean and SD used in Geometry.hoc
FeedbackNoiseGeMean = TC_Grest * TC_Gexc
FeedbackNoiseGeSigma = FeedbackNoiseGeMean * TC_Sexc
FeedbackNoiseGiMean = TC_Grest * TC_Ginh
FeedbackNoiseGiSigma = FeedbackNoiseGiMean * TC_Sinh
CorticalNoiseGeMean = C_Grest * C_Gexc
CorticalNoiseGeSigma = CorticalNoiseGeMean * C_Sexc
CorticalNoiseGiMean = C_Grest * C_Ginh
CorticalNoiseGiSigma = CorticalNoiseGiMean * C_Sinh

// We are done; other parameters are already set in Geometry.hoc

objref ConductanceGraph, VoltageGraph

// some (fancy) graphs
objref ConductanceGraph, CorticalCellGraph, VoltageGraph, CustomGraph

{ ConductanceGraph = new Graph()
ConductanceGraph.size(tstart, 3000, 25, 0)
ConductanceGraph.addvar("FeedbackNoise[0] (nS)", "FeedbackNoise[0].Ge", 4, 1)
ConductanceGraph.addvar("FeedbackNoise[0] (nS)", "FeedbackNoise[0].Gi", 2, 1)
ConductanceGraph.addvar("RelayAMPA[0][0] (nS)", "RelayAMPA[0][0].G", 6, 1)
ConductanceGraph.addvar("CorticalAMPA[0] (nS)", "CorticalAMPA[0].G", 5, 1)

VoltageGraph = new Graph()
VoltageGraph.size(tstart, 3000, 60, -80)
VoltageGraph.addvar("RelayCells[0] (mV)", "RelayCells[0].Soma.v(0.5)", 1, 5)
VoltageGraph.addvar("RelayCells[1] (mV)", "RelayCells[1].Soma.v(0.5)", 1, 5)
VoltageGraph.addvar("RelayCells[2] (mV)", "RelayCells[2].Soma.v(0.5)", 1, 5)
VoltageGraph.addvar("RelayCells[3] (mV)", "RelayCells[3].Soma.v(0.5)", 1, 5)
VoltageGraph.addvar("RelayCells[4] (mV)", "RelayCells[4].Soma.v(0.5)", 1, 5)
VoltageGraph.addvar("RelayCells[5] (mV)", "RelayCells[5].Soma.v(0.5)", 1, 5)
VoltageGraph.addvar("RelayCells[6] (mV)", "RelayCells[6].Soma.v(0.5)", 1, 5)
VoltageGraph.addvar("RelayCells[7] (mV)", "RelayCells[7].Soma.v(0.5)", 1, 5)
VoltageGraph.addvar("RelayCells[8] (mV)", "RelayCells[8].Soma.v(0.5)", 1, 5)
VoltageGraph.addvar("RelayCells[9] (mV)", "RelayCells[9].Soma.v(0.5)", 1, 5)
VoltageGraph.addvar("CorticalCell (mV)", "CorticalCell.Soma.v(0.5)", 3, 2)
VoltageGraph.addvar("RetinalCells[0]", "RetinalCells[0].Spike10", 2, 2)
graphList[0].append(VoltageGraph) }

// NEURON parameters
steps_per_ms = 10
dt = 0.1	
tstart = 0
v_init = -70
celsius = 34.5

// First 1s: optimal regime
tstop = 1000
runStopAt = tstop
{printf("0s - 1s: optimal activity regime\n")}


// Next 2s: correlated regime
tstop = 3000
runStopAt = tstop
FeedbackNoiseInterCorrelation = 0.99
{printf("1s - 3s: synaptic noise correlation switched to 99%\n")}
