// Geometry.hoc - Retino-thalamo-cortical core circuit implementation
// This file controls the topology of the circuit.
// All parameters listed below can be edited here and
// some of them can directly be changed from the GUI.
// (Examples of circuit construction are provided in Demo.hoc and Simulation.hoc)
// Thalamocortical convergence studies
// Sébastien Béhuret, UNIC/CNRS Paris, 2009
// NEURON core parameters
steps_per_ms = 10
dt = 0.1
tstart = 0
tstop = 1000
runStopAt = tstop
v_init = -70
celsius = 34.5
RelayRandomization = 0 // scalar [0..1] (cellular heterogeneity)
RetinalCellFrequency = 30 // Hz (retinal cell input frequency)
RetinalCellPhase = 0 // ms (retinal cell input frequency)
RetinalCellNoise = 1 // scalar [0..1] (must be set to 1 for a gamma distribution)
RetinalCellGamma = 3 // no unit (shape parameter of the gamma distribution)
RetinalCellInterCorrelation = 0 // scalar [0..1] (retinal synchronization, will only work if RetinalCellNoise <> 1 or if RetinalCellGamma = 3)
RetinalCellInterCorrelationCount = 512 // no unit
RetinalCellExpDelay = 0 // ms
RetinalCellBaseDelay = 0 // ms
RelayAMPAWeight = 12.5 // nS (TC AMPA synaptic weight)
RelayAMPATau = 1 // ms (TC AMPA time to peak amplitude)
RelayAMPAERev = 0 // mV (TC AMPA reversal potential)
RelayAMPADeadTime = 1 // ms
RelayGABAAWeight = 0 // nS
RelayGABAATau = 2 // ms
RelayGABAAERev = -75 // mV
RelayGABAADeadTime = 1 // ms
RelayGABAABaseDelay = 0 // ms
RelayCellBaseDelay = 0 // ms
RelayCellExpDelay = 0 // ms
CorticalAMPAWeight = 7 // nS (Cortical AMPA synaptic weight, adapted to 30 relay cell version of the circuit)
CorticalAMPATau = RelayAMPATau // ms (Cortical AMPA time to peak amplitude)
CorticalAMPAERev = RelayAMPAERev // mV (Cortical AMPA reversal potential)
CorticalAMPADeadTime = RelayAMPADeadTime // ms
CorticalGABAAWeight = 0 // nS (FFI synaptic weight)
CorticalGABAATau = RelayGABAATau // ms
CorticalGABAAERev = RelayGABAAERev // mV
CorticalGABAADeadTime = RelayGABAADeadTime // ms
CorticalGABAABaseDelay = 0 // ms (FFI time lag)
RelayConstantCurrentEnabled = 0 // boolean (0 or 1)
RelayConstantCurrentAmplitude = 0 // nA
RelaySineWaveCurrentEnabled = 0 // boolean (0 or 1)
RelaySineWaveCurrentAmplitude = 0.1 // nA
RelaySineWaveCurrentFrequency = 15 // Hz
RelaySineWaveCurrentPhase = 0 // ms
RelaySineWaveCurrentOffset = 0 // nA
RelaySineWaveCurrentInPhaseCount = 512 // no unit
FeedbackNoiseEnabled = 0 // boolean (0 or 1) (enable the synaptic bombardment in TC cells)
FeedbackNoiseGeRev = 0 // mV (excitatory component reversal potential)
FeedbackNoiseGeMean = 12 // nS (excitatory component mean)
FeedbackNoiseGeSigma = 3.0 // nS (excitatory component SD)
FeedbackNoiseGeTau = 2.7 // ms (excitatory component time constant)
FeedbackNoiseGiRev = -75 // mV (inhibitory component reversal potential)
FeedbackNoiseGiMean = 57 // nS (inhibitory component mean)
FeedbackNoiseGiSigma = 6.6 // nS (inhibitory component SD)
FeedbackNoiseGiTau = 10.5 // ms (inhibitory component time constant)
FeedbackNoiseGeGiCorrelation = 0 // scalar [0..1] (temporal correlation of excitatory and inhibitory components in single TC cell)
FeedbackNoiseGeGiPhase = 0 // ms // (inhibitory component time lag relative to excitatory component; see FeedbackNoiseGeGiCorrelation)
FeedbackNoiseInterCorrelation = 0 // scalar [0..1] (temporal correlation of synaptic inputs across TC cells)
FeedbackNoiseInterCorrelationCount = 512 // no unit
CorticalNoiseEnabled = 0 // boolean (0 or 1) (enable the synaptic bombardment in the cortical cell)
CorticalNoiseGeRev = 0 // mV
CorticalNoiseGeMean = 12 // nS
CorticalNoiseGeSigma = 3.0 // nS
CorticalNoiseGeTau = 2.7 // ms
CorticalNoiseGiRev = -75 // mV
CorticalNoiseGiMean = 57 // nS
CorticalNoiseGiSigma = 6.6 // nS
CorticalNoiseGiTau = 10.5 // ms
CorticalNoiseGeGiCorrelation = 0 // scalar [0..1]
CorticalNoiseGeGiPhase = 0 // ms
CorticalNoiseInterCorrelation = 0 // scalar [0..1]
SimulationSeed = 0 // no unit
RandomizeSeed = 0 // boolean (0 or 1)
RetinalDivergenceMax = 512 // no unit
RetinalDivergenceCount = 4 // no unit
RelayConvergenceMax = 512 // no unit
RelayConvergenceCount = 2 // no unit
RelayWeightSpread = 0.75 // scalar [0.5..1]
RetinalCellMax = 512 // no unit
RetinalCellCount = 15 // no unit
RelayCellMax = 512 // no unit
RelayCellCount = 30 // no unit
IgnoreUnbalancedTopology = 0 // boolean (0 or 1)
// ==========================
// do not edit past this line
// ==========================
objref RetinalCells[RetinalCellMax], RelayCells[RelayCellMax], CorticalCell, Randomizer
objref RelayAMPA[RelayCellMax][RelayConvergenceMax], RelayGABAA[RelayCellMax][RelayConvergenceMax], CorticalAMPA[RelayCellMax], CorticalGABAA[RelayCellMax]
objref RelayConstantCurrent[RelayCellMax], RelaySineWaveCurrent[RelayCellMax], FeedbackNoise[RelayCellMax], CorticalNoise
double RetinogeniculateTopology[RetinalCellMax][RelayConvergenceMax]
GeometryCreated = 0
objref SeedRandomizer
SeedRandomizer = new Random(0)
{ SeedRandomizer.uniform(0, 1) }
objref ConnectivityRandomizer, RelayRandomizer
NullVariable = 0
objref KVector
KVector = new Vector(RetinalCellMax)
proc ResetKVector() {
for ind = 0, RetinalCellCount - 1 {
KVector.x[ind] = -1
proc InsertKVector() {
if ($1 == -1) {
for ind = 0, RetinalCellCount - 1 {
if (KVector.x[ind] == -1) {
KVector.x[ind] = $1
func FindKvector() {
for ind = 0, RetinalCellCount - 1 {
if (KVector.x[ind] == $1) {
return 1
return 0
proc DestroyGeometry() {
if (GeometryCreated == 1) {
objref RetinalCells[RetinalCellMax], RelayCells[RelayCellMax], CorticalCell, Randomizer
objref RelayAMPA[RelayCellMax][RelayConvergenceMax], RelayGABAA[RelayCellMax][RelayConvergenceMax], CorticalAMPA[RelayCellMax], CorticalGABAA[RelayCellMax]
objref RelayConstantCurrent[RelayCellMax], RelaySineWaveCurrent[RelayCellMax], FeedbackNoise[RelayCellMax], CorticalNoise
double RetinogeniculateTopology[RetinalCellMax][RelayConvergenceMax]
GeometryCreated = 0
// this important function sets the cellular compartments and the synaptic connections
proc CreateGeometry() {
if (GeometryCreated == 1) {
RetinalDivergenceCount = int(abs(RetinalDivergenceCount))
RelayConvergenceCount = int(abs(RelayConvergenceCount))
RetinalCellCount = int(abs(RetinalCellCount))
RelayCellCount = int(abs(RelayCellCount))
if (RetinalDivergenceCount < 1) { RetinalDivergenceCount = 1 }
if (RetinalDivergenceCount > RetinalDivergenceMax) { RetinalDivergenceCount = RetinalDivergenceMax }
if (RelayConvergenceCount < 1) { RelayConvergenceCount = 1 }
if (RelayConvergenceCount > RelayConvergenceMax) { RelayConvergenceCount = RelayConvergenceMax }
if (RetinalCellCount < 1) { RetinalCellCount = 1 }
if (RetinalCellCount > RetinalCellMax) { RetinalCellCount = RetinalCellMax }
if (RelayCellCount < 1) { RelayCellCount = 1 }
if (RelayCellCount > RelayCellMax) { RelayCellCount = RelayCellMax }
if (RetinalCellCount * RetinalDivergenceCount != RelayCellCount * RelayConvergenceCount) {
printf("Unbalanced geometry! RetinalCellCount (%d) * RetinalDivergenceCount (%d) != RelayCellCount (%d) * RelayConvergenceCount (%d)\n", RetinalCellCount, RetinalDivergenceCount, RelayCellCount, RelayConvergenceCount)
if (IgnoreUnbalancedTopology != 1) {
CorticalCell = new PyramidalCell()
for i = 0, RelayCellCount - 1 {
RelayCells[i] = new RelayCell()
CorticalCell.Soma Randomizer = new RandomGenerator(0.5)
CorticalCell.Soma CorticalNoise = new SynapticNoise(0.5)
setpointer CorticalNoise.V, CorticalCell.Soma.v(0.5)
setpointer CorticalNoise.InterGeNormRand, Randomizer.NormRand1
setpointer CorticalNoise.InterGiNormRand, Randomizer.NormRand2
setpointer CorticalNoise.InterGeGiNormRand, Randomizer.NormRand3
// Retinal cells are created in the cortical soma, but that's just a placeholder
for i = 0, RetinalCellCount - 1 {
CorticalCell.Soma RetinalCells[i] = new RetinalInput(0.5)
setpointer RetinalCells[i].ExpRand1, Randomizer.ExpRand1
setpointer RetinalCells[i].ExpRand2, Randomizer.ExpRand2
setpointer RetinalCells[i].ExpRand3, Randomizer.ExpRand3
for i = 0, RelayCellCount - 1 {
RelayCells[i].Soma {
for j = 0, RelayConvergenceCount - 1 {
RelayAMPA[i][j] = new ConductancePattern(0.5)
RelayGABAA[i][j] = new ConductancePattern(0.5)
DeadlockThreshold = RetinalDivergenceCount * 16
DeadlockDetected = 1
DeadlockDetectionCount = 0
objref ConnectivityRandomizer
ConnectivityRandomizer = new Random(0)
ConnectivityRandomizer.uniform(0, 1)
// this loop connects the retinal cells to the relay cells in a mixture of convergent and divergent processes (see RetinalDivergenceCount and RelayConvergenceCount)
while (DeadlockDetected != 0) {
DeadlockDetected = 0
if (DeadlockDetectionCount > 0 && IgnoreUnbalancedTopology == 1) {
for i = 0, RetinalCellCount - 1 {
for j = 0, RelayConvergenceCount - 1 {
RetinogeniculateTopology[i][j] = 0
for i = 0, RelayCellCount - 1 {
RelayCells[i].Soma {
for j = 0, RelayConvergenceCount - 1 {
setpointer RelayAMPA[i][j].V, v(0.5)
setpointer RelayGABAA[i][j].V, v(0.5)
DeadlockSpinCount = 0
k = int(ConnectivityRandomizer.repick() * (RetinalCellCount - 1) + 0.5)
while (RetinogeniculateTopology[k][j] >= (RetinalDivergenceCount / RelayConvergenceCount) || FindKvector(k) != 0) {
k = int(ConnectivityRandomizer.repick() * (RetinalCellCount - 1) + 0.5)
DeadlockSpinCount = DeadlockSpinCount + 1
if (DeadlockSpinCount > DeadlockThreshold) {
DeadlockDetected = 1
DeadlockDetectionCount = DeadlockDetectionCount + 1
if (DeadlockDetected == 1 && IgnoreUnbalancedTopology == 1) {
setpointer RelayAMPA[i][j].Trigger, NullVariable
setpointer RelayGABAA[i][j].Trigger, NullVariable
setpointer RelayAMPA[i][j].Trigger, RetinalCells[k].Spike
setpointer RelayGABAA[i][j].Trigger, RetinalCells[k].Spike
RetinogeniculateTopology[k][j] = RetinogeniculateTopology[k][j] + 1
if (DeadlockDetectionCount != 0) {
printf("Deadlocks detected! (%d)\n", DeadlockDetectionCount)
for i = 0, RelayCellCount - 1 {
RelayCells[i].Soma {
RelayConstantCurrent[i] = new ConstantCurrent(0.5)
RelaySineWaveCurrent[i] = new SineWaveCurrent(0.5)
FeedbackNoise[i] = new SynapticNoise(0.5)
setpointer FeedbackNoise[i].V, v(0.5)
setpointer FeedbackNoise[i].InterGeNormRand, Randomizer.NormRand1
setpointer FeedbackNoise[i].InterGiNormRand, Randomizer.NormRand2
setpointer FeedbackNoise[i].InterGeGiNormRand, Randomizer.NormRand3
CorticalAMPA[i] = new ConductancePattern(0.5)
CorticalGABAA[i] = new ConductancePattern(0.5)
setpointer CorticalAMPA[i].V, CorticalCell.Soma.v(0.5)
setpointer CorticalAMPA[i].Trigger, RelayCells[i].Soma.v(0.5)
setpointer CorticalGABAA[i].V, CorticalCell.Soma.v(0.5)
setpointer CorticalGABAA[i].Trigger, RelayCells[i].Soma.v(0.5)
GeometryCreated = 1
proc RandomizeRelay() {
objref RelayRandomizer
RelayRandomizer = new Random(0)
RelayRandomizer.uniform(0, 1)
for i = 0, RelayCellCount - 1 {
RelayCells[i].Soma {
r = (RelayRandomizer.repick() - 0.5) * 2 * RelayRandomization
cm = cm * (1 + r)
r = (RelayRandomizer.repick() - 0.5) * 2 * RelayRandomization
Ra = Ra * (1 + r)
r = (RelayRandomizer.repick() - 0.5) * 2 * RelayRandomization
g_pas = g_pas * (1 + r)
r = (RelayRandomizer.repick() - 0.5) * 2 * RelayRandomization
pcabar_itGHK = pcabar_itGHK * (1 + r)
r = (RelayRandomizer.repick() - 0.5) * 2 * RelayRandomization
gkbar_hh2 = gkbar_hh2 * (1 + r)
r = (RelayRandomizer.repick() - 0.5) * 2 * RelayRandomization
gnabar_hh2 = gnabar_hh2 * (1 + r)
proc UpdateGeometry() {
if (GeometryCreated == 1) {
if (RandomizeSeed == 1) {
SimulationSeed = int(SeedRandomizer.repick() * 2147483647 + 0.5)
Randomizer.Seed = SimulationSeed
if (RelayRandomization != 0) {
CorticalNoise.Enabled = CorticalNoiseEnabled
CorticalNoise.GeRev = CorticalNoiseGeRev
CorticalNoise.GeMean = CorticalNoiseGeMean
CorticalNoise.GeSigma = CorticalNoiseGeSigma
CorticalNoise.GeTau = CorticalNoiseGeTau
CorticalNoise.GiRev = CorticalNoiseGiRev
CorticalNoise.GiMean = CorticalNoiseGiMean
CorticalNoise.GiSigma = CorticalNoiseGiSigma
CorticalNoise.GiTau = CorticalNoiseGiTau
CorticalNoise.GeGiCorrelation = CorticalNoiseGeGiCorrelation
CorticalNoise.GeGiPhase = CorticalNoiseGeGiPhase
CorticalNoise.InterCorrelation = CorticalNoiseInterCorrelation
for i = 0, RetinalCellCount - 1 {
RetinalCells[i].Frequency = RetinalCellFrequency
RetinalCells[i].Phase = RetinalCellPhase
RetinalCells[i].Noise = RetinalCellNoise
RetinalCells[i].Gamma = RetinalCellGamma
if (i < RetinalCellInterCorrelationCount) {
RetinalCells[i].InterCorrelation = RetinalCellInterCorrelation
} else {
RetinalCells[i].InterCorrelation = 0
for i = 0, RelayCellCount - 1 {
RemainingRelayAMPAWeight = RelayAMPAWeight
RemainingRelayGABAAWeight = RelayGABAAWeight
for j = 0, RelayConvergenceCount - 1 {
RelayAMPA[i][j].BaseDelay = RetinalCellBaseDelay
RelayAMPA[i][j].DelayExpMean = RetinalCellExpDelay
RelayAMPA[i][j].DelayExpNoise = 1
RelayAMPA[i][j].Weight = RemainingRelayAMPAWeight * RelayWeightSpread
RelayAMPA[i][j].Tau = RelayAMPATau
RelayAMPA[i][j].ERev = RelayAMPAERev
RelayAMPA[i][j].Threshold = 0
RelayAMPA[i][j].DeadTime = RelayAMPADeadTime
RelayAMPA[i][j].ExpireTime = 10 * RelayAMPATau
RemainingRelayAMPAWeight = RemainingRelayAMPAWeight - RelayAMPA[i][j].Weight
RelayGABAA[i][j].BaseDelay = RetinalCellBaseDelay + RelayGABAABaseDelay
RelayGABAA[i][j].DelayExpMean = RetinalCellExpDelay
RelayGABAA[i][j].DelayExpNoise = 1
RelayGABAA[i][j].Weight = RemainingRelayGABAAWeight * RelayWeightSpread
RelayGABAA[i][j].Tau = RelayGABAATau
RelayGABAA[i][j].ERev = RelayGABAAERev
RelayGABAA[i][j].Threshold = 0
RelayGABAA[i][j].DeadTime = RelayGABAADeadTime
RelayGABAA[i][j].ExpireTime = 10 * RelayGABAATau
RemainingRelayGABAAWeight = RemainingRelayGABAAWeight - RelayGABAA[i][j].Weight
RelayAMPA[i][j - 1].Weight = RelayAMPA[i][j - 1].Weight + RemainingRelayAMPAWeight
RelayGABAA[i][j - 1].Weight = RelayGABAA[i][j - 1].Weight + RemainingRelayGABAAWeight
CorticalAMPA[i].BaseDelay = RelayCellBaseDelay
CorticalAMPA[i].DelayExpMean = RelayCellExpDelay
CorticalAMPA[i].DelayExpNoise = 1
CorticalAMPA[i].Weight = CorticalAMPAWeight
CorticalAMPA[i].Tau = CorticalAMPATau
CorticalAMPA[i].ERev = CorticalAMPAERev
CorticalAMPA[i].Threshold = 0
CorticalAMPA[i].DeadTime = CorticalAMPADeadTime
CorticalAMPA[i].ExpireTime = 10 * CorticalAMPATau
CorticalGABAA[i].BaseDelay = RelayCellBaseDelay + CorticalGABAABaseDelay
CorticalGABAA[i].DelayExpMean = RelayCellExpDelay
CorticalGABAA[i].DelayExpNoise = 1
CorticalGABAA[i].Weight = CorticalGABAAWeight
CorticalGABAA[i].Tau = CorticalGABAATau
CorticalGABAA[i].ERev = CorticalGABAAERev
CorticalGABAA[i].Threshold = 0
CorticalGABAA[i].DeadTime = CorticalGABAADeadTime
CorticalGABAA[i].ExpireTime = 10 * CorticalGABAATau
RelayConstantCurrent[i].Enabled = RelayConstantCurrentEnabled
RelayConstantCurrent[i].Amplitude = RelayConstantCurrentAmplitude
RelaySineWaveCurrent[i].Enabled = RelaySineWaveCurrentEnabled
RelaySineWaveCurrent[i].Amplitude = RelaySineWaveCurrentAmplitude
RelaySineWaveCurrent[i].Frequency = RelaySineWaveCurrentFrequency
RelaySineWaveCurrent[i].Phase = RelaySineWaveCurrentPhase
RelaySineWaveCurrent[i].Offset = RelaySineWaveCurrentOffset
if (i < RelaySineWaveCurrentInPhaseCount) {
RelaySineWaveCurrent[i].Phase = RelaySineWaveCurrentPhase
} else {
RelaySineWaveCurrent[i].Phase = i * 2 * 3.14159265 / RelayCellCount
FeedbackNoise[i].Enabled = FeedbackNoiseEnabled
FeedbackNoise[i].GeRev = FeedbackNoiseGeRev
FeedbackNoise[i].GeMean = FeedbackNoiseGeMean
FeedbackNoise[i].GeSigma = FeedbackNoiseGeSigma
FeedbackNoise[i].GeTau = FeedbackNoiseGeTau
FeedbackNoise[i].GiRev = FeedbackNoiseGiRev
FeedbackNoise[i].GiMean = FeedbackNoiseGiMean
FeedbackNoise[i].GiSigma = FeedbackNoiseGiSigma
FeedbackNoise[i].GiTau = FeedbackNoiseGiTau
FeedbackNoise[i].GeGiCorrelation = FeedbackNoiseGeGiCorrelation
FeedbackNoise[i].GeGiPhase = FeedbackNoiseGeGiPhase
if (i < FeedbackNoiseInterCorrelationCount) {
FeedbackNoise[i].InterCorrelation = FeedbackNoiseInterCorrelation
} else {
FeedbackNoise[i].InterCorrelation = 0
proc UpdateParameters() {
if (GeometryCreated == 1) {
proc GeometryGUI() {
xpvalue("retinal divergence count", &RetinalDivergenceCount, 1, "CreateGeometry() UpdateParameters() SetupGraph()")
xpvalue("relay convergence count", &RelayConvergenceCount, 1, "CreateGeometry() UpdateParameters() SetupGraph()")
xpvalue("retinal cell count", &RetinalCellCount, 1, "CreateGeometry() UpdateParameters() SetupGraph()")
xpvalue("relay cell count", &RelayCellCount, 1, "CreateGeometry() UpdateParameters() SetupGraph()")
xbutton("create geometry", "CreateGeometry() UpdateParameters() SetupGraph()")
xbutton("destroy geometry", "DestroyGeometry() UpdateParameters() SetupGraph()")
xpvalue("seed", &SimulationSeed, 1, "UpdateParameters()")
xpvalue("random seed?", &RandomizeSeed, 1, "UpdateParameters()")
proc InputsGUI() {
xlabel("retinal cell")
xpvalue("frequency (/s)", &RetinalCellFrequency, 1, "UpdateParameters()")
xpvalue("phase (ms)", &RetinalCellPhase, 1, "UpdateParameters()")
xpvalue("noise", &RetinalCellNoise, 1, "UpdateParameters()")
xpvalue("gamma", &RetinalCellGamma, 1, "UpdateParameters()")
xpvalue("inter-correlation", &RetinalCellInterCorrelation, 1, "UpdateParameters()")
xpvalue("inter-correlation count", &RetinalCellInterCorrelationCount, 1, "UpdateParameters()")
xpvalue("exponential delay", &RetinalCellExpDelay, 1, "UpdateParameters()")
xlabel("relay ampa synapses")
xpvalue("weight (nS)", &RelayAMPAWeight, 1, "UpdateParameters()")
xpvalue("tau max (mS)", &RelayAMPATau, 1, "UpdateParameters()")
xpvalue("erev (mV)", &RelayAMPAERev, 1, "UpdateParameters()")
xpvalue("deadtime (mS)", &RelayAMPADeadTime, 1, "UpdateParameters()")
xlabel("relay gabaa synapses")
xpvalue("base delay (mS)", &RelayGABAABaseDelay, 1, "UpdateParameters()")
xpvalue("weight (nS)", &RelayGABAAWeight, 1, "UpdateParameters()")
xpvalue("tau max (mS)", &RelayGABAATau, 1, "UpdateParameters()")
xpvalue("erev (mV)", &RelayGABAAERev, 1, "UpdateParameters()")
xpvalue("deadtime (mS)", &RelayGABAADeadTime, 1, "UpdateParameters()")
xlabel("relay ampa+gabaa synapses")
xpvalue("weight spread", &RelayWeightSpread, 1, "UpdateParameters()")
xlabel("cortical ampa synapses")
xpvalue("weight (nS)", &CorticalAMPAWeight, 1, "UpdateParameters()")
xpvalue("tau max (mS)", &CorticalAMPATau, 1, "UpdateParameters()")
xpvalue("erev (mV)", &CorticalAMPAERev, 1, "UpdateParameters()")
xpvalue("deadtime (mS)", &CorticalAMPADeadTime, 1, "UpdateParameters()")
xlabel("cortical gabaa synapses")
xpvalue("base delay (mS)", &CorticalGABAABaseDelay, 1, "UpdateParameters()")
xpvalue("weight (nS)", &CorticalGABAAWeight, 1, "UpdateParameters()")
xpvalue("tau max (mS)", &CorticalGABAATau, 1, "UpdateParameters()")
xpvalue("erev (mV)", &CorticalGABAAERev, 1, "UpdateParameters()")
xpvalue("deadtime (mS)", &CorticalGABAADeadTime, 1, "UpdateParameters()")
proc NoiseGUI() {
xlabel("constant current")
xcheckbox("enabled", &RelayConstantCurrentEnabled, "UpdateParameters()")
xpvalue("amplitude (nA)", &RelayConstantCurrentAmplitude, 1, "UpdateParameters()")
xlabel("sine-wave current")
xcheckbox("enabled", &RelaySineWaveCurrentEnabled, "UpdateParameters()")
xpvalue("amplitude (nA)", &RelaySineWaveCurrentAmplitude, 1, "UpdateParameters()")
xpvalue("frequency (Hz)", &RelaySineWaveCurrentFrequency, 1, "UpdateParameters()")
xpvalue("phase", &RelaySineWaveCurrentPhase, 1, "UpdateParameters()")
xpvalue("offset (nA)", &RelaySineWaveCurrentOffset, 1, "UpdateParameters()")
xpvalue("in phase count", &RelaySineWaveCurrentInPhaseCount, 1, "UpdateParameters()")
xlabel("feedback noise")
xcheckbox("enabled", &FeedbackNoiseEnabled, "UpdateParameters()")
xpvalue("ge rev (mV)", &FeedbackNoiseGeRev, 1, "UpdateParameters()")
xpvalue("ge mean (nS)", &FeedbackNoiseGeMean, 1, "UpdateParameters()")
xpvalue("ge sigma (nS)", &FeedbackNoiseGeSigma, 1, "UpdateParameters()")
xpvalue("ge tau (ms)", &FeedbackNoiseGeTau, 1, "UpdateParameters()")
xpvalue("gi rev (mV)", &FeedbackNoiseGiRev, 1, "UpdateParameters()")
xpvalue("gi mean (nS)", &FeedbackNoiseGiMean, 1, "UpdateParameters()")
xpvalue("gi sigma (nS)", &FeedbackNoiseGiSigma, 1, "UpdateParameters()")
xpvalue("gi tau (ms)", &FeedbackNoiseGiTau, 1, "UpdateParameters()")
xpvalue("ge / gi correlation", &FeedbackNoiseGeGiCorrelation, 1, "UpdateParameters()")
xpvalue("ge / gi phase (ms)", &FeedbackNoiseGeGiPhase, 1, "UpdateParameters()")
xpvalue("inter-correlation", &FeedbackNoiseInterCorrelation, 1, "UpdateParameters()")
xlabel("cortical noise")
xcheckbox("enabled", &CorticalNoiseEnabled, "UpdateParameters()")
xpvalue("ge rev (mV)", &CorticalNoiseGeRev, 1, "UpdateParameters()")
xpvalue("ge mean (nS)", &CorticalNoiseGeMean, 1, "UpdateParameters()")
xpvalue("ge sigma (nS)", &CorticalNoiseGeSigma, 1, "UpdateParameters()")
xpvalue("ge tau (ms)", &CorticalNoiseGeTau, 1, "UpdateParameters()")
xpvalue("gi rev (mV)", &CorticalNoiseGiRev, 1, "UpdateParameters()")
xpvalue("gi mean (nS)", &CorticalNoiseGiMean, 1, "UpdateParameters()")
xpvalue("gi sigma (nS)", &CorticalNoiseGiSigma, 1, "UpdateParameters()")
xpvalue("gi tau (ms)", &CorticalNoiseGiTau, 1, "UpdateParameters()")
xpvalue("ge / gi correlation", &CorticalNoiseGeGiCorrelation, 1, "UpdateParameters()")
xpvalue("ge / gi phase (ms)", &CorticalNoiseGeGiPhase, 1, "UpdateParameters()")
xpvalue("inter-correlation", &CorticalNoiseInterCorrelation, 1, "UpdateParameters()")