// Simulation.hoc - Main simulation file
// The simulation mode will generate some activity traces.
// Warning: this will take a LOT of time on a regular computer and more than 1GB of disk space.
// (see Recording.hoc for a description of the recording file format)
// Thalamocortical convergence studies
// Sébastien Béhuret, UNIC/CNRS Paris, 2009

// NEURON parameters
steps_per_ms = 10
dt = 0.1	
tstart = 0
tstop = 10000
runStopAt = tstop
v_init = -70
celsius = 34.5

// Retinothalamic topology
RetinalDivergenceCount = 30
RelayConvergenceCount = 1
RetinalCellCount = 1
RelayCellCount = 30

// TC cells
TC_Grest = 8.34 // nS
TC_Vrest = -74.31 // mV
TC_Gexc = 0 // excitatory conductance mean amplitude
TC_Ginh = 0 // inhibitory conductance mean amplitude
TC_Sexc = 0 // excitatory conductance variation ratio
TC_Sinh = 0 // inhibitory conductance variation ratio

RelayAMPAWeight = 12.5 // nS
FeedbackNoiseEnabled = 1
FeedbackNoiseInterCorrelation = 0

// Cortical cell (no synaptic noise)
C_Grest = 33.4 // nS
C_Vrest = -70.57 // mV
C_Gexc = 0
C_Ginh = 0
C_Sexc = 0
C_Sinh = 0

CorticalNoiseEnabled = 0
CorticalAMPAWeight = 7 * 30 / RelayCellCount // optimal rule: 7 nS for 30 TC cells and 2.33 nS for 90 TC cells

// Simulation variables and function
strdef RecordingFileName
BatchCount = 0

proc RunSimulation() {
	BatchCount = BatchCount + 1
	sprint(RecordingFileName, "Activity_traces-TC_Gexc=%.02f-TC_Ginh=%.02f-TC_Sexc=%.02f-TC_Sinh=%.02f-Cnoise=%.02f.dat", TC_Gexc, TC_Ginh, TC_Sexc, TC_Sinh, FeedbackNoiseInterCorrelation)
	printf("run(%d): %s\n", BatchCount, RecordingFileName)

	FeedbackNoiseGeMean = TC_Grest * TC_Gexc
	FeedbackNoiseGeSigma = FeedbackNoiseGeMean * TC_Sexc
	FeedbackNoiseGiMean = TC_Grest * TC_Ginh
	FeedbackNoiseGiSigma = FeedbackNoiseGiMean * TC_Sinh
	CorticalNoiseGeMean = C_Grest * C_Gexc
	CorticalNoiseGeSigma = CorticalNoiseGeMean * C_Sexc
	CorticalNoiseGiMean = C_Grest * C_Ginh
	CorticalNoiseGiSigma = CorticalNoiseGiMean * C_Sinh


// Explore synaptic noise mean amplitude
TC_Sexc = 0.2
TC_Sinh = 0.2
FeedbackNoiseInterCorrelation = 0

for (TC_Gexc = 0; TC_Gexc <= 3; TC_Gexc = TC_Gexc + 0.3) {
	for (TC_Ginh = 0; TC_Ginh <= 3; TC_Ginh = TC_Ginh + 0.3) {

// Explore synaptic noise variation ratio
TC_Gexc = 1.5
TC_Ginh = 1.0
FeedbackNoiseInterCorrelation = 0

for (TC_Sexc = 0; TC_Sexc <= 1; TC_Sexc = TC_Sexc + 0.1) {
	for (TC_Sinh = 0; TC_Sinh <= 1; TC_Sinh = TC_Sinh + 0.1) {

// Explore synaptic noise correlation across TC cells
TC_Gexc = 1.5
TC_Ginh = 1.0
TC_Sexc = 0.2
TC_Sinh = 0.2

for (FeedbackNoiseInterCorrelation = 0; FeedbackNoiseInterCorrelation <= 1; FeedbackNoiseInterCorrelation = FeedbackNoiseInterCorrelation + 0.1) {