// Templates.hoc - Cortical pyramidal and thalamocortical relay cell model templates
// From Alain Destexhe, original templates can be found in
// http://cns.iaf.cnrs-gif.fr/files/CORTEX.ZIP
// and
// http://cns.iaf.cnrs-gif.fr/files/DENDTC.ZIP
// Thalamocortical convergence studies
// Sébastien Béhuret, UNIC/CNRS Paris, 2009
begintemplate PyramidalCell
public Soma
create Soma
proc init() { local v_potassium, v_sodium
v_potassium = -100 // potassium reversal potential
v_sodium = 50 // sodium reversal potential
create Soma
Soma {
Ra = 100 // geometry
nseg = 1
diam = 96
L = 96 // so that area is about 29000 um2
cm = 1
insert pas // leak current
e_pas = -70
g_pas = 0.0001 // Rin = 34 Meg
// conversion with McC units:
// g(S/cm2) = g(nS)*1e-9/29000e-8
// = g(nS) * 3.45e-6
insert hh2 // Hodgin-Huxley INa and IK
ek = v_potassium
ena = v_sodium
vtraub_hh2 = -55 // Resting Vm, BJ was -55
gnabar_hh2 = 0.05 // McCormick=15 muS, thal was 0.09
gkbar_hh2 = 0.005 // spike duration of pyr cells
insert im // M current
taumax_im = 1000
gkbar_im = 7e-5 // Diego's IM (copyrighted)
// insert iahp
// alpha_iahp = 1.25e9
// beta_iahp = 0.001
// gkbar_iahp = 1.7e-5 // McCormick=5 nS
// insert cad // calcium decay
// depth_cad = 1 // McCormick= 0.1 um
// taur_cad = 5 // McCormick=1 ms !!!
// cainf_cad = 2.4e-4 // McCormick=0
// kt_cad = 0 // no pump
endtemplate PyramidalCell
begintemplate RelayCell
public Soma
create Soma
proc init() {
create Soma
Soma {
nseg = 1
diam = 76.58
L = 100
cm = 0.88
Ra = 173
insert pas
g_pas = 3.79e-5
e_pas = -76.5
insert hh2
ena = 50
ek = -100
vtraub_hh2 = -52
gnabar_hh2 = 0.01
gkbar_hh2 = 0.01
insert itGHK
cai = 2.4e-4
cao = 2
eca = 120
shift_itGHK = -1
gcabar_itGHK = 0.0002
qm_itGHK = 2.5
qh_itGHK = 2.5
pcabar_itGHK = 8e-5
insert cad
depth_cad = 0.1
kt_cad = 0
kd_cad = 1e-4
taur_cad = 5
cainf_cad = 2.4e-4
endtemplate RelayCell