 file label_dlist.cc                                                       
 contains the implementation of class members of class               

#include "label_dlist.h"

 implementation of class label_dlist                                       

 public member function first                                        
 takes no argument and returns a pointer to the first item in the    

template <class type>
label_dlist_item<type> *label_dlist<type>::first()
   return head;

 public member function last                                         
 takes no argument and returns a pointer to the last item in the     

template <class type>
label_dlist_item<type> *label_dlist<type>::last()
  return tail;

 public member function find_left                                        

! not to be used on an empty list!

template <class type>
int label_dlist<type>::find_left(int lb, label_dlist_item<type> *&it)
  assert (head != NULL);
  it= head;
  while ((it->next != NULL) && (it->next->label <= lb)) {
    it= it->next;
  return (it->label == lb);