% Code written by Claudia Clopath, Imperial College London
% Please cite Tatjana Tchumatchenko* and Claudia Clopath*
% "Oscillations emerging from noise-driven steady state in networks
% with electrical synapses and subthreshold resonance"
% Nature Communications, 2014
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% Defining network model parameters
vtE = 10; % Spiking threshold for excitatory neurons [mV]
vtI = 4; % Spiking threshold for inhibitory neurons [mV]
tau_vI = 10; % Membrane capacitance for inhibitory neurons [pf]
tau_vE = 40; % Membrane capacitance for excitatory neurons [pf]
tau_ad = 20; % Time constant of inhibitory adaption variable [ms]
TsigI = 10; % Variance of current in the inhibitory neurons
TsigE = 12; % Variance of current in the excitatory neurons
tau_I = 10; % Time constant to filter the synaptic inputs [ms]
beta_adE = 0; % No adaptation in the excitatory neurons
beta_adI = 4.5; % Conductance of the adaptation variable variable of inhibitory neurons
alpha_adI = -2; % Coupling of the adaptation variable variable of inhibitory neurons
alpha_adE = 0; % No adaptation in the excitatory
GammaII = 15; % I to I connectivity
GammaIE = -10; % I to E connectivity
GammaEE = 15; % E to E connectivity
GammaEI =15; % E to I connectivity
TEmean = 0.5*vtE; % Mean current to excitatory neurons
% Simulation parameters
N = 5000; % Number of neurons in total
NE = 0.8*N; % Number of excitatory neurons
NI = 0.2*N; % Number of inhibitory neurons
dt = 0.01; % Simulation time bin [ms]
T = 600/dt; % Simulation length [ms]
% If simulations with the aEIF neuron model
Delta_T = 0.5; % exponential parameter
refrac = 5/dt; % refractory period [ms]
ref= refrac*zeros(N,1); % refractory counter
% Simulating two sets of parameters
for condition =1:2
if condition ==1 % Asynchronous irregular parameters
gamma_c = 0.1; % subthreshold gap-junction parameter
TImean = -5*vtI; % mean input current in inhibitory neurons
if condition ==2 % Oscillatory regime
gamma_c =0.9; % subthreshold gap-junction parameter
TImean = 1*vtI; % mean input current in inhibitory neurons
%Calculation of effective simulation parameters
g_m = 1; % effective neuron conductance
Gama_c = g_m*gamma_c/(1-gamma_c);
c_mI = tau_vI*(g_m+Gama_c); % effective neuron time constant
alpha_wI = alpha_adI*(g_m+Gama_c); % effective adaption coupling
c_mE = tau_vE*g_m;
alpha_wE = alpha_adE*g_m;
NEmean = TEmean*g_m;
NImean = TImean*(g_m+Gama_c); % effective mean input current
NEsig = TsigE*g_m;
NIsig = TsigI*(g_m+Gama_c); % effective variance of the input current
Vgap = Gama_c/NI; % effective gap-junction subthreshold parameter
WII = GammaII*c_mI/NI/dt; % effective I to I coupling
WEE = GammaEE*c_mE/NE/dt; % effective E to E coupling
WEI = GammaEI*c_mI/NE/dt; % effective E to I coupling
WIE = GammaIE*c_mE/NI/dt; % effective I to E coupling
% Initialization
v = 0*ones(N,1);
c_m = zeros(N,1);
c_m(1:NE) = c_mE;
c_m(NE+1:end) = c_mI;
alpha_w = zeros(N,1);
alpha_w(1:NE) = alpha_wE;
alpha_w(NE+1:end) = alpha_wI;
vt = zeros(N,1);
vt(1:NE) = vtE;
vt(NE+1:end) = vtI;
beta_ad = zeros(N,1);
beta_ad(1:NE) = beta_adE;
beta_ad(NE+1:end) = beta_adI;
vm1 = 0*ones(N,1);
ad = zeros*ones(N,1);
vv = zeros(N,1);
Iback = zeros(N,1);
Im_sp = 0;
Igap = zeros(N,1);
Ichem = zeros(N,1);
Ieff = zeros(N,1);
% time lool
Iraster = []; % save spike times for plotting
for t = 1:T
Iback = Iback + dt/tau_I*(-Iback +randn(N,1)); % generate a colored noise for the current
Ieff(1:NE) = Iback(1:NE)/sqrt(1/(2*(tau_I/dt)))*NEsig+NEmean; % rescaling the noise current to have the correct mean and variance
Ieff(NE+1:end) = Iback(NE+1:end)/sqrt(1/(2*(tau_I/dt)))*NIsig+NImean; % rescaling for inhibitory neurons
Ichem(1:NE) = Ichem(1:NE) + dt/tau_I*(-Ichem(1:NE) + WEE*(sum(vv(1:NE))-vv(1:NE))+WIE*(sum(vv(NE+1:end)))); % current coming from the chemical synapses
Ichem(NE+1:end) = Ichem(NE+1:end) + dt/tau_I*(-Ichem(NE+1:end) +WII*(sum(vv(NE+1:end))-vv(NE+1:end))+WEI*(sum(vv(1:NE))));
Igap(NE+1:end) = Vgap*(sum(v(NE+1:end))-NI*v(NE+1:end)); % current coming from the subthreshold gap-junction part
%%% Simulations of the network with adaptive threshold neuron model
v= v+ dt./c_m.*(-g_m*v +alpha_w.*ad +Ieff+Ichem+Igap); % adaptive threshold neuron model
ad = ad + dt/tau_ad*(-ad+beta_ad.*v); % adaptation variable
vv =(v>=vt).*(vm1<vt); % spike if voltage crosses the threshold from below
vm1 = v;
% % If you want to simulate the network with aEIF neurons instead, comment
% % the 4 lines above and uncomments the lines below.
% v= v+ (ref>refrac).*(dt./c_m.*(-g_m*v+ g_m*Delta_T*exp((v-vt)/Delta_T) +alpha_w.*ad +Ieff+Ichem+Igap));% aEIF neuron model
% ad = ad + (ref>refrac).*(dt/tau_ad*(-ad+beta_ad.*v));% adaptation variable
% vv =(v>=vt);% spike if voltage crosses the threshold
% ref = ref.*(1-vv)+1; % update of the refractory period
% ad = ad+vv*(30); % spike-triggered adaptation
% v = (v<vt).*v; % reset after spike
Isp = find(vv(NE+1:end)); % save spike times for plotting
Iraster=[Iraster;t*ones(length(Isp),1),Isp]; % save spike times for plotting
% Plot
h = figure; hold on;
plot(Iraster(:,1)*dt, Iraster(:,2),'.')
xlim([500 600])
xlabel('time [ms]','fontsize',20)
ylabel('I neuron index','fontsize',20)