This is the readme for the models associated with the paper:
Terman D, Rubin JE, Yew AC, Wilson CJ (2002)
Activity patterns in a
model for the subthalamopallidal network of the basal ganglia.
J Neurosci 22:2963-76
The xpp files were provided by David Terman, and the partial NEURON
implementation was provided by Taylor Malone.
xpp NEURON simulation environments are each freely available.
To run the xpp code, download and extract this archive.
Figure 3 was created with episodic.ode. Run with linux/unix commands like
xppaut episodic.ode
Then select File->Read set: episodic.ode.set
Then select Initial Conds.-> Go and you should see a graph like.

which is similar to the STN cells in figure 3c.
Figure 5 was created from cluster.ode. Run cluster with linux/unix commands like
xppaut cluster.ode
Then select File->Read set: cluster.ode.set
Then select Initial Conds.-> Go and you should see a graph like.

which is similar to the GPe cells in figure 5c in the paper.
Figure 7 was created from wave.ode. Run with linux/unix commands like
xppaut wave.ode
Then select File->Read set: wave.ode.set
Then select Initial Conds.-> Go and you should see a graph like.

which is similar to the STN cells in figure 7c in the paper.
The NEURON code was created by Taylor Malone. Figures 1, 2, and 3c are reproduced however there are discrepancies with the network runs. We invite the modeling community to help us correct and/or finish the NEURON implementation.
To run the NEURON implementation, compile the mod files (see for more help if necessary.
In linux/unix, for example:
cd nrnfiles
python -i Figures/
produces the graph
20171112 update from David Terman: suggestion to use the ode.set files