% function [weights, err, t] = decode(signal, dt, spikes, randSD, bandSD, band, noiseRate, nt, ne, interval)
% signal: target signal for ensemble to approximate
% dt: time step (s)
% spikes: a matrix of spike times with spike times for each neuron in a row
% randSD: see jitter.m
% bandSD: see jitter.m
% band: see jitter.m
% noiseRate: rate of extra Poisson-refractory spikes introduced as noise
% nt: number of "training" trials (repeated presentations used to find optimal weights)
% ne: number of evaluation trials (with novel noise, used to evaluate error)
% interval: sampling interval of signal and current used for finding weights (e.g. with dt=.0002
% and interval=5, weights would be found using 1000 Hz sampling rate)
% weights: optimal weights for approximating given signal
% err: mean-squared error of approximation
% time: elapsed time to run this function
% function [..., corruptError, examples, estimates] = decode(..., plotEstimates)
% plotEstimates: plots target signal and each approximation
% corruptError: error recalculated with slightly perturbed weights (to test
% effect of numerical precision limitations)
% examples: firing patterns of a single neuron over different training and
% evaluation trials
% estimates: optimal approximations of target for each evaluation trial
% IMPLEMENTATION NOTE: moderate performance gains can be had by using raw
% spike signals instead of PSCs, to estimate deconvolution of given signal
% instead of signal itself. However, too much fussing is then needed with
% large signals / numbers of neurons, to avoid running out of memory. The
% method below (convolving each spike train with PSC kernel individually)
% turns out to be not much slower, and is more straightforward.
function [weights, err, t, varargout] = decode(signal, dt, spikes, randSD, bandSD, band, noiseRate, nt, ne, interval, varargin)
compositeSignal = [];
compositeCurrent = [];
psc = PSC(dt);
T = dt*length(signal);
examples = [];
for i = 1:nt
jittered = jitter(spikes, randSD, bandSD, band);
noised = addNoiseSpikes(jittered, T, dt, noiseRate);
current = getCurrent(noised, dt, length(signal), psc);
compositeSignal = [compositeSignal, signal(1:interval:end)];
compositeCurrent = [compositeCurrent, current(:,1:interval:end)];
example = noised(1,:);
examples(i,1:length(example)) = example;
weights = optimalDecoders(compositeSignal, compositeCurrent, 0);
corruption = (-1 + 2*(rand(size(weights))>.5)) * eps;
err = zeros(ne,1);
if (nargin > 10 & varargin{1})
time = dt*(1:length(signal));
figure, hold on, plot(time, signal, 'k--')
estimates = [];
for i = 1:ne
jittered = jitter(spikes, randSD, bandSD, band);
noised = addNoiseSpikes(jittered, T, dt, noiseRate);
current = getCurrent(noised, dt, length(signal), psc);
weighted = (weights * ones(size(signal))) .* current;
estimate = sum(weighted);
if (nargin > 10 & varargin{1})
plot(time, sum(weighted), 'k');
err(i) = mean( (sum(weighted) - signal).^2 );
if (nargout > 3)
corruptEstimate = ((weights+corruption) * ones(size(signal))) .* current;
corruptError(i) = mean( (sum(corruptEstimate) - signal).^2 );
example = noised(1,:);
examples(nt+i,1:length(example)) = example;
estimates = [estimates; estimate];
if (nargout > 3)
varargout{1} = corruptError;
if (nargout > 4)
varargout{2} = examples;
if (nargout > 5)
varargout{3} = estimates;
t = toc;
function noised = addNoiseSpikes(spikes, T, dt, noiseRate)
n = size(spikes,1);
if (noiseRate == 0)
noiseSpikes = [];
[noiseSpikes cov] = genUncorrelated(n, T, dt, noiseRate, [1 0 0]);
allSpikes = sort([spikes noiseSpikes], 2);
% Now we may have ISIs smaller than the refractory time.
absRT = .001;
for i = 1:n
noised(i,:) = space(allSpikes(i,:), absRT);