% function error = frequency(spikes, frequencies, jitter) reports error in
% decoding sine waves at the given frequencies.
% spikes: a set of spike trains (in rows) to decode
% frequencies: frequencies to test (Hz)
% jitter: spike jitter SD (s) with which to corrupt spike trains
% error: matrix of mean-squared errors with sinusoids of RMS=1
% (each row corresponds to a given frequency, each column to a different
% test phase at that frequency)
function error = frequency(spikes, frequencies, jitter)
dt = .0002;
T = .5;
time = dt:dt:T;
if jitter == 0
nt = 1;
ne = 1;
interval = 1;
nt = 32;
ne = 5;
interval = 2;
for i = 1:length(frequencies)
phase = (.2:.2:1)*2*pi;
for j = 1:length(phase)
signal = (1/.7071) * sin(2*pi*frequencies(i)*time + phase(j)); % RMS=1
[weights, err, t] = decode(signal, dt, spikes, [jitter 0 0], [0 0 0], [0 10], 0, nt, ne, interval, 0);
error(i,j) = mean(err);