% function [spikes, firingRate] = genCoarseCorrelated(n, dt, signal, threshold, rate)
% produces spikes trains with rates that vary with the instantaneous value of a
% template signal.
% n: number of spike trains
% dt: time step of template signal and spike generation
% signal: the template signal
% threshold: value of template signal that corresponds to zero firing rate
% rate: mean firing rate over course of signal
% firingRate: firing rate over time, derived from signal and threshold args
function [spikes, firingRate] = genCoarseCorrelated(n, dt, signal, threshold, rate)
time = dt:dt:dt*length(signal);
firingContour = max(0, (signal-threshold));
firingRate = (firingContour / sum(firingContour)) * rate * time(end) / dt;
spikes = zeros(n, rate*2);
ISI = zeros(n, rate*2);
for i = 1:n
spikesi = doCoarseCorrelated(dt, firingRate, time, signal);
spikes(i,1:length(spikesi)) = spikesi;
isi = diff(spikesi);
ISI(i,1:length(isi)) = isi;
function spikes = doCoarseCorrelated(dt, firingRate, time, signal)
spikes = [];
for i = 1:length(time)
instantRate = firingRate(i);
probSpike = instantRate * dt;
if (probSpike > rand)
spikes = [spikes, time(i)];