% function [spikes, cov] = genSynthetic(n, T, dt, correlatedRate, epochRate,
% epochWidth, coarseCorrelatedRate, template, threshold, uncorrelatedRate, mix)
% produces n synthetic spike trains.
% n: number of spike trains
% T: length of spike trains (seconds)
% dt: temporal resolution (seconds)
% correlatedRate: the mean rate of correlated firing (spikes per second)
% epochRate: mean rate of correlation epochs (as arg c in genCorrelated.m)
% epochWidth: SD of spike distribution around epoch centre (as arg width in
% genCorrelated.m)
% coarseCorrelatedRate: mean rate of coarsely correlated firing (see
% genCoarseCorrelated.m)
% template: the signal arg of genCoarseCorrelated
% threshold: the threshold arg of genCoarseCorrelated
% uncorrelatedRate: the mean rate of uncorrelated firing (spikes per second)
% mix: uncorrelated interspike intervals are drawn from a weighted average of exponential,
% gaussian, and bimodel distributions. Mix is a 3-vector that specifies these
% weights.
% spikes: a matrix of n rows, each row giving the spike times of a separate
% spike train at least T seconds long
% cov: coefficients of variation of each spike train
% [spikes, cov] = genSynthetic(..., options)
% options: optional parameters for uncorrelated part of firing patterns
% (see uncorrelated.m)
function [spikes, cov] = genSynthetic(n, T, dt, correlatedRate, epochRate, epochWidth, coarseCorrelatedRate, template, threshold, uncorrelatedRate, mix, varargin)
[uncorrSpikes cov] = genUncorrelated(n, T, dt, uncorrelatedRate, mix, varargin);
corrSpikes = genCorrelated(n, T, dt, correlatedRate, epochRate, epochWidth);
[coarseSpikes, firingRate] = genCoarseCorrelated(n, dt, template, threshold, coarseCorrelatedRate);
allSpikes = sort([uncorrSpikes corrSpikes coarseSpikes], 2);
% now we may have ISIs smaller than the refractory time
absRT = .001; % 'absolute' refractory time
for i = 1:n
spikes(i,:) = space(allSpikes(i,:), absRT);
% find coefficients of variation
for i = 1:n
indices = find(spikes(i,:) > 0);
isi = diff(spikes(i,indices));
if length(isi) > 0
cov(i) = std(isi) ./ mean(isi);
cov(i) = 0;