% function [spikes, cov] = genUncorrelated(n, T, dt, rate, mix) produces n uncorrelated spike
% trains.
% n: number of spike trains
% T: length of spike trains (seconds)
% dt: temporal resolution (seconds)
% rate: is the mean firing rate (spikes per second)
% mix: Interspike intervals are drawn from a weighted average of exponential,
% gaussian, and bimodel distributions. Mix is a 3-vector that specifies these
% weights.
% spikes: a matrix of n rows, each row giving the spike times of a separate
% spike train at least T seconds long
% cov: coefficients of variation of spike trains
% [spikes, cov] = genUncorrelated(..., options)
% options: a struct optionally containing any of the following fields:
% RT: refractory time for near-Poisson process (s)
% SD: standard deviation of Gaussian ISI distribution for regularly firing neurons (s)
% meanSD: SD of mean ISIs across population of regularly firing neurons (s)
% SPB: mean spikes per burst in bursting distribution
% COV: bursting coefficient of variation
% isSD: standard deviation of ISI within bursts (s)
% bwCOV: coefficient of variation of inter-burst interval
% periods: explicit list of mean ISIs per neuron
function [spikes, cov] = genUncorrelated(n, T, dt, rate, mix, varargin)
%defaults (see doUncorrelated for definitions) ...
RT = .002;
SD = .002;
meanSD = .005;
SPB = 5;
COV = 2;
inSD = .001;
bwCOV = 1/3;
if (nargin > 5)
options = varargin{1};
if isfield(options, 'RT'); RT = options.RT, end
if isfield(options, 'SD'); SD = options.SD, end
if isfield(options, 'meanSD'); meanSD = options.meanSD, end
if isfield(options, 'SPB'); SPB = options.SPB, end
if isfield(options, 'COV'); COV = options.COV, end
if isfield(options, 'inSD'); inSD = options.inSD, end
if isfield(options, 'bwCOV'); bwCOV = options.bwCOV, end
if rate > 0
m = 1/rate + meanSD*randn(n,1);
if (nargin > 5)
if isfield(options, 'periods')
m = options.periods;
if length(m) ~= n
error(sprintf('List of mean firing periods is not the right size: %i', size(m)))
if (rate > 0)
ISI = doUncorrelated(n, T, dt, rate, mix, RT, SD, m, SPB, COV, inSD, bwCOV);
%make sure all trains cover time 0->T (since ISIs are random, no
% given number of ISIs guarantees this)
while (min(sum(ISI,2)) < T)
ISI = [ISI, doUncorrelated(n, T/4, dt, rate, mix, RT, SD, m, SPB, COV, inSD, bwCOV)];
spikes = cumsum(ISI,2);
cov = std(ISI, 0, 2) ./ mean(ISI, 2);
spikes = [];
cov = [];
% args as above except ...
% m: a list of n mean firing periods (mean ISIs) per neuron
function ISI = doUncorrelated(n, T, dt, rate, mix, RT, SD, m, SPB, COV, inSD, bwCOV)
time = 0:dt:.3; % interspike interval time basis
if rate < 30 & rate > 0
time = 0:dt:(10/rate);
%exponential distribution with refractory period for Poisson process
refractoryPDF = zeros(1,RT/dt);
exponentialPDF = rate * exp(-rate*time);
exponentialPDF = [refractoryPDF exponentialPDF(1:end-length(refractoryPDF))];
%bimodal ditribution for busting
s = COV / rate; %standard deviation of ISI derived from desired coefficient of variation
inMean = (1/rate) - (s^2/(SPB-0))^.5;
bwMean = SPB/rate - (SPB-1)*inMean; %mean inter-burst interval such that overall firing rate is as specified above
bwSD = bwCOV * bwMean;
burstPDF = ((SPB-1)/SPB) * (1 / (inSD * (2*pi)^.5)) * exp(-(time-inMean).^2/(2*inSD^2)) + (1/SPB) * (1 / (bwSD * (2*pi)^.5)) * exp(-(time-bwMean).^2/(2*bwSD^2));
nSpikes = ceil(T*rate); %number of ISIs to generate
ISI = [];
for i = 1:n
%gaussian distribution for repetitive spiking (different for each train)
if (SD == 0)
repetitivePDF = zeros(size(time));
index = round(m(i)/dt);
if index <= length(time); repetitivePDF(index) = 1/dt; end
repetitivePDF = (1 / (SD * (2*pi)^.5)) * exp(-(time-m(i)).^2/(2*SD^2));
ISI = [ISI; randPDF(1, nSpikes, mix(1)*exponentialPDF + mix(2)*repetitivePDF + mix(3)*burstPDF, dt)];