% function dy = hh(t, y) gives time derivatives of state variables for the
% Hodgkin-Huxley model (as presented in Koch, 1999, Biophysics of
% Computation).
% Uses global variables HH_T and HH_I to define external input
% (these are time and injected current -- we interpolate between given
% points). Note that injected current is in units of microamps / cm^2.
% If starting with nanoamps, multiply by patch size (micrometres squared)
% over 100000 to get HH_I.
% Run like this:
% global HH_T HH_I
% HH_T = 0:1:1000;
% HH_I = [... desired stimulus current (microamps / cm^2) ...]
% [T,r] = ODE45('hh', [0 1000], [0 0 0 0]);
function dy = hh(t, y)
global HH_T HH_I
% interpolate injected current
indices = find(HH_T <= t);
index = indices(end);
if (HH_T(index) == t)
I_inj = HH_I(index);
inTime = HH_T(index:index+1);
inCurr = HH_I(index:index+1);
alpha = (t - inTime(1)) / (inTime(2) - inTime(1));
I_inj = inCurr(1) + alpha * (inCurr(2) - inCurr(1));
V = y(1);
m = y(2);
h = y(3);
n = y(4);
G_Na = 120;
E_Na = 115; %this potential and others are relative to -60 mV
G_K = 36;
E_K = -12;
G_m = 0.3;
V_rest = 10.613;
C_m = 1;
alpha_m = (25-V) / (10 * (exp((25-V)/10) - 1));
beta_m = 4 * exp(-V/18);
alpha_h = 0.07 * exp(-V/20);
beta_h = 1 / (exp((30-V)/10) + 1);
alpha_n = (10-V) / (100 * (exp((10-V)/10) - 1));
beta_n = 0.125 * exp(-V/80);
dm = alpha_m * (1-m) - beta_m * m;
dh = alpha_h * (1-h) - beta_h * h;
dn = alpha_n * (1-n) - beta_n * n;
dV = (G_Na * m^3 * h * (E_Na - V) + G_K * n^4 * (E_K - V) + G_m * (V_rest - V) + I_inj) / C_m;
dy = [dV; dm; dh; dn];