% function outSpikes = learnChannel(inSpikes, n, convergence) learns a
% communication channel between an ensemble with a given spike pattern and
% a new output ensemble of LIF neurons, and returns the spikes of the
% output ensemble.
% inSpikes: spikes of the presynaptic ensemble
% n: size of the post-synaptic LIF ensemble
% convergence: number of pre-synaptic neurons connected to each
% post-synaptic neuron
% iterations: training iterations over data
function outSpikes = learnChannel(inSpikes, n, convergence, iterations)
psc = PSC(.0002);
current = getCurrent(inSpikes, .0002, 1500, psc);
meanCurrent = mean(current,2);
rate = .00000000005; % learning rate
tauRef = .002;
tauRC = .02;
intercept = 0 + rand(n, 1) * .9
maxFR = 200 + rand(n,1) * 200;
x = 1 ./ (1 - exp( (tauRef - (1 ./ maxFR)) / tauRC));
scale = (x - 1) ./ (1 - intercept)
bias = 1 - scale .* intercept
alifInput = [];
for i = 1:n
indices = randomIndices(size(inSpikes,1), convergence);
magnitude = mean(sum(current(indices,:)));
weights = rand(length(indices),1) * 1/magnitude;
runningMean = 0;
maxWeight = 1/magnitude;
weighted = weights * ones(1,size(current,2)) .* current(indices,:);
% figure, hold on
% plot(sum(weighted), 'b');
weightHistory = zeros(length(indices), iterations*size(current,2));
for j = 1:iterations
% tic
for k = 1:size(current, 2)
weighted = weights .* current(indices,k);
in = bias(i) + scale(i)*sum(weighted);
if (in > 1)
b = 1 / ( tauRef - tauRC * log(1 - 1/in) );
b = 0;
nMean = (j-1)*size(current,2) + k;
runningMean = ( (nMean-1)*runningMean + b ) / nMean;
% dw = rate * (current(indices,k) - meanCurrent(indices)) * (b - runningMean) * (b > 0) * (b < maxFR(i));
dw = rate * (current(indices,k) - meanCurrent(indices)) * (b - runningMean);
% sprintf('%2.15f, %2.15f, %f, %f', min(dw), max(dw), b, b - runningMean)
weights = weights + dw;
weights = min(maxWeight, max(0, weights));
weightHistory(:,nMean) = weights;
% toc
weighted = weights * ones(1,size(current,2)) .* current(indices,:);
alifInput = [alifInput; sum(weighted)];
% plot(sum(weighted), 'r.');
% figure, plot(weightHistory')
[outSpikes, firings] = ALIF(.0002, alifInput, bias, scale, ones(size(bias))*tauRC, ones(size(bias))*tauRef, ones(size(bias)), zeros(size(bias)));
function indices = randomIndices(n, convergence)
indices = 1:n;
while length(indices) > convergence
remove = ceil(rand * length(indices));
indices = [indices(1:remove-1) indices(remove+1:end)];