% function spikeTrain = space(spikeTrain, RT) spaces out spikes in a single spike train
% according to an absolute refractory time.
% The options are to drop or shift them. We pretend that this represents
% a coincidence of current from correlated and uncorrelated sources, and
% drop them. If you change this, be sure to shift the time of the
% offending spike rather than just increasing the ISI, as the latter
% would shift subsequent correlated activity.
function spikeTrain = space(spikeTrain, RT)
done = 0;
while (~done) %have to go one at a time, because removing one spike effects previous and following ISI
spikeTrain = sort(spikeTrain);
ISI = diff(spikeTrain);
closeIndices = find(diff(spikeTrain) < RT & spikeTrain(2:end) > 0) + 1;
if (length(closeIndices) == 0)
done = 1;
spikeTrain(closeIndices(1)) = 0;
spikeTrain = sort(spikeTrain);