import numpy as np
import sys
def overall_mean(big_matrix, N):
overallMean = 0
for npyr in range(N):
overallMean += np.mean(big_matrix[npyr, :, :])
return overallMean
def spatial_info(rate_matrix, time_bin):
# Time per bin
tall = np.sum(time_bin)
# Occupancy
pall = time_bin/tall
# Mean firing rate
l_ = np.matmul(pall.T, rate_matrix).item()
if l_ == 0:
l_ = 1e-15
ratio = rate_matrix/l_
ratio[ratio == 0] = 1e-15
spatial_info = np.sum(np.multiply(
pall, np.multiply(rate_matrix, np.log2(ratio))))
return spatial_info
def selectivity_index(rate_matrix):
A = np.mean(rate_matrix)
B = np.max(rate_matrix)
if A == 0:
A = 1e-15
selectivity = float(B)/A
return selectivity
def sparsity_index2(rate_matrix):
# Size of field
n1 = rate_matrix.shape[0]
n2 = rate_matrix.shape[1]
# Initialization
sparsity_num = 0
sparsity_den = 0
for i in range(n1):
for j in range(n2):
# rate of each bin
lx = rate_matrix[i, j]
# numerator
sparsity_num += lx
# denominator
sparsity_den += lx**2
if sparsity_den == 0:
sparsity_den = 1e-15
L = n1
sparsity = 1 - (1.0/L)*(sparsity_num**2 /
return sparsity
def peak_frequency(rate_matrix):
return np.max(rate_matrix)
def field_size(rate_matrix, relfreq=1.0, track_length=200):
if rate_matrix.shape[0] == 1 or rate_matrix.shape[1] == 1:
peak = np.argmax(rate_matrix)
# left from peak + peak
counter1 = 0
while rate_matrix[peak-counter1] >= relfreq:
counter1 += 1
if peak-counter1 < 0:
counter1 -= 1
# right from peak
counter2 = 0
while rate_matrix[peak+counter2] >= relfreq:
counter2 += 1
if peak+counter2 >= rate_matrix.shape[0]:
counter2 -= 1
size = counter1+counter2
size -= 1
if peak != 0 or peak != track_length:
mean_in_place = np.mean(rate_matrix[peak-(counter1-1):peak+counter2+1])
elif peak == 0:
mean_in_place = np.mean(rate_matrix[peak:peak+counter2+1])
elif peak == track_length:
mean_in_place = np.mean(rate_matrix[peak-(counter1-1):])
if peak - counter1 == 0:
mean_out_place1 = 0
mean_out_place1 = np.mean(rate_matrix[:peak-(counter1-1)])
if peak + counter2+1 == track_length:
mean_out_place2 = 0
mean_out_place2 = np.mean(rate_matrix[peak+counter2+1:])
mean_out_place = np.mean([mean_out_place1, mean_out_place2])
return size, mean_in_place, mean_out_place
def upper_tri_indexing(A):
A: input matrix
returns its upper triangular elements
excluding the diagonal.
A should be square matrix
return only upper tiangular elements, without diagonal
if len(A.shape) != 2:
sys.exit("Input is not two-dimensional.")
if (A.shape[0] != A.shape[1]):
sys.exit("Matrix is not square.")
m = A.shape[0]
r, c = np.triu_indices(m, 1)
return A[r, c]
def stability_index(x, y=None):
if y is None:
A = upper_tri_indexing(np.corrcoef(x.squeeze(), rowvar=1))
A = upper_tri_indexing(np.corrcoef(x, y, rowvar=0))[0]
return np.tanh(A)