import sys
import pickle
import time
from peakdet import peakdet
import numpy as np

# Loads a list with path points for each time-series point

time1 = time.time()

def extract_spiketimes(neuron_type, condition, learning, ntrial, nrun):
    Extract Spike Times from NEUORN's voltage trace
    Nneurons: number of neurons to be analyzed
    condition: Specific Lesion - e.g., Control, No_VIPcells
    learning: learning phase, e.g., prelearning
    ntrial: mouse ID
    nrun: number of trial/run
    dt = 0.1
    filepath = '../Simulation_Results/'+learning+'/' + \

    # Peakdet parameters
    delta = 1

    if neuron_type == '_pvsoma_':
        Nneurons = 130
        thres = 5  # remove spikelets
    elif neuron_type == '_bcell_':
        Nneurons = 8
        thres = 0
    elif neuron_type == '_vipcck_' or neuron_type == '_vipcrnvm_':
        Nneurons = 1
        thres = 0
    elif neuron_type == '_vipcr_':
        Nneurons = 4
        thres = 0
        Nneurons = 2
        thres = 0

    spiketimes_all = []
    for n_neuron in range(Nneurons):

        filename = filepath+'/Trial_'+ntrial+'_Run_' + \

        data = np.loadtxt(filename)
        # remove the first 400ms
        data = data[int(400/dt):]

        maxtab, mintab = peakdet(data, delta, thres)
        if maxtab.size != 0:
            spiketimes = [int(i*dt) for i in maxtab[:, 0]]
            spiketimes = []
        spiketimes.insert(0, str(n_neuron))


    # Saves the list in a pickle file at the specified Run directory
    filewrite = filepath + '/spiketimes' + neuron_type + '.pkl'
    with open(filewrite, 'wb') as handle:
        pickle.dump(spiketimes_all, handle, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)

ntype = sys.argv[1]
cond = sys.argv[2]
learn = sys.argv[3]
trial = sys.argv[4]
run = sys.argv[5]

results = extract_spiketimes(ntype, cond, learn, trial, run)

print("\nEverything was ok for cell type " +
      ntype[1:-1]+". Case: "+cond+" "+learn+" "+str(trial)+" "+str(run))
time2 = time.time()
duration = round(time2-time1, 3)
print("\n The analysis run for "+str(duration)+" seconds")