{load_file("nrngui.hoc")}  // load the GUI and standard run libraries

{load_file("../cells/basket_cell.hoc")} //load axoaxonic cell

{xopen("kblock.hoc")} //execute open.load_file just reads

strdef temp_mkdir, temp_dir
// Create the directory
sprint(temp_dir, "SynapticProperties/")
sprint(temp_mkdir, "mkdir -p %s", temp_dir)

objectvar 	Cell1, Cell2, Cell3, Cell4, Cell5, Cell6, Cell7
objectvar 	syn1, syn2, syn3, syn4, syn5, syn6, syn7
objectvar   nclist, stim, sn1, sn2, sn3, sn4, sn5, sn6, sn7
objectvar   clamp1, clamp2, clamp3, clamp4, clamp5, clamp6, clamp7
objref 		sn1, i1_ca1, i2_ca1, i3_ca1, i4_ca1, i5_ca1, i6_ca1, i7_ca1
objref      FILE1, FILE2, FILE3, FILE4, FILE5, FILE6, FILE7
strdef 		tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, tmp5, tmp6, tmp7

Cell1 = new BasketCell()  // template for synapse EC to BC
Cell2 = new BasketCell()  // template for synapse CA3 to BC
Cell3 = new BasketCell()  // template for synapse PC to BC
Cell4 = new BasketCell()  // template for synapse BC to BC
Cell5 = new BasketCell()  // template for synapse BSC to BC
Cell6 = new BasketCell()  // template for synapse OLM to BC
Cell7 = new BasketCell()  // template for synapse VIPCR to BC

stim = new NetStim (0.5)
stim.interval 	= 1
stim.number		= 1
stim.start		= 900

// Time parameters///////////////////////////////
tstop = 2000 //stop time in ms
steps_per_ms = 10
dt    = 0.1
n     = tstop*steps_per_ms

//Vclamp for AMPA & GABAA
print "Vclamp"
factor2 = 1.0

//making EC synapse to BC at lmM1 dendrite
w1 = 0.1e-4

Cell1.lmM1  syn1 = new MyExp2Syn(0.5) 
syn1.tau1 = 2.0
syn1.tau2 = 6.3
syn1.e 	  = 0
//making the netcon
sn1	= new NetCon(stim, syn1, -20, 1, w1)

//making CA3 synapse to BC at radMed1 dendrite
w2 = 2.2e-4

Cell2.radMed1 syn2 = new MyExp2Syn(0.5)
syn2.tau1 = 2.0
syn2.tau2 = 6.3
syn2.e    = 0
//making the netcon 
sn2	= new NetCon (stim,syn2,-20, 1, w2)  //..threshold,delay,weight)

//making PC synapse to BC at oriProx1 dendrite
w3 = 7.0e-4

Cell3.oriProx1  syn3 = new MyExp2Syn(0.5) 
syn3.tau1 = 0.07
syn3.tau2 = 0.20
syn3.e 	  = 0
//making the netcon
sn3	= new NetCon(stim, syn3, -20, 1, w3)

//making BC synapse to BC at soma
w4 = 1.6e-3*factor2

Cell4.soma  syn4 = new MyExp2Syn(0.5) 
syn4.tau1 = 0.08
syn4.tau2 = 4.8
syn4.e 	  = -75
//making the netcon
sn4	= new NetCon(stim, syn4, -20, 1, w4)

//making BSC synapse to BC at radMed1 dendrite
w5 = 9.0e-3*factor2

Cell5.radMed1   syn5 = new MyExp2Syn(0.5) 
syn5.tau1 = 0.29
syn5.tau2 = 2.67
syn5.e 	  = -75
//making the netcon
sn5	= new NetCon(stim, syn5, -20, 1, w5)

//making OLM synapse to BC at lmM1 dendrite
w6 = 1.1e-3*factor2

Cell6.lmM1  syn6 = new MyExp2Syn(0.5) 
syn6.tau1 = 0.25
syn6.tau2 = 7.50
syn6.e 	  = -75
//making the netcon
sn6	= new NetCon(stim, syn6, -20, 1, w6)

//making VIPCR synapse to BC at soma
w7 = 9.0e-3*factor2*5.0

Cell7.soma  syn7 = new MyExp2Syn(0.5) 
syn7.tau1 = 0.43
syn7.tau2 = 4.49 	
syn7.e 	  = -75
//making the netcon
sn7	= new NetCon(stim, syn7, -20, 1, w7)

//Vclamp at soma
Cell1.soma clamp1 = new VClamp(0.5)  
Cell2.soma clamp2 = new VClamp(0.5)  
Cell3.soma clamp3 = new VClamp(0.5)  
Cell4.soma clamp4 = new VClamp(0.5)  
Cell5.soma clamp5 = new VClamp(0.5)
Cell6.soma clamp6 = new VClamp(0.5)
Cell7.soma clamp7 = new VClamp(0.5)  

clamp1.dur[0]= 2000			//duration of clamp in ms
clamp1.amp[0]= -61.11       //voltage clamp amplitude / near to Vrest

clamp2.dur[0]= 2000			
clamp2.amp[0]= -61.11

clamp3.dur[0]= 2000			
clamp3.amp[0]= -61.11

clamp4.dur[0]= 2000			
clamp4.amp[0]= -61.11

clamp5.dur[0]= 2000			
clamp5.amp[0]= -61.11

clamp6.dur[0]= 2000			
clamp6.amp[0]= -61.11

clamp7.dur[0]= 2000			
clamp7.amp[0]= -61.11

//cutting potasium
//making the vectors	
i1_ca1 = new Vector(n)
i2_ca1 = new Vector(n)
i3_ca1 = new Vector(n)
i4_ca1 = new Vector(n)
i5_ca1 = new Vector(n)
i6_ca1 = new Vector(n)
i7_ca1 = new Vector(n)



FILE1 = new File()
sprint(tmp1, "SynapticProperties/ECtoBC_i_rec_soma.txt")
for i=0, i1_ca1.size()-1 {FILE1.printf("%f\n",i1_ca1.x[i])}

FILE2 = new File()
sprint(tmp2, "SynapticProperties/CA3toBC_i_rec_soma.txt")
for i=0, i2_ca1.size()-1 {FILE2.printf("%f\n",i2_ca1.x[i])}

FILE3 = new File()
sprint(tmp3, "SynapticProperties/PCtoBC_i_rec_soma.txt")
for i=0, i3_ca1.size()-1 {FILE3.printf("%f\n",i3_ca1.x[i])}

FILE4 = new File()
sprint(tmp4, "SynapticProperties/BCtoBC_i_rec_soma.txt")
for i=0, i4_ca1.size()-1 {FILE4.printf("%f\n",i4_ca1.x[i])}

FILE5 = new File()
sprint(tmp5, "SynapticProperties/BSCtoBC_i_rec_soma.txt")
for i=0, i5_ca1.size()-1 {FILE5.printf("%f\n",i5_ca1.x[i])}

FILE6 = new File()
sprint(tmp6, "SynapticProperties/OLMtoBC_i_rec_soma.txt")
for i=0, i6_ca1.size()-1 {FILE6.printf("%f\n",i6_ca1.x[i])}

FILE7 = new File()
sprint(tmp7, "SynapticProperties/VIPCRtoBC_i_rec_soma.txt")
for i=0, i7_ca1.size()-1 {FILE7.printf("%f\n",i7_ca1.x[i])}