import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sys
import os
dt = 0.1
t1 = 8970 # stimulation at time 900ms (tstim = 9000*dt )
# PC: 10500, ACC: 10500, BC: 10500
# BSC: 10500, OLM: 10500, VIPCCK: 10500 , VIPCR: 10500
t2 = 10500
# select the target cell
# EC_CA3_to_PC or Pyramidal or Axoaxonic or Basket or Bistratified
cell = sys.argv[1]
fname = 'SynapticProperties'
os.system('mkdir -p '+fname+'/plots/')
# ___ ___
############## |___| | ################
############## | | #################
############## | |___ #################
if cell == 'EC_CA3_to_PC':
print("EC and CA3 ampa/nmda to Pyramidal")
# PC cell
with open(fname+'/ampaECtoPC_i_rec_soma.txt', 'r', 0) as f1:
vec1 = f1.readlines()
with open(fname+'/ampaCA3toapicalPC_i_rec_soma.txt', 'r', 0) as f2:
vec2 = f2.readlines()
with open(fname+'/ampaCA3tobasalPC_i_rec_soma.txt', 'r', 0) as f3:
vec3 = f3.readlines()
with open(fname+'/nmdaECtoPC_i_rec_soma.txt', 'r', 0) as f4:
vec4 = f4.readlines()
with open(fname+'/nmdaCA3toapicalPC_i_rec_soma.txt', 'r', 0) as f5:
vec5 = f5.readlines()
with open(fname+'/nmdaCA3tobasalPC_i_rec_soma.txt', 'r', 0) as f6:
vec6 = f6.readlines()
# Make strings as floats with list comprehension
vec1 = [float(x1) for x1 in vec1]
vec2 = [float(x2) for x2 in vec2]
vec3 = [float(x3) for x3 in vec3]
vec4 = [float(x4) for x4 in vec4]
vec5 = [float(x5) for x5 in vec5]
vec6 = [float(x6) for x6 in vec6]
# To convert in pA
vec1_pA = [1000*x1 for x1 in vec1]
vec2_pA = [1000*x2 for x2 in vec2]
vec3_pA = [1000*x3 for x3 in vec3]
vec4_pA = [1000*x4 for x4 in vec4]
vec5_pA = [1000*x5 for x5 in vec5]
vec6_pA = [1000*x6 for x6 in vec6]
t2 = t1+5000 # more time because of slow kinetics of NMDA
M1 = vec1_pA[t1]
M2 = vec2_pA[t1]
M3 = vec3_pA[t1]
M4 = vec4_pA[t1]
M5 = vec5_pA[t1]
M6 = vec6_pA[t1]
vec1n_pA = [x1-M1 for x1 in vec1_pA]
vec2n_pA = [x2-M2 for x2 in vec2_pA]
vec3n_pA = [x3-M3 for x3 in vec3_pA]
vec4n_pA = [x4-M4 for x4 in vec4_pA]
vec5n_pA = [x5-M5 for x5 in vec5_pA]
vec6n_pA = [x6-M6 for x6 in vec6_pA]
a = range(1, len(vec1_pA)+1) # time bins
tb = [x*dt for x in a]
fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(10, 10))
plt.plot(tb[t1:t2], vec1n_pA[t1:t2], label='EC AMPA EPSC')
plt.plot(tb[t1:t2], vec2n_pA[t1:t2], label='CA3 AMPA EPSC (apical)')
plt.plot(tb[t1:t2], vec3n_pA[t1:t2], label='CA3 AMPA EPSC (basal)')
plt.plot(tb[t1:t2], vec4n_pA[t1:t2], label='EC NMDA EPSC')
plt.plot(tb[t1:t2], vec5n_pA[t1:t2], label='CA3 NMDA EPSC (apical)')
plt.plot(tb[t1:t2], vec6n_pA[t1:t2], label='CA3 NMDA EPSC (basal)')
mn = min(vec3n_pA[t1:t2]) # min epsc/ipsc
mx = max(vec1n_pA[t1:t2]) # max epsc/ipsc
rg = int(mx-mn)/10
rg = rg - rg % 10
plt.plot([1030, 1030], [mn+5, mn+5+1], linewidth=1.6,
color='black') # 5 pA vertical
plt.plot([1030, 1130], [mn+5, mn+5], linewidth=1.6, color='black') # 10 ms
plt.text(1050, mn+5.2, r'1 pA', fontweight='bold')
plt.text(1052, mn+4.2, r'100 ms', fontweight='bold')
plt.ylabel('Current (pA)')
plt.xlabel('Time (ms)')
plt.suptitle('Post-synaptic ampa & nmda currents from EC & CA3 to Pyramidal',
fontsize=14, fontweight='bold')
format='pdf', dpi=600)
elif cell == 'Pyramidal':
print("Pyramidal Cell plot")
# PC cell
with open(fname+'/BCtoPC_i_rec_soma.txt', 'r', 0) as f1:
vec1 = f1.readlines()
with open(fname+'/VIPCCKtoPC_i_rec_soma.txt', 'r', 0) as f2:
vec2 = f2.readlines()
with open(fname+'/AACtoPC_i_rec_soma.txt', 'r', 0) as f3:
vec3 = f3.readlines()
with open(fname+'/gabaaOLMtoPC_i_rec_soma.txt', 'r', 0) as f4:
vec4 = f4.readlines()
with open(fname+'/gabaaBSCtoPC_i_rec_soma.txt', 'r', 0) as f5:
vec5 = f5.readlines()
with open(fname+'/gabaaBSCtobasalPC_i_rec_soma.txt', 'r', 0) as f6:
vec6 = f6.readlines()
with open(fname+'/PCtoPC_i_rec_soma.txt', 'r', 0) as f7:
vec7 = f7.readlines()
# Make strings as floats with list comprehension
vec1 = [float(x1) for x1 in vec1]
vec2 = [float(x2) for x2 in vec2]
vec3 = [float(x3) for x3 in vec3]
vec4 = [float(x4) for x4 in vec4]
vec5 = [float(x5) for x5 in vec5]
vec6 = [float(x6) for x6 in vec6]
vec7 = [float(x7) for x7 in vec7]
# To convert in pA
vec1_pA = [1000*x1 for x1 in vec1]
vec2_pA = [1000*x2 for x2 in vec2]
vec3_pA = [1000*x3 for x3 in vec3]
vec4_pA = [1000*x4 for x4 in vec4]
vec5_pA = [1000*x5 for x5 in vec5]
vec6_pA = [1000*x6 for x6 in vec6]
vec7_pA = [1000*x7 for x7 in vec7]
a = range(1, len(vec1_pA)+1) # time bins
tb = [x*dt for x in a]
fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(10, 10))
plt.plot(tb[t1:t2], vec1_pA[t1:t2], label='BC IPSC')
plt.plot(tb[t1:t2], vec2_pA[t1:t2], label='VIPCCK IPSC')
plt.plot(tb[t1:t2], vec3_pA[t1:t2], label='ACC IPSC')
plt.plot(tb[t1:t2], vec4_pA[t1:t2], label='GABAA OLM IPSC')
plt.plot(tb[t1:t2], vec5_pA[t1:t2], label='GABAA BSC (apical) IPSC')
plt.plot(tb[t1:t2], vec6_pA[t1:t2], label='GABAA BSC (basal) IPSC')
plt.plot(tb[t1:t2], vec7_pA[t1:t2], label='PC EPSC')
mn = min(vec7_pA[t1:t2]) # min epsc/ipsc
mx = max(vec3_pA[t1:t2]) # max epsc/ipsc
rg = int(mx-mn)/10
rg = rg - rg % 10
plt.plot([1000, 1000], [mn+150, mn+150+20],
linewidth=1.6, color='black') # 5 pA vertical
plt.plot([1000, 1010], [mn+150, mn+150],
linewidth=1.6, color='black') # 10 ms
plt.text(985, mn+154, r'20 pA', fontweight='bold')
plt.text(1002, mn+140, r'10 ms', fontweight='bold')
plt.ylabel('Current (pA)')
plt.xlabel('Time (ms)')
plt.suptitle(' Post-synaptic currents from all cells except EC & CA3 ',
fontsize=14, fontweight='bold')
format='pdf', dpi=600)
# plt.sh1ow()
# ___
############## /\ /\ | ##############
############# /__\ /__\ | #################
############ / \ / \ |___ #################
elif cell == 'Axoaxonic':
print("Axoaxonic Cell plot")
# AAC cell
with open(fname+'/ECtoAAC_i_rec_soma.txt', 'r', 0) as f1:
vec1 = f1.readlines()
with open(fname+'/CA3toAAC_i_rec_soma.txt', 'r', 0) as f2:
vec2 = f2.readlines()
with open(fname+'/PCtoAAC_i_rec_soma.txt', 'r', 0) as f3:
vec3 = f3.readlines()
with open(fname+'/BCtoAAC_i_rec_soma.txt', 'r', 0) as f4:
vec4 = f4.readlines()
with open(fname+'/BSCtoAAC_i_rec_soma.txt', 'r', 0) as f5:
vec5 = f5.readlines()
with open(fname+'/OLMtoAAC_i_rec_soma.txt', 'r', 0) as f6:
vec6 = f6.readlines()
with open(fname+'/VIPCCKtoAAC_i_rec_soma.txt', 'r', 0) as f7:
vec7 = f7.readlines()
# Make strings as floats with list comprehension
vec1 = [float(x1) for x1 in vec1]
vec2 = [float(x2) for x2 in vec2]
vec3 = [float(x3) for x3 in vec3]
vec4 = [float(x4) for x4 in vec4]
vec5 = [float(x5) for x5 in vec5]
vec6 = [float(x6) for x6 in vec6]
vec7 = [float(x7) for x7 in vec7]
# To convert in pA
vec1_pA = [1000*x1 for x1 in vec1]
vec2_pA = [1000*x2 for x2 in vec2]
vec3_pA = [1000*x3 for x3 in vec3]
vec4_pA = [1000*x4 for x4 in vec4]
vec5_pA = [1000*x5 for x5 in vec5]
vec6_pA = [1000*x6 for x6 in vec6]
vec7_pA = [1000*x7 for x7 in vec7]
a = range(1, len(vec1_pA)+1) # time bins
tb = [x*dt for x in a]
fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(10, 10))
plt.plot(tb[t1:t2], vec1_pA[t1:t2], label='EC EPSC')
plt.plot(tb[t1:t2], vec2_pA[t1:t2], label='CA3 EPSC')
plt.plot(tb[t1:t2], vec3_pA[t1:t2], label='PC EPSC')
plt.plot(tb[t1:t2], vec4_pA[t1:t2], label='BC IPSC')
plt.plot(tb[t1:t2], vec5_pA[t1:t2], label='BSC IPSC')
plt.plot(tb[t1:t2], vec6_pA[t1:t2], label='OLM IPSC')
plt.plot(tb[t1:t2], vec7_pA[t1:t2], label='VIPCCK IPSC')
mn = min(vec2_pA[t1:t2])
mx = max(vec7_pA[t1:t2])
rg = int(mx-mn)/10
rg = rg - rg % 10
plt.text(1025, mn+2.2, r'1 pA', fontweight='bold')
plt.text(1042, mn+1.5, r'10 ms', fontweight='bold')
plt.plot([1040, 1040], [mn+2, mn+2 + 1],
linewidth=1.6, color='black') # 1 pA vertical
plt.plot([1040, 1050], [mn+2, mn+2], linewidth=1.6, color='black') # 10 ms
plt.ylabel('Current (pA)')
plt.xlabel('Time (ms)')
plt.suptitle(' Post-synaptic currents to AAC ',
fontsize=14, fontweight='bold')
format='pdf', dpi=600)
# ___ ___
############# | | | #################
############# |~~~ | #################
############# |___| |___ #################
elif cell == "Basket":
print("Basket Cell plot")
# BC cell
with open(fname+'/ECtoBC_i_rec_soma.txt', 'r', 0) as f1:
vec1 = f1.readlines()
with open(fname+'/CA3toBC_i_rec_soma.txt', 'r', 0) as f2:
vec2 = f2.readlines()
with open(fname+'/PCtoBC_i_rec_soma.txt', 'r', 0) as f3:
vec3 = f3.readlines()
with open(fname+'/BCtoBC_i_rec_soma.txt', 'r', 0) as f4:
vec4 = f4.readlines()
with open(fname+'/BSCtoBC_i_rec_soma.txt', 'r', 0) as f5:
vec5 = f5.readlines()
with open(fname+'/OLMtoBC_i_rec_soma.txt', 'r', 0) as f6:
vec6 = f6.readlines()
with open(fname+'/VIPCRtoBC_i_rec_soma.txt', 'r', 0) as f7:
vec7 = f7.readlines()
# Make strings as floats with list comprehension
vec1 = [float(x1) for x1 in vec1]
vec2 = [float(x2) for x2 in vec2]
vec3 = [float(x3) for x3 in vec3]
vec4 = [float(x4) for x4 in vec4]
vec5 = [float(x5) for x5 in vec5]
vec6 = [float(x6) for x6 in vec6]
vec7 = [float(x7) for x7 in vec7]
# To convert in pA
vec1_pA = [1000*x1 for x1 in vec1]
vec2_pA = [1000*x2 for x2 in vec2]
vec3_pA = [1000*x3 for x3 in vec3]
vec4_pA = [1000*x4 for x4 in vec4]
vec5_pA = [1000*x5 for x5 in vec5]
vec6_pA = [1000*x6 for x6 in vec6]
vec7_pA = [1000*x7 for x7 in vec7]
a = range(1, len(vec1_pA)+1) # time bins
tb = [x*dt for x in a]
fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(10, 10))
plt.plot(tb[t1:t2], vec1_pA[t1:t2], label='EC EPSC')
plt.plot(tb[t1:t2], vec2_pA[t1:t2], label='CA3 EPSC')
plt.plot(tb[t1:t2], vec3_pA[t1:t2], label='PC EPSC')
plt.plot(tb[t1:t2], vec4_pA[t1:t2], label='BC IPSC')
plt.plot(tb[t1:t2], vec5_pA[t1:t2], label='BSC IPSC')
plt.plot(tb[t1:t2], vec6_pA[t1:t2], label='OLM IPSC')
plt.plot(tb[t1:t2], vec7_pA[t1:t2], label='VIPCR IPSC')
mn = min(vec3_pA[t1:t2]) # min PC
mx = max(vec7_pA[t1:t2]) # max VIPCR
rg = int(mx-mn)/10
rg = rg - rg % 10
plt.text(1015, mn+105, r'60 pA', fontweight='bold')
plt.text(1032, mn+65, r'10 ms', fontweight='bold')
plt.plot([1030, 1030], [mn+90, mn+90 + rg],
linewidth=1.6, color='black') # 60 pA vertical
plt.plot([1030, 1040], [mn+90, mn+90],
linewidth=1.6, color='black') # 10 ms
plt.ylabel('Current (pA)')
plt.xlabel('Time (ms)')
plt.suptitle(' Post-synaptic currents to BC ',
fontsize=14, fontweight='bold')
format='pdf', dpi=600)
# ___ __ ___
############# | | |__ | ###########
############# |--- | | #################
############# |___| ___| |___ #################
elif cell == "Bistratified":
print("Bistratified Cell plot")
# BC cell
with open(fname+'/ECtoBSC_i_rec_soma.txt', 'r', 0) as f1:
vec1 = f1.readlines()
with open(fname+'/CA3toBSC_i_rec_soma.txt', 'r', 0) as f2:
vec2 = f2.readlines()
with open(fname+'/PCtoBSC_i_rec_soma.txt', 'r', 0) as f3:
vec3 = f3.readlines()
with open(fname+'/BCtoBSC_i_rec_soma.txt', 'r', 0) as f4:
vec4 = f4.readlines()
with open(fname+'/BSCtoBSC_i_rec_soma.txt', 'r', 0) as f5:
vec5 = f5.readlines()
with open(fname+'/OLMtoBSC_i_rec_soma.txt', 'r', 0) as f6:
vec6 = f6.readlines()
with open(fname+'/VIPCCKtoBSC_i_rec_soma.txt', 'r', 0) as f7:
vec7 = f7.readlines()
# Make strings as floats with list comprehension
vec1 = [float(x1) for x1 in vec1]
vec2 = [float(x2) for x2 in vec2]
vec3 = [float(x3) for x3 in vec3]
vec4 = [float(x4) for x4 in vec4]
vec5 = [float(x5) for x5 in vec5]
vec6 = [float(x6) for x6 in vec6]
vec7 = [float(x7) for x7 in vec7]
# To convert in pA
vec1_pA = [1000*x1 for x1 in vec1]
vec2_pA = [1000*x2 for x2 in vec2]
vec3_pA = [1000*x3 for x3 in vec3]
vec4_pA = [1000*x4 for x4 in vec4]
vec5_pA = [1000*x5 for x5 in vec5]
vec6_pA = [1000*x6 for x6 in vec6]
vec7_pA = [1000*x7 for x7 in vec7]
a = range(1, len(vec1_pA)+1) # time bins
tb = [x*dt for x in a]
fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(10, 10))
plt.plot(tb[t1:t2], vec1_pA[t1:t2], label='EC EPSC')
plt.plot(tb[t1:t2], vec2_pA[t1:t2], label='CA3 EPSC')
plt.plot(tb[t1:t2], vec3_pA[t1:t2], label='PC EPSC')
plt.plot(tb[t1:t2], vec4_pA[t1:t2], label='BC IPSC')
plt.plot(tb[t1:t2], vec5_pA[t1:t2], label='BSC IPSC')
plt.plot(tb[t1:t2], vec6_pA[t1:t2], label='OLM IPSC')
plt.plot(tb[t1:t2], vec7_pA[t1:t2], label='VIPCR IPSC')
mn = min(vec3_pA[t1:t2]) # min PC
mx = max(vec4_pA[t1:t2]) # max VIPCR
rg = int(mx-mn)/10
rg = rg - rg % 10
plt.text(1005, mn+53, r'10 pA', fontweight='bold')
plt.text(1023, mn+47, r'10 ms', fontweight='bold')
plt.plot([1020, 1020], [mn+50, mn+50 + rg], linewidth=1.6,
color='black') # 10 pA vertical or pA
plt.plot([1020, 1030], [mn+50, mn+50],
linewidth=1.6, color='black') # 10 ms
plt.ylabel('Current (pA)')
plt.xlabel('Time (ms)')
plt.suptitle(' Post-synaptic currents to BSC ',
fontsize=14, fontweight='bold')
format='pdf', dpi=600)
# ___
############# | | | |\ /| ###########
############# | | | | \/ | ##############
############# |___| |____ | | #################
elif cell == "OLM":
print("OLM Cell plot")
# BC cell
with open(fname+'/CA3toOLM_i_rec_soma.txt', 'r', 0) as f1:
vec1 = f1.readlines()
with open(fname+'/PCtoOLM_i_rec_soma.txt', 'r', 0) as f2:
vec2 = f2.readlines()
with open(fname+'/BSCtoOLM_i_rec_soma.txt', 'r', 0) as f3:
vec3 = f3.readlines()
with open(fname+'/OLMtoOLM_i_rec_soma.txt', 'r', 0) as f4:
vec4 = f4.readlines()
with open(fname+'/VIPCRtoOLM_i_rec_soma.txt', 'r', 0) as f5:
vec5 = f5.readlines()
# Make strings as floats with list comprehension
vec1 = [float(x1) for x1 in vec1]
vec2 = [float(x2) for x2 in vec2]
vec3 = [float(x3) for x3 in vec3]
vec4 = [float(x4) for x4 in vec4]
vec5 = [float(x5) for x5 in vec5]
# To convert in pA
vec1_pA = [1000*x1 for x1 in vec1]
vec2_pA = [1000*x2 for x2 in vec2]
vec3_pA = [1000*x3 for x3 in vec3]
vec4_pA = [1000*x4 for x4 in vec4]
vec5_pA = [1000*x5 for x5 in vec5]
a = range(1, len(vec1_pA)+1) # time bins
tb = [x*dt for x in a]
fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(10, 10))
plt.plot(tb[t1:t2], vec1_pA[t1:t2], label='CA3 EPSC')
plt.plot(tb[t1:t2], vec2_pA[t1:t2], label='PC EPSC')
plt.plot(tb[t1:t2], vec3_pA[t1:t2], label='BSC IPSC')
plt.plot(tb[t1:t2], vec4_pA[t1:t2], label='OLM IPSC')
plt.plot(tb[t1:t2], vec5_pA[t1:t2], label='VIPCR IPSC')
mn = min(vec2_pA[t1:t2]) # min PC
mx = max(vec5_pA[t1:t2]) # max VIPCR
rg = int(mx-mn)/10
rg = rg - rg % 10
plt.text(1011, mn+4.5, r'1 pA', fontweight='bold')
plt.text(1028, mn+3.5, r'10 ms', fontweight='bold')
plt.plot([1025, 1025], [mn+4, mn+4 + 1], linewidth=1.6,
color='black') # 1 pA vertical or pA
plt.plot([1025, 1035], [mn+4, mn+4], linewidth=1.6, color='black') # 10 ms
plt.ylabel('Current (pA)')
plt.xlabel('Time (ms)')
plt.suptitle(' Post-synaptic currents to OLM ',
fontsize=14, fontweight='bold')
format='pdf', dpi=600)
# ___ ___ ___
########### \ / | |___| | | | / ###########
############ \ / | | | | |< ##############
############# \/ | | |___ |___ | \ ################
elif cell == "VIPCCK":
print("VIPCCK Cell plot")
# VIPCCK cell
with open(fname+'/ECtoVIPCCK_i_rec_soma.txt', 'r', 0) as f1:
vec1 = f1.readlines()
with open(fname+'/CA3toVIPCCK_i_rec_soma.txt', 'r', 0) as f2:
vec2 = f2.readlines()
with open(fname+'/PCtoVIPCCK_i_rec_soma.txt', 'r', 0) as f3:
vec3 = f3.readlines()
with open(fname+'/BCtoVIPCCK_i_rec_soma.txt', 'r', 0) as f4:
vec4 = f4.readlines()
with open(fname+'/BSCtoVIPCCK_i_rec_soma.txt', 'r', 0) as f5:
vec5 = f5.readlines()
with open(fname+'/OLMtoVIPCCK_i_rec_soma.txt', 'r', 0) as f6:
vec6 = f6.readlines()
with open(fname+'/VIPCCKtoVIPCCK_i_rec_soma.txt', 'r', 0) as f7:
vec7 = f7.readlines()
# Make strings as floats with list comprehension
vec1 = [float(x1) for x1 in vec1]
vec2 = [float(x2) for x2 in vec2]
vec3 = [float(x3) for x3 in vec3]
vec4 = [float(x4) for x4 in vec4]
vec5 = [float(x5) for x5 in vec5]
vec6 = [float(x6) for x6 in vec6]
vec7 = [float(x7) for x7 in vec7]
# To convert in pA
vec1_pA = [1000*x1 for x1 in vec1]
vec2_pA = [1000*x2 for x2 in vec2]
vec3_pA = [1000*x3 for x3 in vec3]
vec4_pA = [1000*x4 for x4 in vec4]
vec5_pA = [1000*x5 for x5 in vec5]
vec6_pA = [1000*x6 for x6 in vec6]
vec7_pA = [1000*x7 for x7 in vec7]
a = range(1, len(vec1_pA)+1) # time bins
tb = [x*dt for x in a]
fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(10, 10))
plt.plot(tb[t1:t2], vec1_pA[t1:t2], label='EC EPSC')
plt.plot(tb[t1:t2], vec2_pA[t1:t2], label='CA3 EPSC')
plt.plot(tb[t1:t2], vec3_pA[t1:t2], label='PC EPSC')
plt.plot(tb[t1:t2], vec4_pA[t1:t2], label='BC IPSC')
plt.plot(tb[t1:t2], vec5_pA[t1:t2], label='BSC IPSC')
plt.plot(tb[t1:t2], vec6_pA[t1:t2], label='OLM IPSC')
plt.plot(tb[t1:t2], vec7_pA[t1:t2], label='VIPCR IPSC')
mn = min(vec3_pA[t1:t2]) # min epsc (PC)
mx = max(vec4_pA[t1:t2]) # max ipsc (VIPCR)
rg = int(mx-mn)/10
rg = rg - rg % 10
plt.text(1027, mn+21.5, r'5 pA', fontweight='bold')
plt.text(1047, mn+18.5, r'10 ms', fontweight='bold')
plt.plot([1045, 1045], [mn+20, mn+20 + 5], linewidth=1.6,
color='black') # 5 pA vertical or pA
plt.plot([1045, 1055], [mn+20, mn+20],
linewidth=1.6, color='black') # 10 ms
plt.ylabel('Current (pA)')
plt.xlabel('Time (ms)')
plt.suptitle(' Post-synaptic currents to VIPCCK ',
fontsize=14, fontweight='bold')
format='pdf', dpi=600)
# ___ ___ ___
########### \ / | |___| | |___| ###########
############ \ / | | | | \ ##############
############# \/ | | |___ | \ ################
elif cell == "VIPCR":
print("VIPCR Cell plot")
# VIPCR cell
with open(fname+'/ECtoVIPCR_i_rec_soma.txt', 'r', 0) as f1:
vec1 = f1.readlines()
with open(fname+'/CA3toVIPCR_i_rec_soma.txt', 'r', 0) as f2:
vec2 = f2.readlines()
with open(fname+'/PCtoVIPCR_i_rec_soma.txt', 'r', 0) as f3:
vec3 = f3.readlines()
# Make strings as floats with list comprehension
vec1 = [float(x1) for x1 in vec1]
vec2 = [float(x2) for x2 in vec2]
vec3 = [float(x3) for x3 in vec3]
# To convert in pA
vec1_pA = [1000*x1 for x1 in vec1]
vec2_pA = [1000*x2 for x2 in vec2]
vec3_pA = [1000*x3 for x3 in vec3]
a = range(1, len(vec1_pA)+1) # time bins
# print a
tb = [x*dt for x in a]
fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(10, 10))
plt.plot(tb[t1:t2], vec1_pA[t1:t2], label='EC EPSC')
plt.plot(tb[t1:t2], vec2_pA[t1:t2], label='CA3 EPSC')
plt.plot(tb[t1:t2], vec3_pA[t1:t2], label='PC EPSC')
mn = min(vec3_pA[t1:t2]) # min PC
mx = 0 # max 0
rg = int(mx-mn)/10
rg = rg - rg % 10
# print mx,mn, rg
plt.text(1016, mn+21.5, r'5 pA', fontweight='bold')
plt.text(1033, mn+18.5, r'10 ms', fontweight='bold')
plt.plot([1030, 1030], [mn+20, mn+20 + 5], linewidth=1.6,
color='black') # 5 pA vertical or pA
plt.plot([1030, 1040], [mn+20, mn+20],
linewidth=1.6, color='black') # 10 ms
plt.ylabel('Current (pA)')
plt.xlabel('Time (ms)')
plt.suptitle(' Post-synaptic currents to VIPCR ',
fontsize=14, fontweight='bold')
format='pdf', dpi=600)
print("oops!! something is going wrong! Not a valid Input argument.")