// This file contains functions to create a synapses from the LGN     //
// based on varicosity positions that are read from a file.           //
//                                                                    //                                                                  
// Setup:                                                             //
// 1. Specify the varicosities by creating a text file of x y z       //
//    coordinates for the varicosities, one varicosity per line.      //
// 2. Call make_lgn_synapses                                          //
//                                                                    //
// Modeling notes:                                                    //
// The turtle visual cortex is characterized by long range input      //
// connections that go from the lateral geniculate across the entire  //
// cortex. The model assumes that the synapses to target neurons are  //
// made through varicosities, which are nodules that appear along     //
// these long range input connections. The lgn has synapses to the    //
// lateral, medial, stellate and subpial neurons, but not the         //
// horizontal neurons. Neurons that are within a specified distance   //
// from these varicosities have a synapse target. The lateral, medial //
// and stellate neurons have a single target, but the subpial cells   //
// contain a range of target compartments.                            //
include ../lib/global_constants.g
include ../lib/synapses.g

//============ LOCATION OF LGN SYNAPSE TARGETS ======================//
str LGN_LAT_TARGET = "/basal2"  // Lateral target for geniculate synapses
str LGN_MED_TARGET = "/dend3"   // Medial target for geniculate synapses
str LGN_STE_TARGET = "/dend16"  // Stellate target for geniculate synapses
str LGN_SUB_TARGET = "/dend"    // Subpial target base for geniculate synapses

// Subpial targets are dendrites [LGN_SUB_TARGET_LO, LGN_SUB_TARGET_HI]

//=============== LGN SYNAPSE TARGET NAMES =========================//
str LGN_LAT_SYNAPSE = "lgn_lat"
str LGN_MED_SYNAPSE = "lgn_med"
str LGN_STE_SYNAPSE = "lgn_stel"
str LGN_SUB_SYNAPSE = "lgn_subp"

//================LGN SYNAPTIC WEIGHTS ============================//
float LGN_LAT_W = 1.87
float LGN_MED_W = 0.25
float LGN_STE_W = 0.25
float LGN_SUB_W = 0.25

//========LGN EFFECTIVE DISTANCE TO VARICOSITIES (in mm)==========//
float LGN_LAT_R = 0.026
float LGN_MED_R = 0.06
float LGN_STE_R = 0.025
float LGN_SUB_R = 0.025

//=====================LGN SYNAPTIC PARAMETERS ===================//
float LGN_GS = 5e-9
float LGN_DELAY_FACTOR = 1e-3/ 0.18

//============= LGN PARAMETERS FOR AMPA RECEPTORS ===============//
float LGN_TA = 3.0e-3
float LGN_TTA = 0.3e-3
float LGN_EA = 0.0e-3

//============= SYNAPSE COUNTS FOR DEBUGGING ===================//
int lgn_lat_count = 0 
int lgn_med_count = 0
int lgn_ste_count = 0
int lgn_sub_count = 0

/* ******************************************************************
     Create a synapse for each member of the root group. The synapse 
     contains an AMPA receptor that will sum the contributions 
     of all geniculate neuron sources that impinge on
     the neuron
        root           root of the neuron group hierarchy
        target         target compartment for the group
        syn_name       base name of synapse for this group

****************************************************************** */  
function create_geniculate_synapses_for_group (root, target, syn_name)
     str root, target, syn_name                            

     	str name, dest
     	str syn_chan_a = {syn_name}@"_a"
     foreach name  ({el {{root}@"/cell"}#})
        dest = {name}@{target}          
        // AMPA receptor
        make_synapse {dest} {syn_chan_a} {LGN_GS} {LGN_EA} {LGN_TA} {LGN_TTA}

/* ******************************************************************
     Create a synapse for each member of the root group. The synapse 
     contains an AMPA receptor that will sum the contributions 
     of all geniculate neuron sources that impinge on
     the neuron
        root           root of the neuron group hierarchy
        target         target compartment for the group
        syn_name       base name of synapse for this group
        low            lowest index compartment to be connected
        high           highest index compartment to be connected

****************************************************************** */  
function create_geniculate_synapses_for_interval_group (root, target, \
                        syn_name, low, high)
     str root, target, syn_name
     int low, high                            
     str syn_chan_a = {syn_name}@"_a"
     str name, dest
     int i
		foreach name  ({el {{root}@"/cell"}#})
         for (i = low; i <= high; i = i + 1)
            dest = {name}@{{target}@{i}}
            // AMPA receptor
            make_synapse {dest} {syn_chan_a} {LGN_GS} {LGN_EA} {LGN_TA} {LGN_TTA}

/* ******************************************************************
     Connects synapses for each member of the root group within a 
     specified radius of the src varicosity.
        root           root of the neuron group hierarchy
        src            lgn soma source
        syn_name       base name of synapse for this group
        target         target compartment for the group
        x_var          x coordinate for the varicosity
        y_var          y coordinate for the varicosity
        dist_var       distance from lgn src to varicosity
        radius         effective distance of synapse
        weight         synaptic weight

      Returns:  number of synapses created for this src and varicosity
****************************************************************** */  
function connect_geniculate_synapse_group(root, src, syn_name, target, \
                                x_var, y_var, dist_var, radius, weight)
   str root, src, syn_name, target
   float x_var, y_var, dist_lgn_var, radius, weight
   str dest, name
   str syn_chan_a = {syn_name}@"_a"
   int syn_count = 0
   float x, y, dist, tdelay
   foreach name  ({el {{root}@"/cell"}#})
      x = {getfield {name} x}
      y = {getfield {name} y}
      dist = {sqrt  {(x_var - x)**2 + (y_var - y)**2} }
      if (dist <= radius)
         tdelay = ({dist_var} + {dist}) * LGN_DELAY_FACTOR //sec
         dest = {name}@{target}
         connect_synapse {src} {dest} {syn_chan_a} {tdelay} {weight}
         syn_count = syn_count + 1
   return syn_count

 /* ******************************************************************
     Connects synapses for each member of the root group within a 
     specified radius of the src varicosity. Multiple synaptic 
     connections are made to each target neuron. In particular, all
     compartments with base name target and index in [low, high] are
        root           root of the neuron group hierarchy
        src            lgn soma source
        syn_name       base name of synapse for this group
        target         target compartment for the group
        x_var          x coordinate for the varicosity
        y_var          y coordinate for the varicosity
        dist_lgn_var   distance from lgn src to varicosity
        radius         effective distance of synapse
        weight         synaptic weight
        low            lowest index compartment to be connected
        high           highest index compartment to be connected

      Returns:  number of synapses created for this src and varicosity
****************************************************************** */ 
 function connect_geniculate_synapse_interval_group(root, src, syn_name, target, \
                            x_var, y_var, dist_lgn_var, radius, weight, low, high)
   str root, src, syn_name, target
   int low, high
   float x_var, y_var, dist_lgn_var, radius, weight
   str syn_chan_a = {syn_name}@"_a"
   str dest, name
   int i
   int syn_count = 0
   float x, y, dist, tdelay
   foreach name  ({el {{root}@"/cell"}#})
      x = {getfield {name} x}
      y = {getfield {name} y}
      dist = {sqrt  {(x_var - x)**2 + (y_var - y)**2} }
      if (dist <= radius)
         tdelay = ({dist_lgn_var} + {dist}) * LGN_DELAY_FACTOR //sec
         for (i = low; i <= high; i = i + 1)
            dest = {name}@{{target}@{i}}
            connect_synapse {src} {dest} {syn_chan_a} {tdelay} {weight}  
            syn_count = syn_count + 1;
   return syn_count

/* ******************************************************************
     Connects the synapses from lgn to lateral neurons
        root           root of lateral neuron hierarchy
        src            lgn soma source
        x_var          x coordinate of the varicosity
        y_var          y coordinate of the varicosity
        dist_var       distance of source lgn neuron to varicosity

     Synapses with weight LGN_LAT_W are created for lateral neurons 
     within distance LGN_LAT_R of a varicosity. The lateral target 
     compartment for the synapse is LGN_LAT_TARGET, and the synapse
     is stored in the object hierachy under the lateral target
     compartment under the name LGN_LAT_SYNAPSE#.
****************************************************************** */  
function connect_geniculate_lateral_synapses (root, src, x_var, \
                                    y_var, dist_var)
   str root, src
   float x_var, y_var, dist_var

   lgn_lat_count = lgn_lat_count + {connect_geniculate_synapse_group \
                   {root} {src} {LGN_LAT_SYNAPSE} {LGN_LAT_TARGET} \
                   {x_var} {y_var} {dist_var} {LGN_LAT_R} {LGN_LAT_W}}                            

/* ******************************************************************
     Connects the synapses from lgn to medial neurons
        root           root of medial neuron hierarchy
        src            lgn soma source
        x_var          x coordinate of the varicosity
        y_var          y coordinate of the varicosity
        dist_var       distance of source lgn neuron to varicosity
     Synapses with weight LGN_MED_W are created for medial neurons 
     within distance LGN_MED_R of a varicosity. The medial target 
     compartment for the synapse is LGN_MED_TARGET, and the synapse
     is stored in the object hierachy under the medial target
     compartment with the name LGN_MED_SYNAPSE@syn_index. 
****************************************************************** */  
function connect_geniculate_medial_synapses (root, src, x_var, \
                                   y_var, dist_var)
   str root, src
   float x_var, y_var, dist_var
   lgn_med_count = lgn_med_count + {connect_geniculate_synapse_group \
                   {root} {src} {LGN_MED_SYNAPSE} {LGN_MED_TARGET} \
                   {x_var} {y_var} {dist_var} {LGN_MED_R} {LGN_MED_W}}                            

/* ******************************************************************
     Connects the synapses from lgn to stellate neurons
        root           root of stellate neuron hierarchy
        src            lgn soma source
        x_var          x coordinate of the varicosity
        y_var          y coordinate of the varicosity
        dist_var       distance of source lgn neuron to varicosity
     Synapses with weight LGN_STE_W are created for stellate neurons 
     within distance LGN_STE_R of a varicosity. The stellate target 
     compartment for the synapse is LGN_STE_TARGET, and the synapse
     is stored in the object hierachy under the stellate target
     compartment under the name LGN_STE_SYNAPSE#.
****************************************************************** */  
function connect_geniculate_stellate_synapses (root, src, x_var, \
                                     y_var, dist_var)
   str root, src
   float x_var, y_var, dist_var
   lgn_ste_count = lgn_ste_count +  {connect_geniculate_synapse_group \
                   {root} {src} {LGN_STE_SYNAPSE} {LGN_STE_TARGET} \
                   {x_var} {y_var}  {dist_var} {LGN_STE_R} {LGN_STE_W}}                      

/* ******************************************************************
     Connects the synapses from lgn to subpial neurons
        root           root of subpial neuron hierarchy
        src            lgn soma source
        x_var          x coordinate of the varicosity
        y_var          y coordinate of the varicosity
        dist_var       distance of source lgn neuron to varicosity
     Synapses with weight LGN_SUB_W are created for subpial neurons 
     within distance LGN_SUB_R of a varicosity. However, instead of
     targeting a single neuronal compartment, the synapse targets
     all subpial compartments of the form LGN_SUB_TARGET# where #
     ranges from LGN_SUB_TARGET_LO to LGN_SUB_TARGET_HI. The default
     specifies 28 compartments (#s 2 through 29). The synapses
     are stored in the object hierachy under the subpial target
     compartment under the name LGN_STE_SYNAPSE#.
****************************************************************** */  
function connect_geniculate_subpial_synapses (root, src, x_var, \
                                    y_var, dist_var)
   str root, src
   int var_index
   float x_var, y_var, dist_var
   lgn_sub_count = lgn_sub_count + {connect_geniculate_synapse_interval_group \
                   {root} {src} {LGN_SUB_SYNAPSE} {LGN_SUB_TARGET} \
                   {x_var} {y_var}  {dist_var} {LGN_SUB_R} {LGN_SUB_W} \        
                   {LGN_SUB_TARGET_LO} {LGN_SUB_TARGET_HI}}

/* ******************************************************************
     Creates the synapses from lgn in the NGU model
        varicosity_coords   name of file containing varicosity coordinates
        lgn_root            root of the hierarchy for geniculate neurons
        lat_root            root of the hierarchy for lateral neurons
        med_root            root of the hierarchy for medial neurons
        ste_root            root of the hierarchy for stellate neurons
        sub_root            root of the hierarchy for subpial neurons                      
****************************************************************** */  
function make_lgn_synapses(varicosity_coords, lgn_root, lat_root, \
                           med_root, ste_root, sub_root)
   str varicosity_coords, lat_root, lgn_root, med_root, ste_root, sub_root
   //Start by creating a representative synapse for each potential target neuron
   create_geniculate_synapses_for_group {lat_root} {LGN_LAT_TARGET} {LGN_LAT_SYNAPSE} 
   create_geniculate_synapses_for_group {med_root} {LGN_MED_TARGET} {LGN_MED_SYNAPSE} 
   create_geniculate_synapses_for_group {ste_root} {LGN_STE_TARGET} {LGN_STE_SYNAPSE} 
   create_geniculate_synapses_for_interval_group {sub_root} {LGN_SUB_TARGET} \
   //Now create spikes from varicosities for geniculate source neurons
   openfile {varicosity_coords} r
   str name, src
   str line = {readfile {varicosity_coords} -linemode}
   float x_var, y_var, x_lgn, y_lgn, dist_lgn_var, lgn_index_temp
   int lgn_index
   int count = 0
   while (!{eof {varicosity_coords}})
      count = count + 1
      x_var = {getarg {arglist {line}} -arg 1}
      y_var = {getarg {arglist {line}} -arg 2}
      lgn_index_temp = {getarg {arglist {line}} -arg 3}
      lgn_index = lgn_index_temp
      name = {lgn_root}@{"/cell"@{lgn_index}}
      x_lgn = {getfield {name} x}
      y_lgn = {getfield {name} y}
      dist_lgn_var = {sqrt  {(x_var - x_lgn)**2 + (y_var - y_lgn)**2} }
      src = {name}@"/soma/spike"
      connect_geniculate_lateral_synapses {lat_root} {src} \
          {x_var} {y_var} {dist_lgn_var}
      connect_geniculate_medial_synapses {med_root} {src} \
          {x_var} {y_var} {dist_lgn_var}
      connect_geniculate_stellate_synapses {ste_root} {src} \
          {x_var} {y_var} {dist_lgn_var}
      connect_geniculate_subpial_synapses {sub_root} {src} \ 
          {x_var} {y_var} {dist_lgn_var}
      line = {readfile {varicosity_coords} -linemode}

   closefile {varicosity_coords}
   if (ECHO_ON == 1)
      echo "Created lgn synapses for" {count} "varicosities:"
      echo "  " {lgn_lat_count} "synapses from lgn to lateral neurons"
      echo "  " {lgn_med_count} "synapses from lgn to medial neurons"
      echo "  " {lgn_ste_count} "synapses from lgn to stellate neurons"
      echo "  " {lgn_sub_count} "synapses from lgn to subpial neurons"