//==================== BASIC UTILITIES FOR OUTPUT ====================//
// This file contains functions output various model values to files. //
// For example, dump_neuron_soma_voltages writes the soma voltages of //
// the different neuronal populations to different files. To output   //
// other values of another variable, add another function using       //
// dump_neuron_soma_voltages as a model.                              //
//                                                                    //
// Available functions:                                               //
// 1. create_outfile - sets up specified file for output              //
// 2. dump_neuron_soma_voltages - output neuron soma voltage          //
//                                                                    //
include ../lib/global_constants.g
include ../lib/synapses_geniculate.g
include ../lib/synapses_horizontal.g
include ../lib/synapses_lateral.g
include ../lib/synapses_stellate.g
include ../lib/synapses_subpial.g

/* ******************************************************************
     Creates an output file for the specified variable.                         

        directory      name of the directory to write the files
        filebase       prefix of the file name for all the files
        clock          clock that determines the interval for output      
        output_group   base name of neurons whose values are to be output
        element        compartment within output_troup neuron to be output
        variable       variable to be output

****************************************************************** */  
function create_outfile(directory, filename, clock, output_group, element, variable)
   str directory, filename, clock, output_group, element, variable

   str actual_name = {directory}@{"/"@{filename}}
   str object_name = "/output/"@{filename}
   create asc_file {object_name}
   setfield {object_name} filename {actual_name}
   setfield {object_name} flush 1 leave_open 1 append 1
   call {object_name} OUT_OPEN
   str name
   foreach name ({el {output_group}#})
      addmsg {{name}@{element}} {object_name} SAVE {variable}
   useclock {object_name} {clock}
   if (ECHO_ON == 1)
       echo "   " {output_group} {element} "variable" {variable} "to" {actual_name}

/* ******************************************************************
    Writes the neuron soma voltages at the time interval specified by
    clock. The values for each population are written to a separate
    file. Each line of a file starts with the time and then gives the
    values for the neurons ordered by their names. The values are
    separated by blanks.                       

        directory      name of the directory to write the files
        filebase       prefix of the file name for all the files
        clock          clock that determines the interval for output      
        hor_root       root of the horizontal neuron hierarchy
        lat_root       root of the lateral neuron hierarchy
        lgn_root       root of the geniculate neuron hierarchy
        med_root       root of the medial neuron hierarchy
        ste_root       root of the stellate neuron hierarchy
        sub_root       root of the subpial neuron hierarchy

****************************************************************** */  
function dump_neuron_soma_voltages (directory, filebase, clock, \
             hor_root, lat_root, lgn_root, med_root, ste_root, sub_root)
   str directory, filebase, clock, \
       hor_root, lat_root, lgn_root, med_root, ste_root, sub_root
   if (ECHO_ON == 1)
      echo "Saving soma voltages:"
   create_outfile {directory} {{filebase}@"LGNVoltage.dat"} {clock} \
         {{lgn_root}@"/cell"} /soma Vm 
   create_outfile {directory} {{filebase}@"LateralVoltage.dat"} {clock} \
         {{lat_root}@"/cell"} /soma Vm 
   create_outfile {directory} {{filebase}@"MedialVoltage.dat"} {clock} \
         {{med_root}@"/cell"} /soma Vm 
   create_outfile {directory} {{filebase}@"StellateVoltage.dat"} {clock} \
         {{ste_root}@"/cell"} /soma Vm  
   create_outfile {directory} {{filebase}@"HorizontalVoltage.dat"} {clock} \
         {{hor_root}@"/cell"} /soma Vm 
   create_outfile {directory} {{filebase}@"SubpialVoltage.dat"} {clock} \
         {{sub_root}@"/cell"} /soma Vm

/* ******************************************************************
    Writes the calcium at the time interval specified by
    clock. The values for each population are written to a separate
    file. Each line of a file starts with the time and then gives the
    values for the neurons ordered by their names. The values are
    separated by blanks.                       

        directory      name of the directory to write the files
        filebase       prefix of the file name for all the files
        clock          clock that determines the interval for output      
        hor_root       root of the horizontal neuron hierarchy
        lat_root       root of the lateral neuron hierarchy
        lgn_root       root of the geniculate neuron hierarchy
        med_root       root of the medial neuron hierarchy
        ste_root       root of the stellate neuron hierarchy
        sub_root       root of the subpial neuron hierarchy

****************************************************************** */  
function dump_neuron_calcium_currents (directory, filebase, clock, \
             hor_root, lat_root, lgn_root, med_root, ste_root, sub_root)
   str directory, filebase, clock, \
       hor_root, lat_root, lgn_root, med_root, ste_root, sub_root
   if (ECHO_ON == 1)
      echo "Saving soma calcium currents:"
   create_outfile {directory} {{filebase}@"LateralCalciumCurrent.dat"} {clock} \
         {{lat_root}@"/cell"} /soma/calcium_channel Ik 
   create_outfile {directory} {{filebase}@"MedialCalciumCurrent.dat"} {clock} \
         {{med_root}@"/cell"} /soma/calcium_channel Ik 
   create_outfile {directory} {{filebase}@"SubpialCalciumCurrent.dat"} {clock} \
         {{sub_root}@"/cell"} /soma/calcium_channel Ik 

/* ******************************************************************
    Writes the sodium currents at the time interval specified by
    clock. The values for each population are written to a separate
    file. Each line of a file starts with the time and then gives the
    values for the neurons ordered by their names. The values are
    separated by blanks.                       

        directory      name of the directory to write the files
        filebase       prefix of the file name for all the files
        clock          clock that determines the interval for output      
        hor_root       root of the horizontal neuron hierarchy
        lat_root       root of the lateral neuron hierarchy
        lgn_root       root of the geniculate neuron hierarchy
        med_root       root of the medial neuron hierarchy
        ste_root       root of the stellate neuron hierarchy
        sub_root       root of the subpial neuron hierarchy

****************************************************************** */  
function dump_neuron_sodium_currents (directory, filebase, clock, \
             hor_root, lat_root, lgn_root, med_root, ste_root, sub_root)
   str directory, filebase, clock, \
       hor_root, lat_root, lgn_root, med_root, ste_root, sub_root
   if (ECHO_ON == 1)
      echo "Saving soma sodium currents:"
   create_outfile {directory} {{filebase}@"LateralSodiumCurrent.dat"} {clock} \
         {{lat_root}@"/cell"} /soma/sodium_channel Ik 
   create_outfile {directory} {{filebase}@"MedialSodiumCurrent.dat"} {clock} \
         {{med_root}@"/cell"} /soma/sodium_channel Ik 
   create_outfile {directory} {{filebase}@"StellateSodiumCurrent.dat"} {clock} \
         {{ste_root}@"/cell"} /soma/sodium_channel Ik   
   create_outfile {directory} {{filebase}@"HorizontalSodiumCurrent.dat"} {clock} \
         {{hor_root}@"/cell"} /soma/sodium_channel Ik  
   create_outfile {directory} {{filebase}@"SubpialSodiumCurrent.dat"} {clock} \
         {{sub_root}@"/cell"} /soma/sodium_channel Ik 

/* ******************************************************************
    Writes the potassium currents at the time interval specified by
    clock. The values for each population are written to a separate
    file. Each line of a file starts with the time and then gives the
    values for the neurons ordered by their names. The values are
    separated by blanks.                       

        directory      name of the directory to write the files
        filebase       prefix of the file name for all the files
        clock          clock that determines the interval for output      
        hor_root       root of the horizontal neuron hierarchy
        lat_root       root of the lateral neuron hierarchy
        lgn_root       root of the geniculate neuron hierarchy
        med_root       root of the medial neuron hierarchy
        ste_root       root of the stellate neuron hierarchy
        sub_root       root of the subpial neuron hierarchy

****************************************************************** */  
function dump_neuron_potassium_currents (directory, filebase, clock, \
             hor_root, lat_root, lgn_root, med_root, ste_root, sub_root)
   str directory, filebase, clock, \
       hor_root, lat_root, lgn_root, med_root, ste_root, sub_root
   if (ECHO_ON == 1)
      echo "Saving soma potassium currents:"
   create_outfile {directory} {{filebase}@"LateralPotassiumCurrent.dat"} {clock} \
         {{lat_root}@"/cell"} /soma/potassium_channel Ik 
   create_outfile {directory} {{filebase}@"MedialPotassiumCurrent.dat"} {clock} \
         {{med_root}@"/cell"} /soma/potassium_channel Ik 
   create_outfile {directory} {{filebase}@"StellatePotassiumCurrent.dat"} {clock} \
         {{ste_root}@"/cell"} /soma/potassium_channel Ik   
   create_outfile {directory} {{filebase}@"HorizontalPotassiumCurrent.dat"} {clock} \
         {{hor_root}@"/cell"} /soma/potassium_channel Ik  
   create_outfile {directory} {{filebase}@"SubpialPotassiumCurrent.dat"} {clock} \
         {{sub_root}@"/cell"} /soma/potassium_channel Ik 

/* ******************************************************************
    Writes the K_AHP currents at the time interval specified by
    clock. The values for each population are written to a separate
    file. Each line of a file starts with the time and then gives the
    values for the neurons ordered by their names. The values are
    separated by blanks.                       

        directory      name of the directory to write the files
        filebase       prefix of the file name for all the files
        clock          clock that determines the interval for output      
        hor_root       root of the horizontal neuron hierarchy
        lat_root       root of the lateral neuron hierarchy
        lgn_root       root of the geniculate neuron hierarchy
        med_root       root of the medial neuron hierarchy
        ste_root       root of the stellate neuron hierarchy
        sub_root       root of the subpial neuron hierarchy

****************************************************************** */  
function dump_neuron_kahp_currents (directory, filebase, clock, \
             hor_root, lat_root, lgn_root, med_root, ste_root, sub_root)
   str directory, filebase, clock, \
       hor_root, lat_root, lgn_root, med_root, ste_root, sub_root
   if (ECHO_ON == 1)
      echo "Saving soma K_AHP currents:"
   create_outfile {directory} {{filebase}@"SubpialKAHPCurrent.dat"} {clock} \
         {{sub_root}@"/cell"} /soma/K_AHP Ik 

/* ******************************************************************
    Writes the lgn currents at the time interval specified by
    clock. The values for each population are written to a separate
    file. Each line of a file starts with the time and then gives the
    values for the neurons ordered by their names. The values are
    separated by blanks.                     

        directory      name of the directory to write the files
        filebase       prefix of the file name for all the files
        clock          clock that determines the interval for output      
        hor_root       root of the horizontal neuron hierarchy
        lat_root       root of the lateral neuron hierarchy
        lgn_root       root of the geniculate neuron hierarchy
        med_root       root of the medial neuron hierarchy
        ste_root       root of the stellate neuron hierarchy
        sub_root       root of the subpial neuron hierarchy

   NOTE: Does not include current for subpial synapses
****************************************************************** */  
function dump_synapse_lgn_currents  (directory, filebase, clock, \
             hor_root, lat_root, lgn_root, med_root, ste_root, sub_root)
   str directory, filebase, clock, \
       hor_root, lat_root, lgn_root, med_root, ste_root, sub_root
   if (ECHO_ON == 1)
      echo "Saving lgn currents:"
   str group = {LGN_LAT_TARGET}@{"/"@{{LGN_LAT_SYNAPSE}@"_a"}}    
   create_outfile {directory} {{filebase}@"LGN2LateralAMPACurrent.dat"} {clock} \
         {{lat_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik 
   group = {LGN_MED_TARGET}@{"/"@{{LGN_MED_SYNAPSE}@"_a"}} 
   create_outfile {directory} {{filebase}@"LGN2MedialAMPACurrent.dat"} {clock} \
         {{med_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik 
   group = {LGN_STE_TARGET}@{"/"@{{LGN_STE_SYNAPSE}@"_a"}} 
   create_outfile {directory} {{filebase}@"LGN2StellateAMPACurrent.dat"} {clock} \
         {{ste_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik   

/* ******************************************************************
    Writes the AMPA currents at the time interval specified by
    clock. The values for each combination of source and destination population  
    are written to a separate file. Each line of a file starts with the time and 
    then gives the values for the synapse ordered by destination neuron name. 
    The values are separated by blanks.                       

        directory      name of the directory to write the files
        filebase       prefix of the file name for all the files
        clock          clock that determines the interval for output      
        hor_root       root of the horizontal neuron hierarchy
        lat_root       root of the lateral neuron hierarchy
        lgn_root       root of the geniculate neuron hierarchy
        med_root       root of the medial neuron hierarchy
        ste_root       root of the stellate neuron hierarchy
        sub_root       root of the subpial neuron hierarchy

****************************************************************** */  
function dump_synapse_ampa_currents (directory, filebase, clock, \
             hor_root, lat_root, lgn_root, med_root, ste_root, sub_root)
   str directory, filebase, clock, \
       hor_root, lat_root, lgn_root, med_root, ste_root, sub_root
   str group, file
   if (ECHO_ON == 1)
      echo "Saving AMPA currents from lateral neurons:"
   file = {filebase}@"Lateral2LateralAMPACurrent.dat" 
   group = {LAT_LAT_TARGET}@{"/"@{{LAT_LAT_SYNAPSE}@"_a"}} 
   create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{lat_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik 
   file = {filebase}@"Lateral2MedialAMPACurrent.dat" 
   group = {LAT_MED_TARGET}@{"/"@{{LAT_MED_SYNAPSE}@"_a"}} 
   create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{med_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik       
   file = {filebase}@"Lateral2StellateAMPACurrent.dat" 
   group = {LAT_STE_TARGET}@{"/"@{{LAT_STE_SYNAPSE}@"_a"}} 
   create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{ste_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik       
   file = {filebase}@"Lateral2HorizontalAMPACurrent.dat" 
   group = {LAT_HOR_TARGET}@{"/"@{{LAT_HOR_SYNAPSE}@"_a"}} 
   create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{hor_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik       
   file = {filebase}@"Lateral2SubpialAMPACurrent.dat" 
   group = {LAT_SUB_TARGET}@{"/"@{{LAT_SUB_SYNAPSE}@"_a"}} 
   create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{sub_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik    
   if (ECHO_ON == 1)
      echo "Saving AMPA currents from medial neurons:"
   file = {filebase}@"Medial2LateralAMPACurrent.dat" 
   group = {MED_LAT_TARGET}@{"/"@{{MED_LAT_SYNAPSE}@"_a"}} 
   create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{lat_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik 
   file = {filebase}@"Medial2MedialAMPACurrent.dat" 
   group = {MED_MED_TARGET}@{"/"@{{MED_MED_SYNAPSE}@"_a"}} 
   create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{med_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik       
   file = {filebase}@"Medial2StellateAMPACurrent.dat" 
   group = {MED_STE_TARGET}@{"/"@{{MED_STE_SYNAPSE}@"_a"}} 
   create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{ste_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik       
   file = {filebase}@"Medial2HorizontalAMPACurrent.dat" 
   group = {MED_HOR_TARGET}@{"/"@{{MED_HOR_SYNAPSE}@"_a"}} 
   create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{hor_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik    
   file = {filebase}@"Medial2SubpialAMPACurrent.dat" 
   group = {MED_SUB_TARGET}@{"/"@{{MED_SUB_SYNAPSE}@"_a"}} 
   create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{sub_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik    

/* ******************************************************************
    Writes the NMDA currents at the time interval specified by
    clock. The values for each combination of source and destination population  
    are written to a separate file. Each line of a file starts with the time and 
    then gives the values for the synapse ordered by destination neuron name. 
    The values are separated by blanks.                       

        directory      name of the directory to write the files
        filebase       prefix of the file name for all the files
        clock          clock that determines the interval for output      
        hor_root       root of the horizontal neuron hierarchy
        lat_root       root of the lateral neuron hierarchy
        lgn_root       root of the geniculate neuron hierarchy
        med_root       root of the medial neuron hierarchy
        ste_root       root of the stellate neuron hierarchy
        sub_root       root of the subpial neuron hierarchy

****************************************************************** */  
function dump_synapse_nmda_currents (directory, filebase, clock, \
             hor_root, lat_root, lgn_root, med_root, ste_root, sub_root)
   str directory, filebase, clock, \
       hor_root, lat_root, lgn_root, med_root, ste_root, sub_root
   str group, file
   if (ECHO_ON == 1)
      echo "Saving NMDA currents from lateral neurons:"
   file = {filebase}@"Lateral2LateralNMDACurrent.dat" 
   group = {LAT_LAT_TARGET}@{"/"@{{LAT_LAT_SYNAPSE}@"_n"}} 
   create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{lat_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik 
   file = {filebase}@"Lateral2MedialNMDACurrent.dat" 
   group = {LAT_MED_TARGET}@{"/"@{{LAT_MED_SYNAPSE}@"_n"}} 
   create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{med_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik       
   file = {filebase}@"Lateral2StellateNMDACurrent.dat" 
   group = {LAT_STE_TARGET}@{"/"@{{LAT_STE_SYNAPSE}@"_n"}} 
   create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{ste_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik       
   file = {filebase}@"Lateral2HorizontalNMDACurrent.dat" 
   group = {LAT_HOR_TARGET}@{"/"@{{LAT_HOR_SYNAPSE}@"_n"}} 
   create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{hor_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik       
   file = {filebase}@"Lateral2SubpialNMDACurrent.dat" 
   group = {LAT_SUB_TARGET}@{"/"@{{LAT_SUB_SYNAPSE}@"_n"}} 
   create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{sub_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik    
   if (ECHO_ON == 1)
      echo "Saving NMDA currents from medial neurons:"
   file = {filebase}@"Medial2LateralNMDACurrent.dat" 
   group = {MED_LAT_TARGET}@{"/"@{{MED_LAT_SYNAPSE}@"_n"}} 
   create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{lat_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik 
   file = {filebase}@"Medial2MedialNMDACurrent.dat" 
   group = {MED_MED_TARGET}@{"/"@{{MED_MED_SYNAPSE}@"_n"}} 
   create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{med_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik       
   file = {filebase}@"Medial2StellateNMDACurrent.dat" 
   group = {MED_STE_TARGET}@{"/"@{{MED_STE_SYNAPSE}@"_n"}} 
   create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{ste_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik       
   file = {filebase}@"Medial2HorizontalNMDACurrent.dat" 
   group = {MED_HOR_TARGET}@{"/"@{{MED_HOR_SYNAPSE}@"_n"}} 
   create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{hor_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik    
   file = {filebase}@"Medial2SubpialNMDACurrent.dat" 
   group = {MED_SUB_TARGET}@{"/"@{{MED_SUB_SYNAPSE}@"_n"}} 
   create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{sub_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik    

/* ******************************************************************
    Writes the GABA_A currents at the time interval specified by
    clock. The values for each combination of source and destination population  
    are written to a separate file. Each line of a file starts with the time and 
    then gives the values for the synapse ordered by destination neuron name. 
    The values are separated by blanks.                       

        directory      name of the directory to write the files
        filebase       prefix of the file name for all the files
        clock          clock that determines the interval for output      
        hor_root       root of the horizontal neuron hierarchy
        lat_root       root of the lateral neuron hierarchy
        lgn_root       root of the geniculate neuron hierarchy
        med_root       root of the medial neuron hierarchy
        ste_root       root of the stellate neuron hierarchy
        sub_root       root of the subpial neuron hierarchy

****************************************************************** */  
function dump_synapse_gaba_a_currents (directory, filebase, clock, \
             hor_root, lat_root, lgn_root, med_root, ste_root, sub_root)
   str directory, filebase, clock, \
       hor_root, lat_root, lgn_root, med_root, ste_root, sub_root
   str group, file
   if (ECHO_ON == 1)
      echo "Saving GABA_A currents from stellate neurons:"
   file = {filebase}@"Stellate2LateralGabaACurrent.dat" 
   group = {STE_LAT_TARGET}@{"/"@{{STE_LAT_SYNAPSE}@"_a"}} 
   create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{lat_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik 
   file = {filebase}@"Stellate2MedialGabaACurrent.dat" 
   group = {STE_MED_TARGET}@{"/"@{{STE_MED_SYNAPSE}@"_a"}} 
   create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{med_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik       
   file = {filebase}@"Stellate2StellateGabaACurrent.dat" 
   group = {STE_STE_TARGET}@{"/"@{{STE_STE_SYNAPSE}@"_a"}} 
   create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{ste_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik       
   if (ECHO_ON == 1)
      echo "Saving GABA_A currents from horizontal neurons:"
   file = {filebase}@"Horizontal2LateralGabaACurrent.dat" 
   group = {HOR_LAT_TARGET}@{"/"@{{HOR_LAT_SYNAPSE}@"_a"}} 
   create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{lat_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik 
   file = {filebase}@"Horizontal2MedialGabaACurrent.dat" 
   group = {HOR_MED_TARGET}@{"/"@{{HOR_MED_SYNAPSE}@"_a"}} 
   create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{med_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik   
   if (ECHO_ON == 1)
      echo "Saving GABA_A currents from subpial neurons:"
   file = {filebase}@"Subpial2LateralGabaACurrent.dat" 
   group = {SUB_LAT_TARGET}@{"/"@{{SUB_LAT_SYNAPSE}@"_a"}} 
   create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{lat_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik 
   file = {filebase}@"Subpial2MedialGabaACurrent.dat" 
   group = {SUB_MED_TARGET}@{"/"@{{SUB_MED_SYNAPSE}@"_a"}} 
   create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{med_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik       
   file = {filebase}@"Subpial2SubpialGabaACurrent.dat" 
   group = {SUB_SUB_TARGET}@{"/"@{{SUB_SUB_SYNAPSE}@"_a"}} 
   create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{sub_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik  

/* ******************************************************************
    Writes the GABA_B currents at the time interval specified by
    clock. The values for each combination of source and destination population  
    are written to a separate file. Each line of a file starts with the time and 
    then gives the values for the synapse ordered by destination neuron name. 
    The values are separated by blanks.                       

        directory      name of the directory to write the files
        filebase       prefix of the file name for all the files
        clock          clock that determines the interval for output      
        hor_root       root of the horizontal neuron hierarchy
        lat_root       root of the lateral neuron hierarchy
        lgn_root       root of the geniculate neuron hierarchy
        med_root       root of the medial neuron hierarchy
        ste_root       root of the stellate neuron hierarchy
        sub_root       root of the subpial neuron hierarchy

****************************************************************** */  
function dump_synapse_gaba_b_currents (directory, filebase, clock, \
             hor_root, lat_root, lgn_root, med_root, ste_root, sub_root)
   str directory, filebase, clock, \
       hor_root, lat_root, lgn_root, med_root, ste_root, sub_root
   str group, file
   if (ECHO_ON == 1)
      echo "Saving GABA_B currents from stellate neurons:"
   file = {filebase}@"Stellate2LateralGabaBCurrent.dat" 
   group = {STE_LAT_TARGET}@{"/"@{{STE_LAT_SYNAPSE}@"_b"}} 
   create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{lat_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik 
   file = {filebase}@"Stellate2MedialGabaBCurrent.dat" 
   group = {STE_MED_TARGET}@{"/"@{{STE_MED_SYNAPSE}@"_b"}} 
   create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{med_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik       
   file = {filebase}@"Stellate2StellateGabaBCurrent.dat" 
   group = {STE_STE_TARGET}@{"/"@{{STE_STE_SYNAPSE}@"_b"}} 
   create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{ste_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik       
   if (ECHO_ON == 1)
      echo "Saving GABA_A currents from horizontal neurons:"
   file = {filebase}@"Horizontal2LateralGabaBCurrent.dat" 
   group = {HOR_LAT_TARGET}@{"/"@{{HOR_LAT_SYNAPSE}@"_b"}} 
   create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{lat_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik 
   file = {filebase}@"Horizontal2MedialGabaBCurrent.dat" 
   group = {HOR_MED_TARGET}@{"/"@{{HOR_MED_SYNAPSE}@"_b"}} 
   create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{med_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik   
   if (ECHO_ON == 1)
      echo "Saving GABA_A currents from subpial neurons:"
   file = {filebase}@"Subpial2LateralGabaBCurrent.dat" 
   group = {SUB_LAT_TARGET}@{"/"@{{SUB_LAT_SYNAPSE}@"_b"}} 
   create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{lat_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik 
   file = {filebase}@"Subpial2MedialGabaBCurrent.dat" 
   group = {SUB_MED_TARGET}@{"/"@{{SUB_MED_SYNAPSE}@"_b"}} 
   create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{med_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik       
   file = {filebase}@"Subpial2SubpialGabaBCurrent.dat" 
   group = {SUB_SUB_TARGET}@{"/"@{{SUB_SUB_SYNAPSE}@"_b"}} 
   create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{sub_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik  