//==================== BASIC UTILITIES FOR OUTPUT ====================// // This file contains functions output various model values to files. // // For example, dump_neuron_soma_voltages writes the soma voltages of // // the different neuronal populations to different files. To output // // other values of another variable, add another function using // // dump_neuron_soma_voltages as a model. // // // // Available functions: // // 1. create_outfile - sets up specified file for output // // 2. dump_neuron_soma_voltages - output neuron soma voltage // // // //====================================================================// include ../lib/global_constants.g include ../lib/synapses_geniculate.g include ../lib/synapses_horizontal.g include ../lib/synapses_lateral.g include ../lib/synapses_stellate.g include ../lib/synapses_subpial.g /* ****************************************************************** create_outfile Creates an output file for the specified variable. Parameters: directory name of the directory to write the files filebase prefix of the file name for all the files clock clock that determines the interval for output output_group base name of neurons whose values are to be output element compartment within output_troup neuron to be output variable variable to be output ****************************************************************** */ function create_outfile(directory, filename, clock, output_group, element, variable) str directory, filename, clock, output_group, element, variable str actual_name = {directory}@{"/"@{filename}} str object_name = "/output/"@{filename} create asc_file {object_name} setfield {object_name} filename {actual_name} setfield {object_name} flush 1 leave_open 1 append 1 call {object_name} OUT_OPEN str name foreach name ({el {output_group}#}) addmsg {{name}@{element}} {object_name} SAVE {variable} end useclock {object_name} {clock} if (ECHO_ON == 1) echo " " {output_group} {element} "variable" {variable} "to" {actual_name} end end /* ****************************************************************** dump_neuron_soma_voltages Writes the neuron soma voltages at the time interval specified by clock. The values for each population are written to a separate file. Each line of a file starts with the time and then gives the values for the neurons ordered by their names. The values are separated by blanks. Parameters: directory name of the directory to write the files filebase prefix of the file name for all the files clock clock that determines the interval for output hor_root root of the horizontal neuron hierarchy lat_root root of the lateral neuron hierarchy lgn_root root of the geniculate neuron hierarchy med_root root of the medial neuron hierarchy ste_root root of the stellate neuron hierarchy sub_root root of the subpial neuron hierarchy ****************************************************************** */ function dump_neuron_soma_voltages (directory, filebase, clock, \ hor_root, lat_root, lgn_root, med_root, ste_root, sub_root) str directory, filebase, clock, \ hor_root, lat_root, lgn_root, med_root, ste_root, sub_root if (ECHO_ON == 1) echo "Saving soma voltages:" end create_outfile {directory} {{filebase}@"LGNVoltage.dat"} {clock} \ {{lgn_root}@"/cell"} /soma Vm create_outfile {directory} {{filebase}@"LateralVoltage.dat"} {clock} \ {{lat_root}@"/cell"} /soma Vm create_outfile {directory} {{filebase}@"MedialVoltage.dat"} {clock} \ {{med_root}@"/cell"} /soma Vm create_outfile {directory} {{filebase}@"StellateVoltage.dat"} {clock} \ {{ste_root}@"/cell"} /soma Vm create_outfile {directory} {{filebase}@"HorizontalVoltage.dat"} {clock} \ {{hor_root}@"/cell"} /soma Vm create_outfile {directory} {{filebase}@"SubpialVoltage.dat"} {clock} \ {{sub_root}@"/cell"} /soma Vm end /* ****************************************************************** dump_neuron_calcium_currents Writes the calcium at the time interval specified by clock. The values for each population are written to a separate file. Each line of a file starts with the time and then gives the values for the neurons ordered by their names. The values are separated by blanks. Parameters: directory name of the directory to write the files filebase prefix of the file name for all the files clock clock that determines the interval for output hor_root root of the horizontal neuron hierarchy lat_root root of the lateral neuron hierarchy lgn_root root of the geniculate neuron hierarchy med_root root of the medial neuron hierarchy ste_root root of the stellate neuron hierarchy sub_root root of the subpial neuron hierarchy ****************************************************************** */ function dump_neuron_calcium_currents (directory, filebase, clock, \ hor_root, lat_root, lgn_root, med_root, ste_root, sub_root) str directory, filebase, clock, \ hor_root, lat_root, lgn_root, med_root, ste_root, sub_root if (ECHO_ON == 1) echo "Saving soma calcium currents:" end create_outfile {directory} {{filebase}@"LateralCalciumCurrent.dat"} {clock} \ {{lat_root}@"/cell"} /soma/calcium_channel Ik create_outfile {directory} {{filebase}@"MedialCalciumCurrent.dat"} {clock} \ {{med_root}@"/cell"} /soma/calcium_channel Ik create_outfile {directory} {{filebase}@"SubpialCalciumCurrent.dat"} {clock} \ {{sub_root}@"/cell"} /soma/calcium_channel Ik end /* ****************************************************************** dump_neuron_sodium_currents Writes the sodium currents at the time interval specified by clock. The values for each population are written to a separate file. Each line of a file starts with the time and then gives the values for the neurons ordered by their names. The values are separated by blanks. Parameters: directory name of the directory to write the files filebase prefix of the file name for all the files clock clock that determines the interval for output hor_root root of the horizontal neuron hierarchy lat_root root of the lateral neuron hierarchy lgn_root root of the geniculate neuron hierarchy med_root root of the medial neuron hierarchy ste_root root of the stellate neuron hierarchy sub_root root of the subpial neuron hierarchy ****************************************************************** */ function dump_neuron_sodium_currents (directory, filebase, clock, \ hor_root, lat_root, lgn_root, med_root, ste_root, sub_root) str directory, filebase, clock, \ hor_root, lat_root, lgn_root, med_root, ste_root, sub_root if (ECHO_ON == 1) echo "Saving soma sodium currents:" end create_outfile {directory} {{filebase}@"LateralSodiumCurrent.dat"} {clock} \ {{lat_root}@"/cell"} /soma/sodium_channel Ik create_outfile {directory} {{filebase}@"MedialSodiumCurrent.dat"} {clock} \ {{med_root}@"/cell"} /soma/sodium_channel Ik create_outfile {directory} {{filebase}@"StellateSodiumCurrent.dat"} {clock} \ {{ste_root}@"/cell"} /soma/sodium_channel Ik create_outfile {directory} {{filebase}@"HorizontalSodiumCurrent.dat"} {clock} \ {{hor_root}@"/cell"} /soma/sodium_channel Ik create_outfile {directory} {{filebase}@"SubpialSodiumCurrent.dat"} {clock} \ {{sub_root}@"/cell"} /soma/sodium_channel Ik end /* ****************************************************************** dump_neuron_potassium_currents Writes the potassium currents at the time interval specified by clock. The values for each population are written to a separate file. Each line of a file starts with the time and then gives the values for the neurons ordered by their names. The values are separated by blanks. Parameters: directory name of the directory to write the files filebase prefix of the file name for all the files clock clock that determines the interval for output hor_root root of the horizontal neuron hierarchy lat_root root of the lateral neuron hierarchy lgn_root root of the geniculate neuron hierarchy med_root root of the medial neuron hierarchy ste_root root of the stellate neuron hierarchy sub_root root of the subpial neuron hierarchy ****************************************************************** */ function dump_neuron_potassium_currents (directory, filebase, clock, \ hor_root, lat_root, lgn_root, med_root, ste_root, sub_root) str directory, filebase, clock, \ hor_root, lat_root, lgn_root, med_root, ste_root, sub_root if (ECHO_ON == 1) echo "Saving soma potassium currents:" end create_outfile {directory} {{filebase}@"LateralPotassiumCurrent.dat"} {clock} \ {{lat_root}@"/cell"} /soma/potassium_channel Ik create_outfile {directory} {{filebase}@"MedialPotassiumCurrent.dat"} {clock} \ {{med_root}@"/cell"} /soma/potassium_channel Ik create_outfile {directory} {{filebase}@"StellatePotassiumCurrent.dat"} {clock} \ {{ste_root}@"/cell"} /soma/potassium_channel Ik create_outfile {directory} {{filebase}@"HorizontalPotassiumCurrent.dat"} {clock} \ {{hor_root}@"/cell"} /soma/potassium_channel Ik create_outfile {directory} {{filebase}@"SubpialPotassiumCurrent.dat"} {clock} \ {{sub_root}@"/cell"} /soma/potassium_channel Ik end /* ****************************************************************** dump_neuron_kahp_currents Writes the K_AHP currents at the time interval specified by clock. The values for each population are written to a separate file. Each line of a file starts with the time and then gives the values for the neurons ordered by their names. The values are separated by blanks. Parameters: directory name of the directory to write the files filebase prefix of the file name for all the files clock clock that determines the interval for output hor_root root of the horizontal neuron hierarchy lat_root root of the lateral neuron hierarchy lgn_root root of the geniculate neuron hierarchy med_root root of the medial neuron hierarchy ste_root root of the stellate neuron hierarchy sub_root root of the subpial neuron hierarchy ****************************************************************** */ function dump_neuron_kahp_currents (directory, filebase, clock, \ hor_root, lat_root, lgn_root, med_root, ste_root, sub_root) str directory, filebase, clock, \ hor_root, lat_root, lgn_root, med_root, ste_root, sub_root if (ECHO_ON == 1) echo "Saving soma K_AHP currents:" end create_outfile {directory} {{filebase}@"SubpialKAHPCurrent.dat"} {clock} \ {{sub_root}@"/cell"} /soma/K_AHP Ik end /* ****************************************************************** dump_synapse_lgn_currents Writes the lgn currents at the time interval specified by clock. The values for each population are written to a separate file. Each line of a file starts with the time and then gives the values for the neurons ordered by their names. The values are separated by blanks. Parameters: directory name of the directory to write the files filebase prefix of the file name for all the files clock clock that determines the interval for output hor_root root of the horizontal neuron hierarchy lat_root root of the lateral neuron hierarchy lgn_root root of the geniculate neuron hierarchy med_root root of the medial neuron hierarchy ste_root root of the stellate neuron hierarchy sub_root root of the subpial neuron hierarchy NOTE: Does not include current for subpial synapses ****************************************************************** */ function dump_synapse_lgn_currents (directory, filebase, clock, \ hor_root, lat_root, lgn_root, med_root, ste_root, sub_root) str directory, filebase, clock, \ hor_root, lat_root, lgn_root, med_root, ste_root, sub_root if (ECHO_ON == 1) echo "Saving lgn currents:" end str group = {LGN_LAT_TARGET}@{"/"@{{LGN_LAT_SYNAPSE}@"_a"}} create_outfile {directory} {{filebase}@"LGN2LateralAMPACurrent.dat"} {clock} \ {{lat_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik group = {LGN_MED_TARGET}@{"/"@{{LGN_MED_SYNAPSE}@"_a"}} create_outfile {directory} {{filebase}@"LGN2MedialAMPACurrent.dat"} {clock} \ {{med_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik group = {LGN_STE_TARGET}@{"/"@{{LGN_STE_SYNAPSE}@"_a"}} create_outfile {directory} {{filebase}@"LGN2StellateAMPACurrent.dat"} {clock} \ {{ste_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik end /* ****************************************************************** dump_synapse_ampa_currents Writes the AMPA currents at the time interval specified by clock. The values for each combination of source and destination population are written to a separate file. Each line of a file starts with the time and then gives the values for the synapse ordered by destination neuron name. The values are separated by blanks. Parameters: directory name of the directory to write the files filebase prefix of the file name for all the files clock clock that determines the interval for output hor_root root of the horizontal neuron hierarchy lat_root root of the lateral neuron hierarchy lgn_root root of the geniculate neuron hierarchy med_root root of the medial neuron hierarchy ste_root root of the stellate neuron hierarchy sub_root root of the subpial neuron hierarchy ****************************************************************** */ function dump_synapse_ampa_currents (directory, filebase, clock, \ hor_root, lat_root, lgn_root, med_root, ste_root, sub_root) str directory, filebase, clock, \ hor_root, lat_root, lgn_root, med_root, ste_root, sub_root str group, file if (ECHO_ON == 1) echo "Saving AMPA currents from lateral neurons:" end file = {filebase}@"Lateral2LateralAMPACurrent.dat" group = {LAT_LAT_TARGET}@{"/"@{{LAT_LAT_SYNAPSE}@"_a"}} create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{lat_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik file = {filebase}@"Lateral2MedialAMPACurrent.dat" group = {LAT_MED_TARGET}@{"/"@{{LAT_MED_SYNAPSE}@"_a"}} create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{med_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik file = {filebase}@"Lateral2StellateAMPACurrent.dat" group = {LAT_STE_TARGET}@{"/"@{{LAT_STE_SYNAPSE}@"_a"}} create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{ste_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik file = {filebase}@"Lateral2HorizontalAMPACurrent.dat" group = {LAT_HOR_TARGET}@{"/"@{{LAT_HOR_SYNAPSE}@"_a"}} create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{hor_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik file = {filebase}@"Lateral2SubpialAMPACurrent.dat" group = {LAT_SUB_TARGET}@{"/"@{{LAT_SUB_SYNAPSE}@"_a"}} create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{sub_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik if (ECHO_ON == 1) echo "Saving AMPA currents from medial neurons:" end file = {filebase}@"Medial2LateralAMPACurrent.dat" group = {MED_LAT_TARGET}@{"/"@{{MED_LAT_SYNAPSE}@"_a"}} create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{lat_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik file = {filebase}@"Medial2MedialAMPACurrent.dat" group = {MED_MED_TARGET}@{"/"@{{MED_MED_SYNAPSE}@"_a"}} create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{med_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik file = {filebase}@"Medial2StellateAMPACurrent.dat" group = {MED_STE_TARGET}@{"/"@{{MED_STE_SYNAPSE}@"_a"}} create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{ste_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik file = {filebase}@"Medial2HorizontalAMPACurrent.dat" group = {MED_HOR_TARGET}@{"/"@{{MED_HOR_SYNAPSE}@"_a"}} create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{hor_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik file = {filebase}@"Medial2SubpialAMPACurrent.dat" group = {MED_SUB_TARGET}@{"/"@{{MED_SUB_SYNAPSE}@"_a"}} create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{sub_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik end /* ****************************************************************** dump_synapse_nmda_currents Writes the NMDA currents at the time interval specified by clock. The values for each combination of source and destination population are written to a separate file. Each line of a file starts with the time and then gives the values for the synapse ordered by destination neuron name. The values are separated by blanks. Parameters: directory name of the directory to write the files filebase prefix of the file name for all the files clock clock that determines the interval for output hor_root root of the horizontal neuron hierarchy lat_root root of the lateral neuron hierarchy lgn_root root of the geniculate neuron hierarchy med_root root of the medial neuron hierarchy ste_root root of the stellate neuron hierarchy sub_root root of the subpial neuron hierarchy ****************************************************************** */ function dump_synapse_nmda_currents (directory, filebase, clock, \ hor_root, lat_root, lgn_root, med_root, ste_root, sub_root) str directory, filebase, clock, \ hor_root, lat_root, lgn_root, med_root, ste_root, sub_root str group, file if (ECHO_ON == 1) echo "Saving NMDA currents from lateral neurons:" end file = {filebase}@"Lateral2LateralNMDACurrent.dat" group = {LAT_LAT_TARGET}@{"/"@{{LAT_LAT_SYNAPSE}@"_n"}} create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{lat_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik file = {filebase}@"Lateral2MedialNMDACurrent.dat" group = {LAT_MED_TARGET}@{"/"@{{LAT_MED_SYNAPSE}@"_n"}} create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{med_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik file = {filebase}@"Lateral2StellateNMDACurrent.dat" group = {LAT_STE_TARGET}@{"/"@{{LAT_STE_SYNAPSE}@"_n"}} create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{ste_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik file = {filebase}@"Lateral2HorizontalNMDACurrent.dat" group = {LAT_HOR_TARGET}@{"/"@{{LAT_HOR_SYNAPSE}@"_n"}} create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{hor_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik file = {filebase}@"Lateral2SubpialNMDACurrent.dat" group = {LAT_SUB_TARGET}@{"/"@{{LAT_SUB_SYNAPSE}@"_n"}} create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{sub_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik if (ECHO_ON == 1) echo "Saving NMDA currents from medial neurons:" end file = {filebase}@"Medial2LateralNMDACurrent.dat" group = {MED_LAT_TARGET}@{"/"@{{MED_LAT_SYNAPSE}@"_n"}} create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{lat_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik file = {filebase}@"Medial2MedialNMDACurrent.dat" group = {MED_MED_TARGET}@{"/"@{{MED_MED_SYNAPSE}@"_n"}} create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{med_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik file = {filebase}@"Medial2StellateNMDACurrent.dat" group = {MED_STE_TARGET}@{"/"@{{MED_STE_SYNAPSE}@"_n"}} create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{ste_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik file = {filebase}@"Medial2HorizontalNMDACurrent.dat" group = {MED_HOR_TARGET}@{"/"@{{MED_HOR_SYNAPSE}@"_n"}} create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{hor_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik file = {filebase}@"Medial2SubpialNMDACurrent.dat" group = {MED_SUB_TARGET}@{"/"@{{MED_SUB_SYNAPSE}@"_n"}} create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{sub_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik end /* ****************************************************************** dump_synapse_gaba_a_currents Writes the GABA_A currents at the time interval specified by clock. The values for each combination of source and destination population are written to a separate file. Each line of a file starts with the time and then gives the values for the synapse ordered by destination neuron name. The values are separated by blanks. Parameters: directory name of the directory to write the files filebase prefix of the file name for all the files clock clock that determines the interval for output hor_root root of the horizontal neuron hierarchy lat_root root of the lateral neuron hierarchy lgn_root root of the geniculate neuron hierarchy med_root root of the medial neuron hierarchy ste_root root of the stellate neuron hierarchy sub_root root of the subpial neuron hierarchy ****************************************************************** */ function dump_synapse_gaba_a_currents (directory, filebase, clock, \ hor_root, lat_root, lgn_root, med_root, ste_root, sub_root) str directory, filebase, clock, \ hor_root, lat_root, lgn_root, med_root, ste_root, sub_root str group, file if (ECHO_ON == 1) echo "Saving GABA_A currents from stellate neurons:" end file = {filebase}@"Stellate2LateralGabaACurrent.dat" group = {STE_LAT_TARGET}@{"/"@{{STE_LAT_SYNAPSE}@"_a"}} create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{lat_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik file = {filebase}@"Stellate2MedialGabaACurrent.dat" group = {STE_MED_TARGET}@{"/"@{{STE_MED_SYNAPSE}@"_a"}} create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{med_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik file = {filebase}@"Stellate2StellateGabaACurrent.dat" group = {STE_STE_TARGET}@{"/"@{{STE_STE_SYNAPSE}@"_a"}} create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{ste_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik if (ECHO_ON == 1) echo "Saving GABA_A currents from horizontal neurons:" end file = {filebase}@"Horizontal2LateralGabaACurrent.dat" group = {HOR_LAT_TARGET}@{"/"@{{HOR_LAT_SYNAPSE}@"_a"}} create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{lat_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik file = {filebase}@"Horizontal2MedialGabaACurrent.dat" group = {HOR_MED_TARGET}@{"/"@{{HOR_MED_SYNAPSE}@"_a"}} create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{med_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik if (ECHO_ON == 1) echo "Saving GABA_A currents from subpial neurons:" end file = {filebase}@"Subpial2LateralGabaACurrent.dat" group = {SUB_LAT_TARGET}@{"/"@{{SUB_LAT_SYNAPSE}@"_a"}} create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{lat_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik file = {filebase}@"Subpial2MedialGabaACurrent.dat" group = {SUB_MED_TARGET}@{"/"@{{SUB_MED_SYNAPSE}@"_a"}} create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{med_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik file = {filebase}@"Subpial2SubpialGabaACurrent.dat" group = {SUB_SUB_TARGET}@{"/"@{{SUB_SUB_SYNAPSE}@"_a"}} create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{sub_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik end /* ****************************************************************** dump_synapse_gaba_b_currents Writes the GABA_B currents at the time interval specified by clock. The values for each combination of source and destination population are written to a separate file. Each line of a file starts with the time and then gives the values for the synapse ordered by destination neuron name. The values are separated by blanks. Parameters: directory name of the directory to write the files filebase prefix of the file name for all the files clock clock that determines the interval for output hor_root root of the horizontal neuron hierarchy lat_root root of the lateral neuron hierarchy lgn_root root of the geniculate neuron hierarchy med_root root of the medial neuron hierarchy ste_root root of the stellate neuron hierarchy sub_root root of the subpial neuron hierarchy ****************************************************************** */ function dump_synapse_gaba_b_currents (directory, filebase, clock, \ hor_root, lat_root, lgn_root, med_root, ste_root, sub_root) str directory, filebase, clock, \ hor_root, lat_root, lgn_root, med_root, ste_root, sub_root str group, file if (ECHO_ON == 1) echo "Saving GABA_B currents from stellate neurons:" end file = {filebase}@"Stellate2LateralGabaBCurrent.dat" group = {STE_LAT_TARGET}@{"/"@{{STE_LAT_SYNAPSE}@"_b"}} create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{lat_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik file = {filebase}@"Stellate2MedialGabaBCurrent.dat" group = {STE_MED_TARGET}@{"/"@{{STE_MED_SYNAPSE}@"_b"}} create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{med_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik file = {filebase}@"Stellate2StellateGabaBCurrent.dat" group = {STE_STE_TARGET}@{"/"@{{STE_STE_SYNAPSE}@"_b"}} create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{ste_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik if (ECHO_ON == 1) echo "Saving GABA_A currents from horizontal neurons:" end file = {filebase}@"Horizontal2LateralGabaBCurrent.dat" group = {HOR_LAT_TARGET}@{"/"@{{HOR_LAT_SYNAPSE}@"_b"}} create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{lat_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik file = {filebase}@"Horizontal2MedialGabaBCurrent.dat" group = {HOR_MED_TARGET}@{"/"@{{HOR_MED_SYNAPSE}@"_b"}} create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{med_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik if (ECHO_ON == 1) echo "Saving GABA_A currents from subpial neurons:" end file = {filebase}@"Subpial2LateralGabaBCurrent.dat" group = {SUB_LAT_TARGET}@{"/"@{{SUB_LAT_SYNAPSE}@"_b"}} create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{lat_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik file = {filebase}@"Subpial2MedialGabaBCurrent.dat" group = {SUB_MED_TARGET}@{"/"@{{SUB_MED_SYNAPSE}@"_b"}} create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{med_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik file = {filebase}@"Subpial2SubpialGabaBCurrent.dat" group = {SUB_SUB_TARGET}@{"/"@{{SUB_SUB_SYNAPSE}@"_b"}} create_outfile {directory} {file} {clock} {{sub_root}@"/cell"} {group} Ik end