function dx = TwoCptODE(t,x,P)
% Inputs %
% t = time [ms]
% x = Voltage and gating variables
% P = structure of parameter values
%%%% votage variables %%%%
V1 = x(1);
V2 = x(2);
%%%%% gating variables %%%%
w1 = x(3);
z1 = P.zinf(V1);
m = P.minf(V2);
h = x(4);
w2 = x(5);
z2 = P.zinf(V2);
if isfield(P,'step')
if ~isfield(P,'startStep'); P.startStep = 5; end; if ~isfield(P,'stopStep'); P.stopStep = 20; end;
if (t>=P.startStep && t<P.stopStep); Iapp = P.step; else Iapp = 0; end;
elseif isfield(P,'ramp')
if ~isfield(P,'startRamp'); P.startRamp = 5; end;
tTop = P.startRamp+(1 / P.ramp);
Iapp = (t>=P.startRamp)*(t<=tTop).*P.I.*(t-P.startRamp)*P.ramp;
elseif isfield(P,'EPSG')
if ~isfield(P,'startEPSG'); tOnset = 5; else tOnset = P.startEPSG; end;
epsg = @(t,G) (G/0.21317) .* ones(size(t)) .* (t>0) .* (exp(-t/.18) - exp(-t/.1) ); % unitary epsg waveform
Iapp = P.I.*(0-V1).*(t>=tOnset).*epsg(t-tOnset,1) ;
elseif isfield(P,'EPSGpair')
if ~isfield(P,'startEPSG'); tOnset = 5; else tOnset = P.startEPSG; end;
epsg = @(t,G) (G/0.21317) .* ones(size(t)) .* (t>0) .* (exp(-t/.18) - exp(-t/.1) ); % unitary epsg waveform
Iapp = P.I.*(0-V1).*...
( (t>=tOnset).*epsg(t-tOnset,1) + ...
(t>=(*epsg(,1) );
%%%%% Cpt1 currents %%%%%
Ilk1 = P.glk1 * (V1 - P.Elk);
IKLT0 = P.gKLT1 * P.winf(P.Vrest)^4*P.zinf(P.Vrest)*(P.Vrest-P.EK);
IKLT1 = P.gKLT1 * w1^4*z1*(V1-P.EK) - IKLT0;
%%%%% Cpt2 currents %%%%%
Ilk2 = P.glk2 * (V2 - P.Elk);
INa0 = P.gNa * ( P.minf(P.Vrest)^3*P.hinf(P.Vrest)*(P.Vrest-P.ENa)); % to make Ispike=0 at rest
INa = P.gNa * (P.minf(V2)^3*h*(V2-P.ENa)) - INa0;
IKLT0 = P.gKLT2 * P.winf(P.Vrest)^4*P.zinf(P.Vrest)*(P.Vrest-P.EK);
IKLT2 = P.gKLT2 * w2^4*z2*(V2-P.EK) - IKLT0;
%%%%% Coupling current %%%%%
IC = P.gC*(V1-V2);
%%%%% Update V using Current Balance Equation %%%%%
dV1 = ( -Ilk1 - IKLT1 - IC + Iapp)/ P.cap1 ;
dV2 = ( -Ilk2 - IKLT2 + IC - INa )/ P.cap2 ;
%%%%% Update Gating Vars %%%%%
dw1 = (P.winf(V1) -w1) / P.tauw(V1);
dw2 = (P.winf(V2) -w2) / P.tauw(V2);
dh = (P.hinf(V2) -h) / P.tauh(V2);
%%%%% output %%%%%
dx = [dV1 ; dV2 ; dw1 ; dh ; dw2 ];