! Ghanim Ullah, John R Cressman Jr, Ernest Barreto, and Steven J Schiff,
! July 29, 2008,
! Penn State University,
! Email: ghanim.phy@gmail.com
! Archived with
! "The Influence of Sodium and Potassium Dynamics on Excitability, Seizures,
! and the Stability of Persistent States: II. Network and Glia Dynamics" (2009)
! Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 26:171-183
! This program averages the activity of the network over larger bin size.
! The program takes data from the main program Network.f90, and uses larger bin
! size for the final result. The output from the main program Network.f90, used here is the
! activity of the excitatory (inhibitory) network.
implicit none
integer i,j,n, n1, n2
PARAMETER (n=400000, n1=100) !n=number of data points in the network activity data file from Network.f90
double precision,ALLOCATABLE,DIMENSION(:):: data1, data2 !n1=bin size, can be changed according to the desired bin size
double precision average_activity, average_time
integer status
open(unit=1,file='activity.dat') !activity.dat stores the output for the results in the paper
open(33, file='activity_excitatory.dat', status='unknown') !output file from the main program Network.f90
open(34, file='time.dat', status='unknown') !Time from the main program Network.f90
ALLOCATE(data1(n), STAT=status)
ALLOCATE(data2(n), STAT=status)
do i = 1, n
read(33,*)data1(i) !reads ex_activity into data1 array
read(34,*)data2(i) !reads time into data2 array
end do
do j = 1, n/n1
average_activity = 0.0d0
average_time = 0.0d0
do i = 1, n1 !this loop performs the average over larger bin size
n2 = (j-1)*n1+i
average_activity = average_activity + data1(n2)
average_time = average_time+data2(n2)
end do
write(1,*)average_time/float(n1),average_activity/float(n1) !output saved in activity.dat
end do
DEALLOCATE(data1, STAT=status)
DEALLOCATE(data2, STAT=status)