! Ghanim Ullah, John R Cressman Jr, Ernest Barreto, and Steven J Schiff,
! July 29, 2008,
! Penn State University,
! Email: ghanim.phy@gmail.com
! Archived with
! "The Influence of Sodium and Potassium Dynamics on Excitability, Seizures,
! and the Stability of Persistent States: II. Network and Glia Dynamics" (2009)
! Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 26:171-183
! This program couples 100 inhibitory neurons and 100 excitatory neurons where the membrane potential dynamics of
! these neurons is taken from Gutkin et al. model, 2001,
! J. Computational Neuroscience, 11, 121-134.
! The synaptic currents here are modified from that given in Gutkin et al. model, 2001
! The model also includes dynamic potassium and sodium concentrations
! that builds on the model from companion paper "The Influence of Sodium and Potassium Dynamics on Excitability, Seizures,
! and the Stability of Persistent States: I. Single Neuron Dynamics" by
! John R Cressman Jr, Ghanim Ullah, Jokubas Ziburkus, Steven J Schiff , and Ernest Barreto (2009),
! Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 26:159-170.
! NOTE: It is important to start the simulation with steady state dynamics in order to reproduce
! various results for given parameters set. The single cell version
! of this code is also archived with Cressman et al., (2009) J. Comp. Neurosci. 26:159-170.
implicit none
integer i, j
integer N, N1, dim !number of cells from each cell type, dimensions of each cell, number of data points
Parameter(N=100, dim=15, N1=10000000)
double precision time, time_step !total time, time step for integration
double precision derivs(N*dim), x(N*dim), thresh !thresh = spiking threshold
double precision activity_ex, activity_in !activity of excitatory cells, activity of inhibitory cells
integer ee, bb
EXTERNAL rk4 !rk4 algorithm is used for integration
EXTERNAl SystemDerives !function for the dynamics of the network
time_step = 0.01d0 !time step (in ms)
thresh = 0.0 !spiking threshold
time = 0.0 !total time (in ms)
open(unit=1, file='raster_excitatory.dat') !saves data for raster plot of excitatory network (huge file)
open(unit=2, file='raster_inhibitory.dat') !saves data for raster plot of inhibitory network (huge file)
open(unit=3, file='activity_excitatory.dat') !saves data for activity of excitatory network
open(unit=4, file='activity_inhibitory.dat') !saves data for activity of inhibitory network
open(unit=5, file='v_cell50_excitatory.dat') !saves membrane potential of cell 50 in excitatory network
open(unit=6, file='ko_cell50_excitatory.dat') !saves extracellular potassium for cell 50 in excitatory network
open(unit=7, file='Nai_cell50_excitatory.dat') !saves intracellular sodium for cell 50 in in excitatory network
open(unit=8,file='time.dat') !saves total time
! initial conditions
do i = 1, N
x((i-1)*dim+1) = -65.1034452264476897 !membrane potential of excitatory network
x((i-1)*dim+2) = 0.645021617064742286d-01 !potassium channel activation variable n for excitatory network
x((i-1)*dim+3) = 0.981306641820766101 !sodium channel inactivation variable h for excitatory network
x((i-1)*dim+4) = 0.217441399671948571d-05 !variable s for temporal evolution of synaptic efficacy emanating from excitatory network
x((i-1)*dim+5) = 0.978772044450795857d-07 !calcium concentration for excitatory network
x((i-1)*dim+6) = -65.1034452264476897 !membrane potential of inhibitory network
x((i-1)*dim+7) = 0.645021617064742286d-01 !potassium channel activation variable n for excitatory network
x((i-1)*dim+8) = 0.981306641820766101 !sodium channel inactivation variable h for inhibitory network
x((i-1)*dim+9) = 0.217441399671948571d-05 !variable s for temporal evolution of synaptic efficacy emanating from inhibitory network
x((i-1)*dim+10) = 7.22 !extracellular potassium concentration for excitatory network
x((i-1)*dim+11) = 18.54 !intracellular sodium concentration for excitatory network
x((i-1)*dim+12) = 7.22 !extracellular potassium concentration for inhibitory network
x((i-1)*dim+13) = 18.54 !intracellular sodium concentration for inhibitory network
x((i-1)*dim+14) = 0.0 !variable eta, modeling the synaptic block due to the depolarization for excitatory network
x((i-1)*dim+15) = 0.0 !variable eta, modeling the synaptic block due to the depolarization for inhibitory network
end do
! main program, calls the subroutines SystemDerives and rk4 to integrate and tracks the activity of the network
do i = 1, N1/10 !begin time loop
activity_ex = 0.0 !activity of the excitatory cells
activity_in = 0.0 !activity of the inhibitory cells
do j = 1, 10 !loops the rk4 method 10 times before recording a data point, can be changed
time = time + time_step
call SystemDerives(time,x,derivs)
call rk4(x,derivs,N*dim,time,time_step,x,SystemDerives)
end do
do j = 1, N
ee = 0
bb = 0
if(x((j-1)*dim+1) .gt. thresh)then
ee = j
activity_ex = activity_ex + 1.0
end if
if(x((j-1)*dim+6) .gt. thresh)then
bb = j+N
activity_in = activity_in + 1.0
end if
end do
end do !end time loop
! This subroutine gives the network dynamics
SUBROUTINE SystemDerives(x,y,dydx)
implicit none
double precision PI, PIOVERTWO, TWOPI
Parameter (PI = 3.14159265358979323846,PIOVERTWO = PI/2.0d0, TWOPI = 2.0d0 * PI)
double precision ran2
integer N, dim, ii, jj
parameter(N=100, dim=15)
! Various parameters and variables used in the model are declared here
double precision C, phi, tau_e, A, g_ca, V_ca, g_l, V_l, g_na, V_na_e,V_na_i, g_k, g_ahp,V_na
double precision V_k, V_k_e, V_k_i, tau_i, V_ee, V_ie, V_ei, V_ii, alpha_ee, alpha_ie
double precision alpha_ei, alpha_ii,alpha_g, g_ee, g_ie, g_ei, g_ii,g_g
double precision dx1,dx2, specnum1, specnum2, synsum1, synsum2,gapsum
double precision alpha_n_Ve, beta_n_Ve, alpha_n_Vi, beta_n_Vi
double precision alpha_m_Ve, beta_m_Ve, alpha_m_Vi, beta_m_Vi
double precision alpha_h_Ve, beta_h_Ve, alpha_h_Vi, beta_h_Vi
double precision sigma_Ve, sigma_Vi, m_inf_Ve, m_inf_Vi
double precision Ie_mem, Ie_syn, Ie_ext, Ie_rand,V_sp
double precision Ii_mem, Ii_syn, Ii_ext, Ii_rand,vau
double precision x, y(N*dim), dydx(N*dim)
double precision thresh,see,sie,sei,sii
double precision Ik_inf_e, tau_Ik_e, A_IK_e, iksmall_inf_e, p1_e, p2_e
double precision gamma_Ik_e, alpha_Ik_e, c1, c2, c3, c4, min_e
double precision beta, I_pump_e, I_diff_e, I_ki_e, I_ko_e, n_k0
double precision Ik_inf_i, tau_Ik_i, A_IK_i, iksmall_inf_i, p1_i, p2_i
double precision gamma_Ik_i, alpha_Ik_i, min_i
double precision I_pump_i, I_diff_i, I_ki_i, I_ko_i, diffusion, deltax
double precision diffusion_e, diffusion_i,epsilon,G_glia
double precision gamma_e, gamma_i, gamma_telda, v_b, beta_telda_e, beta_telda_i
integer seed1, seed2, seed3
double precision expotassium_current,exsodium_current,inpotassium_current,insodium_current
double precision sodium_oe, sodium_oi, current_conversion
double precision Kin_e, Kin_i
double precision V_l_e, V_l_i
beta = 7.0
n_k0 = 14.0 !n_k0 is represented as k_o,infinity in the paper
diffusion = 250.0 !diffusion coefficient D
epsilon = 0.07/0.3 !rest of the variables as given in the paper
G_glia = 5.0/0.3
deltax = 10.0
v_b = -50.0
gamma_telda = 0.4
C = 1.0
phi = 3.0
tau_e = 4.0
A = 20.0
g_ca = 0.1
V_ca = 120.0
g_l = 0.05
V_l = -65.0
g_na = 100.0
V_na = 55.0
g_k = 40.0
g_ahp = 0.01
V_k = -80.0
tau_i = 8.0
V_ee = 0.0
V_ie = -80.0
V_ei = 0.0
V_ii = -80.0
specnum1 = sqrt(100.0/PI)
specnum2 = sqrt(30.0/PI)
alpha_ee = 0.12
alpha_ie = 0.06
alpha_ei = 0.2
alpha_ii = 0.02
alpha_g=0.0 !coupling term for gap junctions NOT INCLUDED IN THE MODEL
do ii=1, N !Loop for 100 excitatory and 100 inhibitory cells
seed1 = (-1)*int(ii*(x*100))
! rates for various ions gatting variables, as in paper. The subscripts e and i respectively
! represent variables for excitatory and inhibitory network.
alpha_n_Ve = 0.01 * (y(((ii-1)*dim)+1)+34.0)/( 1.0 - exp(-0.1 * (y(((ii-1)*dim)+1)+34.0)) )
beta_n_Ve = 0.125 * exp(-1.0*(y(((ii-1)*dim)+1)+44.0)/80.0)
alpha_n_Vi = 0.01 * (y(((ii-1)*dim)+6)+34.0)/( 1.0 - exp(-0.1 * (y(((ii-1)*dim)+6)+34.0)) )
beta_n_Vi = 0.125 * exp(-1.0*(y(((ii-1)*dim)+6)+44.0)/80.0)
alpha_m_Ve = 0.1 * (y(((ii-1)*dim)+1)+30.0)/( 1.0 - exp(-0.1 * (y(((ii-1)*dim)+1)+30.0)) )
beta_m_Ve = 4.0 * exp(-1.0*(y(((ii-1)*dim)+1)+55.0)/18.0)
alpha_m_Vi = 0.1 * (y(((ii-1)*dim)+6)+30.0)/( 1.0 - exp(-0.1 * (y(((ii-1)*dim)+6)+30.0)) )
beta_m_Vi = 4.0 * exp(-1.0*(y(((ii-1)*dim)+6)+55.0)/18.0)
alpha_h_Ve = 0.07 * exp(-1.0*(y(((ii-1)*dim)+1)+44.0)/20.0)
beta_h_Ve = 1.0/( 1.0 + exp(-0.1 * (y(((ii-1)*dim)+1)+14.0)) )
alpha_h_Vi = 0.07 * exp(-1.0*(y(((ii-1)*dim)+6)+44.0)/20.0)
beta_h_Vi = 1.0/( 1.0 + exp(-0.1 * (y(((ii-1)*dim)+6)+14.0)) )
sigma_Ve = 1.0/( 1.0 + exp(-1.0*(y(((ii-1)*dim)+1)+20.0)/4.0) )
sigma_Vi = 1.0/( 1.0 + exp(-1.0*(y(((ii-1)*dim)+6)+20.0)/4.0) )
m_inf_Ve = alpha_m_Ve/(alpha_m_Ve + beta_m_Ve)
m_inf_Vi = alpha_m_Vi/(alpha_m_Vi + beta_m_Vi)
! Potassium and Sodium dynamics, I_diff and I_glia from the paper are combined into I_diff here
I_pump_e = (1.25/(1.0+exp((25.0-y(((ii-1)*dim)+11))/3.0)))*(1.0/(1.0+exp(8.0-y(((ii-1)*dim)+10))))
I_diff_e = epsilon*(y(((ii-1)*dim)+10)-n_k0)+G_glia/(1.0d0 + exp((18.0-y(((ii-1)*dim)+10))/2.5d0))
I_pump_i = (1.25/(1.0+exp((25.0-y(((ii-1)*dim)+13))/3.0)))*(1.0/(1.0+exp(8.0-y(((ii-1)*dim)+12))))
I_diff_i = epsilon*(y(((ii-1)*dim)+12)-n_k0)+G_glia/(1.0d0 + exp((18.0-y(((ii-1)*dim)+12))/2.5d0))
sodium_oe = 144.0 - beta * (y(((ii-1)*dim)+11) - 18.0)
sodium_oi = 144.0 - beta * (y(((ii-1)*dim)+13) - 18.0)
! reversal potentials are updated based on instantaneous ion concentrations
V_k_e = 26.64 * log(y(((ii-1)*dim)+10)/Kin_e)
V_k_i = 26.64 * log(y(((ii-1)*dim)+12)/Kin_i)
V_na_e = 26.64 * log(sodium_oe/y(((ii-1)*dim)+11))
V_na_i = 26.64 * log(sodium_oi/y(((ii-1)*dim)+13))
V_l_e = 26.64 * log ( (y(((ii-1)*dim)+10) + 0.065*sodium_oe + 0.6*6.0) / (Kin_e + 0.065*y(((ii-1)*dim)+11) + 0.6*130.0))
V_l_i = 26.64 * log ( (y(((ii-1)*dim)+12) + 0.065*sodium_oi + 0.6*6.0) / (Kin_i + 0.065*y(((ii-1)*dim)+13) + 0.6*130.0))
! diffusion of potassium from cell's extracellular space to the nearest neighbours
if(ii .eq. 1)then
diffusion_e = diffusion*(y(((ii)*dim)+10)+y(((ii-1)*dim)+12)-2.0*y(((ii-1)*dim)+10))/(deltax*deltax)
diffusion_i = diffusion*(y(((ii)*dim)+12)+y(((ii-1)*dim)+10)-2.0*y(((ii-1)*dim)+12))/(deltax*deltax)
else if(ii .eq. N)then
diffusion_e = diffusion*(y(((ii-2)*dim)+10)+y(((ii-1)*dim)+12)-2.0*y(((ii-1)*dim)+10))/(deltax*deltax)
diffusion_i = diffusion*(y(((ii-2)*dim)+12)+y(((ii-1)*dim)+10)-2.0*y(((ii-1)*dim)+12))/(deltax*deltax)
diffusion_e = diffusion*(y(((ii-2)*dim)+10)+y(((ii)*dim)+10)+y(((ii-1)*dim)+12)-3.0*y(((ii-1)*dim)+10))/(deltax*deltax)
diffusion_i = diffusion*(y(((ii-2)*dim)+12)+y(((ii)*dim)+12)+y(((ii-1)*dim)+10)-3.0*y(((ii-1)*dim)+12))/(deltax*deltax)
end if
! membrane currents for excitatory cells
Ie_mem = -g_l * (y(((ii-1)*dim)+1) - V_l_e) &
& - g_na * (m_inf_Ve * m_inf_Ve * m_inf_Ve) * y(((ii-1)*dim)+3) * (y(((ii-1)*dim)+1)-V_na_e) &
& - (g_k * (y(((ii-1)*dim)+2) * y(((ii-1)*dim)+2) * y(((ii-1)*dim)+2) * y(((ii-1)*dim)+2)) &
& + g_ahp * y(((ii-1)*dim)+5)/(1.0+y(((ii-1)*dim)+5)) )*(y(((ii-1)*dim)+1)-V_k_e)
expotassium_current = (g_k * (y(((ii-1)*dim)+2) * y(((ii-1)*dim)+2) * y(((ii-1)*dim)+2) * y(((ii-1)*dim)+2)) &
& + g_ahp * y(((ii-1)*dim)+5)/(1.0+y(((ii-1)*dim)+5)) )*(y(((ii-1)*dim)+1)-V_k_e)
exsodium_current = g_na * (m_inf_Ve * m_inf_Ve * m_inf_Ve) * y(((ii-1)*dim)+3) * (y(((ii-1)*dim)+1)-V_na_e)
!******* synaptic current for excitatory cells; if uncoupled, use Ie_syn = 0.0; ***************/
synsum1 = 0.0
synsum2 = 0.0
do jj=1, N
! if((x .gt. 400.0).and.(x .lt. 430.0))THEN !use this loop for figure 4
! alpha_ee = 0.25
! else
! alpha_ee = 0.2165
! end if
g_ee = alpha_ee * specnum1 * (exp(-100.0*(dx1*dx1))+exp(-100.0*(dx2*dx2)))
g_ie = alpha_ie * specnum2 * (exp(-30.0*(dx1*dx1))+exp(-30.0*(dx2*dx2)))
if(ii .eq. jj)g_ee=0
if(y(((jj-1)*dim)+1) .gt. thresh)see=1
if(y(((jj-1)*dim)+6) .gt. thresh)sie=1
if(y(((jj-1)*dim)+14) .gt. 5.0)THEN
beta_telda_e = y(((jj-1)*dim)+14)
beta_telda_e = 0.0
end if
if(y(((jj-1)*dim)+15) .gt. 5.0)THEN
beta_telda_i = y(((jj-1)*dim)+15)
beta_telda_i = 0.0
end if
synsum1 = synsum1 + g_ee * y(((jj-1)*dim)+4) * exp(-beta_telda_e/vau)
synsum2 = synsum2 + g_ie * y(((jj-1)*dim)+9) * exp(-beta_telda_i/vau)
end do
Ie_syn = - (y(((ii-1)*dim)+1) - V_ee) * synsum1 / float(N) &
& - (y(((ii-1)*dim)+1) - V_ie) * synsum2 / float(N)
!!!**********END synaptic currents for excitatory cells**************!!!!!!!!
! if ( ((x .gt. 12.0) .and. (x .lt. 32.0)).and.((ii .ge. 21).and.(ii .le. 79)))then !use this loop for figure 2,3, 4
! Ie_ext = 1.5*exp(-60.0*( (float(ii)-float(N)/2.0)/float(N) )*( (float(ii)-float(N)/2.0)/float(N) ) )
! else if(((x .gt. 400.0).and.(x .le. 420.0)).and.((ii .ge. 1).and.(ii .le. 100)))then
! Ie_ext = 0.85d0 !1.49,.99 !2nd stim 0.5d0
! else
Ie_ext = 0.0
! end if
Ie_rand = 20*(0.5-ran2(seed1))
! /* currents into the inhibitory neurons */
Ii_mem = - g_l * (y(((ii-1)*dim)+6) - V_l_i) &
& - g_na * (m_inf_Vi * m_inf_Vi * m_inf_Vi) * y(((ii-1)*dim)+8) * (y(((ii-1)*dim)+6)-V_na_i) &
& - g_k * (y(((ii-1)*dim)+7) * y(((ii-1)*dim)+7) * y(((ii-1)*dim)+7) * y(((ii-1)*dim)+7)) &
& * (y(((ii-1)*dim)+6)-V_k_i)
inpotassium_current = g_k * (y(((ii-1)*dim)+7) * y(((ii-1)*dim)+7) * y(((ii-1)*dim)+7) * y(((ii-1)*dim)+7)) &
& * (y(((ii-1)*dim)+6)-V_k_i)
insodium_current = g_na * (m_inf_Vi * m_inf_Vi * m_inf_Vi) * y(((ii-1)*dim)+8) * (y(((ii-1)*dim)+6)-V_na_i)
!******** synaptic current into inhibitory neurons; if uncoupled, use Ii_syn = 0.0; *********************/
synsum1 = 0.0
synsum2 = 0.0
do jj = 1, N
if(y(((jj-1)*dim)+1) .gt. thresh) sei=1
if(y(((jj-1)*dim)+6) .gt. thresh) sii=1
g_ei = alpha_ei * specnum2 * (exp( -30.0*(dx1*dx1) )+exp( -30.0*(dx2*dx2) ))
g_ii = alpha_ii * specnum2 * (exp( -30.0*(dx1*dx1) )+exp( -30.0*(dx2*dx2) ))
! g_g=alpha_g*specnum2 * (exp( -30.0*(dx1*dx1) )+exp( -30.0*(dx2*dx2) ))
if(jj .eq. ii)g_ii=0
if(y(((jj-1)*dim)+14) .gt. 5.0)THEN
beta_telda_e = y(((jj-1)*dim)+14)
beta_telda_e = 0.0
end if
if(y(((jj-1)*dim)+15) .gt. 5.0)THEN
beta_telda_i = y(((jj-1)*dim)+15)
beta_telda_i = 0.0
end if
synsum1 = synsum1 + g_ei * y(((jj-1)*dim)+4) * exp(-beta_telda_e/vau)
synsum2 = synsum2 + g_ii * y(((jj-1)*dim)+9) * exp(-beta_telda_i/vau)
! gapsum=gapsum+g_g*(y(((jj-1)*dim)+6)-y(((ii-1)*dim)+6))
end do
Ii_syn = - (y(((ii-1)*dim)+6) - V_ei) * synsum1 / float(N) &
& - (y(((ii-1)*dim)+6) - V_ii) * synsum2 / float(N) ! &
! & +gapsum/float(N)
! *********END synaptic currents into inhibitory cells*****************!!!!!!!!!!!
Ii_ext = 0.5
Ii_rand =20.0*(0.5-ran2(seed2))
!!!!!!!!!variables modeling the interplay between neurons (see paper)
gamma_e = 0.0
gamma_i = 0.0
if((y(((ii-1)*dim)+1) .gt. -30.0).and.(y(((ii-1)*dim)+1) .lt. -10.0))THEN
gamma_e = 0.4
end if
if((y(((ii-1)*dim)+6) .gt. -30.0).and.(y(((ii-1)*dim)+6) .lt. -10.0))THEN
gamma_i = 0.4
end if
! /* excitatory neurons */
dydx(((ii-1)*dim)+1) = (1/C) * (Ie_mem + Ie_ext + Ie_rand + Ie_syn)
dydx(((ii-1)*dim)+2) = phi * ( alpha_n_Ve * (1.0-y(((ii-1)*dim)+2)) - beta_n_Ve * y(((ii-1)*dim)+2) )
dydx(((ii-1)*dim)+3) = phi * ( alpha_h_Ve * (1.0-y(((ii-1)*dim)+3)) - beta_h_Ve * y(((ii-1)*dim)+3) )
dydx(((ii-1)*dim)+4) = (1/tau_e) * (A * sigma_Ve * (1.0 - y(((ii-1)*dim)+4)) - y(((ii-1)*dim)+4))
dydx(((ii-1)*dim)+5) = -0.002 * g_ca * (y(((ii-1)*dim)+1) - V_ca)/( 1.0 + exp( -1.0*(y(((ii-1)*dim)+1)+25.0)/2.5 ) ) - y(((ii-1)*dim)+5)/80.0
! /* inhibitory neurons */
dydx(((ii-1)*dim)+6) = (1/C) * (Ii_mem + Ii_ext + Ii_rand + Ii_syn)
dydx(((ii-1)*dim)+7) = phi * ( alpha_n_Vi * (1.0-y(((ii-1)*dim)+7)) - beta_n_Vi * y(((ii-1)*dim)+7) )
dydx(((ii-1)*dim)+8) = phi * ( alpha_h_Vi * (1.0-y(((ii-1)*dim)+8)) - beta_h_Vi * y(((ii-1)*dim)+8) )
dydx(((ii-1)*dim)+9) = (1/tau_i) * (A * sigma_Vi * (1.0 - y(((ii-1)*dim)+9)) - y(((ii-1)*dim)+9))
! Extracellular Potassium, Intracellular Sodium equations
! Excitatory Neuron
dydx(((ii-1)*dim)+10) = 0.001*(expotassium_current/3.0 - 7.0* 2.0*I_pump_e - I_diff_e + diffusion_e) !factor 0.001 converts from seconds to milliseconds
dydx(((ii-1)*dim)+11) = 0.001*(-1.0*exsodium_current/(7.0*3.0) - 3.0*I_pump_e)
! Extracellular Potassium, Intracellular Sodium equations
! Inhibitory Neuron
dydx(((ii-1)*dim)+12) = 0.001*(inpotassium_current/3.0 - 7.0* 2.0*I_pump_i - I_diff_i + diffusion_i)
dydx(((ii-1)*dim)+13) = 0.001*(-1.0*insodium_current/(7.0*3.0) - 3.0*I_pump_i)
! The depolarization variable
! Excitatory Neuron
dydx(((ii-1)*dim)+14) = gamma_e * (y(((ii-1)*dim)+1) - v_b) - gamma_telda * y(((ii-1)*dim)+14)
! The depolarization variable
! Inhibitory Neuron
dydx(((ii-1)*dim)+15) = gamma_i * (y(((ii-1)*dim)+6) - v_b) - gamma_telda * y(((ii-1)*dim)+15)
end do !end LOOP for 100 excitatory and 100 inhibitory cells
SUBROUTINE rk4(y,dydx,n,x,h,yout,derivs)
double precision h,x,dydx(n),y(n),yout(n)
double precision h6,hh,xh,dym(n),dyt(n),yt(n)
do i = 1, n ! First step.
end do
call derivs(xh,yt,dyt) ! Secondstep.
do i = 1, n
end do
call derivs(xh,yt,dym) ! Thirdstep.
do i = 1, n
end do
call derivs(x+h,yt,dyt) ! Fourthstep.
do i = 1, n ! Accumulate increments with proper weights.
end do
FUNCTION ran2(idum)
PARAMETER (IM1=2147483563,IM2=2147483399,AM=1./IM1, &
& IMM1=IM1-1,IA1=40014,IA2=40692,IQ1=53668, &
& IQ2=52774,IR1=12211,IR2=3791,NTAB=32, &
& NDIV=1+IMM1/NTAB,EPS=1.2e-7,RNMX=1.-EPS)
INTEGER idum2,j,k,iv(NTAB),iy
SAVE iv,iy,idum2
DATA idum2/123456789/, iv/NTAB*0/, iy/0/
if (idum.le.0)then
do j=NTAB+8,1,-1
if (idum.lt.0) idum=idum+IM1
if (j .le. NTAB) iv(j)=idum
end do
end if
if (idum.lt.0) idum=idum+IM1
if (idum2.lt.0) idum2=idum2+IM2