Rhesus Monkey Layer 3 Pyramidal Neurons: V1 vs PFC (Amatrudo, Weaver et al. 2012) README for the models associated with the paper Amatrudo JM, Weaver CM, Crimins JL, Hof PR, Rosene DL, Luebke JI. Influence of highly distinctive structural properties on the excitability of pyramidal neurons in monkey visual and prefrontal cortices. In Press, J Neurosci (2012). These files were contributed by Christina Weaver [christina.weaver at fandm.edu] and build off the model by Vetter et al. (2001), running under the NEURON simulation environment. Summary: Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings and high-resolution 3D morphometric analyses of layer 3 pyramidal neurons in in vitro slices of monkey primary visual cortex (V1) and dorsolateral granular prefrontal cortex (dlPFC) revealed that neurons in these two brain areas possess highly distinctive structural and functional properties. ... Three-dimensional reconstructions of V1 and dlPFC neurons were incorporated into computational models containing Hodgkin-Huxley and AMPA- and GABAA-receptor gated channels. Morphology alone largely accounted for observed passive physiological properties, but led to AP firing rates that differed more than observed empirically, and to synaptic responses that opposed empirical results. Accordingly, modeling predicts that active channel conductances differ between V1 and dlPFC neurons. The unique features of V1 and dlPFC neurons are likely fundamental determinants of area-specific network behavior. The compact electrotonic arbor and increased excitability of V1 neurons support the rapid signal integration required for early processing of visual information. The greater connectivity and dendritic complexity of dlPFC neurons likely support higher level cognitive functions including working memory and planning. ------------------------------------------------ This model can be auto-launched from modeldb or run by starting the mosinit.hoc with: nrngui mosinit.hoc or double clicking on the mosinit.hoc file after the mod files have been compiled (nrnivmodl compiles in unix, mknrndll in mswin, mac) Select a subfigure by clicking on a figure name.