* Prints to stdout a table containing the voltage at all points in a
* dendritic tree, after 10 ms of simulation in response to a recorded somatic
* action potential.
* globals:
* voltage_vec
* time_vec
* which_secs
* Arguments:
* $o1: soma -> A SectionRef pointing to the soma.
* $o2: voltage_vec -> A vector containing an experimentally measured somatic
* action potential.
* $o3: time_vec -> A vector containing the time points for voltage_vec
* $s4: which_secs -> A regular expression that specifies all the dendritic
* sections over which the function should iterate.
objref graphs
proc BAPvalues() { local real_diam, real_L, rt, rtstart, ts localobj voltage_vec, time_vec, distances, voltages,\
output_matrix, soma
soma = $o1
soma.sec {
nseg = 1
real_diam = diam(0.5)
real_L = L
diam = 2.0 * STD_SOMA
L = 2.0 * STD_SOMA
voltage_vec = $o2
time_vec = $o3
strdef which_secs
which_secs = $s4
access soma.sec
// Set up the attenuation values by playing an action potential into the
// soma for ten seconds. The action potential itself only lasts 2.
v_init = E_PAS
tstop = 10
dt = 0.025
// voltage_vec.play(&soma.sec.v(0.5), time_vec)
voltage_vec.play(&soma.sec.v(0.5), .025)
// Replace run() with its implementation, for debugging
running_ = 1
realtime = 0 rt = screen_update_invl rtstart = startsw()
stoprun = 0
if (using_cvode_) {
ts = tstop
if (cvode.use_local_dt) {
realtime = startsw() - rtstart
ts = tstop - dt/2
soma {
print "soma stats:"
print nseg
print L
print diam(0)
print diam(0.5)
print diam(1)
print area(0)
print area(0.5)
print area(1)
while(t < ts && stoprun == 0) {
soma print v(0.5)
realtime = startsw() - rtstart
if (realtime >= rt) {
//really compute for at least screen_update_invl
realtime = startsw() - rtstart
rt = realtime + screen_update_invl
if (using_cvode_ && stoprun == 0) { // handle the "tstop" event
step() // so all recordings take place at tstop
realtime = startsw() - rtstart
// Done with replacement of run with its implementation
distances = new Vector()
voltages = new Vector()
// Baseline for distance is set at the midpoint of the soma, where both of
// the dendritic trees are attached.
distance(0, 0.5)
// Iterate over the dendritic tree.
forsec which_secs {
for(x) {
voltages.append(val_max(x) - v_init) // Assumes the "max" mechanism is
// installed in the neuron.
// Output the data
output_matrix = new Matrix(voltages.size(), 2)
output_matrix.setcol(0, distances)
output_matrix.setcol(1, voltages)
soma.sec {
diam = real_diam
L = real_L
* Calculates the steady-state voltage in response to current steps of
* ranging from -120 pA to 80 pA, in 20 pA increments, for a duration of 200
* ms each. These should fall along a line, the slope of which is the input
* resistance. The values are printed in a single line, tab-delimited.
* $o1: a SectionRef pointing to the section into which the current should
* be injected.
proc inputResistance() { local equilibrium_value, i localobj stim, stim_target
$o1.sec stim_target = new SectionRef()
tstop = 250 //200
dt = 0.025
stim_target.sec { stim = new IClamp(0) }
stim.del = 150 //0 //cmw 8/25/11: allow some delay for 'initialization'
stim.dur = 200
tstop=stim.del+200 // cmw 8/25/11
for (i = -.120; i <= 0.080; i += 0.02) {
v_init = E_PAS
stim.amp = i
equilibrium_value = stim_target.sec.v(0.5)
printf("%f\t", equilibrium_value)