# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
import time
from scipy.integrate import ode
from scipy import signal
import ctypes
import os
import sys

DOUBLE = ctypes.c_double
INT = ctypes.c_int
PINT = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int)
PLONG = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_long)
PDOUBLE = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double)

class tridiag_matrix(ctypes.Structure):
    _fields_ = [("aa", ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double)),
                ("bb", ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double)),
                ("cc", ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double))]

# load C library
libName = 'tridiag.dll' if 'win' is sys.platform else 'tridiag.so'
libtrisolv = np.ctypeslib.load_library(libName,os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))

# load tridiagonal solver function and defines input
libtrisolv.solve_tridiagonal.restype = None
libtrisolv.solve_tridiagonal.argtypes = [ctypes.POINTER(tridiag_matrix),  # aa
                                         PDOUBLE,  # vv
                                         PDOUBLE,  # solution
                                         INT,  # nrows

libtrisolv.delay_line.restype = None  # TODO SPEEDUP W POINTERS!
libtrisolv.delay_line.argtypes = [PDOUBLE,  # in_matrix
                                  PINT,  # delay1
                                  PINT,  # delay2
                                  PINT,  # delay1
                                  PINT,  # delay1
                                  PDOUBLE,  # dev
                                  PDOUBLE,  # YZweig
                                  INT,  # delay_buffer_length
                                  INT  # n

# definition of the function

def TLsolver(t, y, model):  # y''=dv/dt y'=v
    n = model.n + 1
    frac = (t - model.lastT) / model.dt
    a = model.interplPoint1
    b = model.interplPoint2
    c = model.interplPoint3
    d = model.interplPoint4
    cminusb = c - b
    #fast cubic interpolation
    F0 = b + frac * \
        (cminusb - 0.1666667 * (1. - frac) *
         ((d - a - 3.0 * cminusb) * frac + (d + 2.0 * a - 3.0 * b)))
    model.Vtmp = y[0:n]
    model.Ytmp = y[n:2 * n]
    if(model.non_linearity):  # non-linearities here
        factor = 100
        Vvect = np.abs(model.Vtmp) / model.RthV1
        Sxp = (Vvect - 1.) * model.const_nl1
        Syp = model.Sb * np.sqrt(1 + (Sxp / model.Sa) ** 2)
        Sy = Sxp * model.sinTheta + Syp * model.cosTheta
        SheraP = model.PoleS + Sy / factor
        SheraP = np.fmin(SheraP, model.PoleE)
        # update non-linear parameters here only if the pole displacement is
        # larger than 1%
        if(np.max(abs(SheraP[1:n] - model.SheraP[1:n]) /
           abs(model.SheraP[1:n])) > 0.01):
            model.SheraP = SheraP
            model.current_t = t
    model.Dev[0:n] = model.Dev[0:n] + frac
        model.Ybuffer_pointer, model.Zrp_pointer, model.Zrp1_pointer,
        model.Zrp2_pointer, model.Zrp3_pointer, model.Dev_pointer,
        model.YZweig_pointer, ctypes.c_int(model.YbufferLgt),
        ctypes.c_int(model.n + 1))
    model.Dev[0:n] = model.Dev[0:n] - frac
    #compute q
        ctypes.byref(model.tridata), model.r_pointer, model.Qpointer,
    zero_val = (model.RK4_0*model.Qsol[0] + model.RK4G_0*(model.g[0] + model.p0x * F0))

    Vderivative = (model.Qsol - model.g)
    Vderivative[0] = zero_val;
    solution = np.concatenate([Vderivative, model.Vtmp])
    return solution

class cochlea_model ():

    # init constants
    def __init__(self):
        self.ttridiag = 0
        self.calling_function = 0
        self.cochleaLength = .035
        self.bmMass = 0.5
        self.bmImpedanceFactor = 1
        self.scalaWidth = 0.001
        self.scalaHeight = 0.001
        self.helicotremaWidth = 0.001
        self.rho = float(1e3)
        self.Normal_Q = 20
        self.Greenwood_A = 20682
        self.Greenwood_alpha = 61.765
        self.Greenwood_B = 140.6
        self.stapesArea = float(3e-6)
        self.EardrumArea = float(60e-6)
        self.MiddleEarResonanceFrequency = float(2e3)
        self.MiddleEarQualityFactor = 0.4
        self.SpecificAcousticImpedanceOfAir = 415
        self.middleEarTransformer = 30
        self.damping_coupler = float(140e5)
        self.mass_coupler = float(43.2e2)
        self.stiffness_coupler = 1. / float(2.28e-11)
        self.p0 = float(2e-5)
        self.ZweigQ = 1 / 0.0606
        self.ZweigFactor = 1.7435
        self.ZweigQAtBoundaries = 20
        self.ZweigBeta = 10000
        self.ZweigGamma = 6200
        self.ZweigN = 1.5
        self.SheraMuMax = 3
        self.RMSref = 0.6124
        self.Rme = float(0.3045192500000000e12)  # TODO setRme function
        #variable to check if the model is intialize before calling the solver
        self._is_init = 0
        self.interplPoint1 = 0
        self.interplPoint2 = 0
        self.interplPoint3 = 0
        self.interplPoint4 = 0

# function to intitialize all the parameters
    def init_model(self, stim, samplerate, sections, probe_freq, sheraPo,
                   compression_slope=0.4, Zweig_irregularities=1,
                   non_linearity_type='vel', KneeVar=1.,
                   low_freq_irregularities=1, subject=1,IrrPct=0.05):
        self.low_freq_irregularities = low_freq_irregularities
        self.SheraPo = np.zeros(sections+1)
        self.SheraPo = self.SheraPo+sheraPo  # can be vector or single value, line changed so it can work with both single and vector
        self.KneeVar = (KneeVar)
        self.IrrPct = IrrPct
        self.non_linearity = 0
        self.use_Zweig = 1
        if(Zweig_irregularities == 0):
            self.use_Zweig = 0
        if(non_linearity_type == 'disp'):
            self.non_linearity = 1
        elif(non_linearity_type == 'vel'):
            self.non_linearity = 2
            self.non_linearity = 0  # linear model
        self.n = sections
        self.fs = samplerate
        self.dt = 1. / self.fs
        self.probe_freq = probe_freq
        self.is_init = 1
        self.lastT = 0
        self.seed = subject  # change here the seed
        self.Rth = 2 * (np.random.random(self.n + 1) - 0.5)
        self.Rth_norm = 10 ** (self.Rth / 20. / self.KneeVar)
        lf_limit = self.ctr
            print('No irregularities')
        factor = 100
        n = self.n + 1
        Rth = self.Rth
        Rth_norm = self.Rth_norm
        #Normalized RTH, so save a bit of computation
        self.RthY1 = self.Yknee1 * Rth_norm
        self.RthY2 = self.Yknee2 * Rth_norm
        self.RthV1 = self.Vknee1 * Rth_norm
        self.RthV2 = self.Vknee2 * Rth_norm

        Rndm = self.IrrPct * Rth / 2.
        self.PoleS = (1 + Rndm) * self.SheraPo

        self.RthY1[lf_limit:n] = self.Yknee1
        self.RthY2[lf_limit:n] = self.Yknee2
        self.RthV1[lf_limit:n] = self.Vknee1
        self.RthV2[lf_limit:n] = self.Vknee2
        self.PoleS[lf_limit:n] = self.SheraPo[lf_limit:n]
        Theta0 = np.arctan(
            ((self.PoleE - self.PoleS) * factor) /
            ((self.RthV2 / self.RthV1) - 1.))
        Theta = Theta0 / 2.
        Sfoc = (self.PoleS * factor) / (self.RthV2 / self.RthV1)
        Se = np.cos((np.pi - Theta0) * 0.5)
        self.Sb = Sfoc * Se
        self.Sa = Sfoc * np.sqrt(1. - ((Se ** 2)))
        self.const_nl1 = np.cos(Theta) / np.cos(2 * Theta)
        self.cosTheta = np.cos(Theta)
        self.sinTheta = np.sin(Theta)

        # PURIAM1 FILTER             ###
        puria_gain = 10 ** (18. / 20.)
#         was the orignal Puria in 2012
#        second order butterworth
#        b, a = signal.butter(
#           1, [100. / (samplerate / 2.), 3000. / (samplerate / 2)],
#            'bandpass')
#         self.stim = signal.lfilter(b * puria_gain, a, stim)

        b, a = signal.butter(1, [600 / (samplerate / 2.), 4000. / (samplerate / 2)],'bandpass')
        self.stim = signal.lfilter(b * puria_gain, a, stim)

    # from intializeCochlea.f90
    def initCochlea(self):
        self.bm_length = self.cochleaLength - self.helicotremaWidth
        self.bm_width = self.scalaWidth
        self.bm_mass = self.bmMass * self.bmImpedanceFactor
        self.ZweigMso = 2. * self.rho / (self.bm_width * self.scalaHeight)
        self.ZweigL = 1. / (2.3030 * self.Greenwood_alpha)
        self.ZweigOmega_co = 2.0 * np.pi * self.Greenwood_A-self.Greenwood_B
        self.ZweigMpo = (
            self.ZweigMso * (self.ZweigL ** 2)) / ((4 * self.ZweigN) ** 2)
        self.Ko = self.ZweigMpo * (self.ZweigOmega_co ** 2)
        self.x =np.array(np.linspace(0, self.bm_length, self.n+1), order='C') #Old
        self.dx = self.bm_length / (1. * self.n)
        self.g = np.zeros_like(self.x)
        self.Vtmp = np.zeros_like(self.x)
        self.Ytmp = np.zeros_like(self.x)
        self.Atmp= np.zeros_like(self.x)
        self.right = np.zeros_like(self.x)
        self.r_pointer = self.right.ctypes.data_as(PDOUBLE)
        self.zerosdummy = np.zeros_like(self.x)
        self.gamma = np.zeros_like(self.x)
        self.Qsol = np.zeros_like(self.x)
        self.Qpointer = self.Qsol.ctypes.data_as(PDOUBLE)

    def initMiddleEar(self):
        self.q0_factor = self.ZweigMpo * self.bm_width
        self.p0x = self.ZweigMso * self.dx/(1. * self.ZweigMpo * self.bm_width)
        self.d_m_factor = -self.p0x * self.stapesArea * self.Rme
        self.RK4_0 = -(self.bm_width * self.ZweigMpo) / (self.stapesArea)
        self.RK4G_0 = (self.ZweigMpo * self.bm_width) / (
            self.ZweigMso * self.stapesArea * self.dx)

    def SetDampingAndStiffness(self):
        self.f_resonance = self.Greenwood_A * \
            10 ** (-self.Greenwood_alpha * self.x) - self.Greenwood_B
        self.ctr = np.argmin(np.abs(self.f_resonance - 100.))
            self.ctr = self.n + 1
        self.onek = np.argmin(np.abs(self.f_resonance - 1000.))
        self.omega = 2. * np.pi * self.f_resonance
        self.omega2 = self.omega ** 2
        self.Sherad_factor = np.array(self.omega)
        self.SheraP = np.zeros_like(self.x)
        self.SheraD = np.zeros_like(self.x)
        self.SheraRho = np.zeros_like(self.x)
        self.SheraMu = np.zeros_like(self.x)
        self.SheraP = self.SheraPo + self.SheraP
        self.c = 120.8998691636393

        # PROBE POINTS               ##
            for i in range(len(self.f_resonance)-1):
            for i in range((len(self.f_resonance)-1)/2):
            #            self.probe_points=np.zeros([401,1])
#            print(np.shape(self.probe_points))
#            print('abr')
            for i in range(len(self.probe_freq)):
#        print(np.shape(self.probe_points))

    def initZweig(self):
        n = self.n + 1
        self.exact_delay = self.SheraMuMax / (self.f_resonance * self.dt)
        self.delay = np.floor(self.exact_delay) + 1
        self.YbufferLgt = int(np.amax(self.delay)) #quick fix, maybe can be shorter but it works so better not touch
        self.Ybuffer = np.zeros([n, self.YbufferLgt])
                                # Ybuffer implemented here as a dense matrix
                                # (python for cycles are slow...)
        self.Ybuffer = np.array(self.Ybuffer, order='C', ndmin=2, dtype=float)
        self.Ybuffer_pointer = self.Ybuffer.ctypes.data_as(PDOUBLE)
        self.ZweigSample1 = np.zeros_like(self.exact_delay)
        self.Zwp = int(0)
        self.ZweigSample1[0] = 1.
        self.ZweigSample2 = self.ZweigSample1 + 1
        # init buffers etc...
        self.Dev = np.zeros_like(self.x)
        self.Dev_pointer = self.Dev.ctypes.data_as(PDOUBLE)
        self.YZweig = np.zeros_like(self.x)
        self.YZweig_pointer = self.YZweig.ctypes.data_as(PDOUBLE)
        self.Zrp = np.array(np.zeros(n), dtype=np.int32, order='C')
        self.Zrp_pointer = self.Zrp.ctypes.data_as(PINT)
        self.Zrp1 = np.array(np.zeros(n), dtype=np.int32, order='C')
        self.Zrp1_pointer = self.Zrp1.ctypes.data_as(PINT)
        self.Zrp2 = np.array(np.zeros(n), dtype=np.int32, order='C')
        self.Zrp2_pointer = self.Zrp2.ctypes.data_as(PINT)
        self.Zrp3 = np.array(np.zeros(n), dtype=np.int32, order='C')
        self.Zrp3_pointer = self.Zrp3.ctypes.data_as(PINT)

    #set tridiagonal matrix values for transmission line
    def initGaussianElimination(self):
        n = self.n + 1
        self.ZweigMs = (self.ZweigMso * self.ZweigOmega_co) / self.omega # TAPERING self.omega*
        self.ZweigMp = self.Ko / (self.ZweigOmega_co * self.omega)
        #self.ZweigMs = self.ZweigMs/ self.omega[1]
        #self.ZweigMp = self.ZweigMp/self.omega[1]
        self.ZASQ = np.zeros_like(self.x)
        self.ZASC = np.zeros_like(self.x)
        self.ZAL = np.zeros_like(self.x)
        self.ZAH = np.zeros_like(self.x)
        # init values of transimission line
        self.ZASQ[0] = 1.
        self.ZASC[0] = 1 + self.ZweigMso * self.dx
        self.ZAH[0] = -1*self.ZweigOmega_co/self.omega[1]
        self.ZAL[1:n] = -self.ZweigMs[1:n]*self.omega[1:n]/self.omega[0:n-1]
        self.ZAH[1:n-1] =-self.ZweigMs[0:n-2]*self.omega[1:n-1]/self.omega[2:n]
#        self.ZAH[0] = -1.
#        self.ZAL[1:n] = -self.ZweigMs[1:n]
#        self.ZAH[1:n - 1] = -self.ZweigMs[0:n - 2]
        self.ZASQ[1:n] = self.omega[1:n] * self.ZweigMs[1:n] * self.ZweigMs[0:n - 1] * (self.dx ** 2) / (self.ZweigOmega_co *self.ZweigMpo)
        self.ZASC[1:n] = self.ZASQ[1:n] +self.ZweigMs[1:n] + self.ZweigMs[0:n - 1]
        self.tridata = tridiag_matrix()
        self.tridata.aa = self.ZAL.ctypes.data_as(PDOUBLE)
        self.tridata.bb = self.ZASC.ctypes.data_as(PDOUBLE)
        self.tridata.cc = self.ZAH.ctypes.data_as(PDOUBLE)

    def calculate_g(self):  # same as in fortran
        n = self.n + 1
        self.g[0] = self.d_m_factor * self.Vtmp[0]
        dtot = self.Sherad_factor * self.SheraD
        stot = (self.omega2) * (self.Ytmp + (self.SheraRho * self.YZweig))
        self.g[1:n] = (dtot[1:n] * self.Vtmp[1:n]) + stot[1:n]

    def calculate_right(self, F0):  # same as in fortran
        n = self.n + 1
        self.right[0] = self.g[0] + self.p0x * F0
        self.right[1:n] = self.ZASQ[1:n] * self.g[1:n]

    def SheraParameters(self):  # same as in fortran
        a = (self.SheraP + np.sqrt((self.SheraP ** 2.) +
             self.c * (1.0 - self.SheraP ** 2))) / self.c
        self.SheraD = 2.0 * (self.SheraP - a)
        self.SheraMu = 1. / (2.*np.pi*a)
        self.SheraRho = 2. * a * \
            np.sqrt(1. - (self.SheraD / 2.) ** 2.) * np.exp(-self.SheraP / a)

    def ZweigImpedance(self):
        n = self.n + 1
        MudelayExact =(2*np.pi)*self.SheraMu / (self.omega * self.dt)
        Mudelay = np.floor(MudelayExact) + 1.
        self.Dev[:] = Mudelay - MudelayExact
        self.Zrp1[0:n] = (
            (self.Zwp + self.YbufferLgt) - Mudelay[0:n]) % self.YbufferLgt
        const = self.YbufferLgt - 1
        self.Zrp[0:n] = (self.Zrp1[0:n] + const) % self.YbufferLgt
        self.Zrp2[0:n] = (self.Zrp1[0:n] + 1) % self.YbufferLgt
        self.Zrp3[0:n] = (self.Zrp2[0:n] + 1) % self.YbufferLgt

    def compression_slope_param(self, slope):
        self.Yknee1 = float(1.0*(6.9183e-10))
#self.Yknee1 = float(2.0*(6.9183e-10))
        self.Yknee2 = float(1.5488e-8)
    #    #       THdB=10.0 #SARAH's Style
#        THdB=10.0
#        Ax=1
#        Bx=20*np.log10(8.461e-11)
#        Vknee1 = float(1.0*(2.293e-7))
#        self.PoleE = np.zeros_like(self.x)+0.3
#        BoffsetV=-slope*THdB+20*np.log10(Vknee1) #find the offset of the compression curves
#        Vint=(Bx-BoffsetV)/(slope-Ax) #is the intersection in dB on xaxis
#        Vknee2=Ax*Vint+Bx #what it corresponds to in dB on y axis
#        self.Vknee2=10.0 ** (Vknee2/20.0)
#        self.Vknee1=Vknee1

#       Ale Style
        self.PoleE = np.zeros_like(self.x)+0.31 #saturating pole
        v1=0.6807e-08/3/np.sqrt(2); # velocity at -10 dB with starting Pole
        v2=26.490e-11/3/np.sqrt(2); # velocity at -10 dB with saturating pole
        K1dB=20; # Knee point of the first linear regime in dB (you can select it from here now)
        #but it does not work precisely for K1dB<20...?? So, by using v1 and v2 peak velocities at -10 dB it is possible to impose the desired Knee down to 10 dB.
        K1dB=K1dB+20; #fix for the -10 dB of v1 and v2
        K1L=10**(K1dB/20) #knee point in linear scale
        vst1dB=20*np.log10(v1)+K1dB #velocity with the two poles when the compression starts
        K2dB=(vst1dB-vst2dB)/(1-slope) #intersection in dB re Knee 1
    def polecalculation(self):  # TODO

        factor = 100.
        # lf_limit = self.ctr
        # n = self.n + 1
        if(self.non_linearity == 1):  # To check
            # non-linearity DISP cost about three times more than in
            # fortran (Not implemented now)
            Yknee1CST = self.RthY1 * self.omega[self.onek]
            Yknee2CST = self.RthY2 * self.omega[self.onek]
            Yknee1F = Yknee1CST / self.omega
            Yknee2F = Yknee2CST / self.omega
            Yvect = np.abs(self.Ytmp / Yknee1F)
            Theta0 = np.arctan(
                ((self.PoleE - self.PoleS) / ((Yknee2F / Yknee1F) - 1.)))
            Theta = Theta0 / 2.
            # save 2 call to trigonometric function on vector by storing
            # some data
            cos_Theta = np.cos(Theta)
            sin_Theta = np.sin(Theta)
            cos_Theta0 = 2 * cos_Theta ** 2 - 1
            Sfoc = self.PoleS * factor * (Yknee2F / Yknee1F)
            Se = sin_Theta
            Sb = Sfoc * Se
            Sa = Sfoc * np.sqrt(1. - (1. * (Se ** 2)))
            Sxp = (Yvect - 1.) * cos_Theta / cos_Theta0
            Syp = Sb * np.sqrt(1 + (Sxp / Sa) ** 2)
            Sy = Sxp * sin_Theta + Syp * cos_Theta
            self.SheraP = self.PoleS + Sy / factor

        elif(self.non_linearity == 2):  # non-linearity VEL
            Vvect = np.abs(self.Vtmp) / self.RthV1
            Sxp = (Vvect - 1.) * self.const_nl1
            Syp = self.Sb * np.sqrt(1 + (Sxp / self.Sa) ** 2)
            Sy = Sxp * self.sinTheta + Syp * self.cosTheta
            self.SheraP = self.PoleS + Sy / factor
            self.SheraP = self.PoleS
        self.SheraP = np.fmin(self.SheraP, self.PoleE)

    def solve(self):
        n = self.n + 1
        tstart = time.time()
        if not(self.is_init):
            print("Error: model to be initialized")
        length = np.size(self.stim) - 2
        time_length = length * self.dt
        #each probe point signal in a row
        self.Vsolution = np.zeros([length + 2, len(self.probe_points)])
        self.Ysolution = np.zeros([length + 2, len(self.probe_points)])
        self.Asolution= np.zeros([length + 2, len(self.probe_points)])
        self.oto_emission = np.zeros(length + 2)
        self.time_axis = np.linspace(0, time_length, length)
        r = ode(TLsolver).set_integrator('dopri5', rtol=1e-2, atol=1e-13)
            np.concatenate([np.zeros_like(self.x), np.zeros_like(self.x)]))
        r.t = 0
        j = 0
        self.last_t = 0.0
        self.current_t = r.t
        while(j < length):
            if(j > 0):
                self.interplPoint1 = self.stim[j - 1]
            # assign the stimulus points and interpolation parameters
            self.interplPoint2 = self.stim[j]
            self.interplPoint3 = self.stim[j + 1]
            self.interplPoint4 = self.stim[j + 2]
            r.integrate(r.t + self.dt)
            self.lastT = r.t
            self.V1 = r.y[0:n]
            self.Y1 = r.y[n:2 * n]  # Non linearities HERE
            self.Zwp = (self.Zwp + 1) % self.YbufferLgt  # update Zweig Buffer
            self.Ybuffer[:, self.Zwp] = self.Y1
            self.current_t = r.t
                self.Vsolution[j,:] = self.V1[1:n]  #
                self.Ysolution[j,:] = self.Y1[1:n]
                self.Ysolution[j,:] = self.Y1[range(1,n,2)]
               self.Ysolution[j,:] = self.Y1[range(110,911,2)]
                self.Vsolution[j,:] = self.V1[self.probe_points]  # storing the decided probe points
                self.Ysolution[j,:] = self.Y1[self.probe_points]
            self.oto_emission[j] = self.Qsol[0]
            j = j + 1
    # filter out the otoacoustic emission ####
        samplerate = self.fs
        b, a = signal.butter(1, [600 / (samplerate / 2.), 4000. / (samplerate / 2)],'bandpass')
        self.oto_emission = signal.lfilter(b * self.q0_factor, a, self.oto_emission)
        elapsed = time.time() - tstart
#        print(elapsed)