// Vierling-Claassen 2010
// processes for excitatory optogenetic connections
// feed to exactly half of pyramidal cells in checkerboard pattern
proc FeedtoIIhalf(){ local weight,delay, distX, distY, distance, preX, preY, postX, postY
for postY=0,YD{
for postX=offset,XD{
distX = abs(preX-postX)
distY = abs(preY-postY)
distance = sqrt(distX^2 + distY^2)
weight = $3 * exp( -(distance^2) / ( $4^2) )
delay = $5 * 1 / (exp( -(distance^2) / ( $6^2) ) )
rconnect($o7, PL2[postX][postY], $1, $2, weight, delay, 0)
if (offset==0) {offset=1} else {offset=0}
// added target compartment to old version from Steph 2007 2009
proc FeedtoIL2(){ local weight,delay, distX, distY, distance, preX, preY, postX, postY
// Gaussian Feed Back/Forward to *all* Layer II/III Inhibitory Basket cells
// usage: FeedtoIL2(L.2 basket compartment [0-15] (15 soma),
// receptor type [ 2=GABAa, 3-GABAb ],
// max_weight, weight_space_constant [>1],
// min-delay [ms.] , delay-space-constant [>1],
// FeedX object(eg. FF) )
for postX=0,XD{
for postY=0,YD{
distX = abs(preX-postX)
distY = abs(preY-postY)
distance = sqrt(distX^2 + distY^2)
weight = $3 * exp( -(distance^2) / ( $4^2) )
delay = $5 * 1 / (exp( -(distance^2) / ( $6^2) ) )
if (object_id(IPL2[postX][postY]) ){
rconnect($o7, IPL2[postX][postY], $1, $2, weight, delay, 0) }
} } }