function result = verlessthan(toolboxstr, verstr)
%verLessThan Compare version of toolbox to specified version string.
%   verLessThan(TOOLBOX_DIR, VERSION) returns true if the version of
%   the toolbox specified by the string TOOLBOX_DIR is older than the
%   version specified by the string VERSION, and false otherwise. 
%   VERSION must be a string in the form 'major[.minor[.revision]]', 
%   such as '7', '7.1', or '7.0.1'. If TOOLBOX_DIR cannot be found
%   on MATLAB's search path, an error is generated.
%   Examples:
%       if verLessThan('images', '4.1')
%           error('Image Processing Toolbox 4.1 or higher is required.');
%       end
%       if verLessThan('matlab', '7.0.1')
%           % Put code to run under MATLAB older than MATLAB 7.0.1 here
%       else
%           % Put code to run under MATLAB 7.0.1 and newer here
%       end
%   See also MATLABPATH, VER.

% Copyright 2006 The MathWorks, Inc.
% $Revision: $ $Date: 2006/11/19 21:23:11 $
error(nargchk(2, 2, nargin, 'struct'))
if ~ischar(toolboxstr) || ~ischar(verstr)
    error('MATLAB:verLessThan:invalidInput', 'Inputs must be strings.')

toolboxver = ver(toolboxstr);
if isempty(toolboxver)
    error('MATLAB:verLessThan:missingToolbox', 'Toolbox ''%s'' not found.', toolboxstr)

toolboxParts = getParts(toolboxver(1).Version);
verParts = getParts(verstr);

result = (sign(toolboxParts - verParts) * [1; .1; .01]) < 0;

function parts = getParts(V)
    parts = sscanf(V, '%d.%d.%d')';
    if length(parts) < 3
       parts(3) = 0; % zero-fills to 3 elements