#!/usr/bin/env python
"""script for data of Figure 1F
stimulates neuron somatically to fire at different frequencies"""
# _title_ : critical_frequency.py
# _author_ : Katharina Anna Wilmes
# _mail_ : katharina.anna.wilmes __at__ cms.hu-berlin.de
# --Imports--
import sys
import os
import math
from time import time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import neuron
from neuron import h
from neuronmodel import *
from config_validation import *
from sim import *
path = './'
NO_REPS = 5 # 5 somatic stimulations
RESET = True
DT=0.1 # ms, set the integration step
POST_AMP = 0.3 # nA, amplitude of current injection to trigger AP/bAP
WARM_UP=1000 # ms
DELTA_T=10 #ms, does not matter in this case, only somatic stimulation
identifier = '2015-01-13-00h00m00s'
savepath = '%s%s'%(path,identifier)
if not os.path.exists(savepath):
def _get_current_trace(freq,delta_t,t_stop,pre=False,test=True) :
trace = np.zeros(t_stop/DT)
for i in range(NO_REPS) :
if(pre) :
start_t = (0 + i* (1000.0/freq) + WARM_UP)
else :
start_t = (0 + delta_t + i* (1000.0/freq) + WARM_UP)
end_t = (start_t+2)
if(test) :
print 'start_t=%g, end_t=%g (t_stop=%g, len(trace)=%f)' % (start_t,end_t,t_stop,len(trace))
trace[start_t/DT:end_t/DT] = POST_AMP
return trace
def main():
my_rawdata = {}
sim_params = params['sim']
frequencies = np.arange(10,100,10)
distal_integral = np.zeros((len(frequencies)))
for i, freq in enumerate(frequencies):
cell = Neuron()
sim = Simulation(cell,sim_params)
sim.dt = DT
# somatic stimulation
ic = h.IClamp(cell.soma(0.5))
ic.delay = 0
total_time = WARM_UP+NO_REPS*(1000.0/10)+100
current_trace = _get_current_trace(freq,DELTA_T,total_time,pre=False)
current_vec = h.Vector(current_trace)
sim.sim_time = total_time
# recording
trec = h.Vector()
t = np.array(trec)
recording = sim.get_highestres_recording()
num_spikes, rate = sim.get_rate(0,total_time)
distal_voltage = recording[20,:]
index = int(1000/0.1) # take integral from 1000 ms to end of simulation (600ms interval)
distal_integral[i] = np.sum(distal_voltage[index:]-(-75))
fig = plt.figure()
plt.xlabel("frequency [Hz]", fontsize = 'large')
plt.ylabel("Integral of distal voltage", fontsize = 'large')
plt.axis(xmin = 0,xmax=90)
plt.axis(ymin = 0.2,ymax=1.1)
my_rawdata['t'] = t
my_rawdata['num_spikes'] = num_spikes
my_rawdata['rate'] = rate
my_rawdata['recording'] = recording
rawdata = {'raw_data': my_rawdata}
return rawdata
if __name__ == '__main__':
rawdata = main()