/*synapses are distributed at all distal dendrites and activated by Poisson Glut and Poisson GABAb currents*/

/*distribute synapses over the distal dendrites*/

cell_area = 0
segnum = 1
totnseg = 0

forsec distaldend {
    for i = 1, nseg {
        node_pos = (2*i -1)/(2*nseg)
        cell_area = cell_area + area(node_pos)
        totnseg = totnseg +1

fprint("cell area = %f um^2\n" , cell_area)
fprint("total number of segments in cell = %d\n" , totnseg)

nsec = 0
forall {
	nsec = nsec+1
fprint("number of sections = %d\n", nsec)

nsyn_start_GABAb = 100//200 //events/GABAprefreq_per		//number of synapses used for nsyn_start_GABA = 124 is 100

pathnum = 1

GABAprefreqb = events //GABAprefreq_per*nsyn_start_GABA


	//print "GLUprefreq_per = ", GLUprefreq_per
	//print "GABAprefreq_per = ", GABAprefreq_per 

densityGABAb = cell_area/nsyn_start_GABAb

fprint("densityGABAb = %f (um^2)/synapse\n\n\n", densityGABAb)

objref GABAbsyn[nsyn_start_GABAb], ns_GABAb[nsyn_start_GABAb]
objref nonint_nsynvec
nonint_nsynvec = new Vector(1)      //this is cause the floor function can only used for vectors!

/*initializations for GABA synapses*/
leftover_area = 0
nsyn_used_GABAb = 0
nsyn_left_GABAb = nsyn_start_GABAb
segnum_cell = 0

forsec distaldend {

    segnum_sec = 1                                 	 			//initialization
    nsynGABAbsec = 0                        		 			//initialization
    while(nseg >= segnum_sec && nsyn_left_GABAb>0) {
        //fprint("segment number %d\n", segnum_sec)
	//fprint("we are on segment # %d of a total of %d segments in the cell\n", segnum_cell+1, totnseg)
        node_pos = (2*segnum_sec - 1)/(2*nseg)
        area_seg = area(node_pos)         //microns^2, returns the area of the segment which contains node point
        //fprint("area of segment %d = %f um^2\n", segnum_sec, area_seg)
        //fprint("leftover area = %f um^2\n", leftover_area)
        area_avail = leftover_area + area_seg
        nonint_nsyn = area_avail/densityGABAb
        nonint_nsynvec.x[0] = nonint_nsyn
        nsyn_allocate = nonint_nsynvec.x[0] 
        leftover_area = (nonint_nsyn - nsyn_allocate)*densityGABAb
        nsyn_allocated = 0                      				//initialization
        while (nsyn_allocate>nsyn_allocated  &&   nsyn_left_GABAb>0)  {
           GABAbsyn[nsyn_used_GABAb] = new GABAB(node_pos)        	//put a synapse in the center of each segment
           GABAbsyn[nsyn_used_GABAb].gmax= GABAb_weight //  (uS)       maximum conductance     			//mV
           ns_GABAb[nsyn_used_GABAb] = new NetStim(node_pos)
           ns_GABAb[nsyn_used_GABAb].interval = nsyn_start_GABAb/events*1000  

           ns_GABAb[nsyn_used_GABAb].start = 0
           ns_GABAb[nsyn_used_GABAb].noise = 1
           ns_GABAb[nsyn_used_GABAb].number = numGABAb

                nsyn_used_GABAb = nsyn_used_GABAb + 1
        	nsyn_left_GABAb = nsyn_start_GABAb - nsyn_used_GABAb
        	nsyn_allocated = nsyn_allocated +1
       	        nsynGABAbsec =  nsynGABAbsec + 1
        //fprint("number of GABA synapses allocated for this segment = %d\n", nsyn_allocated)
        segnum_sec = segnum_sec + 1
        segnum_cell = segnum_cell + 1
    //fprint("number of GABA synapses used for section %s = %d\n\n\n", secname(), nsynGABAbsec)

//fprint("went through %d segments out of total %d segments in the cell\n", segnum_cell, totnseg)
fprint("total number GABAb synapses used in cell = %d out of %d GABAb synapses available\n\n\n", nsyn_used_GABAb, nsyn_start_GABAb)

/*create the spike time vectors for all the synapses*/

nsynGABAb = nsyn_used_GABAb

/*create netcon objects and load syntimevecs into the event queue for the netcon objects*//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

objectvar ncGABAb[nsynGABAb]


for k = 0, nsynGABAb-1  {
	ncGABAb[k] = new NetCon(ns_GABAb[k], GABAbsyn[k])
    		ncGABAb[k].weight = (GABAb_weight)     		      //uS

/* total conductance of each kind receptor*/

fprint("Poisson distal GABAb inhibition")
fprint("number of basal ex synapses = %d", nsyn_start_GLUT1)
fprint("number of distal in synapses = %d", nsyn_start_GABAb)
fprint("delta=%g", delta)
fprint("events=%g", events)
fprint("tau1=%g", amp1)
fprint("tau2=%g", amp2)
fprint("gca_proximal=%g", gca_proximal)
fprint("gnmda=%g", gamma)
fprint("g_gabab=%g", GABAb_weight)
fprint("ghbar=%g", ghbar)