/* --------------------------------------------------------------
mainfile for oscillatory inhibition onto the layer V pyramidal neuron
The Neuron Model code is adapted from Mainen Nature 1996.
Parameters are based on "Schaefer, Larkum, Sakmann, Roth
"Coincidence detection in pyramidal neurons is tuned by their
dendritic branching pattern" J. Neurophysiol. 89:3134-3154, 2003
-------------------------------------------------------------- */
objref axonal, dendritic, dendritic_only, distaldend, basaldend
create soma,iseg,hill,myelin[2],node[2], dend11[1]
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// passive & active membrane
// --------------------------------------------------------------
ra = 150
global_ra = ra
rm = 30000
c_m = 0.75
cm_myelin = 0.04
g_pas_node = 0.02
v_init = -70
celsius = 34
Ek = -90
Ena = 60
gna_dend =50 //(pS/um2)
gna_node =30000
gna_soma =54
gna_myelin =80
gkv_axon = 2000
gkv_soma = 300
gkv_dend = 1
gca_soma = 0
gca_dend =0.1
ghbar=0.001 //mho/cm2
zetat=2.2 //time scale of activation of h current
gkm_dend =.1
gkm_soma = 0.2
gkca_soma = 6.5
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Axon geometry
// Similar to Mainen et al (Neuron, 1995)
// --------------------------------------------------------------
n_axon_seg = 5
proc create_axon() {
create iseg,hill,myelin[n_axon_seg],node[n_axon_seg]
soma {
equiv_diam = sqrt(area(.5)/(4*PI))
// area = equiv_diam^2*4*PI
if (numarg()) equiv_diam = $1
iseg { // initial segment between hillock + myelin
L = 15
nseg = 5
diam = equiv_diam/10 // see Sloper and Powell 1982, Fig.71
hill {
L = 10
nseg = 5
diam(0:1) = 4*iseg.diam:iseg.diam
// construct myelinated axon with nodes of ranvier
for i=0,n_axon_seg-1 {
myelin[i] { // myelin element
nseg = 5
L = 100
diam = iseg.diam
node[i] { // nodes of Ranvier
nseg = 1
L = 1.0
diam = iseg.diam*.75 // nodes are thinner than axon
soma connect hill(0), 0.5
hill connect iseg(0), 1
iseg connect myelin[0](0), 1
myelin[0] connect node[0](0), 1
for i=0,n_axon_seg-2 {
node[i] connect myelin[i+1](0), 1
myelin[i+1] connect node[i+1](0), 1
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Spines
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Based on the "Folding factor" described in
// Jack et al (1989), Major et al (1994)
// note, this assumes active channels are present in spines
// at same density as dendrites
spine_dens = 1
// just using a simple spine density model due to lack of data on some
// neuron types.
spine_area = 0.83 // um^2 -- K Harris
proc add_spines() { local a
forsec $o1 {
a =0
for(x) a=a+area(x)
F = (L*spine_area*spine_dens + a)/a
L = L * F^(2/3)
for(x) diam(x) = diam(x) * F^(1/3)
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Initialization routines
// --------------------------------------------------------------
proc init_cell() {
// passive
forall {
insert pas
Ra = ra
cm = c_m
g_pas = 1/rm
e_pas = v_init
d=dend11[70].diam // exchange the original diam of dend11[70] and dend11[58] to make it reseanable
// exceptions along the axon
forsec "myelin" cm = cm_myelin
forsec "node" g_pas = g_pas_node
// active
// axon
forall insert na
forsec "myelin" gbar_na = gna_myelin
forsec "hill" gbar_na = gna_node
forsec "iseg" gbar_na = gna_node
forsec "node" gbar_na = gna_node
forsec "iseg" { insert kv gbar_kv = gkv_axon }
forsec "hill" { insert kv gbar_kv = gkv_axon }
// dendrites
forsec dendritic_only {
gbar_na = gna_dend
insert kv gbar_kv = gkv_dend
insert km gbar_km = gkm_dend
insert kca gbar_kca = gkca_dend
insert sca gbar_sca = gca_dend
insert cad2 //calcium concentration
cao = 2.5 //mM
// soma
soma {
gbar_na = gna_soma
insert kv gbar_kv = gkv_soma
insert km gbar_km = gkm_soma
insert kca gbar_kca = gkca_soma
insert sca gbar_sca = gca_soma
insert cad2
cao = 2.5 //mM
for i=22,82 {
access dend11[i]
insert hd
zetat_hd=zetat ////time scale of activation of h current
//////////////////////////////////calcium for hot zone////////////////////////////////////////////
dend11[23].gbar_sca = gca_proximal
dend11[24].gbar_sca = gca_proximal
dend11[39].gbar_sca= gca_proximal
access dend11[58]
for j = 1, nseg/2 {
node_pos = (2*j-1)/(2*nseg)
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// seems to be necessary for 3d cells to shift Na kinetics -5 mV
// --------------------------------------------------------------
forall if(ismembrane("k_ion")) ek = Ek
forall if(ismembrane("na_ion")) {
ena = Ena
vshift_na = -5
forall if(ismembrane("ca_ion")) {
//eca = 140
vshift_ca = -10
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// loading cell
// --------------------------------------------------------------
proc load_3dcell() {
// $s1 filename
aspiny = 0
forall delete_section()
access soma
forsec "axon" delete_section()
dendritic = new SectionList()
// make sure no compartments exceed 20 uM length
forall {
if(nseg < L/20) { print secname(), " not accurate" nseg=L/20+1 }
dendritic_only = new SectionList()
forsec dendritic dendritic_only.append()
soma dendritic_only.remove()
distaldend = new SectionList()
basaldend = new SectionList()
for i=23,82 {
access dend11[i]
if (i!=23 && i!=24 && i!=39 && i!=58) {
forsec dendritic_only basaldend.append()
forsec distaldend basaldend.remove()
dend11[22] basaldend.remove()
dend11[23] basaldend.remove()
dend11[24] basaldend.remove()
dend11[39] basaldend.remove()
dend11[58] basaldend.remove()
if (!aspiny) add_spines(dendritic_only,spine_dens)
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Main Loading procedure
// --------------------------------------------------------------
proc LoadNInit() {
proc initialize() {
/*simulation control*/
tstop = 11000 //ms
dt = 0.05 //ms
steps_per_ms = 20
xpanel("RunControl", 0)
xbutton("Init, Run & Save","circ_run()")
xbutton("Single Step","steprun()")
t = 0
xvalue("t","t", 2 )
xvalue("Tstop","tstop", 1,"tstop_changed()", 0, 1 )
xvalue("dt","dt", 1,"setdt()", 0, 1 )
xvalue("Points plotted/ms","steps_per_ms", 1,"setdt()", 0, 1 )
xvalue("Real Time","realtime", 0,"", 0, 1 )
objref newgraphv
newgraphv = new Graph(0)
newgraphv.size (0,tstop+100,-100, 50)
newgraphv.view(0, -100, tstop+100, 150, 6, 0, 500, 200) //.view(mleft, mbottom, mwidth, mheight, wleft,wtop, wwidth, wheight)
newgraphv.addvar("soma.v(0.5)", 1, 2, 0.6, 0.9, 2) //colour, line width,...
newgraphv.addvar("dend11[26].v(0.5)", 3, 2, 0.6, 0.9, 2)
//newgraphv.label("Distributed Stimulus")
objref newgraphc
newgraphc = new Graph(0)
newgraphc.size (0,tstop+100,-100, 50)
newgraphc.view(0, -0.003, tstop+100, 0.005, 6, 250, 500, 200)
//newgraphc.addvar("dend11[26].ica(0.5)", 2, 2, 0.6, 0.9, 2)
newgraphc.addvar("dend11[26].i_hd(0.5)", 1, 2, 0.6, 0.9, 2)
//newgraphc.addvar("dend11[26].ina(0.5)", 2, 1, 0.6, 0.9, 2)
objectvar save_window_
objectvar scene_vector
save_window_ = new Graph(0)
scene_vector = save_window_
{save_window_.view(0, 0.3, tstop+100, 0.4, 6, 600, 500, 200)}
//save_window_.addexpr("AMPAsyn[0].g", 1, 1, 0.8, 0.9, 2) /////later change this
//save_window_.addexpr("NMDAsyn[0].g", 7, 1, 0.8, 0.9, 2)
//save_window_.addexpr("GABAsyn[0].g", 3, 1, 0.8, 0.9, 2)
save_window_.addexpr("GABAbsyn[0].g", 2, 1, 0.8, 0.9, 2)
/*initialize, run and save soma.v(.5)*/
N_parameter=1 //number of loops for different sets of parameters
N_frequency=21 //number of loops for different frequencies of oscillaotory input
objref recv[N_frequency]
objref savdata_somav
objref tempmatrix
strdef basename1, extension1, filename1
objectvar savdata_somav
basename1 = "Outputdata/somav_disperi_delta_"
extension1 = "dat"
proc savedata() {
for i=0,N_frequency-1 {
recv[i]=new Vector()
sprint(filename1, "%s%g.%s", basename1,delta,extension1)
savdata_somav = new File(filename1)
savdata_somav.wopen() //comment this line if not saving the data
tempmatrix.fprint(0,savdata_somav, " %g")
proc circ_run() {
for nn=1,N_parameter {
tempmatrix = new Matrix()
tempmatrix.resize(N_frequency, tstop/dt+1)
events=2000 //total events of GABAa synapses per second, 1000+(nn-1)*500
alfa=1 //scaling parameter for changing the time constant of GABAa synapses, 1.5+0.5*(nn-1)
amp1=0.5 //tau1 of the GABAa synapses
amp2=alfa*7 //tau2 of the GABAa synapses
delta=5 //value of sigma^2 of Gaussian distribution for periodic inhibitory inputs
nsyn_start_GLUT=200 //number of distal GLUT synapses
for mm=1,N_frequency {
//basal inputs
gamma1=0.025 //nS single channel conductance of NMDA synapses
AMPA_weight1=100e-6 //uS
GABA_weight1=0 //uS
//distal inputs
gamma=0.025 //nS single channel conductance of NMDA synapses
AMPA_weight=100e-6 //uS
GABA_weight=1000e-6 //uS
GABAb_weight=0 //uS
nsyn_start_GLUT1=100 //number of basal GLUT synapses
GABAprefreq_per1=40 //frequency of each somatic GABAa synapse
xopen("basal_soma_Poissongaba_stimulus.hoc") //basal Poisson excitation + somatic Poisson inhibition
//xopen("basal_soma_periodicgaba_stimulus.hoc") //basal Poisson excitation + somatic periodic inhibition
GABAprefreq_per=2+(mm-1)*4 //frequency of each distal GABAa synapse (2 to 82 Hz)
xopen("distal_distributed_periodic_gaba_stimulus.hoc") //distal periodic GABAa input
//xopen("distal_distributed_Poisson_gaba_stimulus.hoc") //distal Possion GABAa input
//xopen("distal_distributed_periodic_gaba+gabab_stimulus.hoc") //distal periodic GABAa + GABAb input
//xopen("distal_distributed_Poisson_GABAb_stimulus.hoc") //distal Possion GABAb input
proc demo_run() {
N_frequency_orig = N_frequency
tstop = 250
N_frequency = 1
Graph[0].exec_menu("View = plot")
xpanel("Li et al. 2013 run choices")
xbutton("Short demo run", "demo_run()")
xbutton("Circular run","circ_run()")