function asymmetric_new(P,Ni,N_left,Nrun,amp,NEP1,NEP2,k_von_left,k_von_right,EP,...
% Code written by Xize Xu
% Please cite:
%Xize Xu, Jianhua 'JC' Cang and Hermann Riecke
% "Development and Binocular Matching of Orientation Selectivity in Visual Cortex:
%A Computational Model"
%Journal of Neurophysiology, January 2020
%This code uses published codes from
%Clopath C, Vasilaki E, B�sing L and Gerstner W.
% "Connectivity reflects coding: A model of voltage-based
% spike-timing-dependent-plasticity with homeostasis"
% Nature Neuroscience, 13, 344-352, 2010
% and
% Clopath C, Gerstner W.
% "Voltage and Spike Timing interact in STDP - a Unified Model."
% Frontiers in Synaptic Neuroscience, doi:10.3389/fnsyn.2010.00025, 2010
% This code uses the voltage-based plasticity rule developed in Clopath
% et al. 2010 to simulate the development and binocuclar matching of the
% receptive fields through both eyes under monocular vision and binocular
% vision.
%(note that all parameters were set in advance on the basis of Clopath et al. (2010)
%except for the amplitude for potentation and depression, which are increased to speed up the simulations).
%As an example run try
% This code calls the function aEIF.m which is the neuron model
% Simulaton parameters
% EP: number of time steps per simulated input [ms].
% NEP1: number of random visual inputs during monocular vision
% NEP2: number of random visual inputs during binocular vision
n_neur = 1; % number of downstream neurons
dt = 1; % duration of time step [ms]
T = EP*(NEP1+NEP2); % number of time steps
tau_th = 1.2*1000.0; % time constant for sliding threshold
% Plasticity model parameters
% parameters set in the function call:
% A2d: Depression Amplitude. A3p: Potentiation Amplitude.
theta_tar=110; % scale for the homeostatic process
tau_p = 7; % time constant of the voltage low-pass for the potentiation term
tau_r = 15; % time constant for the presynaptic spike low-pass
tau_d = 10; % time constant of the voltage low-pass for the depression term
% Input parameters
% parameters set in the function call:
% P: number of input patterns
% k_von_left:argument of modified
% Bessel function for synaptic input through left eye
% k_von_right=20:argument of modified
% Bessel function for synaptic input through right eye
% wmax: max synaptic weights
nu_in_max = 0.015; % amplitude of synaptic input
nu_in_min = 0.0001; % baseline of synaptic input
% Upstream monocular neurons' preferred orientations are linearly determined from 0 to pi.
gau(1:N_left) = nu_in_min+1*amp*.3*nu_in_max*exp(cos((2*pre_orientation(1:N_left)-pattern)/180*pi)*k_von_left)/(2*pi*besseli(0,k_von_left));
gau(N_left+1:Ni) = nu_in_min+1*amp*.3*nu_in_max*exp(cos((2*pre_orientation(N_left+1:Ni)-pattern)/180*pi)*k_von_right)/(2*pi*besseli(0,k_von_right));
prespikeamount=0;% record the amount of inputs's spiking
for jj=1:P
mup = 1+(jj-1)*N_left/P;
mupp= 1+(jj-1)*N_right/P;
w_total=zeros(Ni, T/250+1,Nrun);% record the evolution of synaptic strength every 250 timesteps
for irun=1:Nrun
fprintf(' This is run number %g \n',irun)
clear right
clear left
clear momentary_v
clear w_save
p_left = zeros(1,T); % generate random pattern locations
p_right = zeros(1,T); % generate random pattern locations
for n=1:NEP1+NEP2
if n==1
p_left((n-1)*EP+1:n*EP) = 1;
p_right((n-1)*EP+1:n*EP) = 1;
p_left((n-1)*EP+1:n*EP) = floor(P*rand)+1;
p_right((n-1)*EP+1:n*EP) = floor(P*rand)+1;
% Initialisation of the variables
E_L = -70.6; % resting potential
w =rand(Ni,n_neur)*wmax; %initial condition for w
u = E_L*ones(n_neur, 1); % membrane potential
u_md = E_L*ones(n_neur, 1); % low pas of u for the depression term
u_mp = E_L*ones(n_neur, 1); % low pas of u for the potentiation term
uy = 0*ones(n_neur, 1); % voltage thresholded
u_sig_md = 0*ones(n_neur, 1); % low-pass of u thresholded for the depression term
u_sig_mp = 0*ones(n_neur, 1); % low-pass of u thresholded for the potentiation term
r = zeros(Ni,1); % presyn low pass;xbar
inp = (rand(Ni,1)<[pat_left(:,p_left(1));pat_right(:,p_right(1))]); % generation of the inputs
C = 281; % membrane capacitance [pF]
theta = 0.0*ones(n_neur, 1); % sliding threshold, relative to resting potential
u1s = E_L*ones(n_neur, 1); % keeping voltage in memory for 2ms
u1ss = E_L*ones(n_neur, 1); % keeping voltage in memory for 2ms
counter = 0*ones(n_neur, 1); % initial values
w_tail = 0*ones(n_neur, 1); % initial values
wad = 0*ones(n_neur, 1); % initial values
V_T = -50.4*ones(n_neur, 1); % initial values
w_save = zeros(Ni, T/250+1); % save the weights for plotting the data
% g=40;
for t=2:EP*NEP1
inp = (rand(Ni,1)<[pat_left(:,p_left(t));pat_right(:,p_right(t))]);
I = w'*inp*g*(E_rev-u1s)+g_inh*(I_rev-u1s); %input currents, g: exciatory synaptic conductance
% g_inh: inhibitory synaptic conductance
[u, wad,w_tail, counter, V_T] = aEIF(u, wad,w_tail, I,counter, V_T); % voltage, aEIF neuron model
uy = ((u-E_L) > 25.3).*(u-E_L-25.3); % threshold of voltage
r = (1-dt/tau_r)*r+dt/tau_r*inp; % low pass of presynaptic spike
u_mp = u1ss*dt/tau_p +(1-dt/tau_p)*u_mp; % low pass of postsynaptic voltage for the potentiation term
u_md = u1ss*dt/tau_d +(1-dt/tau_d)*u_md;% low pass of postsynaptic voltage for the depression term
u_sig_md = ((u_md-E_L) > 0.).*(u_md-E_L-0.); % threshold the low pass
u_sig_mp = ((u_mp-E_L) > 0.).*(u_mp-E_L-0.);% threshold the low pass
theta = (1-dt/tau_th)*theta+dt/tau_th*((u1ss-E_L).^2); % homeostasis
w = w + A3p*r*(u_sig_mp.*uy)'-A2d*inp*(u_sig_md.*(theta./theta_tar))'; % weight update
w(w<0) = 0; % weight lower bound
w(w>wmax) = wmax; % weight upper bound
w_save(:,floor(t/250)+1) = w; % save the weights for plotting%%%
u1s = u; % save the voltage 1ms before for the update order
u1ss = u1s; % save the voltage 2ms before for the update order
for t=EP*NEP1+1:T
inp = (rand(Ni,1)<[pat_left(:,p_left(t));pat_right(:,p_left(t))]); % input pattern
I = w'*inp*g*(E_rev-u1s)+g_inh*(I_rev-u1s); %input currents
[u, wad,w_tail, counter, V_T] = aEIF(u, wad,w_tail, I,counter, V_T); % voltage, aEIF neuron model
uy = ((u-E_L) > 25.3).*(u-E_L-25.3); % threshold of voltage
r = (1-dt/tau_r)*r+dt/tau_r*inp; % low pass of presynaptic spike
u_mp = u1ss*dt/tau_p +(1-dt/tau_p)*u_mp; % low pass of postsynaptic voltage for the potentiation term
u_md = u1ss*dt/tau_d +(1-dt/tau_d)*u_md;% low pass of postsynaptic voltage for the depression term
u_sig_md = ((u_md-E_L) > 0.).*(u_md-E_L-0.); % threshold the low pass
u_sig_mp = ((u_mp-E_L) > 0.).*(u_mp-E_L-0.);% threshold the low pass
theta = (1-dt/tau_th)*theta+dt/tau_th*((u1ss-E_L).^2); % homeostasis
w = w + A3p*r*(u_sig_mp.*uy)'-A2d*inp*(u_sig_md.*(theta./theta_tar))'; % weight update
w(w<0) = 0; % weight lower bound
w(w>wmax) = wmax; % weight upper bound
w_save(:,floor(t/250)+1) = w; % save the weights for plotting purpose
u1s = u; % save the voltage 2ms before for the update order
u1ss = u1s; % save the voltage 2ms before for the update order
% Now plot the evolution of synaptic strength (similar as Fig 4A1, A2 in the paper)
if 1==1
ylabel('Neuron index')
xlabel('Time (s)')
title(['Synaptic strength to the left eye, t_{switch}=',num2str(NEP1*EP/1000),' s'])
hold all
hold off
title(['Synaptic strength to the right eye, t_{switch}=',num2str(NEP1*EP/1000),' s'])
ylabel('Neuron index')
xlabel('Time (s)')
hold all
hold off
save(filename4, 'w_total');
function [u, w,w_tail,counter,V_T] = aEIF(u,w,w_tail,I,counter,V_T)
% Code written by Claudia Clopath
% Please cite:
% Clopath C, Vasilaki E, B�sing L and Gerstner W.
% "Connectivity reflects coding: A model of voltage-based
% spike-timing-dependent-plasticity with homeostasis"
% Nature Neuroscience, 13, 344-352, 2010
% and
% Clopath C, Gerstner W.
% "Voltage and Spike Timing interact in STDP - a Unified Model."
% Frontiers in Synaptic Neuroscience, doi:10.3389/fnsyn.2010.00025, 2010
% This is the code to simulate the neuron model
% AEIF: Simulate adex model with spike after depolarization current and
% adaptive threshold
% Preconditions:
% u Membrane potential at time t
% w Adaptation variable
% w_tail Current for spike afterdepolarization
% V_T Adaptive threshold
% I Input Current
% counter Counter to force the spike to be clamped at the high value
% for 2ms
% Model parameters
th = 20; % [mV] spike threshold
C = 281; % [pF] membrane capacitance
g_L = 30; % [nS] membrane conductance
E_L = -70.6; % [mV] resting voltage
VT_rest = -50.4;% [mV] resetting voltage
Delta_T = 2; % [mV] exponential parameters
tau_w = 144; % [ms] time constant for adaptation variable w
a = 4; % [nS] adaptation coupling constant
b = 0.0805; % [nA] spike triggered adaptation
w_jump = 400; % [pA]spike after depolarisation;spike current after a spike
tau_wtail = 40; % [ms] time constant for spike after depolarisation;tau_z
tau_VT = 50; % [ms] time constant for VT
VT_jump = 20; % adaptive threshold;not threshold potential after a spike
if counter ==2 % trick to force the spike to be 2ms long��spike�����ʱ�̣����һ����
u = E_L+15+6.0984; % resolution trick (simulation of the spike at a fine resolution - see below)
w = w+b;
w_tail = w_jump;
counter = 0;
V_T = VT_jump+VT_rest;%��
% Updates of the variables for the aEIF
udot = 1/C*(-g_L*(u-E_L) + g_L*Delta_T*exp((u-V_T)/Delta_T) - w +w_tail+ I);
wdot = 1/tau_w*(a*(u-E_L) - w);
u= u + udot;
w = w + wdot;
w_tail = w_tail-w_tail/tau_wtail;
V_T = VT_rest/tau_VT+(1-1/tau_VT)*V_T;
if counter == 1%spike �ĵ�1�룬u�ı仯trick��, w����
counter = 2;
u = 29.4+3.462; % resolution trick (simulation of the spike at a fine resolution - see below)
w = w-wdot;
if (u>th && counter==0) % threshold condition for the spike,spike �ĵ�0��
u = 29.4;
counter = 1;
% numerical trick for the aEIF model: I simulated, once and for all, the spike upswing and
% integrated to know what is the integral of the spike, with high precision. Then I used this number in the simulation and
% I clamped the spike for 2ms at the appropriated calculated value (this is to speed up the simulations
% since network simulation is really time consuming). Since my time step in my simulation is 1ms,
% I wait 3ms (the spike length (2ms) plus 1 time step (1ms)) before I read the filtered version of
% the voltage (we want to read the value of the voltage trace before this spike).