//**********************       PRINT FILES         *************************

// ModelDB file along with publication:
// Yim MY, Hanuschkin A, Wolfart J (2015) Hippocampus 25:297-308.
// http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/hipo.22373/abstract

// Man Yi Yim / 2015

// Print out the output spikes, membrane potential and network connections in the main code into files
// This code contains the following proc's
// proc saveNet()
// proc sMatrix_init()
// proc sMatrix()
// proc SpkMx()
// proc SpkMx_template()
// proc write_customstate()
// proc write_stimIn()

// Read out the ID of pre or precell (by Ted Carnevale)
// argument is a NetCon

obfunc myprecell() { localobj nil
  // nil points to NULLobject
  if ($o1.precell() == nil) {
    return $o1.pre()
  } else {
    return $o1.precell()

//***Network connections***
strdef DGNC_name_
objref dfile
dfile = new File()
proc saveNet(){ local i
	print "write out Net cons file ..."
        sprint (DGNC_name_,"%s-%d-%d%s.%s", "DGNC", PP_box_startid_, PP_box_nr_, idname, suffix)
	for i=0, nclist.count-1 {
		dfile.printf("%s\t%s\n", myprecell(nclist.object(i)), nclist.object(i).postcell)}
// vbc2gc.x[i], vmc2gc.x[i], vhc2gc.x[i], vgc2gc.x[i])} ??

//***Header of the voltage file***
strdef strmat
objref efile
efile = new File()
strdef DGVt_name_
proc sMatrix_init(){				// here the header info for sMatrix is written out...
	n_to_print = 500
	print "Output memb voltage traces of every ", ngcell/n_to_print, " GC and all other cells to file"
        sprint (DGVt_name_,"%s-%d-%d%s.%s", "DGVt", PP_box_startid_, PP_box_nr_, idname, suffix)
	efile.printf("# t\t")

proc sMatrix(){ local j
	efile.printf("%f\t", t)
	for i = 0, n_to_print-1 {
		efile.printf("%f\t", cells.object[int(i*ngcell/n_to_print)].soma.v(0.5))}

proc SpkMx() { local i, j
        strdef DGsp_name_
	sprint (DGsp_name_,"%s-%d-%d%s.%s", "DGsp", PP_box_startid_, PP_box_nr_, idname, suffix)
        print "Create: ", DGsp_name_   // output filename
 	k = 0 
        while (k < VmT.size) {
                for j = 0, (ngcell+nbcell+nmcell+nhcell-1) {
                        if(Spike[j].x[k] != 0) {
                                dfile.printf("%f\t%d\n", VmT.x[k], j)           // write out time of spike and cell id!
				// Spike_times[j].append(VmT.x[k])		// generate vector of spike times for each cell. Moved to seperate function
                k +=1

proc SpkMx_template() { local i, j
        strdef DGsp_name_

	sprint (DGsp_name_,"%s-%d-%d%s.%s", "GCsp", PP_box_startid_, PP_box_nr_, idname, suffix)

        print "Create: ",DGsp_name_   // output filename


        k = 0 
        while(k <  VmT.size) {
                for j = 0, ngcell-1 {
                        if(Spike[j].x[k] != 0) {
                                dfile.printf("%f\t%d\n", VmT.x[k], j)           // write out time of spike and cell id!
                k +=1

proc write_customstate() { local i, j
        strdef f_name_
	sprint (f_name_,"%s-%d-%d%s.%s", "NetworkState_OUT_", PP_box_startid_, PP_box_nr_, idname, suffix)

        print "Create: ",f_name_   // output filename


  	for i = 0, ngcell -1 {
    		forsec Gcell[i].all { // iterate over all sections of this cell
      			for (x,0) { // iterate over internal nodes
                                dfile.printf("%f\n", v)           // write out time of spike and cell id!
        for i = 0, nbcell -1 {
                forsec Bcell[i].all { // iterate over all sections of this cell
                        for (x,0) { // iterate over internal nodes
                                dfile.printf("%f\n", v)           // write out time of spike and cell id!
        for i = 0, nmcell -1 {
                forsec Mcell[i].all { // iterate over all sections of this cell
                        for (x,0) { // iterate over internal nodes
                                dfile.printf("%f\n", v)           // write out time of spike and cell id!
        for i = 0, nhcell -1 {
                forsec Hcell[i].all { // iterate over all sections of this cell
                        for (x,0) { // iterate over internal nodes
                                dfile.printf("%f\n", v)           // write out time of spike and cell id!

proc write_stimIn() {
        strdef f_name_
	sprint (f_name_,"%s-%d-%d%s.%s", "StimIn", PP_box_startid_, PP_box_nr_, idname, suffix)

        print "Create: ",f_name_   // output filename

	for i=0,npp-1 {
           for j=0,vec_stim[i].size()-1 {

	// write out noise input...
        if (print_stim_noise == 1){
         if (debug_ == 2) {print "write out noise input..." }
         for i=0,npp-1 {
           for j=0,vec_stim_noise[i].size()-1 {