// NEURON 001

// ------------------------
// General notes and instructions
// ------------------------

// Loads the base neuron and sets its parameters
// Loads with the xopen command:
//  xopen("NEURON_001-130308.hoc")
// A base neuron such as this should be loaded first
// Some variable names differ from those mentioned in
//  Young, Castelfranco, Hartline (2013).
//  'mye' refers to the "myelinated" segments, i.e. the
//  internodes.
//  'gap' refers to the thickness of the submyelin space,
//  i.e. the submyelin gap, or delta.
//  'mycm' is the radial capacitance of a single layer
//  of "myelin"
//  'mygm' is the radial conductance of a single layer
//  of "myelin"

// ------------------------
// Base neuron setup
// ------------------------

   segs = 100
   create node[segs+1]
   create para[2*segs]
   create mye[segs]

   rhoa = 0.356e6
   rhoo = 0.356e6
   axondiam = 10
   gap = 0.07
   Rnumber = (rhoo*0.01)/(PI*((((axondiam/2)+gap)^2)-((axondiam/2)^2)))
   nl = 100
   mycm = 1.0
   mygm = 0.000001
   for i = 0, (segs-1) {
      node[i] {
         L = 10
         diam = axondiam
         Ra = rhoa*0.0001
         cm = 1
         nseg = 9
         insert hh
         gnabar_hh = 0.12
         gkbar_hh = 0.036
         gl_hh = 0.0003
         el_hh = -54.4
         insert extracellular
         xraxial = 0.0001
         xg = 1e10
         xc = 0
      para[2*i] {
         L = 1
         diam = axondiam
         Ra = rhoa*0.0001
         cm = 1
         nseg = 3
         insert hh
         gnabar_hh = 0.12
         gkbar_hh = 0.036
         gl_hh = 0.0003
         el_hh = -54.4
         insert extracellular
         xraxial = Rnumber
         xg = mygm/(nl*2)
         xc = mycm/(nl*2)
      mye[i] {
         L = 1500
         diam = axondiam
         Ra = rhoa*0.0001
         cm = 1
         nseg = 301
         insert hh
         gnabar_hh = 0.12
         gkbar_hh = 0.036
         gl_hh = 0.0003
         el_hh = -54.4
         insert extracellular
         xraxial = Rnumber
         xg = mygm/(nl*2)
         xc = mycm/(nl*2)
      para[2*i+1] {
         L = para[2*i].L
         diam = para[2*i].diam
         Ra = para[2*i].Ra
         cm = para[2*i].cm
         nseg = para[2*i].nseg
         insert hh
         gnabar_hh = para[2*i].gnabar_hh
         gkbar_hh = para[2*i].gkbar_hh
         gl_hh = para[2*i].gl_hh
         el_hh = para[2*i].el_hh
         insert extracellular
         xraxial = para[2*i].xraxial
         xg = para[2*i].xg
         xc = para[2*i].xc
      connect para[2*i](0), node[i](1)
      connect mye[i](0), para[2*i](1)
      connect para[2*i+1](0), mye[i](1)
   for i = 1, (segs-1) {
      connect node[i](0), para[2*i-1](1)
   node[segs] {
      L = node[0].L
      diam = node[0].diam
      Ra = node[0].Ra
      cm = node[0].cm
      nseg = node[0].nseg
      insert hh
      gnabar_hh = node[0].gnabar_hh
      gkbar_hh = node[0].gkbar_hh
      gl_hh = node[0].gl_hh
      el_hh = node[0].el_hh
      insert extracellular
      xraxial = node[0].xraxial
      xg = node[0].xg
      xc = node[0].xc
   connect node[segs](0), para[2*segs-1](1)