-----VELOCITY----- Attached are six files related to obtaining conduction velocities. With these, you should be able to load our base neuron, change most of its parameters (e.g. tighten delta, the submyelin gap size), and record the resulting conduction velocities. Base neuron: NEURON_001-130308.hoc Algorithms: ALG_PARCHA-130523.hoc ("PARameter CHAnge") ALG_VELOCITY-130308.hoc Batch file: BATCH_VELOCITY-141106_myeL_gap_1.hoc BATCH_VELOCITY-141106_myeL_gap_2.hoc Other: ALG_PARCHA-130523.pdf (Supplementary documentation for the PARCHA algorithm) BATCH_VELOCITY-141106_myeL_gap_1.hoc and BATCH_VELOCITY-141106_myeL_gap_2.hoc are the only HOC files that should be executed. They will load the base neuron, the two algorithms, then record the conduction velocities of 54 axons (6 different internode lengths X 9 different submyelin gap sizes). Each batch file simulates three different internode lengths. The outputs are two DAT files each containing a 27x3 matrix, where each of the 54 rows contain an internode length, a gap size, and the resulting velocity. Please note that these batch files may take a long time to run on some computers. If this is unacceptable, you may need to edit the batch file and remove some parameters. The output of the batch files will be in the MATLAB folder.