// write weight file, read weight file, initialize weights
// weight file format is
//srcgid targid s w : nweight of these
//any number of above two
////////create a weight file
weight_start_ = 1e9
weight_interval_ = 1e9
objref fih_weight_, weight_file_
proc weight_snapshots() {local i, nw localobj f
weight_file_ = new File($s1)
f = weight_file_
weight_start_ = $2
weight_interval_ = $3
fih_weight_ = new FInitializeHandler(2, "w1_()")
nw = 0
for i=0, mgrs_list.count-1 {
if (object_id(mgrs_list.object(i).md2ampanmda)) { nw += 1 }
if (object_id(mgrs_list.object(i).gd2fi)) { nw += 1 }
nw = pc.allreduce(nw,1)
if (pc.id == 0) {
f.printf("%d\n", nw)
proc w1_() { cvode.event(weight_start_, "w2_()") }
proc w2_() {local i localobj f
f = weight_file_
for pnm.serialize() {
if (pc.id == 0) {
f.printf("%g\n", t)
for i=0, mgrs_list.count-1 {
f.printf("%s\n", mgrs_list.object(i).ws_str().s)
cvode.event(t + weight_interval_, "w2_()")
//////////// end of create a weight file
/////////// initialize weight from first group of a weight file
objref fih_weight_init_, weight_init_file_
proc weight_initialize() {
weight_init_file_ = new File($s1)
fih_weight_init_ = new FInitializeHandler(1, "w3_()")
proc w3_() {local i, nw, srcgid, targid, s, w, sgid \
localobj f, map, newmap, mgrs, p, nc, syn, ncl
f = weight_init_file_
nw = f.scanvar()
f.scanvar() // discard t
p = new PythonObject()
nrnpython("newmap = lambda key, value : {key:value}")
map = p.newmap(-1,0)
for i=0, nw - 1 {
srcgid = f.scanvar
targid = f.scanvar
s = f.scanvar
w = f.scanvar
sgid = syn_gid(srcgid, targid)
// if (pc.gid_exists(sgid)) {// correct even if multisplit
// no way at present to efficiently derive the
// MGRS from the srcgid, targid but we know it
// exists. So save data in a Python map and
// retrieve next loop
map.update(p.newmap(sgid, s))
//printf("map %d %d %d %d\n", srcgid, targid, ncell, s)
// }
// sweep mgrs_list
for i=0, mgrs_list.count-1 {
mgrs = mgrs_list.object(i)
if (object_id(mgrs.gd2fi)) {
s = map.__getitem__(mgrs.md_gid)
//printf("%d %d %g\n", mgrs.granule_gid, mgrs.mitral_gid, s)
if (object_id(mgrs.md2ampanmda)) {
s = map.__getitem__(mgrs.gd_gid)
//printf("%d %d %g\n", mgrs.mitral_gid, mgrs.granule_gid, s)