function [t, pd, mean, cv, tot_sp] = ISIdist(SpikeTimes,res,maxt)
% function returns the interspike interval distribution
% of a spike sequence and its mean and coefficient of
% variation.
% Input:
% SpikeTimes = vector containing time (in s) of spikes
% res = the resolution of the isi distribution [ms]
% maxt = maximal time interval to be taken into account [ms]
% Output:
% t = matrix of time values for the ISIs.
% pd = corresponding probability distribution.
% mean = mean isi
% cv = coefficient of variation of the isi distribution
% Determine maxima above threshold for PPN and set up 0/1 point process representations.
% diff_tr=diff(Vm(1:end-1)); % [ X(2)-X(1) ... X(n-1)-X(n-2) ]
% diff_tr_shift=diff(Vm(2:end)); % [ X(3)-X(2) ... X(n)-X(n-1) ]
% tr_maxima=[ 0;(diff_tr>0).*(diff_tr_shift<=0);0 ]; % Boolean with maxima
% sp =(Vm>-20) .* tr_maxima; % Maxima above threshold
% SpikeTimes = find(sp);
if(length(SpikeTimes) <= 1)
msgbox({'Not enough spikes detected.','Cannot generate ISI-distribution'},'Skuld','warn');
t = [];
pd = [];
mean = 0;
cv = 0;
tot_sp = 0;
%initializes the various variables
SpikeTimes = SpikeTimes*1000; % To convert to ms
% isi_x = (0:res:maxt)';
isi_x = (res:res:maxt)'- res/2;
% Generate histogram
isi = diff(SpikeTimes);
isi_y = hist(isi,isi_x);
%normalizes to probability per bin
tot_sp = sum(isi_y); % Neglect the first spike
isi_y = (isi_y/tot_sp)';
%computes mean, covariance and cv of the isi distribution
mean = sum(isi_y.*isi_x);
cov = sum(isi_y.*((isi_x-mean).^2));
std = sqrt(cov);
cv = std/mean;
pd = isi_y;
t = isi_x;