This notebook describes the implementation of the following paper:
Yann Zerlaut, Sandrine Chemla, Frederic Chavane and Alain Destexhe
paper's link:
If you use this code, please cite:
Voltage-sensitive dye imaging (VSDi) has revealed fundamental properties of neocortical processing at macroscopic scales. Since for each pixel VSDi signals report the average membrane potential over hundreds of neurons, it seems natural to use a mean-field formalism to model such signals. Here, we present a mean-field model of networks of Adaptive Exponential (AdEx) integrate-and-fire neurons, with conductance-based synaptic interactions. We study a network of regular-spiking (RS) excitatory neurons and fast-spiking (FS) inhibitory neurons. We use a Master Equation formalism, together with a semi-analytic approach to the transfer function of AdEx neurons to describe the average dynamics of the coupled populations. We compare the predictions of this mean-field model to simulated networks of RS-FS cells, first at the level of the spontaneous activity of the network, which is well predicted by the analytical description. Second, we investigate the response of the network to time-varying external input, and show that the mean-field model predicts the response time course of the population. Finally, to model VSDi signals, we consider a one-dimensional ring model made of interconnected RS-FS mean-field units. We found that this model can reproduce the spatio-temporal patterns seen in VSDi of awake monkey visual cortex as a response to local and transient visual stimuli. Conversely, we show that the model allows one to infer physiological parameters from the experimentally-recorded spatio-temporal patterns.
You'll need a full features Scientific Python distribution you can get one at :
get Brian2 for numerical simulations of network dynamics you can now get it through "conda" with: conda install -c brian-team brian2
print('-------> Tested under the following settings:')
import scipy
print('SciPy version :', scipy.__version__)
import numpy
print('NumPy version :', numpy.__version__)
import matplotlib
print('Matplotlib version :', matplotlib.__version__)
import brian2
print('Brian2 version :', brian2.__version__)
# displaying figures inline:
%matplotlib inline
Here, we build up the description of the single cell computation within the mean-field formalism
# the parameters are written within a library of neuron parameters
from modeling_mesoscopic_dynamics.single_cell_models.cell_library import get_neuron_params
RS_params = get_neuron_params('RS-cell', name='RS-cell', SI_units=False)
# plotting the responses to current steps
from modeling_mesoscopic_dynamics.single_cell_models.step_response import make_model_figure
make_model_figure('RS-cell', I0=200e-12);
# Now making the numerical simulations at various levels of both excitatory and inhibitory inputs
# note the rescaling of the excitatory input to insure that the response remains in the <30 range: it focuses on low range when inhibition is low and on a larger range when inhibition is larger
%run modeling_mesoscopic_dynamics/transfer_functions/ RS-cell CONFIG1 -s --SEED 4 --tstop 10 --discret_Fe 10 --discret_Fi 10 --max_Fe 30
# paper's value -> 5-10 minutes sim
from modeling_mesoscopic_dynamics.transfer_functions.theoretical_tools import make_fit_from_data
P_RS = make_fit_from_data('data/RS-cell_CONFIG1.npy', with_square_terms=True, verbose=False)
# now displaying the numerical values and the analytical function
from modeling_mesoscopic_dynamics.transfer_functions.plots import make_exc_inh_fig
make_exc_inh_fig('data/RS-cell_CONFIG1.npy', P=P_RS)
# the parameters are written within a library of neuron parameters
from modeling_mesoscopic_dynamics.single_cell_models.cell_library import get_neuron_params
FS_params = get_neuron_params('FS-cell', name='FS-cell', SI_units=False)
# plotting the responses to current steps
from modeling_mesoscopic_dynamics.single_cell_models.step_response import make_model_figure
make_model_figure('FS-cell', I0=200e-12);
# Now making the numerical simulations at various levels of both excitatory and inhibitory inputs
%run modeling_mesoscopic_dynamics/transfer_functions/ FS-cell CONFIG1 -s --SEED 4 --tstop 10 --discret_Fe 10 --discret_Fi 10 --max_Fe 30
# paper's value -> 5-10 minutes sim
from modeling_mesoscopic_dynamics.transfer_functions.theoretical_tools import make_fit_from_data
P_FS = make_fit_from_data('data/FS-cell_CONFIG1.npy', with_square_terms=True, verbose=False)
# now displaying the numerical values and the analytical function
from modeling_mesoscopic_dynamics.transfer_functions.plots import make_exc_inh_fig
make_exc_inh_fig('data/FS-cell_CONFIG1.npy', P=P_FS)
# Note that we also used the network parameters because it requires the synaptic properties (number of synapses)
# they are stored in the following module
from modeling_mesoscopic_dynamics.synapses_and_connectivity.syn_and_connec_library import get_connectivity_and_synapses_matrix
performing the numerical simulation with the Brian2 package ! see
%run modeling_mesoscopic_dynamics/network_simulations/ --CONFIG RS-cell--FS-cell--CONFIG1 -f data/config1.npy
# showing the ouput of the simulations
from modeling_mesoscopic_dynamics.network_simulations.plot_single_sim import plot_ntwk_sim_output
DATA = np.load('data/config1.npy')
AX, FIG = plot_ntwk_sim_output(*DATA,\
zoom_conditions=[0,1000], bar_ms=100,\
# now comparing the simulation with the mean-field
from modeling_mesoscopic_dynamics.network_simulations.compare_with_mean_field import plot_ntwk_sim_output
FIG = plot_ntwk_sim_output(*DATA, min_time=500) # we discard the initial 500ms to evaluate the dynamics
# the fixed point of the mean field is found by launching a trajectory
# of the mean-field dynamical system and taking the point of convergence
# see modeling_mesoscopic_dynamics/mean_field
# running simulation
%run modeling_mesoscopic_dynamics/network_simulations/ --CONFIG RS-cell--FS-cell--CONFIG1 -f data/waveform.npy --sim
# comparing with the time-varying mean-field
# again the dynamical system is implemented in modeling_mesoscopic_dynamics/mean_field
%run modeling_mesoscopic_dynamics/network_simulations/ --CONFIG RS-cell--FS-cell--CONFIG1 -f data/waveform.npy
%run modeling_mesoscopic_dynamics/ring_model/
%run modeling_mesoscopic_dynamics/ring_model/ --conduction_velocity_mm_s 50
%run modeling_mesoscopic_dynamics/ring_model/ --Tau1 10e-3 --Tau2 50e-3
%run modeling_mesoscopic_dynamics/ring_model/ --exc_connect_extent 1 --sX 4
see the details of those experimental data in the paper
we illustrate the procedure for one recording stored in "data/VSD_data_session_example.mat"
plotting the VSD data and evidence the propagation
from import loadmat
import numpy as np
from graphs.my_graph import set_plot
from scipy.signal import convolve2d
import as cm
def load_data(filename, Nsmooth=1, tshift=0):
f = loadmat(filename)
data = 1e3*f['matNL'][0]['stim1'][0]
time = f['matNL'][0]['time'][0].flatten()+tshift
space = f['matNL'][0]['space'][0].flatten()
if Nsmooth>0:
smoothing = np.ones((Nsmooth, Nsmooth))/Nsmooth**2
smooth_data = convolve2d(data, smoothing, mode='same')
smooth_data = data
return time, space, smooth_data
def plot_response(filename,
tshift=0, Nsmooth=2,
vsd_ticks=[-0.5, 0, 0.5, 1.]):
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(4.7,3))
plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=.23, top=.9, right=.84, left=.25)
time, space, smooth_data = load_data(filename, Nsmooth=Nsmooth, tshift=tshift)
cond = (time>t0) & (time<t1)
c = ax.contourf(time[cond], space, smooth_data[:,cond],\
np.linspace(smooth_data.min(), smooth_data.max(), Nlevels), cmap=cm.viridis)
plt.colorbar(c, label='VSD signal ($\perthousand$)',
set_plot(ax, xlabel='time (ms)', ylabel='space (mm)')
return fig, ax
# full response
fig, _ = plot_response('data/VSD_data_session_example.mat')
# zoomed response
fig, ax = plot_response('data/VSD_data_session_example.mat',
t0=-50, t1=100, Nsmooth=0)
time, space, data = load_data('data/VSD_data_session_example.mat', Nsmooth=0, tshift=0)
amp_criteria is the threshold of the crossing of maximum amplitude
signal_criteria is a minimum amplitude criteria, beyond this level of the maximum observed signal we consider that there is no real evoked reponse, it does not goes beyond noise level
signal_criteria, amp_criteria = 0.4, 0.6
XX, TT = [], []
for i in range(data.T.shape[1]):
imax = np.argmax(data.T[:,i])
if data.T[imax,i]>=signal_criteria:
ii = np.argmin(np.abs(data.T[:imax,i]-amp_criteria*data.T[imax,i]))
# ax.plot(np.array(TT), np.array(XX), 'wo', ms=1)
tt, xx = np.array(TT), np.array(XX)
# for intervals in [[0,2.3], [2.5,5.7], [5.9,8.5]]:
for intervals in [[3, 5.5], [6,8], [8.2, 12]]:
cond = (xx>intervals[0]) & (xx<intervals[1]) & (tt<20)
pol = np.polyfit(xx[cond], tt[cond], 1)
xxx = np.linspace(xx[cond][0], xx[cond][-1])
plt.plot(np.polyval(pol, xxx), xxx, 'w-', lw=2)
set_plot(ax, xlabel='time (ms)', ylabel='space (mm)', ylim=[3,11])
# we build up the scan run many configurations over a grid
# for testing
%run modeling_mesoscopic_dynamics/ring_model/ --N 2
# UNCOMMENT for paper value
# %run modeling_mesoscopic_dynamics/ring_model/ --N 5
# this writes a bash file in the 'modeling_mesoscopic_dynamics/ring_model' folder
# launch it with "bash modeling_mesoscopic_dynamics/ring_model/"
# (but ideally on a server, this is a bit long ~5h of simulations)
print('execute the following script')
!(ls modeling_mesoscopic_dynamics/ring_model/
# we align the data and the model to compute a residual:
from modeling_mesoscopic_dynamics.ring_model.compare_to_model import get_data, get_residual
new_time, space, new_data = get_data('data/VSD_data_session_example.mat', t0 = -50, t1=200)
print('Residual with this configuration = ', get_residual(new_time, space, new_data,
# then we compute the residual with respect to that datafile for all the scanned configuration
%run modeling_mesoscopic_dynamics/ring_model/ --analyze
# and we just take the minimum among all configurations, here the red point
# (note that here it is only for N=2, run N=5 to have it identical to the paper)
%run modeling_mesoscopic_dynamics/ring_model/ --plot
# this procedure is repeated for all session's data to yield the results of Fig. 9
# (N.B. with the N=5 grid discretization)