import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import minimize
def gaussian(x, mean, std):
output = np.exp(-(x-mean)**2/2./std**2)/np.sqrt(2.*np.pi)/std
return output
def fit_2gaussians(Vm, n=1000, upper_bound=-35, nbins=100):
take the histogram of the Vm values
and fits two gaussians using the least square algorithm
'upper_bound' cuts spikes !
returns the weights, means and standard deviation of the
gaussian functions
vbins = np.linspace(Vm.min(), upper_bound, nbins) # discretization of Vm for histogram
hist, be = np.histogram(Vm, vbins, normed=True) # normalized distribution
vv = 0.5*(be[1:]+be[:-1]) # input vector is center of bin edges
def to_minimize(args):
w, m1, m2, s1, s2 = args
double_gaussian = w*gaussian(vv, m1, s1)+(1.-w)*gaussian(vv, m2, s2)
return np.power(hist-double_gaussian, 2).sum()
# initial values
mean0, std0 = Vm.mean(), Vm.std()
w, m1, m2, s1, s2 = 0.5, mean0-std0, mean0+std0, std0/2., std0/2.
res = minimize(to_minimize, [w, m1, m2, s1, s2],
bounds = [(.05, .95),
(vv.min(), vv.max()), (vv.min(), vv.max()),
(1e-2, vv.max()-vv.min()), (1e-2, vv.max()-vv.min())],
w, m1, m2, s1, s2 = res.x
return (w, 1-w), (m1, m2), (s1, s2)
def passing_the_up_and_down_states_criteria(weigths, means, stds,
std_ratio=1./3., std_shift=3.):
i0, i1 = np.argmin(means), np.argmax(means) # find the upper and lower distrib
if (stds[i0]/stds[i1]<std_ratio) and (means[i1]>means[i0]+std_shift*stds[i0]):
return True
return False
def determine_threshold(weigths, means, stds, with_amp=False):
""" Gives the single threshold given the Gaussian Mixture"""
i0, i1 = np.argmin(means), np.argmax(means) # find the upper and lower distrib
vv = np.linspace(means[i0], means[i1], 1e2) # the point is in between the two means
gaussian1 = weigths[i0]*gaussian(vv, means[i0], stds[i0])
gaussian2 = weigths[i1]*gaussian(vv, means[i1], stds[i1])
ii = np.argmin(np.power(gaussian1-gaussian2, 2))
threshold, amp = vv[ii], gaussian1[ii]
if with_amp:
return threshold, amp
return threshold
def get_thresholded_intervals(t, Vm, threshold, where='above-and-below',\
returns the interval below/above/below-and-above a threshold
Up_intervals, Down_intervals = [], []
iupward = np.argwhere( (Vm[:-1]<threshold) & (Vm[1:]>=threshold)).flatten()
idownward = np.argwhere( (Vm[:-1]>threshold) & (Vm[1:]<=threshold)).flatten()
if iupward[0]<idownward[0]:
# we start by down state
start_with_down = True
if adding_the_boundary_intervals:
Down_intervals.append([t[0], t[iupward[0]]])
# then we fill in order
for i in range(min([len(idownward), len(iupward)-1])):
Down_intervals.append([t[idownward[i]], t[iupward[i+1]]])
for i in range(min([len(idownward), len(iupward)])):
Up_intervals.append([t[iupward[i]], t[idownward[i]]])
start_with_down = False
# we start by up state
if adding_the_boundary_intervals:
Up_intervals.append([t[0], t[idownward[0]]])
# then we fill in order
for i in range(min([len(iupward), len(idownward)-1])):
Up_intervals.append([t[iupward[i]], t[idownward[i+1]]])
for i in range(min([len(idownward), len(iupward)])):
Down_intervals.append([t[idownward[i]], t[iupward[i]]])
if adding_the_boundary_intervals:
if iupward[-1]>idownward[-1]:
# we finish by Up state
Up_intervals.append([t[iupward[-1]], t[-1]])
Down_intervals.append([t[idownward[-1]], t[-1]])
if where=='above-and-below':
return Up_intervals, Down_intervals
elif where=='above':
return Up_intervals
elif where=='below':
return Down_intervals
print('need to specify a valid setting for the interval you want !')
def apply_duration_criteria(state_interval,
min_duration=150e-3, max_duration=1500e-3):
while i<len(state_interval):
length = state_interval[i][1]-state_interval[i][0]
if (length<min_duration) or (length>max_duration):
return state_interval
def matching_cond_for_duplicates(ref_interval, test_interval):
tr1, tr2 = ref_interval
tt1, tt2 = test_interval
if (((tt1>=tr1) and (tt1<=tr2)) or \
((tt2>=tr1) and (tt2<=tr2)) or \
((tr1>=tt1) and (tr1<=tt2)) or \
((tr2>=tt1) and (tr2<=tt2))):
# return tr1, tr2
return [min([tr1, tt1]), max([tr2, tt2])] # merging intervals
return None
def remove_duplicates(state_interval):
new_intervals = []
while len(state_interval)>0:
# the strategy is to put the intervals into the "duplicates"
# and remove them from the main array
to_remove = [0]
for i in range(1, len(state_interval)):
new = matching_cond_for_duplicates(state_interval[0], state_interval[i])
if new is not None:
to_remove.append(i) # we store the one to remove
state_interval[0] = new # we replace the standard interval with updated values
for i in to_remove[::-1]: # need to start from the end
state_interval.pop(i) # we remove
return new_intervals
def procedure_over_sliding_window(t, Vm,
sliding_window=5, sliding_shift=.5):
Goes over a sliding window, fits two gaussians, decide whether
the distrib is bimodal enough to be likely to have up and down
states, if yes, classifiesthe state
dt = t[1]-t[0]
isl, iss = int(sliding_window/dt), int(sliding_shift/dt)
Up_intervals, Down_intervals = [], []
for i in range(int(len(t)/iss)):
i0, i1 = max([0, int(i*iss-isl/2)]), min([len(t), int(i*iss+isl/2)])
weights, means, stds = fit_2gaussians(Vm[i0:i1])
if passing_the_up_and_down_states_criteria(weights, means, stds):
threshold = determine_threshold(weights, means, stds)
upI, downI = get_thresholded_intervals(t[i0:i1], Vm[i0:i1],
Up_intervals = Up_intervals + upI
Down_intervals = Down_intervals + downI
# check duration criteria
Up_intervals = apply_duration_criteria(Up_intervals)
Down_intervals = apply_duration_criteria(Down_intervals)
# remove duplicates
Up_intervals = remove_duplicates(Up_intervals)
Down_intervals = remove_duplicates(Down_intervals)
Up_intervals = remove_duplicates(Up_intervals)
Down_intervals = remove_duplicates(Down_intervals)
return Up_intervals, Down_intervals
if __name__=='__main__':
import sys
from data_analysis.IO.load_data import load_file, get_formated_data
from graphs.my_graph import show
t1, t2 = 17, 26
t, DATA = load_file(\
# '/Users/yzerlaut/DATA/Exps_Ste_and_Yann/2016_12_6/16_48_19_VM-FEEDBACK--OSTIM-AT-VARIOUS-DELAYS.bin',
zoom=[t1, t2])
Vm = DATA[0]
vbins = np.linspace(Vm.min(), -30)
Up_intervals, Down_intervals = procedure_over_sliding_window(t, Vm)
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
plt.subplot2grid((1,6), (0,0), colspan=5)
plt.plot(t, Vm, lw=1)
plt.ylabel('$V_m$ (mV)')
for (t1, t2) in Up_intervals:
plt.fill_between([t1,t2], plt.gca().get_ylim()[0]*np.ones(2),
plt.gca().get_ylim()[1]*np.ones(2), color='r', alpha=.1, lw=0)
for (t1, t2) in Down_intervals:
plt.fill_between([t1,t2], plt.gca().get_ylim()[0]*np.ones(2),
plt.gca().get_ylim()[1]*np.ones(2), color='b', alpha=.1, lw=0)
# compute histogram and gaussian mixture (histogram over full data !)
Vmhist, be = np.histogram(Vm, bins=vbins, normed=True)
plt.subplot2grid((1,6), (0,5))
plt.barh(.5*(be[1:]+be[:-1]), Vmhist, height=be[1]-be[0])
# show(plt)