This script connects the different synapses to a target neuron
from __future__ import print_function
from brian2 import *

def build_up_recurrent_connections_for_2_pop(Pops, syn_conn_matrix, SEED=1):

    exc_neurons, inh_neurons = Pops
    P = syn_conn_matrix
    # exc_exc
    exc_exc = Synapses(exc_neurons, exc_neurons, model='w:siemens', on_pre='Gee_post += w')
    exc_exc.connect('i!=j', p=P[0,0]['p_conn'])
    exc_exc.w = P[0,0]['Q']*nS
    # exc_inh
    exc_inh = Synapses(exc_neurons, inh_neurons, model='w:siemens' ,on_pre='Gei_post += w')
    exc_inh.connect('i!=j', p=P[0,1]['p_conn'])
    exc_inh.w = P[0,1]['Q']*nS
    # inh_exc
    inh_exc = Synapses(inh_neurons, exc_neurons, model='w:siemens' ,on_pre='Gie_post += w')
    inh_exc.connect('i!=j', p=P[1,0]['p_conn'])
    inh_exc.w = P[1,0]['Q']*nS
    # inh_inh
    inh_inh = Synapses(inh_neurons, inh_neurons, model='w:siemens', on_pre='Gii_post += w')
    inh_inh.connect('i!=j', p=P[1,1]['p_conn'])
    inh_inh.w = P[1,1]['Q']*nS
    return exc_exc, exc_inh, inh_exc, inh_inh

def build_up_recurrent_connections(NeuronGroups, syn_conn_matrix):

    CONNECTIONS = np.empty((len(NeuronGroups), len(NeuronGroups)))
    if len(NeuronGroups)!=syn_conn_matrix.shape[0]:
        print('problem the matrix of connectivity and synapses does not')
        print('match the number of populations')

    for jj in range(len(NeuronGroups)):
        # loop over post-synaptic neurons
        for ii in range(len(NeuronGroups)):
            # loop over presynaptic neurons
            CONNECTIONS[ii,jj] = Synapses(NeuronGroups[ii], NeuronGroups[jj],\
                                          on_pre='G'+syn_conn_matrix[ii,jj]['name']+'_post +=w')
            CONNECTIONS[ii,jj].connect('i != j', p=syn_conn_matrix[ii,jj]['p_conn'])  # exclude self-connections
            CONNECTIONS[ii,jj].w = syn_conn_matrix[ii,jj]['Q']*nS
    return CONNECTIONS

def build_up_poisson_group_to_pop(list_of_freqs, list_of_synapses, target_group):

    CONNECTIONS = np.empty(len(NeuronGroups), dtype=object)

    return CONNECTIONS


if __name__=='__main__':

    # starting from an example

    import sys
    from single_cell_models.cell_library import get_neuron_params
    from single_cell_models.cell_construct import get_membrane_equation
    from syn_and_connec_library import get_connectivity_and_synapses_matrix
    M = get_connectivity_and_synapses_matrix('Vogels-Abbott', number=2)
    exc_neurons, eqs = get_membrane_equation(get_neuron_params('LIF', number=4000), M[:,0], return_equations=True)
    inh_neurons, eqs = get_membrane_equation(get_neuron_params('LIF', number=1000), M[:,1], return_equations=True)

    # initial conditions
    for P in [exc_neurons]:
        P.Gee = '(randn() * 1.5 + 4) * 10.*nS'
        P.Gie = '(randn() * 12 + 20) * 10.*nS'
        P.V = '-60*mV + randn()*5*mV'
    for P in [inh_neurons]:
        P.Gei = '(randn() * 1.5 + 4) * 10.*nS'
        P.Gii = '(randn() * 12 + 20) * 10.*nS'
        P.V = '-60*mV + randn()*5*mV'
    exc_exc, exc_inh, inh_exc, inh_inh = \
      build_up_recurrent_connections_for_2_pop([exc_neurons, inh_neurons], M) # only for 2 pop !

    # recording
    n_rec = 3 # number of neurons whose membrane pot is recorded (per population)
    trace_exc = StateMonitor(exc_neurons, 'V', record=range(n_rec))
    trace_inh = StateMonitor(inh_neurons, 'V', record=range(n_rec))
    raster_exc = SpikeMonitor(exc_neurons)
    raster_inh = SpikeMonitor(inh_neurons)


    # plotting 
    fig1 = figure(figsize=(10,6))
    plot(raster_exc.t/ms, raster_exc.i, '.g', raster_inh.t/ms, raster_inh.i+len(exc_neurons), '.r')
    xlabel('Time (ms)');ylabel('Neuron index')
    fig2 = figure(figsize=(10,5))
    for i in range(n_rec):
        plot(trace_exc.t[1:] / ms, trace_exc[i].V[1:] / mV, 'g')
        plot(trace_inh.t[1:] / ms, trace_inh[i].V[1:] / mV, 'r')
