import numpy as np
import scipy.special as sp_spec
import scipy.integrate as sp_int
from scipy.optimize import minimize, curve_fit
import sys

def pseq_params(params):
    Qe, Te, Ee = params['Qe'], params['Te'], params['Ee']
    Qi, Ti, Ei = params['Qi'], params['Ti'], params['Ei']
    Gl, Cm , El = params['Gl'], params['Cm'] , params['El']
    for key, dval in zip(['Ntot', 'pconnec', 'gei'], [1, 2., 0.5]):
        if not key in params.keys():
            params[key] = dval

    if 'P' in params.keys():
        P = params['P']
    else: # no correction
        P = [-45e-3]
        for i in range(1,11):

    # return Qe, Te, Ee, Qi, Ti, Ei, Gl, Cm, El, Ntot, pconnec, gei, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10
    return params['Qe'], params['Te'], params['Ee'], params['Qi'], params['Ti'], params['Ei'], params['Gl'], params['Cm'], params['El'], params['Ntot'], params['pconnec'], params['gei'], P[0], P[1], P[2], P[3], P[4], P[5], P[6], P[7], P[8], P[9], P[10]

def get_fluct_regime_vars(Fe, Fi, Qe, Te, Ee, Qi, Ti, Ei, Gl, Cm, El, Ntot, pconnec, gei, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10):
    # here TOTAL (sum over synapses) excitatory and inhibitory input
    fe = Fe*(1.-gei)*pconnec*Ntot # default is 1 !!
    fi = Fi*gei*pconnec*Ntot
    muGe, muGi = Qe*Te*fe, Qi*Ti*fi
    muG = Gl+muGe+muGi
    muV = (muGe*Ee+muGi*Ei+Gl*El)/muG
    muGn, Tm = muG/Gl, Cm/muG
    Ue, Ui = Qe/muG*(Ee-muV), Qi/muG*(Ei-muV)

    sV = np.sqrt(\

    fe, fi = fe+1e-9, fi+1e-9 # just to insure a non zero division, 
    Tv = ( fe*(Ue*Te)**2 + fi*(Qi*Ui)**2 ) /( fe*(Ue*Te)**2/(Te+Tm) + fi*(Qi*Ui)**2/(Ti+Tm) )
    TvN = Tv*Gl/Cm

    return muV, sV+1e-12, muGn, TvN

def mean_and_var_conductance(Fe, Fi, Qe, Te, Ee, Qi, Ti, Ei, Gl, Cm, El, Ntot, pconnec, gei, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10):
    # here TOTAL (sum over synapses) excitatory and inhibitory input
    fe = Fe*(1.-gei)*pconnec*Ntot # default is 1 !!
    fi = Fi*gei*pconnec*Ntot
    return Qe*Te*fe, Qi*Ti*fi, Qe*np.sqrt(Te*fe/2.), Qi*np.sqrt(Ti*fi/2.)

def erfc_func(muV, sV, TvN, Vthre, Gl, Cm):
    return .5/TvN*Gl/Cm*\

def effective_Vthre(Y, muV, sV, TvN, Gl, Cm):
    Vthre_eff = muV+np.sqrt(2)*sV*sp_spec.erfcinv(\
                    Y*2.*TvN*Cm/Gl) # effective threshold
    return Vthre_eff

def threshold_func(muV, sV, TvN, muGn, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10):
    setting by default to True the square
    because when use by external modules, coeff[5:]=np.zeros(3)
    in the case of a linear threshold
    muV0, DmuV0 = -60e-3,10e-3
    sV0, DsV0 =4e-3, 6e-3
    TvN0, DTvN0 = 0.5, 1.
    return P0+P1*(muV-muV0)/DmuV0+\
# final transfer function template :
def TF_my_template(fe, fi, Qe, Te, Ee, Qi, Ti, Ei, Gl, Cm, El, Ntot, pconnec, gei, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10):
    # here TOTAL (sum over synapses) excitatory and inhibitory input
    muV, sV, muGn, TvN = get_fluct_regime_vars(fe, fi, Qe, Te, Ee, Qi, Ti, Ei, Gl, Cm, El, Ntot, pconnec, gei, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10)
    Vthre = threshold_func(muV, sV, TvN, muGn, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10)
    Fout_th = erfc_func(muV, sV, TvN, Vthre, Gl, Cm)
    return Fout_th

def make_loop(t, nu, vm, nu_aff_exc, nu_aff_inh, BIN,\
              Qe, Te, Ee, Qi, Ti, Ei, Gl, Cm, El, Ntot, pconnec, gei, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10):
    dt = t[1]-t[0]
    # constructing the Euler method for the activity rate
    for i_t in range(len(t)-1): # loop over time
        fe = (nu_aff_exc[i_t]+nu[i_t]+Fdrive) # afferent+recurrent excitation
        fi = nu[i_t]+nu_aff_inh[i_t] # recurrent inhibition
        W[i_t+1] = W[i_t] + dt/Tw*(b*nu[i_t]*Tw - W[i_t])

        nu[i_t+1] = nu[i_t] +\
                TF_my_template(fe, fi, W[i_t], Qe, Te, Ee, Qi, Ti, Ei, Gl, Cm, El, Ntot, pconnec, gei, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10)\

        vm[i_t], _, _, _ = get_fluct_regime_vars(fe, fi, W[i_t], Qe, Te, Ee, Qi, Ti, Ei, Gl, Cm, El, Ntot, pconnec, gei, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10)

    return nu, vm, W

##### Now fitting to Transfer Function data

def fitting_Vthre_then_Fout(Fout, Fe_eff, fiSim, params,\
                            maxiter=10000, xtol=1e-5,

    Fout, Fe_eff, fiSim = Fout.flatten(), Fe_eff.flatten(), fiSim.flatten()
    muV, sV, muGn, TvN = get_fluct_regime_vars(Fe_eff, fiSim, *pseq_params(params))
    i_non_zeros = np.where(Fout>0)

    Vthre_eff = effective_Vthre(Fout[i_non_zeros], muV[i_non_zeros],\
                sV[i_non_zeros], TvN[i_non_zeros], params['Gl'], params['Cm'])
    if with_square_terms:
        P = np.zeros(11)
        P = np.zeros(5)
    P[:5] = Vthre_eff.mean(), 1e-3, 1e-3, 1e-3, 1e-3

    def Res(p):
        if not with_square_terms:
            pp = np.concatenate([p, np.zeros(6)])
        vthre = threshold_func(muV[i_non_zeros], sV[i_non_zeros],\
                               TvN[i_non_zeros], muGn[i_non_zeros], *pp)
        return np.mean((Vthre_eff-vthre)**2)
    plsq = minimize(Res, P, method='SLSQP',\
                    options={'ftol': 1e-8, 'disp': True, 'maxiter':40000})

    if verbose:

    P = plsq.x
    def Res(p):
        if not with_square_terms:
            params['P'] = np.concatenate([p, np.zeros(6)])
            params['P'] = p
        return np.mean((Fout-\
                        TF_my_template(Fe_eff, fiSim, *pseq_params(params)))**2)

    plsq = minimize(Res, P, method='nelder-mead',\
            options={'xtol': xtol, 'disp': True, 'maxiter':maxiter})

    if verbose:
    if with_square_terms:
        return plsq.x
        return np.concatenate([plsq.x, np.zeros(6)])

def make_fit_from_data(DATA, with_square_terms=False,

    MEANfreq, SDfreq, Fe_eff, fiSim, params = np.load(DATA)

    Fe_eff, Fout = np.array(Fe_eff), np.array(MEANfreq)
    levels = fiSim # to store for colors
    fiSim = np.meshgrid(np.zeros(Fe_eff.shape[1]), fiSim)[1]

    P = fitting_Vthre_then_Fout(Fout, Fe_eff, fiSim, params,\
    print(1e3*np.array(P), 'mV')

    # then we save it:
    filename = DATA.replace('.npy', '_fit.npy')
    print('coefficients saved in ', filename), np.array(P))

    return P

import argparse
if __name__=='__main__':
    # First a nice documentation 
     '=====> FIT of the transfer function =============='
     '=== and theoretical objects for the TF relation =='

    parser.add_argument('-f', "--FILE",help="file name of numerical TF data",\
    parser.add_argument("--With_Square",help="Add the square terms in the TF formula"+\
                        "\n then we have 7 parameters",\
    args = parser.parse_args()

    make_fit_from_data(args.FILE, with_square_terms=args.With_Square)