This folder contains the necessary NEURON files to reproduce the data shown in Fig. 3a (Wind-Up), Fig. 5b (A-fiber Inhibition), and Fig. 7C (Foreman SCS, or single pulses of SCS with accompanying peripheral input) in Zhang TC et al., J Neurophysiology (2014). "WindUp" and "A Fiber Inhibition" feature the model architectures without surround inhibition. "Foreman SCS" features the model architecture with surround inhibition. Transient-firing and Delayed-firing interneurons shown in Figure 2 can be substituted into the network by copying the associated cell template from the "Transient_Delayed_Firing_Variants" folder. .mod files defining membrane currents and synaptic properties are located in the "Critical Mod Files" folder. In addition, Excel files listing the source, destination, weight, synaptic delay, and reversal potentials of all connections in the model in the order that they are fed into NEURON (respectively via the files "FromVector.txt", "ToVector.txt", "WeightVector.txt", "DelayVector.txt", and "ERevVector.txt") are included. Query the "nclist" object in the NEURON command line to check/confirm connectivities. Spike trains to be applied to each A and C fiber input to the model are also included ("SpikeTimesVector.txt"). Please note that due to the way NEURON imports external spike trains, EACH INDIVIDUAL SYNAPSE is connected to its own "S_Netstim" object, and there are more S_Netstim objects than the 15 A-Beta, 15-Adelta, and 30 C-fibers listed in the paper; to get around this limitation, synapses connected to S_Netstim objects with the same index on a given cell (e.g. AMPA_DynSyn[15] and NMDA_DynSyn[15]) are set to correspond to the same "input fiber" and therefore receive the same spike train. PLEASE NOTE THAT MOST VISUALIZATION WAS DONE IN MATLAB USING THE ".DAT" TRANSMEMBRANE POTENTIAL AND SPIKE TIME OUTPUTS FROM "RunSim" SCRIPTS. As such, this model cannot be run in the web browser. However, the MATLAB code required to generate the relevant plots has been included in this package. Specific Notes below: Wind-Up: Run "Shell." Note that surround inhibition is NOT implemented here. A Fiber Inhibition: Run "Shell". Note that surround inhibition is implemented in the network (in case one wishes to assess what Local + Surround inhibition with A-fiber inhibition would look like) but that no spikes (within time range; spikes are set to start at t = 1e9) are fed into those inputs during the simulation time frame. Foreman: Simply run "Shell" and files will output as they need to. Fig 3a in "WindUp" directory. Fig 5b in "A Fiber Inhibition" directory. Fig 7c in "Foreman SCS" directory. Updated 2/16/23 to include B_Adapt.mod