% izhikevich simple model neuron network with random connectivity
% with time constant input at varying levels with LIF-measured stability
% eric zilli - june 28, 2009 using simple model MATLAB code from
% Izhikevich's book modified to be a network
% release version 1.0. check modeldb for updates.
% this source code is released into the public domain
% This script calculates the FI curve of a network of simple model neurons.
% Note: this is a cleaned up version of the script used to generate the
% paper figures--it is possible errors were introduced during the cleaning!
% Feel free to contact me if there is any difficulty reproducing any
% results from the manuscript.
% Note 2: This can take a while, but it is highly parallelizable because
% each of the ~200 runs (4 Hz/0.02 (Hz/run)) are completely independent. This also makes it a
% quick matter to estimate how long running a complete FI will take: number
% of simulations times length of single simulation.
% Note 3: Careful of the n=1 noisy case where there is no coupling to
% cancel out the noise: the resolution of the FI curve you can get will be
% very limited unless you run extremely long simulations.
% Note 4: If you're trying to run simulations not shown in the paper (i.e.
% going off into your own territory), I advise paying particular attention
% to the estimated stability time over the FI curve. In particular, it's
% going to decrease at higher frequencies and you're going to want even the
% lowest value to be at least as long as the length of the
% spatial trajectory you're going to run (and if the stability time is,
% say, twice as high, all the better!). Try increasing ncells if you want
% higher values, but you may have to go back and find a new g value that
% works for it.
% Note 5: If generating FI curves for 2D grid simulations is going slow,
% try a coarser resolution then come back and run this again to fill in the
% blanks if it turns out the FI curve didn't have enough resolution (which
% will manifest as a large slope in the VCO phase differences vs. time: the
% overall slope should be essentially flat/zero if the resolution is high enough, I
% think). If you have sampled x:a:y, try (x+a/2):a:y then (x+a/4):a/2:y
% then (x+a/8):a/4:y, etc. (this doubles the resolution each time without
% overlapping a previous run).
clear all;
warning off
% type=1 - (Figure 1) class 2 excitable, n=1, noise-free
% type=2 - (Figure 1) class 2 excitable, n=1, noisy
% type=3 - (Figure 1) class 2 excitable, n=250, gap-junction, noisy
% type=4 - (Figure 1) class 2 excitable, n=250, synaptic, noisy
% type=5 - class 1 excitable, n=1, noise-free
% type=6 - class 1 excitable, n=1, noisy
% type=7 - class 1 excitable, n=250, gap-junction, noisy
% type=8 - class 1 excitable, n=250, synaptic, noisy
% type=9 - class 2 excitable, n=1, noise-free, extended past 11 Hz for history dependence script
% type=10 - class 2 excitable, n=5000, p=0.01, synaptic, noisy
% (type=11 is commented out below but might be of interest)
for type=[10];
disp(sprintf('type = %d',type))
% simulation time step
dt = .1; % ms
nruns = 1;
% whether or not per-run statistics are saved to a file
% (from this output file the FI curve can be found in the I and mean
% period columns)
fileOut = 1;
% if fileOut==1, this uses the output saved in the output file to create
% a .mat file of the FI curve that can be used in the 2D simulations
generateFIfile = 1;
% if fileOut==1 and generateFIfile==1, this will load a pre-existing FI
% file (if it exists) and merge the new results in, e.g. to increase the
% resolution of an existing file (new values will overwrite old values)
mergeOld = 1;
% set number of ISIs to skip from beginning of simulation, which are likely to
% be corrupted by start-up transients
skipISIs = 5;
skipFirstHalf = 0;
pcon = 1;
useNoise = 1;
commonNoiseSTD = 0;
% if not-empty, this filed will be loaded to provide the connectivity
% matrix C
loadC = '';
% % to make a C:
% C = (rand(ncells)<pcon)>0;
% C = sparse(C-eye(size(C))>0); % remove autoconnections
% save C_simple_nX_pX.mat C
if type==1
excitationClass = 2;
useGapJunctions = 1;
g = 0;
useNoise = 0;
uniqueNoiseSTD = 100*useNoise;
simdur = 2500; % ms
ncells = 1;
inputMags = 100:0.1:128;
elseif type==2
excitationClass = 2;
useGapJunctions = 1;
g = 0;
uniqueNoiseSTD = 100*useNoise;
simdur = 60000; % ms
ncells = 1;
inputMags = 100:0.1:128; % note: due to noise this resolution is probably too high
elseif type==3
excitationClass = 2;
useGapJunctions = 1;
g = 0.1;
uniqueNoiseSTD = 100*useNoise;
simdur = 15000; % ms
ncells = 250;
inputMags = 100:0.1:128;
elseif type==4
excitationClass = 2;
useGapJunctions = 0;
g = 256;
uniqueNoiseSTD = 100*useNoise;
simdur = 15000; % ms
ncells = 250;
inputMags = 2.^[6.5:.005:8];
elseif type==5
excitationClass = 1;
useGapJunctions = 1;
g = 0;
useNoise = 0;
uniqueNoiseSTD = 100*useNoise;
simdur = 2500; % ms
ncells = 1;
inputMags = [60:.1:80];
elseif type==6
excitationClass = 1;
useGapJunctions = 1;
g = 0;
uniqueNoiseSTD = 130*useNoise;
simdur = 60000; % ms
ncells = 1;
inputMags = [60:.1:80]; % note: due to noise this resolution is probably too high
elseif type==7
excitationClass = 1;
useGapJunctions = 1;
g = 0.1;
uniqueNoiseSTD = 130*useNoise;
simdur = 15000; % ms
ncells = 250;
inputMags = 80; [56:.1:80];
elseif type==8
excitationClass = 1;
useGapJunctions = 0;
g = 128;
uniqueNoiseSTD = 130*useNoise;
simdur = 15000; % ms
ncells = 250;
inputMags = [70:.1:120];
elseif type==9
excitationClass = 2;
useGapJunctions = 1;
g = 0;
useNoise = 0;
uniqueNoiseSTD = 100*useNoise;
simdur = 2500; % ms
ncells = 1;
inputMags = 100:0.1:133;
elseif type==10
excitationClass = 2;
useGapJunctions = 0;
g = 256;
pcon = 0.01;
loadC = 'C_simple_sn_n5000_p01.mat';
useNoise = 1;
uniqueNoiseSTD = 100*useNoise;
simdur = 10000; % ms
ncells = 5000;
inputMags = [100.5:1:125];
%% this case may be of interest to people hoping to eliminate
%% history-dependence on firing frequency:
% elseif type==11
% excitationClass = -1; % -1 means type 1 with u resetting instead of incrementing
% useGapJunctions = 1;
% g = 0.1;
% uniqueNoiseSTD = 130*useNoise;
% I = 62;
% inputMags = [58:.05:86];
outfilename = ['simple_model_RS' sprintf('%d',excitationClass)];
if ncells>1
if useGapJunctions
outfilename = [outfilename 'g'];
outfilename = [outfilename 's'];
if useNoise
outfilename = [outfilename 'n'];
if type==9
outfilename = [outfilename '_ext'];
outfilename = [outfilename '_FI_' datestr(now,'mmmdd') '_n' num2str(ncells) '.txt'];
outfilename = 'simple_model_RS2sn_FI_Jul11_n5000.txt';
disp('outfilename is being overridden!')
% file to save statistics for every individual cell in network, don't
% save if indivname = ''
indivname = '';
% indivname = [strtok(outfilename,'.') '_individualcells.txt'];
Cf=100; vr=-60; vt=-40; k=0.7; % parameters used for RS
a=0.03; c=-50; d=100; % neocortical pyramidal neurons
vpeak=35; % spike cutoff
if abs(excitationClass)==1
elseif abs(excitationClass)==2
b = 2;
if excitationClass<0
d = 60; % reset to 60 instead of 100
n=round(simdur/dt); % number of simulation steps
if ~isempty(loadC)
% connectivity matrix
C = (rand(ncells)<pcon)>0;
C = sparse(C.*(1-eye(ncells))); % remove autoconnections
for inputi=1:length(inputMags)
stabilities = zeros(1,nruns);
stabilities2 = zeros(1,nruns);
for run=1:nruns
% activity of postsynaptic I&F
npost = 1;
post = zeros(npost, round(simdur/dt)+1);
% spike times of postsynaptic I&F
postspikes = spalloc(npost, round(simdur/dt)+1, 20*simdur); % expect firing at 20 Hz
% I&F params
tau = 4.5; % (ms)
membraneDecay = exp(-dt/tau);
if type==10
postWeight = 0.0006;
% magnitude of noise added to all cells on each step
commonNoiseSTD = 0;
commonNoise = 0;
t = 0; % current time in simulation
v = vr*ones(ncells,1);
u = 0*v; % initial values
% save state of one cell over simulation:
state = zeros(2,simdur/dt);
% binary array indicating which cells fire on each time steps
spikes = zeros(ncells, 1);
while t<simdur
t = t+dt; % advance to next time step
tind = 1+round(t/dt);
if commonNoiseSTD
commonNoise = commonNoiseSTD*randn;
I = inputMags(inputi); % externally applied input
oldv = v;
oldu = u;
if useGapJunctions
if pcon==1
% if all-to-all connected, the gap-junctions are equivalent
% to sum(v)-ncells*v
v = oldv + dt*(k*(oldv-vr).*(oldv-vt) - oldu + I + commonNoise + uniqueNoiseSTD*randn(ncells,1) + g*(sum(v)-ncells*v))/Cf;
% make matrix of differences in membrane potential
vdiffs = C.*(repmat(oldv',ncells,1) - repmat(oldv,1,ncells));
v = oldv + dt*(k*(oldv-vr).*(oldv-vt) - oldu + I + commonNoise + uniqueNoiseSTD*randn(ncells,1) + g*sum(vdiffs,2))/Cf;
%% slowest way:
% v = oldv + dt*(k*(oldv-vr).*(oldv-vt) - oldu + I + commonNoise + uniqueNoiseSTD*randn(ncells,1) + g*sum(C.*vdiffs,2))/Cf;
if pcon==1
v = oldv + dt*(k*(oldv-vr).*(oldv-vt) - oldu + I + commonNoise + uniqueNoiseSTD*randn(ncells,1) + g*(sum(spikes,1)-spikes))/Cf;
v = oldv + dt*(k*(oldv-vr).*(oldv-vt) - oldu + I + commonNoise + uniqueNoiseSTD*randn(ncells,1) + g*(C*double(spikes)))/Cf;
u = oldu + dt*a*(b*(oldv-vr)-oldu);
% save and reset spikes when v>=vpeak
spikes = v>=vpeak;
if excitationClass>0
u(v>=vpeak) = u(v>=vpeak)+d;
u(v>=vpeak) = d;
oldv(v>=vpeak) = vpeak;
v(v>=vpeak) = c;
state(:,tind) = [oldv(1); oldu(1)];
post(:,tind) = post(:,tind-1)*membraneDecay + tau*postWeight*sum(spikes);
% to save memory, instead of keeping a separate matrix for the
% times the postsynaptic cell fired, we reset it to
% ever-so-slightly below 0 to identify when it has spiked
post(post(:,tind)>1,tind) = -1e-10;
% calculate mean and variance of ISIs for each postsynaptic cell
npost = 1; %size(post,1);
ISImeans = zeros(1,npost);
ISIstds = zeros(1,npost);
ISIstabilities = zeros(1,nruns);
%% calculate ISI statistics for the postsynaptic LIF neurons
for ce=1:npost % only run this once because we only save the last value in stabilities
spikeTimes = find(post(ce,:)==-1e-10);
ISIs = dt*diff(spikeTimes)/1000; % convert to seconds
% count ISIs as occuring between initial
% spikes of bursts (and additional spikes as occuring in a given
% burst if they are < 50 ms apart);
fISIs = [];
csum = 0;
for is=1:length(ISIs)
csum = csum + ISIs(is);
if ISIs(is)>.050
fISIs = [fISIs csum];
ISIs = fISIs;
if skipISIs
ISIs = ISIs(skipISIs:end);
if skipFirstHalf
ISIs = ISIs(end/2:end);
ISImeans(ce) = mean(ISIs);
ISIstds(ce) = std(ISIs);
ISIstabilities(ce) = 5*ISImeans(ce)^3/16/pi^2/(eps+ISIstds(ce))^2;
% save to file:
if fileOut
fid = fopen(outfilename,'a');
fprintf(fid,'%d\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%d\n', ...
ncells,pcon,I,g,simdur/1000, useNoise*uniqueNoiseSTD,tau,postWeight,...
fprintf('%d\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%d\n', ...
ncells,pcon,I,g,simdur/1000, useNoise*uniqueNoiseSTD,tau,postWeight,...
mean(1./ISIs),ISImeans(1),ISIstds(1),ISIstabilities(1),length(ISIs), ...
if ~isempty(indivname)
fid = fopen(indivname,'a');
fprintf(fid,'%d\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%g\t%d\n', ...
ncells,pcon,I,g,simdur/1000, useNoise*uniqueNoiseSTD,tau,postWeight,...
% now re-open the text file we just wrote and save the relevant bits as a
% .mat file
if fileOut && generateFIfile
clear freqs currents;
FIfilename = [strtok(outfilename,'.') '.mat'];
data = textread(outfilename);
if mergeOld && exist(FIfilename)==2
freqs = []; currents = [];
freqs = [freqs(:); data(:,18)];
currents = [currents(:); data(:,3)];
% in case of duplicates, use the newer one:
[currents,m,n] = unique(currents);
freqs = freqs(m);
[freqs,m,n] = unique(freqs);
currents = currents(m);
if any(diff(freqs)<0)
warning('badness happened! freqs is non-monotonic! generally noise causes this: increasing simdur may help; else use parameters to lower effects of noise. dropping bad samples')
bads = find(diff(freqs)<0);
freqs(bads+1) = [];
currents(bads+1) = [];
warning on
%% To generate Figure 4 itself once the FI curves are generated
ms = 16;
figure; hold on;
load simple_model_RS2gn_FI_Jan05_n250.mat;
% load RS4gnFI_250b;
load simple_model_RS2n_FI_Jan05_n1.mat;
% load RS4nFI_1b;
load simple_model_RS2_FI_Jan05_n1.mat;
% load RS4FI_1b;
load simple_model_RS2sn_FI_Jan05_n250.mat;
% load RS4snFI_250b; % load last to use in other fig
xlabel('Input current magnitude','fontsize',12); ylabel('Network frequency (Hz)','fontsize',12)
set(gcf,'position',[82 404 2*257 302])
set(gca,'xlim',[100 300])
set(gca,'ylim',[4 11])
if exist('fig4a_RS2all_freq_vs_I.eps')~=2
beta=2; omegab=freqs(1)/2+freqs(end)/2;
vels = (freqs-omegab)/beta;
xlabel('Velocity (m/s)','fontsize',12); ylabel('Input current magnitude','fontsize',12);
set(gcf,'position',[82 404 1*257 302])
set(gca,'xlim',[min(vels) max(vels)]);
set(gca,'ylim',[min(currents) max(currents)]);
if exist('fig4b_RS2all_vel_vs_I.eps')~=2