# $Id: network.py,v 1.34 2012/08/09 16:29:02 samn Exp $
from pyinit import *
from bnet import *
# some utils to avoid the h. #
vlk = h.vlk
Vector = h.Vector
gg = h.gg
ge = h.ge
g = h.g[0]
Random = h.Random
List = h.List
Matrix = h.Matrix
nqsdel = h.nqsdel
class apopnet(bnet):
"apoptosis boolean network"
def __init__ (self,fnames="apopnames.txt",frules="apoprules.txt"):
# run boolean network bn for niters using starting vector vstart
# save animation to a gif using Graphviz and ImageMagick convert
# requires Graphviz/ImageMagick installation and a directory called
# frames in the current working directory to save output to. this
# function will also write to a temporary file called __junk__.dot
def myanim (self,niters,fgif):
os.system("rm frames/frame*.gif") # get rid of old gif frames
for i in range(niters):
fn = "frames/frame." + ("%03d" % i) + ".gif"
self.bn.graphviz("__junk__.dot",fn,"gif",1,15,10,20) # must have Graphviz installed
os.system("convert -delay 200 -loop 0 frames/frame*.gif %s" % fgif) # uses ImageMagick convert
# reachedapop - return True when the network has been run to an apoptotic state
def reachedapop (self):
idx = self.idnames["Apoptosis"]
for i in range(len(self.lstate)):
if self.lstate[i][idx] == 1: return True
return False
# survived - return True when network has not reached an apoptotic state
def survived (self):
return not self.reachedapop()
# randruns - run for niters with different random starting states
# each run consists of nsteps advances
# returns an NQS with iteration number, starting/final state, and whether apoptotic
def randruns (self,niters,nsteps=200,rseed=1234):
nq.clear(niters*4) # reserve space
for i in range(niters):
if i % 100 == 0: print("init %d of %d" % (i, niters))
self.randvstart() # randomize starting state
for TNFState in range(2):
self.vstart.x[self.idnames["TNF"]] = TNFState # sets TNF state
for GFState in range(2):
self.vstart.x[self.idnames["GF"]] = GFState # sets GF state
self.startrun(nsteps) # start the network up and run it
return nq
anet = apopnet() # make the apoptosis network