# analysis.py -- Python script for running the simulation interactively
# Usage:
# ipython --pylab -i sim.py
# Last update: 13/09/10 (salvadord)
# Global parameters
# Load the sys and os packages.
import sys, os
from neuron import h # Load the interpreter object.
from numpy import *
from pylab import *
#from pylab import figure, array, size, zeros, subplot, ion, show, pause, hold, sum
from os import system,listdir
from copy import deepcopy
import scipy.io
import numpy as np
import pickle
from bicolormap import bicolormap
import time
import analyse_funcs
# for ipython debugging
#from IPython.core.debugger import Tracer; debug_here = Tracer()
# show graphs with batch simulations error results
def batchErrors(simdatadir, param1Arg=None):
# Set up the simulation data directory.
#simdatadir = 'data/13sep06_sim1'
invert_axis = 1;
# seed values
wseedvals =[120456, 398115]#, 534031, 796321, 895199]
iseedvals = [1235, 2837]#, 3955, 4506, 6789]
# parameter values
#arange(10,110,10)# #[0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1, 0.125, 0.15]#[10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100]#[50, 100,250,500,750,1000]#arange(20,180,20)#[25, 50,75, 100, 125, 150, 175, 200, 225, 250]#
if param1Arg==None:
param1_range =arange(0.8,1.24,0.04)#arange(1,9)# [0,1]#arange(50,550,50)
param2_range = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
# number of errror values = 6 = (ang vs xy) x (10%, 50%, 90%)
err_vals = 6;
# create array for all results (2 errors, 10 train times, 5 wseeds, 5 inseed, 4 error values)
error_all = zeros((len(param1_range),len(param2_range),len(wseedvals),len(iseedvals),err_vals))
# create array for results avg'd over seeds (2 errors, 10 train times, 4 error values)
error_avg = zeros((len(param1_range),len(param2_range),err_vals))
error_std = zeros((len(param1_range),len(param2_range),err_vals))
error_p1_avg = zeros((len(param1_range),err_vals))
# Loop over param1 values
iparam1 = -1
for param1 in param1_range:
iparam1 = iparam1 + 1
iparam2 = -1
skipValue = 0
# Loop over param2 values
for param2 in param2_range:
iparam2 = iparam2 + 1
iwseed = -1
# Loop over wiring seed...
for wseed in wseedvals:
iwseed = iwseed + 1
iiseed = -1
# Loop over input seed...
for iseed in iseedvals:
iiseed = iiseed + 1
# set filename
outfilestem = '%s/p1-%d_p2-%d_i-%d_w-%d_test-nqa.nqs' % (simdatadir, param1, param2, iseed, wseed)
if os.path.isfile(outfilestem):
print "loading "+str(outfilestem)
outfilestem = '%s/p1-%.2f_p2-%d_i-%d_w-%d_test-nqa.nqs' % (simdatadir, param1, param2, iseed, wseed)
if os.path.isfile(outfilestem):
print "loading "+str(outfilestem)
outfilestem = '%s/p1-%.3f_p2-%d_i-%d_w-%d_test-nqa.nqs' % (simdatadir, param1, param2, iseed, wseed)
if os.path.isfile(outfilestem):
print "loading "+str(outfilestem)
# get errors from nqs
if skipValue==0:
tmp = h.calcErrorFromNQ(outfilestem).to_python()
tmp =array(tmp)
error_all[iparam1, iparam2, iwseed, iiseed, :] = tmp
#print tmp
# calculate avg error over seeds
if skipValue==0:
for i in arange(err_vals):
error_avg[iparam1, iparam2, i] = mean(error_all[iparam1, iparam2, :, :, i])
error_std[iparam1, iparam2, i]= std(error_all[iparam1, iparam2, :, :, i])
# calculate average over all targets (param2) for each value of param1
if skipValue==0:
for i in arange(err_vals):
error_p1_avg[iparam1, i] = mean(error_avg[iparam1,:,i])
# plot results
fig = figure(figsize=(figsize[0]/100,figsize[1]/100),dpi=100)
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212)
param_xaxis = 'param2'
if invert_axis:
param1_range = param2_range
param2_range = tmp
error_avg = swapaxes(error_avg, 0, 1)
colorlist = ['black','darkgrey','blue', 'cyan', 'green', 'brown', 'red', 'magenta', 'orange','yellow']
# plot cartesian error
for param1 in param1_range:
iparam1 = iparam1 + 1
#ax1.errorbar(xaxis, error_avg[iparam1,:,0], yerr=error_std[0,:,0], fmt='s', color = colorlist[iparam1%10],)
#ax1.errorbar(xaxis, error_avg[iparam1,:,1], yerr=error_std[0,:,1], fmt='o', color = colorlist[iparam1%10], )
#ax1.errorbar(xaxis, error_avg[iparam1,:,2], yerr=error_std[0,:,2], fmt='x', color = colorlist[iparam1%10], )
#ax1.plot(xaxis, error_avg[iparam1,:,0], color = colorlist[iparam1%10], label=str(param1)+', last 10%')
ax1.plot(xaxis, error_avg[iparam1,:,0], linestyle = "--",color = colorlist[iparam1%10],label=str(param1)+', last 20%')
ax1.plot(xaxis, error_avg[iparam1,:,2], linestyle = "-", color = colorlist[iparam1%10], label=str(param1)+', last 90%')
ax1.plot(xaxis, error_p1_avg[:,0], linestyle = "--",color = 'black',linewidth=4, label='AVG - 20%')
ax1.plot(xaxis, error_p1_avg[:,2], linestyle = "-", color = 'black', linewidth=4, label='AVG - 90%')
ax1.set_ylabel('cartesian error (m)')
ax1.set_title('Cartesian error as a func of param1 and param2')
#ax1.legend(loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.2), borderaxespad=0., prop={'size':12})
# plot angular error
for param1 in param1_range:
iparam1 = iparam1 + 1
#ax2.errorbar(xaxis, error_avg[iparam1,:,3], yerr=error_std[0,:,3], fmt='s', color = colorlist[iparam1%10],)
#ax2.errorbar(xaxis, error_avg[iparam1,:,4], yerr=error_std[0,:,4], fmt='o', color = colorlist[iparam1%10],)
#ax2.errorbar(xaxis, error_avg[iparam1,:,5], yerr=error_std[0,:,5], fmt='x', color = colorlist[iparam1%10], )
#ax2.plot(xaxis, error_avg[iparam1,:,3], color = colorlist[iparam1%10], label=str(param1)+', last 10%')
ax2.plot(xaxis, error_avg[iparam1,:,3], linestyle = "--", color = colorlist[iparam1%10], label=str(param1)+', last 20%')
ax2.plot(xaxis, error_avg[iparam1,:,5], linestyle = "-",color = colorlist[iparam1%10], label=str(param1)+', last 90%')
ax2.plot(xaxis, error_p1_avg[:,3], linestyle = "--",color = 'black',linewidth=4, label='AVG - last 20%')
ax2.plot(xaxis, error_p1_avg[:,5], linestyle = "-", color = 'black', linewidth=4, label=' AVG - last 90%')
ax2.set_ylabel('angular error (rad)')
ax2.set_title('Angular error as a func of param1 and param2')
ax2.legend(loc='upper right', bbox_to_anchor=(1.1, 2.0), borderaxespad=0., prop={'size':12})
# show the receptive field of a neuron or group of neurons (targetCell);
# nSyn = number of synaptic connections to take into account; eg. if 1: ES->EM; if 2, DP->ES->EM
# animate = include synaptic changes over time; make graph
# show error graphs for 8 sims of same day
def batchErrors8(simdatadirRoot):
numSims = 8
param1_range = []#[None] * numSims
param1_range.append(arange(0.8,1.24,0.04))#([0.012, 0.025, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1, 0.125, 0.15])
param1_range.append([25, 50,75, 100, 125, 150, 175, 200, 225, 250])
param1_range.append([50, 100,250,500,750,1000])
for i in range(numSims):
batchErrors(simdatadirRoot+'_sim'+str(i+1), param1_range[i])
# show the RF of targetCells
# if nSyn2: use polysynaptic chains of length =2
# if animate: show RF change over time, overimposed with spikes
def receptiveFieldAndSpikes(targetCells, nSyn2, animate, dosave):
if dosave:
maxmovieframes = 500 # Maximum number of movie frames
print "Calculating receptive field of cell group starting at id %d " % targetCells[0]
targetCells = array(targetCells)
popinds=[ 2, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46];
popshape=['o', '^', 'h', '*', '^', 'h', '*', '8'];
# convert connectivity to python arrays
conpreid=array(h.col.connsnq.getcol("id1"), 'i')
conpostid=array(h.col.connsnq.getcol("id2"), 'i')
order = lexsort((conpreid, conpostid)) # order by post and then pre
conpreid = conpreid[order]
conpostid = conpostid[order]
#condelay = condelay[order]
#condistance = condistance[order]
conweight1 = conweight1[order]
conweight2 = conweight2[order]
maxW = max(conweight1.max(), conweight2.max())
conweight1 = conweight1/maxW # normalize so can multiply together
conweight2 = conweight2/maxW #
conweight1Original = deepcopy(conweight1) # make copy of weights at t=0
# convert locations to python arrays
h('objref cellList')
h('objref cellListDP')
h('cellListDP = cedp')
n=h.cellList.count() # Number of cells
ndp=h.cellListDP.count() # number of DP cells
#cellLocations = zeros((n+ndp,5)) # number of cells and attributes
cellids =zeros(n+ndp)
celltypes = zeros(n+ndp)
xlocs =zeros(n+ndp)
ylocs =zeros(n+ndp)
zlocs =zeros(n+ndp)
for i in range(int(n)): # Loop over each cell
cellids[i]=i # Cell ID
celltypes[i]=h.cellList.o(i).type() # Cell population
xlocs[i]=h.cellList.o(i).xloc # X position
ylocs[i]=h.cellList.o(i).yloc # Y position
zlocs[i]=h.cellList.o(i).zloc # Z position
for i in range(int(ndp)): # Loop over each cell
cellids[n+i]=n+i # Cell ID
celltypes[n+i]=h.cellListDP.o(i).type # Cell population
xlocs[n+i]=h.cellListDP.o(i).xloc # X position
ylocs[n+i]=h.cellListDP.o(i).yloc # Y position
zlocs[n+i]=h.cellListDP.o(i).zloc # Z position
# arrange neurons in spatial grid and according to muscle group
spatialGrid = 1
if spatialGrid:
x = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] # initial starting positions
y = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
xstep = 1 # step increase
ystep = 1.5
xmax = 10
for i in range(len(xlocs)):
if celltypes[i] == popinds[1]: #ES
xmax = 24
xoffset = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
yoffset = [0, 0, 0, 0, 14]
zlocs[i] = 0 # fix to same muscle group
elif celltypes[i] == popinds[2]: #IS
zlocs[i] = 4 # do not divide in muscle groups
elif celltypes[i] == popinds[3]: #ISL
zlocs[i] = 4 # do not divide in muscle groups
elif celltypes[i] == popinds[4]: #EM
xoffset = [0, 14, 0, 14, 5] #offset for different muscle populations + inhibitory cells
yoffset = [0, 0, 14, 14, 7]
xmax = 12
elif celltypes[i] == popinds[5]: #IM
zlocs[i] = 4 # do not divide in muscle groups
xmax = 16
elif celltypes[i] == popinds[6]: #IML
zlocs[i] = 4 # do not divide in muscle groups
xmax = 16
elif celltypes[i] == popinds[0]: #P
xmax = 12
xoffset = [0, 14, 0, 14, 3] #offset for different muscle populations + inhibitory cells
yoffset = [0, 0, 12, 12, 9]
zloc = int(zlocs[i])
x[zloc] = x[zloc] + xstep # increase step
if x[zloc] > xmax: # if reached x limit
y[zloc] = y[zloc] + ystep
x[zloc] = 1
xlocs[i] = x[zloc] + xoffset[zloc] # set positions
ylocs[i] = y[zloc] + yoffset[zloc]
if (i==(192+44+20-1) or (i==(2*(192+44+20)-1))): # when change subplot, restart xy positions
x = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] # initial starting positions
y = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
# animation data and params
if animate:
# convert synaptic changes over time (since connsnq doesn't change with t, can add)
h('objref synChanges')
h('nqsy.select("t",">=", 0)')
h('synChanges = nqsy')
synpreid=array(h.synChanges.getcol("id1"), 'i')
synpostid=array(h.synChanges.getcol("id2"), 'i')
order = lexsort((synpreid, synpostid)) # order syn by post and then pre
synpreid = synpreid[order]
synpostid = synpostid[order]
# convert spiking data to python arrays
h('objref spikes')
h('snq.select("t",">=", 0)')
h('spikes = snq')
weightInc = h.plastEEinc / maxW # set weight increases and normalize
def makeplot():
# visualization options
figsize = [720,800] # Figure size in pixels
targetColor = 'green';#array([(1,0.4,0) , (0,0.2,0.8)]) # Define excitatory and inhibitory colors -- orange and turquoise
normalColor = 'white'#'lightyellow'
targetSizeFactor = 2
weightsCmap = 'YlOrRd' #'jet'#'hot'#'autumn'
cellSize = 50;
cellBorder = 1;
# create subplots for M, S and P populations
fig = figure(figsize=(figsize[0]/100,figsize[1]/100),dpi=100)
fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.02) # Less space on left
fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.93) # Less space on right
fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.08) # Less space on bottom
#fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.25) # More space between
#fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.30) # More space between
if view3d:
rasterMsubplot = subplot(311, projection=proj) # create subplots
rasterSsubplot = subplot(312, projection=proj)
rasterPsubplot = subplot(313, projection=proj)
rasterMsubplot.set_title('Motor population', fontsize=12) # titles
rasterSsubplot.set_title('Somatosensory population', fontsize=12)
rasterPsubplot.set_title('Proprioceptive population', fontsize=12)
rasterMsubplot.text(-0.7, 1, "sho\next", fontsize=10, fontweight='bold') # muscle labels M
rasterMsubplot.text(26.6, 1, "sho\nflex", fontsize=10, fontweight='bold')
rasterMsubplot.text(-0.7, 15, "elb\next", fontsize=10, fontweight='bold')
rasterMsubplot.text(26.6, 15, "elb\nflex", fontsize=10, fontweight='bold')
rasterPsubplot.text(-0.7, 1, "sho\next", fontsize=10, fontweight='bold') # muscle labels P
rasterPsubplot.text(26.6, 1, "sho\nflex", fontsize=10, fontweight='bold')
rasterPsubplot.text(-0.7, 13, "elb\next", fontsize=10, fontweight='bold')
rasterPsubplot.text(26.6, 13, "elb\nflex", fontsize=10, fontweight='bold')
setp(rasterMsubplot.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) # hide x and y ticks
setp(rasterSsubplot.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
setp(rasterPsubplot.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
setp(rasterMsubplot.get_yticklabels(), visible=False)
setp(rasterSsubplot.get_yticklabels(), visible=False)
setp(rasterPsubplot.get_yticklabels(), visible=False)
border = 2
rasterMsubplot.set_xlim([xlocs.min()-border, xlocs.max()+border]) # set x-y lims
rasterMsubplot.set_ylim([ylocs.min()-border, ylocs.max()+border])
rasterSsubplot.set_xlim([xlocs.min()-border, xlocs.max()+border])
rasterSsubplot.set_ylim([ylocs.min()-border, ylocs.max()+border])
rasterPsubplot.set_xlim([xlocs.min()-border, xlocs.max()+border])
rasterPsubplot.set_ylim([ylocs.min()-border, ylocs.max()+border])
# plot cells in gray (static)
cellsScatter = [None]*len(popinds);
for p in range(len(popinds)):
if view3d:
if (p == 0):
rasterPsubplot.scatter(xlocs[cells], ylocs[cells], zlocs[cells], c=normalColor, marker=popshape[p], linewidth=cellBorder, s=cellSize)
elif (p>=1 and p<=3):
rasterSsubplot.scatter(xlocs[cells], ylocs[cells], zlocs[cells], c=normalColor, marker=popshape[p], linewidth=cellBorder, s=cellSize)
elif (p>=4 and p<=6):
rasterMsubplot.scatter(xlocs[cells], ylocs[cells], zlocs[cells], c=normalColor, marker=popshape[p], linewidth=cellBorder, s=cellSize)
if (p == 0):
cellsScatter[p] = rasterPsubplot.scatter(xlocs[cells], ylocs[cells], c=normalColor, marker=popshape[p], linewidth=cellBorder, s=cellSize, label=popnames[p])
elif (p>=1 and p<=3):
cellsScatter[p] = rasterSsubplot.scatter(xlocs[cells], ylocs[cells], c=normalColor, marker=popshape[p], linewidth=cellBorder, s=cellSize, label=popnames[p])
elif (p>=4 and p<=6):
cellsScatter[p] = rasterMsubplot.scatter(xlocs[cells], ylocs[cells], c=normalColor, marker=popshape[p], linewidth=cellBorder, s=cellSize, label=popnames[p])
# show target cells in different color
targetLabel = 'target cell'
for i in range(len(targetCells)):
for p in range(len(popinds)):
# find target cells for each layer
#targetLayerCells = intersect1d(targetCells, where(cellLocations[:,1]==popinds[p])[0])
targetLayerCells = (cellids==targetCells[i]) * (celltypes==popinds[p]) # obtain indices for population p
if targetLayerCells.any(): # it at least one cell was found
if (p == 0):
rasterPsubplot.scatter(xlocs[targetLayerCells], ylocs[targetLayerCells], c=targetColor, marker=popshape[7], linewidth=cellBorder*2, s=cellSize*targetSizeFactor)
elif (p>=1 and p<=3):
rasterSsubplot.scatter(xlocs[targetLayerCells], ylocs[targetLayerCells], c=targetColor, marker=popshape[7], linewidth=cellBorder*2, s=cellSize*targetSizeFactor)
elif (p>=4 and p<=6):
if i == 0: targetPlot =rasterMsubplot.scatter(xlocs[targetLayerCells], ylocs[targetLayerCells], c=targetColor, marker=popshape[7], linewidth=cellBorder*2, s=cellSize*targetSizeFactor, label = targetLabel)
else: rasterMsubplot.scatter(xlocs[targetLayerCells], ylocs[targetLayerCells], c=targetColor, marker=popshape[7], linewidth=cellBorder*2, s=cellSize*targetSizeFactor)
legendLabels=['E', 'I', 'ILS', 'P', 'target']
rasterSsubplot.legend([cellsScatter[1], cellsScatter[2], cellsScatter[3], cellsScatter[0], targetPlot], legendLabels, columnspacing=0,markerscale=0.8, loc='upper center', prop={'size':9}, scatterpoints=1, bbox_to_anchor=(0.94, 1.05), borderpad=0.07)#, borderpad=0.05, labelspacing=0.1)
# show afferent cells weights (RF)
rf = [None]*len(popinds);
def calculateRF(mode,rf):
onlyAMPA = 1
adaptScale = 0
scaleMax =[0.5,1,1]
# find all cells projecting to the target cell for each layer
afferentCells = array([], 'i')
weightColors = []
for i in range(len(targetCells)):
targetAfferents = array(conpreid[where(conpostid==targetCells[i])], 'i') # get afferent of next target cell
if targetAfferents.any(): # if any
for iAfferent in targetAfferents: # for each new afferent
if (iAfferent in afferentCells): # check if already included in list
if onlyAMPA: weightColors2 = (conweight1[iAfferent])
else: weightColors2 = ((conweight1[iAfferent]) +(conweight2[iAfferent]))
weightColors[afferentCells==iAfferent] += weightColors2
else: # if not included in list
afferentCells=append(afferentCells, iAfferent) # add to list of afferent cells
if onlyAMPA: weightColors = append(weightColors, conweight1[targetAfferents]); # calculate weigths
else: weightColors = append(weightColors, conweight1[afferentCells]-conweight2[afferentCells]); # calculate weigths
if nSyn2: # 2 synaptic connections
for targetCell2 in targetAfferents: # loop through all afferent cells (which now become target cells)
targetAfferents2 = array(conpreid[where(conpostid==targetCell2)], 'i') # get new set of afferent cells
if targetAfferents2.any():
for iAfferent in targetAfferents2: # loop through all afferent cells
if (iAfferent in afferentCells): # if already included in list
if onlyAMPA: weightColors2 = (conweight1[targetCell2]) * (conweight1[iAfferent])
else: weightColors2 = (conweight1[targetCell2]) * (conweight1[iAfferent])
weightColors[afferentCells==iAfferent] += weightColors2
afferentCells=append(afferentCells, iAfferent) # add to list of afferent cells
if onlyAMPA: weightColors2 = (conweight1[targetCell2]) * (conweight1[iAfferent])
else: weightColors2 = (conweight1[targetCell2]+conweight2[targetCell2]) * (conweight1[iAfferent]+conweight2[iAfferent])
weightColors=append(weightColors, weightColors2)
weightColors = weightColors/weightColors.max() # normalize weights to 1
#print afferentCells
for p in range(len(popinds)):
# find all cells projecting to the target cell for each layer
afferentCellsL = intersect1d(afferentCells, where(celltypes==popinds[p])[0]) # find indices for population p
#print afferentCellsL
if afferentCellsL.any():
weightColorsL = weightColors[in1d(afferentCells, afferentCellsL)]; # obtain weight colors for this population
#print weightColorsL
if mode == "new":
if (p == 0):
rf[p] = rasterPsubplot.scatter(xlocs[afferentCellsL], ylocs[afferentCellsL], cmap=weightsCmap, c=weightColorsL, vmin=0, vmax=scaleMax[0], marker=popshape[p], linewidth=cellBorder, s=cellSize)
if adaptScale and ('c1' in locals() or 'c1' in globals()):
rf[p].set_clim([weightColorsL.min(), weightColorsL.max()])
c1.set_clim([weightColorsL.min(), weightColorsL.max()])
elif (p>=1 and p<=3):
rf[p] = rasterSsubplot.scatter(xlocs[afferentCellsL], ylocs[afferentCellsL], cmap=weightsCmap, c=weightColorsL, vmin=0, vmax=scaleMax[1], marker=popshape[p], linewidth=cellBorder, s=cellSize)
if adaptScale and ('c2' in locals() or 'c2' in globals()):
rf[p].set_clim([weightColorsL.min(), weightColorsL.max()])
c2.set_clim([weightColorsL.min(), weightColorsL.max()])
elif (p>=4 and p<=6):
rf[p] = rasterMsubplot.scatter(xlocs[afferentCellsL], ylocs[afferentCellsL], cmap=weightsCmap, c=weightColorsL,vmin=0, vmax=scaleMax[0], marker=popshape[p], linewidth=cellBorder, s=cellSize)
if adaptScale and ('c3' in locals() or 'c1' in globals()):
rf[p].set_clim([weightColorsL.min(), weightColorsL.max()])
c3.set_clim([weightColorsL.min(), weightColorsL.max()])
elif mode == "update":
#print afferentCells
cfraction = 0.09
cpad = 0.01
cshrink = 0.75
if rf[0] != None:
c1=colorbar(rf[0], ax=rasterPsubplot, fraction=cfraction, pad=cpad, shrink=cshrink)
c2=colorbar(rf[1], ax=rasterSsubplot, fraction=cfraction, pad=cpad, shrink=cshrink)
c2.set_label('normalized weight to target cell', fontsize=cfontsize+1)
c3=colorbar(rf[4], ax=rasterMsubplot, fraction=cfraction, pad=cpad, shrink=cshrink)
if animate:
# spike parameters
raster = [None]*len(popinds);
spikeColor = 'chartreuse'#'DarkMagenta'#'lime'#'purple'
spikeSizeFactor = 1.5
maxframes = 1000 # Maximum number of non-movie frames
binsize = 50 # Bin size in ms
ncells = len(xlocs)
xmax = round(xlocs.max())
ymax = round(xlocs.max())
tmax = spikeTime.max()
totalspikes = len(spikeTime)
nbins = int(tmax/binsize)+1 # Calculate number of bins; +1 for edge effects
spikecounts=zeros((ncells,nbins)) # Number of spike counts
timebins = array(range(nbins))*binsize/1e3 # Calculate time bins
spikebins = array(spikeTime/binsize,dtype=int) # Convert times to bins
for s in range(totalspikes): # Loop over each spike
spikecounts[spikeId[s],spikebins[s]] += 1 # Increment this bin
spikingrate = sum(spikecounts,axis=0)*1e3/binsize/ncells # Get the total spike counts over time
maxspikes = 5*sum(spikecounts,axis=0).mean() # Find out the maximum number of spikes in any given timestep
maxiters = int(min(maxframes,maxmovieframes,len(timebins))) if dosave else int(min(maxframes,len(timebins))) # See how many iterations to go for
# plot spikes and syn changes for every frame
for b in range(maxiters): # for each bin
rasterMsubplot.set_title('Motor population, t = %0.3f s' % timebins[b], fontsize=12)
rasterSsubplot.set_title('Somatosensory population, t = %0.3f s' % timebins[b], fontsize=12)
rasterPsubplot.set_title('Proprioceptive population = %0.3f s' % timebins[b], fontsize=12)
# show spikes
if showSpikes:
fired = array(spikecounts[:,b]>0).flatten() # Find which neurons fired in this timestep
print(' bin = %i of %i; %i spikes' % (b, maxiters, sum(fired)))
numfired = sum(fired) # Total number of cells that fired
for p in range(len(popinds)):
firedL = fired * (celltypes==popinds[p]) # calculate cells that fired for population p
#print firedL
if (p == 0):
raster[p] = rasterPsubplot.scatter(xlocs[firedL], ylocs[firedL], c=spikeColor, marker=popshape[p], linewidth=cellBorder-1, s=cellSize*spikeSizeFactor)
elif (p>=1 and p<=3):
raster[p] = rasterSsubplot.scatter(xlocs[firedL], ylocs[firedL], c=spikeColor, marker=popshape[p], linewidth=cellBorder-1, s=cellSize*spikeSizeFactor)
elif (p>=4 and p<=6):
raster[p] = rasterMsubplot.scatter(xlocs[firedL], ylocs[firedL], c=spikeColor, marker=popshape[p], linewidth=cellBorder-1, s=cellSize*spikeSizeFactor)
print(' bin = %i of %i' % (b, maxiters))
# show changes in synaptic weights
synBin = where(syntime == b*binsize)[0]
if (size(synBin)>0 and size(synBin)<size(conweight1)):
# update connection matrix based on syn wieght gains
conweight1[range(len(synBin))] = conweight1Original[range(len(synBin))] * synweight[synBin]
for p in range(len(popinds)):
if rf[p] != None: rf[p].remove() # remove previous scatter
calculateRF("new",rf) # plot new RF
if dosave: fig.savefig('tmpmovie%04i.png' % b) # Save PNG files for movie
if dosave!=1: pause(1e-10)
if showSpikes:
for p in range(len(popinds)): raster[p].remove() # remove previous scatter
if dosave!=1: pause(1e-10)
if dosave:
print('Making movie...')
system('mkdir -p ' + moviedir)
system("mencoder 'mf://tmpmovie*.png' -mf type=png:fps=10 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=wmv2 -oac copy -o %s" % (moviedir+moviename))
print(' Cleaning up...')
system('rm tmpmovie*.png')
# save potentiated/depressed synapses at each time step (for video)
def saveRLsyn(t1,t2):
# convert synaptic changes over time (since connsnq doesn't change with t, can add)
h('objref synChanges')
#h('nqsy.select("t",">", 0)')
h('nqsy.select("t","[]", %d, %d)'%(t1,t2))
h('synChanges = nqsy')
synpreid=array(h.synChanges.getcol("id1"), 'i')
synpostid=array(h.synChanges.getcol("id2"), 'i')
if t1<50:
for t in arange(t1, syntime.max(), savetime):
print t
# get data for this time
currsynpreid = synpreid[syntime==t]
currsynpostid = synpostid[syntime==t]
currsyntime = syntime[syntime==t]
# find and save connections that have changed
currWeight = synweight[syntime==t]
diffWeight = currWeight-prevWeight
changedWeight = where(diffWeight != 0)[0]
#for i in range(len(changedWeight)):
#synChanged = vstack((synChanged, [currsyntime[changedWeight[i]], currsynpreid[changedWeight[i]], currsynpostid[changedWeight[i]], diffWeight[changedWeight[i]]]))
synChanged = vstack((synChanged, array([currsyntime[changedWeight], currsynpreid[changedWeight], currsynpostid[changedWeight], diffWeight[changedWeight]]).T))
scipy.io.savemat('arch3d/synChanged.mat', mdict={'synChanged': synChanged})
# Calculate average weight of all incoming connections (2nd order) to each EM muscle subpopulation over time
# Useful to analyse the effect that RL has on the weights as a function of - WORK IN PROGRESS--
def synWeightsEM():
print "Calculating average weight to each EM muscle subpopulation"
EMstart=256 # starting cell index of EM population
EMlength=192 # number of EM cells
EMsubpopo = [None]*4
for i in range(4): EMsubpop[i] = [arange(EMstart+i,EMstart+EMlength,4)] # create array with list of ids for each EM cell subpopulation
popinds=[ 2, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46];
popshape=['o', '^', 'h', '*', '^', 'h', '*', '8'];
# convert connectivity to python arrays
conpreid=array(h.col.connsnq.getcol("id1"), 'i')
conpostid=array(h.col.connsnq.getcol("id2"), 'i')
order = lexsort((conpreid, conpostid)) # order by post and then pre
conpreid = conpreid[order]
conpostid = conpostid[order]
#condelay = condelay[order]
#condistance = condistance[order]
conweight1 = conweight1[order]
conweight2 = conweight2[order]
maxW = max(conweight1.max(), conweight2.max())
conweight1 = conweight1/maxW # normalize so can multiply together
conweight2 = conweight2/maxW
# convert synaptic changes over time (since connsnq doesn't change with t, can add)
h('objref synChanges')
h('nqsy.select("t",">=", 0)')
h('synChanges = nqsy')
synpreid=array(h.synChanges.getcol("id1"), 'i')
synpostid=array(h.synChanges.getcol("id2"), 'i')
order = lexsort((synpreid, synpostid)) # order syn by post and then pre
synpreid = synpreid[order]
synpostid = synpostid[order]
# define t
tMax = syntime.max()
tstep = 50
T = arange(0, tMax, tstep)
# create array to store average weight change for each subpopulation
weightSubpops = array((T.len(), 4))
def showRF(targetCells):
onlyAMPA = 1
# find all cells projecting to the target cell for each layer
afferentCells = array([], 'i')
weightColors = []
for i in range(len(targetCells)):
targetAfferents = array(conpreid[where(conpostid==targetCells[i])], 'i') # get afferent of next target cell
if targetAfferents.any(): # if any
for iAfferent in targetAfferents: # for each new afferent
if (iAfferent in afferentCells): # check if already included in list
if onlyAMPA: weightColors2 = (conweight1[targetCell2]) * (conweight1[iAfferent])
else: weightColors2 = (conweight1[targetCell2]) * (conweight1[iAfferent])
weightColors[afferentCells==iAfferent] += weightColors2
else: # if not included in list
afferentCells=append(afferentCells, iAfferent) # add to list of afferent cells
if onlyAMPA: weightColors = append(weightColors, conweight1[targetAfferents]); # calculate weigths
else: weightColors = append(weightColors, conweight1[afferentCells]-conweight2[afferentCells]); # calculate weigths
if nSyn2: # 2 synaptic connections
for targetCell2 in targetAfferents: # loop through all afferent cells (which now become target cells)
targetAfferents2 = array(conpreid[where(conpostid==targetCell2)], 'i') # get new set of afferent cells
if targetAfferents2.any():
for iAfferent in targetAfferents2: # loop through all afferent cells
if (iAfferent in afferentCells): # if already included in list
if onlyAMPA: weightColors2 = (conweight1[targetCell2]) * (conweight1[iAfferent])
else: weightColors2 = (conweight1[targetCell2]) * (conweight1[iAfferent])
weightColors[afferentCells==iAfferent] += weightColors2
afferentCells=append(afferentCells, iAfferent) # add to list of afferent cells
if onlyAMPA: weightColors2 = (conweight1[targetCell2]) * (conweight1[iAfferent])
else: weightColors2 = (conweight1[targetCell2]+conweight2[targetCell2]) * (conweight1[iAfferent]+conweight2[iAfferent])
weightColors=append(weightColors, weightColors2)
#weightColors = weightColors/weightColors.max() # normalize weights to 1
weight = weightColors.sum()
return weight
for b in T:
# calculate sum of weight for each subpopulation
for i in range(4):
targetCells = EMsubpop[i]
weight=calculateRF(targetCells) # plot new RF
weightSubpops[b, i] = weight
# update weights
synBin = where(syntime == b )[0]
if (size(synBin)>0 and size(synBin)<size(conweight1)):
# update connection matrix based on syn wieght gains
conweight1[range(len(synBin))] = conweight1[range(len(synBin))] * synweight[synBin]
plot(T, weightSubpops)
# plot raster of saved sim
def raster(nqsdir, nqsparams, tstop=4):
wseedvals =[120456, 398115, 534031, 796321, 895199] # seed values for filename
iseedvals = [1235, 2837, 3955, 4506, 6789]
# load connectivity file
outfilestem = '"%s/p1-%.2f_p2-%.2f_p3-%.2f_p4-%.2f_p5-%d_i-%d_w-%d_test-spk.nqs"' % (nqsdir, nqsparams[0], nqsparams[1], nqsparams[2], nqsparams[3], nqsparams[4], iseedvals[nqsparams[5]], wseedvals[nqsparams[6]])
filename = '%s/p1-%.2f_p2-%.2f_p3-%.2f_p4-%.2f_p5-%d_i-%d_w-%d_test-spk.nqs' % (nqsdir, nqsparams[0], nqsparams[1], nqsparams[2], nqsparams[3], nqsparams[4], iseedvals[nqsparams[5]], wseedvals[nqsparams[6]])
if os.path.isfile(filename):
print "loading "+outfilestem
# get errors from nqs
h('objref nqaload')
h('nqaload = new NQS(%s)'%outfilestem)
h('{gg() drit(0, tstop) grlines()}')
print "file not found: "+outfilestem
# plot motor spike rate for each muscls subpopulation, from saved sim
def plotvEM(nqsdir, nqsparams,xmin=4,xmax=400, ymax=60):
wseedvals =[120456, 398115, 534031, 796321, 895199] # seed values for filename
iseedvals = [1235, 2837, 3955, 4506, 6789]
# load connectivity file
outfilestem = '"%s/p1-%.2f_p2-%.2f_p3-%.2f_p4-%.2f_p5-%d_i-%d_w-%d_test-nqaupd.nqs"' % (nqsdir, nqsparams[0], nqsparams[1], nqsparams[2], nqsparams[3], nqsparams[4], iseedvals[nqsparams[5]], wseedvals[nqsparams[6]])
filename = '%s/p1-%.2f_p2-%.2f_p3-%.2f_p4-%.2f_p5-%d_i-%d_w-%d_test-nqaupd.nqs' % (nqsdir, nqsparams[0], nqsparams[1], nqsparams[2], nqsparams[3], nqsparams[4], iseedvals[nqsparams[5]], wseedvals[nqsparams[6]])
if os.path.isfile(filename):
print "loading "+outfilestem
# get errors from nqs
h('objref nqaload')
h('nqaload = new NQS(%s)'%outfilestem)
fig = figure(figsize=(figsize[0]/100,figsize[1]/100),dpi=100)
colorlist = ['black','darkgrey','blue', 'cyan', 'green', 'brown', 'red', 'magenta', 'orange','yellow']
#plot(shext,color = colorlist[3],label='shext')
#plot(shflex,color = colorlist[5],label='shflex')
#plot(elext,color = colorlist[6],label='elext')
#plot(elflex,color = colorlist[9],label='elflex')
bar(x,shext[xmin:xmax],width, color = colorlist[2],label='shext')
bar(x,shflex[xmin:xmax],width, bottom=shext[xmin:xmax],color = colorlist[4],label='shflex')
bar(x,elext[xmin:xmax],width, bottom=shflex[xmin:xmax]+shext[xmin:xmax],color = colorlist[6],label='elext')
bar(x,elflex[xmin:xmax],width,bottom=elext[xmin:xmax]+shflex[xmin:xmax]+shext[xmin:xmax], color = colorlist[9],label='elflex')
#xlim([xmin, xmax])
ylim([0, ymax])
legend(loc='upper right')
print "file not found: "+outfilestem
# Show graphs of weight vs. time for each cell subpopulation (subdivided into muscle groups eg. Pshext->ES, Pshflex->ES)
# One subplot for each layer/pop - 1) Pshflex->,Pshext->, ... 2) ES-> 3) IS, ISL, 4) EMshflex->, EMshext->, 5) IM, IML
def popWeights(loadnqs=0, nqsfile = "", nqsdir="", nqsparams=[0,0,0,0,0,0,0], savefig=0, savenpy=0, loadnpy=0, animate=0, saveanim=0, tinterval=0):
def index2d(myList, v):
for i, x in enumerate(myList):
if v in x:
return (i)
def calculateWeightMatrix():
print "calculating final weight matrix..."
#weightMatrix = ndarray((sum(popslen), sum(popslen)))
w, h = len(p), len(p)
weightMatrix = [[0] * w for i in range(h)]
onlyweight1 = 1
for i in range(len(synBin)):
if (conweight1[i]>0):# || conweight2[i]>0):
if onlyweight1: weightMatrix[index2d(subpops,conpreid[i])][index2d(subpops,conpostid[i])] += conweight1[i]
else: weightMatrix[index2d(subpops,conpreid[i])][index2d(subpops,conpostid[i])] += conweight1[i] + conweight2[i]
for i in range(len(subpops)):
for j in range(len(subpops)):
return weightMatrix
# alternative method under construction
def calculateWeightMatrix2():
#weightMatrix = ndarray((sum(popslen), sum(popslen)))
w, h = len(p), len(p)
weightMatrix = [[0] * w for i in range(h)]
onlyAMPA = 1
for pre in range(len(subpops)):
for post in range(len(subpops)):
for i in conpreid: indicespre.append(i in subpops[pre])
for i in conpostid: indicespost.append(i in subpops[post])
indices = indicespre * indicespost
if (conweight1[i]>0):# || conweight2[i]>0):
if onlyAMPA: weightMatrix[pre][post] += conweight1[indices].sum()
else: weightMatrix[pre][post] += conweight1[indices].sum() + conweight2[indices].sum()
return weightMatrix
# visualization options
figsize = [1000,800] # Figure size in pixels
weightsCmap = 'hot_r'# 'jet'#'YlOrRd' #'jet'#'hot'#'autumn'
# create figures
if animate: # only create figure 1 (evolution over time) if aniamte=1
fig = figure(figsize=(figsize[0]/100,figsize[1]/100),dpi=100)
#fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.02) # Less space on left
#fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.93) # Less space on right
fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.08) # Less space on bottom
subplot1 = subplot(221) # create subplots
subplot2 = subplot(222)
subplot3 = subplot(223)
subplot4 = subplot(224)
#border = 2
#weightplot.set_xlim([xlocs.min()-border, xlocs.max()+border]) # set x-y lims
# cell populations parameters
popslen = [192, 44, 20, 192, 44, 20,192]
#popnames=['ES','IS','ILS','EM','IM','IML', 'P'];
popinds=[41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 2];
popshape=['o', '^', 'h', '*', '^', 'h', '*', '8'];
# cell subpopulations (incuding muscle groups)
subpops= [None]*13
p = {'Pse':0, 'Psf':1,'Pee':2,'P':3,'ES':4,'IS':5,'ILS':6,'EMse':7,'EMsf':8,'EMee':9,'EMef':10,'IM':11,'IML':12}
p2 = {0:'Pse', 1:'Psf',2:'Pee',3:'Pef',4:'ES',5:'IS',6:'ILS',7:'EMse',8:'EMsf',9:'EMee',10:'EMef',11:'IM',12:'IML'}
cellslist=[] # list of cells with muscle groups together
for i in range(len(popslen)):
popend = popstart+popslen[i]
if i==3 or i==6: # for P and EM divide into 4 groups
for j in range(4):
subpops[index] = list(arange(popstart+j,popend,4)) # create array with list of ids for each cell subpopulation
popstart+=popslen[i] # increase popstart
# reorder to have P first
subpops = [ subpops[i] for i in neworder]
# load data from neuron variables
if (not loadnpy):
wseedvals =[120456, 398115, 534031, 796321, 895199] # seed values for filename
iseedvals = [1235, 2837, 3955, 4506, 6789]
if loadnqs: # load data from nqs saved file
print "loading data from nqs files..."
# load connectivity file
if (nqsfile !=""):
outfilestem = '"%s-con.nqs"' % (nqsfile)
filename = '%s-con.nqs' % (nqsfile)
outfilestem = '"%s/p1-%.2f_p2-%.2f_p3-%.2f_p4-%.2f_p5-%d_i-%d_w-%d_test-con.nqs"' % (nqsdir, nqsparams[0], nqsparams[1], nqsparams[2], nqsparams[3], nqsparams[4], iseedvals[nqsparams[5]], wseedvals[nqsparams[6]])
filename = '%s/p1-%.2f_p2-%.2f_p3-%.2f_p4-%.2f_p5-%d_i-%d_w-%d_test-con.nqs' % (nqsdir, nqsparams[0], nqsparams[1], nqsparams[2], nqsparams[3], nqsparams[4], iseedvals[nqsparams[5]], wseedvals[nqsparams[6]])
if os.path.isfile(filename):
print "loading "+outfilestem
# get errors from nqs
h('objref nqaload')
h('nqaload = new NQS(%s)'%outfilestem)
# convert connectivity to python arrays
conpreid=array(h.nqaload.getcol("id1"), 'i')
conpostid=array(h.nqaload.getcol("id2"), 'i')
# load weights file
if (nqsfile != ""):
outfilestem = '"%s-syn.nqs"' % (nqsfile)
filename = '%s-syn.nqs' % (nqsfile)
outfilestem = '"%s/p1-%.2f_p2-%.2f_p3-%.2f_p4-%.2f_p5-%d_i-%d_w-%d_test-syn.nqs"' % (nqsdir, nqsparams[0], nqsparams[1], nqsparams[2], nqsparams[3], nqsparams[4], iseedvals[nqsparams[5]], wseedvals[nqsparams[6]])
filename = '%s/p1-%.2f_p2-%.2f_p3-%.2f_p4-%.2f_p5-%d_i-%d_w-%d_test-syn.nqs' % (nqsdir, nqsparams[0], nqsparams[1], nqsparams[2], nqsparams[3], nqsparams[4], iseedvals[nqsparams[5]], wseedvals[nqsparams[6]])
if os.path.isfile(filename):
print "loadding "+outfilestem
# get errors from nqs
h('objref nqaload2')
h('nqaload2 = new NQS(%s)'%outfilestem)
# convert connectivity to python arrays
#h('objref synChanges')
#h('nqaload2.select("t",">=", 0)')
#h('synChanges = nqaload2')
synpreid=array(h.nqaload2.getcol("id1"), 'i')
synpostid=array(h.nqaload2.getcol("id2"), 'i')
else: # load from current simulation environment
print "loading data from current sim..."
# convert connectivity to python arrays
conpreid=array(h.col.connsnq.getcol("id1"), 'i')
conpostid=array(h.col.connsnq.getcol("id2"), 'i')
h('objref synChanges')
h('nqsy.select("t",">=", 0)')
h('synChanges = nqsy')
synpreid=array(h.synChanges.getcol("id1"), 'i')
synpostid=array(h.synChanges.getcol("id2"), 'i')
if 'conpreid' in locals():
order = lexsort((conpostid, conpreid)) # order by post and then pre
#condelay = condelay[order]
#condistance = condistance[order]
conpreid = conpreid[order]
conpostid = conpostid[order]
conweight1 = conweight1[order]
conweight2 = conweight2[order]
# normalize conweight1 and conweight2 separately
#maxW = max(conweight1.max(), conweight2.max())
#conweight1 = conweight1/maxW # normalize so can multiply together
#conweight2 = conweight2/maxW
#conweight1Original = deepcopy(conweight1) # make copy of weights at t=0
# sum conweight1+conweight2 and normalize
conweight = conweight1+conweight2
conweightOriginal = conweight / max(conweight)
# convert synaptic changes over time (since connsnq doesn't change with t, can add)
order = lexsort((synpostid, synpreid, syntime)) # order syn by post and then pre
synpreid = synpreid[order]
synpostid = synpostid[order]
print "Coulndn't load file: "+outfilestem
fig2 = figure(figsize=(figsize[0]/100,figsize[1]/100),dpi=100)
matrixsubplot = subplot(111)
matrixsubplot.set_xlabel('postsynaptic population',fontsize=fontsiz)
matrixsubplot.set_ylabel('presynaptic population',fontsize=fontsiz)
# plot static weight matrix - use last set of weights
if (not animate):
if loadnpy:
# load last set of weights
synBin = where(syntime == syntime.max())[0]
if (size(synBin)>0 and size(synBin)<size(conweight1)):
# update connection matrix based on syn wieght gains
#conweight1[range(len(synBin))] = (conweight1Original[range(len(synBin))] * synweight[synBin]) - conweight1Original[range(len(synBin))] # absolute weight increase
conweight1[range(len(synBin))] = synweight[synBin] # relative increase
#conweight1[range(len(synBin))] = conweight1Original[range(len(synBin))] * synweight[synBin] # final weight
#conweight1 = conweightOriginal # original weights (includes P population)
#synBin = zeros(len(conweight1)) # TEMPORARY LINE to include P population weights - remove after!
# calculate sum of weight for each subpopulation
weightMatrix = weightMatrix/weightMatrix.max()
EorI = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1] # define excitatory vs inhibitory pops
for (x,y),value in ndenumerate(weightMatrix): # make weight negative if inhib
if (EorI[x] == -1):
weightMatrix[x,y] = -1 * value
# plot 2dmap
#weightMatrix[6,6] = weightMatrix[5,5]
im=matrixsubplot.pcolor(array(weightMatrix), cmap=bicolormap(gap=0.05, mingreen=-0.6,redbluemix=0.0,epsilon=0.005), edgecolors='k', linewidths=1, vmin=-1, vmax=1)
xticks([float(i)+0.5 for i in p.values()], p.keys())
yticks([float(i)+0.5 for i in p.values()], p.keys())
matrixsubplot.axis([3, len(p), 3,len(p)]) # set the limits of the plot to the limits of the data
c=colorbar(im, ax=matrixsubplot, label='normalized effective connectivity',fontsize=fontsiz)#, fraction=0.09,pad=0.01)
fig2.canvas.set_window_title('Data loaded from saved array')
if savenpy:
np.save("weightMatrix.npy", weightMatrix)
if savefig:
#fig2.savefig('gif/%s_p1-%d_p2-%d_p3-%d_p4-%d_p5-%d_i-%d_w-%d_wmat.png' % (nqsdir[5:], nqsparams[0], nqsparams[1], nqsparams[2], nqsparams[3], nqsparams[4], nqsparams[5], nqsparams[6])) # Save PNG file
if animate:
# define t
if 'syntime' in globals():
tMax = syntime.max()
tMax = 35000
tstep = tinterval
T = arange(0, tMax+tstep, tstep)
print T
if load:
weightMatrixT = [None] * len(T)
for b in T:
if load:
# calculate sum of weight for each subpopulation
weightMatrix=calculateWeightMatrix() # plot new RF
if t==1: #fixed max value
#plot 2dmap , save and wait ; make video
im=matrixsubplot.pcolor(weightMatrix, cmap=weightsCmap, vmin=0, vmax=plotvmax)
xticks(p.values(), p.keys())
yticks(p.values(), p.keys())
matrixsubplot.axis([0, len(p), 0,len(p)])
if t==1:
c=colorbar(im, ax=matrixsubplot)
if dosave: fig.savefig('tmpmovie%04i.png' % b) # Save PNG files for movie
if dosave!=1: pause(1)#(1e-10)
# update weights
if (not load):
synBin = where(syntime == b )[0]
if (size(synBin)>0 and size(synBin)<size(conweight1)):
# update connection matrix based on syn wieght gains
conweight1[range(len(synBin))] = conweight1Original[range(len(synBin))] * synweight[synBin]
#conweight1[range(len(synBin))] = synweight[synBin]
# create video from images
if saveanim:
print('Making movie...')
system('mkdir -p ' + moviedir)
system("mencoder 'mf://tmpmovie*.png' -mf type=png:fps=10 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=wmv2 -oac copy -o %s" % (moviedir+moviename))
print(' Cleaning up...')
system('rm tmpmovie*.png')
if savenpy:
np.save("weightMatrixT.npy", weightMatrixT)
# show plots with evolution of weights over time
if (not load): weightMatrixT=array(weightMatrixT);
colorlist = ['black','darkgrey','blue', 'cyan', 'green', 'brown', 'red', 'magenta', 'orange','yellow']
xlabel = 'time (ms)'
ylabel = 'summed weights'
#p = {'Pse':0, 'Psf':1,'Pee':2,'Pef':3,'ES':4,'IS':5,'ILS':6,'EMse':7,'EMsf':8,'EMee':9,'EMef':10,'IM':11,'IML':12}
#subplot 1: Px4 (0:3) -> ES (4); IS (5)->ES (4); IM (11)->EM x4 (7:10) total: 9
subplot1.set_title('P->ES, IS->ES, IM->EM', fontsize=12) # titles
for pre in arange(0,4):
for post in arange(4,5):
subplot1.plot(T,weightMatrixT[:, pre, post], colorlist[icolor], label=str(p2[pre])+'->'+str(p2[post]))
for pre in arange(5,6):
for post in arange(4,5):
subplot1.plot(T,weightMatrixT[:, pre, post], colorlist[icolor], label=str(p2[pre])+'->'+str(p2[post]))
for pre in arange(11,12):
for post in arange(7,11):
subplot1.plot(T,weightMatrixT[:, pre, post], colorlist[icolor], label=str(p2[pre])+'->'+str(p2[post]))
subplot1.legend(loc='upper right', bbox_to_anchor=(legendx, legendy), borderaxespad=0., prop={'size':legendfontsize})
# ES (4)-> ES, EMx4, IS, ISL (4:10) total: 8
subplot2.set_title('ES', fontsize=12)
for pre in arange(4,5):
for post in arange(4,11):
subplot2.plot(T,weightMatrixT[:, pre, post], colorlist[icolor], label=str(p2[pre])+'->'+str(p2[post]))
subplot2.legend(loc='upper right', bbox_to_anchor=(legendx, legendy), borderaxespad=0., prop={'size':legendfontsize})
# EMx4 (7:10)-> EMx4 (7:10) total:16 (use dotted vs line))
subplot3.set_title('EM recurrent', fontsize=12)
for pre in arange(7,11):
for post in arange(7,11):
subplot3.plot(T,weightMatrixT[:, pre, post], colorlist[icolor], linestyle = linesty, label=str(p2[pre])+'->'+str(p2[post]))
if icolor>7:
subplot3.legend(loc='upper right', bbox_to_anchor=(legendx, legendy), borderaxespad=0., prop={'size':legendfontsize})
# EMx4 (7:10)-> ES, IM, IML (3, 11:12) total:12
subplot4.set_title('EM', fontsize=12)
for pre in arange(7,11):
for post in (4,11,12):
subplot4.plot(T,weightMatrixT[:, pre, post], colorlist[icolor], linestyle = linesty, label=str(p2[pre])+'->'+str(p2[post]))
if icolor>5:
subplot4.legend(loc='upper right', bbox_to_anchor=(legendx, legendy), borderaxespad=0., prop={'size':legendfontsize})
# call popWeight to plot the weights of the 4 different targets in a specific sim (with specific params)
def popWeights4Targ(nqsdir, nqsparams=[0,0,0,0], savefig=0):
for i in range(4):
popWeights(1, nqsdir, [nqsparams[0],nqsparams[1],nqsparams[2],nqsparams[3],i, 0,0], savefig)
# Compare population weights for each target after training
def popMuscles(nqsdir="", plotfig = 0, savefig = 0, save2Matlab = 1):
def index2d(myList, v):
for i, x in enumerate(myList):
if v in x:
return (i)
def calculateWeightMatrix():
print "calculating final weight matrix..."
#weightMatrix = ndarray((sum(popslen), sum(popslen)))
w, h = len(p), len(p)
weightMatrix = [[0] * w for i in range(h)]
onlyweight1 = 1
for i in range(len(synBin)):
if (conweight1[i]>0):# || conweight2[i]>0):
if onlyweight1: weightMatrix[index2d(subpops,conpreid[i])][index2d(subpops,conpostid[i])] += conweight1[i]
else: weightMatrix[index2d(subpops,conpreid[i])][index2d(subpops,conpostid[i])] += conweight1[i] + conweight2[i]
for i in range(len(subpops)):
for j in range(len(subpops)):
return weightMatrix
# visualization options
figsize = [1000,800] # Figure size in pixels
weightsCmap = 'hot_r'# 'jet'#'YlOrRd' #'jet'#'hot'#'autumn'
# create figures
# cell populations parameters
popslen = [192, 44, 20, 192, 44, 20,192]
#popnames=['ES','IS','ILS','EM','IM','IML', 'P'];
popinds=[41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 2];
popshape=['o', '^', 'h', '*', '^', 'h', '*', '8'];
# cell subpopulations (incuding muscle groups)
subpops= [None]*13
p = {'Pse':0, 'Psf':1,'Pee':2,'P':3,'ES':4,'IS':5,'ILS':6,'EMse':7,'EMsf':8,'EMee':9,'EMef':10,'IM':11,'IML':12}
p2 = {0:'Pse', 1:'Psf',2:'Pee',3:'Pef',4:'ES',5:'IS',6:'ILS',7:'EMse',8:'EMsf',9:'EMee',10:'EMef',11:'IM',12:'IML'}
cellslist=[] # list of cells with muscle groups together
for i in range(len(popslen)):
popend = popstart+popslen[i]
if i==3 or i==6: # for P and EM divide into 4 groups
for j in range(4):
subpops[index] = list(arange(popstart+j,popend,4)) # create array with list of ids for each cell subpopulation
popstart+=popslen[i] # increase popstart
# reorder to have P first
subpops = [ subpops[i] for i in neworder]
# load data from neuron variables
wseedvals =[120456, 398115, 534031, 796321, 895199] # seed values for filename
iseedvals = [1235, 1235+(2*17),2837, 3955, 4506, 6789]
print "loading data from nqs files..."
# load connectivity file
loaded = 0
for itarget in targets:
iseedval = iseedvals[0]
for wseedval in wseedvals:
loaded = 0
outfilestem = '"%s/target-%d_i-%d_w-%d_train-con.nqs"' % (nqsdir, itarget, iseedval, wseedval)
filename = '%s/target-%d_i-%d_w-%d_train-con.nqs' % (nqsdir,itarget, iseedval, wseedval)
if os.path.isfile(filename):
print "loading "+outfilestem
# get errors from nqs
h('objref nqaload')
h('nqaload = new NQS(%s)'%outfilestem)
# convert connectivity to python arrays
conpreid=array(h.nqaload.getcol("id1"), 'i')
conpostid=array(h.nqaload.getcol("id2"), 'i')
loaded += 1
# load weights file
outfilestem = '"%s/target-%d_i-%d_w-%d_train-syn.nqs"' % (nqsdir, itarget, iseedval, wseedval)
filename = '%s/target-%d_i-%d_w-%d_train-syn.nqs' % (nqsdir, itarget, iseedval, wseedval)
if os.path.isfile(filename):
print "loading "+outfilestem
# get errors from nqs
h('objref nqaload2')
h('nqaload2 = new NQS(%s)'%outfilestem)
# convert connectivity to python arrays
#h('objref synChanges')
#h('nqaload2.select("t",">=", 0)')
#h('synChanges = nqaload2')
synpreid=array(h.nqaload2.getcol("id1"), 'i')
synpostid=array(h.nqaload2.getcol("id2"), 'i')
loaded += 1
if loaded == 2: #'conpreid' in locals():
order = lexsort((conpostid, conpreid)) # order by post and then pre
#condelay = condelay[order]
#condistance = condistance[order]
conpreid = conpreid[order]
conpostid = conpostid[order]
conweight1 = conweight1[order]
conweight2 = conweight2[order]
# normalize conweight1 and conweight2 separately
#maxW = max(conweight1.max(), conweight2.max())
#conweight1 = conweight1/maxW # normalize so can multiply together
#conweight2 = conweight2/maxW
#conweight1Original = deepcopy(conweight1) # make copy of weights at t=0
# sum conweight1+conweight2 and normalize
conweight = conweight1+conweight2
conweightOriginal = conweight / max(conweight)
# convert synaptic changes over time (since connsnq doesn't change with t, can add)
order = lexsort((synpostid, synpreid, syntime)) # order syn by post and then pre
synpreid = synpreid[order]
synpostid = synpostid[order]
if plotfig:
fig2 = figure(figsize=(figsize[0]/100,figsize[1]/100),dpi=100)
matrixsubplot = subplot(111)
matrixsubplot.set_xlabel('postsynaptic population',fontsize=fontsiz)
matrixsubplot.set_ylabel('presynaptic population',fontsize=fontsiz)
# plot static weight matrix - use last set of weights
# load last set of weights
synBin = where(syntime == syntime.max())[0]
if (size(synBin)>0 and size(synBin)>size(conweight1)):
synBin = synBin[0:(len(synBin)/2)-1]
#synBin = where(syntime == 4000)[0]
if (size(synBin)>0 and size(synBin)<size(conweight1)):
# update connection matrix based on syn wieght gains
conweight1[range(len(synBin))] = (conweightOriginal[range(len(synBin))] * synweight[synBin]) - conweightOriginal[range(len(synBin))] # absolute weight increase
#conweight1[range(len(synBin))] = synweight[synBin] # relative increase
#conweight1[range(len(synBin))] = conweight1Original[range(len(synBin))] * synweight[synBin] # final weight
#conweight1 = conweightOriginal # original weights (includes P population)
#synBin = zeros(len(conweight1)) # TEMPORARY LINE to include P population weights - remove after!
# calculate sum of weight for each subpopulation
#weightMatrix = weightMatrix/weightMatrix.max()
EorI = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1] # define excitatory vs inhibitory pops
for (x,y),value in ndenumerate(weightMatrix): # make weight negative if inhib
if (EorI[x] == -1):
weightMatrix[x,y] = -1 * value
# plot 2dmap
if plotfig:
im=matrixsubplot.pcolor(array(weightMatrix), cmap=bicolormap(gap=0.05, mingreen=-0.6,redbluemix=0.0,epsilon=0.005), edgecolors='k', linewidths=1)#, vmin=-1, vmax=1)
xticks([float(i)+0.5 for i in p.values()], p.keys())
yticks([float(i)+0.5 for i in p.values()], p.keys())
matrixsubplot.axis([3, len(p), 3,len(p)]) # set the limits of the plot to the limits of the data
c=colorbar(im, ax=matrixsubplot, label='normalized effective connectivity')#,fontsize=fontsiz)#, fraction=0.09,pad=0.01)
fig2.canvas.set_window_title('Data loaded from saved array')
if savefig:
#fig2.savefig('gif/%s_p1-%d_p2-%d_p3-%d_p4-%d_p5-%d_i-%d_w-%d_wmat.png' % (nqsdir[5:], nqsparams[0], nqsparams[1], nqsparams[2], nqsparams[3], nqsparams[4], nqsparams[5], nqsparams[6])) # Save PNG file
if save2Matlab:
print "saving matlab file with weights..."
scipy.io.savemat(('%s/target-%d_i-%d_w-%d_weights.mat'%(nqsdir, itarget, iseedval, wseedval)), \
mdict={'weightMatrix': weightMatrix})
print "Coulndn't load file: "+outfilestem
# Show 2D pcolor of 704x704 cells with connectivity/weights - over time?
def cellWeightsMatrix(animate, dosave, tinterval):
# visualization options
figsize = [800,800] # Figure size in pixels
weightsCmap = 'jet'#'YlOrRd' #'jet'#'hot'#'autumn'
# create figure
fig = figure(figsize=(figsize[0]/100,figsize[1]/100),dpi=100)
#fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.02) # Less space on left
#fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.93) # Less space on right
fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.08) # Less space on bottom
weightplot = subplot(111) # create subplot
weightplot.set_title('Weight Matrix', fontsize=12) # titles
weightplot.set_xlabel('post (Pse,Psf,Pee,Pef,ES,IS,ILS,EMse,EMsf,EMee,EMef,IM,IML)')
weightplot.set_ylabel('pre (Pse,Psf,Pee,Pef,ES,IS,ILS,EMse,EMsf,EMee,EMef,IM,IML)')
#setp(weightplot.get_xticklabels(), visible=False) # hide x and y ticks
#setp(weightplot.get_yticklabels(), visible=False)
#border = 2
#weightplot.set_xlim([xlocs.min()-border, xlocs.max()+border]) # set x-y lims
# cell populations parameters
popslen = [192, 44, 20, 192, 44, 20,192]
#popinds=[ 2, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46];
popshape=['o', '^', 'h', '*', '^', 'h', '*', '8'];
# cell subpopulations (incuding muscle groups)
subpops= [None]*13
cellslist=[] # list of cells with muscle groups together
for i in range(len(popslen)):
popend = popstart+popslen[i]
if i==3 or i==6: # for P and EM divide into 4 groups
for j in range(4):
subpops[index] = list(arange(popstart+j,popend,4)) # create array with list of ids for each EM cell subpopulation
# increase popstart
#move P to the beginning
# convert connectivity to python arrays
conpreid=array(h.col.connsnq.getcol("id1"), 'i')
conpostid=array(h.col.connsnq.getcol("id2"), 'i')
order = lexsort((conpreid, conpostid)) # order by post and then pre
conpreid = conpreid[order]
conpostid = conpostid[order]
#condelay = condelay[order]
#condistance = condistance[order]
conweight1 = conweight1[order]
conweight2 = conweight2[order]
maxW = max(conweight1.max(), conweight2.max())
conweight1 = conweight1/maxW # normalize so can multiply together
conweight2 = conweight2/maxW
conweight1Original = deepcopy(conweight1) # make copy of weights at t=0
# convert synaptic changes over time (since connsnq doesn't change with t, can add)
h('objref synChanges')
h('nqsy.select("t",">=", 0)')
h('synChanges = nqsy')
synpreid=array(h.synChanges.getcol("id1"), 'i')
synpostid=array(h.synChanges.getcol("id2"), 'i')
order = lexsort((synpreid, synpostid)) # order syn by post and then pre
synpreid = synpreid[order]
synpostid = synpostid[order]
def calculateWeightMatrix():
#weightMatrix = ndarray((sum(popslen), sum(popslen)))
w, h = sum(popslen), sum(popslen)
weightMatrix = [[0] * w for i in range(h)]
onlyAMPA = 0
for i in range(len(conweight1)):
if onlyAMPA: weightMatrix[conpreid[i]][conpostid[i]] = conweight1[i]
else: weightMatrix[conpreid[i]][conpostid[i]] = conweight1[i] + conweight2[i]
#weightMatrix = [ mylist[i] for i in myorder] # reorder
for i,sublist in enumerate(weightMatrix):
weightMatrix2[i]=[sublist[j] for j in cellslist] #reorder rows
weightMatrix2=[weightMatrix2[j] for j in cellslist] # reorder columns
return weightMatrix2
# calculate sum of weight for each subpopulation
weightMatrix=calculateWeightMatrix() # plot new RF
# plot 2dmap
im=weightplot.imshow(weightMatrix, cmap=weightsCmap)
#im=imshow(weightMatrix, cmap=weightsCmap)
weightplot.axis([0, sum(popslen), 0,sum(popslen)]) # set the limits of the plot to the limits of the data
c=colorbar(im, ax=weightplot)#, fraction=0.09,pad=0.01)
if animate:
# define t
tMax = syntime.max()
tstep = tinterval
T = arange(0, tMax, tstep)
for b in T:
# calculate sum of weight for each subpopulation
weightMatrix=calculateWeightMatrix() # plot new RF
#plot 2dmap , save and wait ; make video
im=weightplot.imshow(weightMatrix, cmap=weightsCmap, vmin=0, vmax=1.5)
#im=imshow(weightMatrix, cmap=weightsCmap, vmin=0, vmax=1.5)
if dosave: fig.savefig('tmpmovie%04i.png' % b) # Save PNG files for movie
if dosave!=1: pause(1e-10)
# update weights
synBin = where(syntime == b )[0]
if (size(synBin)>0 and size(synBin)<size(conweight1)):
# update connection matrix based on syn wieght gains
conweight1[range(len(synBin))] = conweight1Original[range(len(synBin))] * synweight[synBin]
if dosave:
print('Making movie...')
system('mkdir -p ' + moviedir)
system("mencoder 'mf://tmpmovie*.png' -mf type=png:fps=10 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=wmv2 -oac copy -o %s" % (moviedir+moviename))
print(' Cleaning up...')
system('rm tmpmovie*.png')
# calculate the position of center-out targets in joe's BMI experiments to use in sims
def calculateTargetsCenterOut():
monkeyArmLen=[0.0839, 0.2038]
varmLen=[0.4634 - 0.173, 0.7169 - 0.4634] # added average hand size (included in monkey dimensions)
factor = 2*(varmLen[0]+varmLen[1])/(monkeyArmLen[0]+monkeyArmLen[1])
monkeyCenter = [0.050536, 0.095114]
varmAngleCenter = [0.62, 1.53] # 0.53, 1.41
varmCenter = angles2pos(varmAngleCenter[0], varmAngleCenter[1], varmLen[0], varmLen[1])
targetDist = 0.04
targetDist45deg = 0.0282
print "\nvarmCenter:"
print varmCenter
targets = zeros((8,2))
targets_pos = zeros((8,2))
targets_pos[0] = varmCenter[0]+targetDist*factor, varmCenter[1]+0 #right
targets_pos[1] = varmCenter[0]-targetDist*factor, varmCenter[1]+0 #left
targets_pos[2] = varmCenter[0], varmCenter[1]+targetDist*factor #top
targets_pos[3] = varmCenter[0], varmCenter[1]-targetDist*factor #bottom
targets_pos[4] = varmCenter[0]+targetDist45deg*factor, varmCenter[1]+targetDist45deg*factor #right-top
targets_pos[5] = varmCenter[0]-targetDist45deg*factor, varmCenter[1]+targetDist45deg*factor #left-top
targets_pos[6] = varmCenter[0]+targetDist45deg*factor, varmCenter[1]-targetDist45deg*factor #left-bottom
targets_pos[7] = varmCenter[0]-targetDist45deg*factor, varmCenter[1]-targetDist45deg*factor #rightbottom
print "\ntarget positions:"
print targets_pos
print "\ntarget displacements:"
print targets_pos - varmCenter
targets[0] = pos2angles(varmCenter[0]+targetDist*factor, varmCenter[1]+0, varmLen[0], varmLen[1]) #right
targets[1] = pos2angles(varmCenter[0]-targetDist*factor, varmCenter[1]+0, varmLen[0], varmLen[1])#left
targets[2] = pos2angles(varmCenter[0], varmCenter[1]+targetDist*factor, varmLen[0], varmLen[1]) #top
targets[3] = pos2angles(varmCenter[0], varmCenter[1]-targetDist*factor, varmLen[0], varmLen[1]) #bottom
targets[4] = pos2angles(varmCenter[0]+targetDist45deg*factor, varmCenter[1]+targetDist45deg*factor, varmLen[0], varmLen[1]) #right-top
targets[5] = pos2angles(varmCenter[0]-targetDist45deg*factor, varmCenter[1]+targetDist45deg*factor, varmLen[0], varmLen[1]) #left-top
targets[6] = pos2angles(varmCenter[0]+targetDist45deg*factor, varmCenter[1]-targetDist45deg*factor, varmLen[0], varmLen[1]) #left-bottom
targets[7] = pos2angles(varmCenter[0]-targetDist45deg*factor, varmCenter[1]-targetDist45deg*factor, varmLen[0], varmLen[1]) #rightbottom
print "\ntarget angular displacements:"
print targets - varmAngleCenter
print "\nabsolute target angular displacements:"
print sum(abs(targets - varmAngleCenter),1)
print "\ntarget angles:"
print targets
return targets
# convert cartesian position to joint angles
def pos2angles(x,y,l1,l2):
elang = abs(2*arctan(sqrt(((l1 + l2)**2 - (x**2 + y**2))/((x**2 + y**2) - (l1 - l2)**2))));
phi = arctan2(y,x);
psi = arctan2(l2 * sin(elang), l1 + (l2 * cos(elang)));
shang = phi - psi;
return [shang,elang]
# convert joint angles to cartesian position
def angles2pos(shang,elang,l1,l2):
shoulderPosx = 0
shoulderPosy = 0
elbowPosx = armLen[0] * cos(armAng[0]) # end of elbow
elbowPosy = armLen[0] * sin(armAng[0])
wristPosx = elbowPosx + armLen[1] * cos(+armAng[0]+armAng[1]) # wrist=arm position
wristPosy = elbowPosy + armLen[1] * sin(+armAng[0]+armAng[1])
return wristPosx,wristPosy
# calculates deviation of trajectory from ideal (straight line) traj to target
def trajDeviation(x,y,center,targetInd, targetXdist):
# subtract center position from trajectory
# set angle of rotation as a function of target
targetAngles = [0, - np.pi, -np.pi/2, np.pi/2, -np.pi/4, -3*np.pi/4, np.pi/4, 3*np.pi/4]
rotAng = targetAngles[targetInd]
# rotate trajectory to position over positive x-axis (=target 0, center-right)
xrot = x*cos(rotAng) - y*sin(rotAng)
yrot = x*sin(rotAng) + y*cos(rotAng)
# include only trajectory points within trajDist*target x pos
# enables comparison of different targets irrespective of time to target
# add penalty for displacements going in wrong direction
# calculate deviation as the sum of the absolute y displacements
#ydisp = sum(abs(yrot)) #sum
ydisp = mean(abs(yrot[xlim])) #mean
return ydisp
# calculate the average (replaced by min!) distance between the trajectory and the target during trange
def trajAccuracy(x,y,targetPos,varmLen, trange, method):
#method = 'min'#
if method == 'sum':
elif method == 'min':
for i in trange:
if method == 'sum':
dist += sqrt((x[i]-targetPos[0])**2 + (y[i]-targetPos[1])**2) # sum
elif method == 'min':
dist = min(dist, sqrt((x[i]-targetPos[0])**2 + (y[i]-targetPos[1])**2)) # min
#print "min dist:"+str(dist)
if method == 'sum':
dist = dist/len(trange) # average
return dist
# plot center out reaching trajectory for single target
def plotCenterOutTrajSingleParam(simdatadir, trajStartArg, trajStopArg, niseeds=100):
##### obtain target locations
targetsAng = calculateTargetsCenterOut()
# convert to cartesian position
varmLen=[0.4634 - 0.173, 0.7169 - 0.4634]
varmCenter = angles2pos(0.62, 1.53, varmLen[0], varmLen[1])
elbowCenter = [varmLen[0] * cos(0.62), varmLen[0] * sin(0.62)]
targetsPos = zeros((8,2))
for i in range(len(targetsAng)):
targetsPos[i]=angles2pos(targetsAng[i][0], targetsAng[i][1], varmLen[0], varmLen[1])
# read and plot trajectory data (t,x,y from nqa)
wseedvals =[120456, 398115, 534031, 796321, 895199]
iseedvals = arange(1235, 1235+(17*niseeds), 17)
# parameter values
param1_range = arange(1,2,1)# arange(0.8,1.24,0.04)#arange(200,375,25)#arange(20,180,20)##arange(10,110,10)# [0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1, 0.125, 0.15, 0.175, 0.2]##arange(0.8,1.24,0.04)# arange(1,9)#arange(50,550,50)# arange(10,110,10)## #[0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1, 0.125, 0.15]#[10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100]#[50, 100,250,500,750,1000]#arange(20,180,20)##
param2_range = [0,1,2,3] # [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
# Visualization options
figsize =[800,800]# [1300,500] # Figure size in pixels
targetColor = 'green';#array([(1,0.4,0) , (0,0.2,0.8)]) # Define excitatory and inhibitory colors -- orange and turquoise
targetLine = 2*2 #??
targetSize = 30 *2
targetMarker = 'x'
colorlist = ['black','blue', 'red', 'green', 'brown', 'cyan','darkgrey', 'magenta', 'orange','yellow']
trajLine = 1
trajSize = 1
trajMarker = '.'
trajStart = trajStartArg#2 # sample number to start from (each sample = 10 ms)
trajStop = trajStopArg#400 # sample number to finish on (max 400=4sec)
# create subplots for each of the param values tested
fig = figure(figsize=(figsize[0]/100,figsize[1]/100),dpi=100)
fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.02) # Less space on left
fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.93) # Less space on right
fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.08) # Less space on bottom
subplotsx = 1#5
subplotsy = 1#2
maxSubplots = subplotsx*subplotsy
param1Subplots = [None] * min(len(param1_range), maxSubplots)
border = 0.1
for i in range(min(len(param1_range), maxSubplots)):
param1Subplots[i] = subplot(subplotsy, subplotsx, i+1)
#setp(param1Subplots[i].get_xticklabels(), visible=False) # hide x and y ticks
#setp(param1Subplots[i].get_yticklabels(), visible=False)
param1Subplots[i].set_xlim([targetsPos[1][0]-border*1.5, targetsPos[0][0]+border]) # set x-y lims
param1Subplots[i].set_ylim([targetsPos[3][1]-border*2.5, targetsPos[2][1]+border])
# plot data for each of the 4 starting conditions in same color; different color for each target
# Loop over param1 values
h('objref nqaload')
param1Subplots[iparam1].set_title('Trajectories for multiple input seeds')
# Loop over param2 values
for param2 in param2_range:
iparam2 = iparam2 + 1
iwseed = -1
# plot target location
param1Subplots[iparam1].scatter(targetsPos[iparam2][0], targetsPos[iparam2][1], c=colorlist[iparam2], marker=targetMarker, linewidth=targetLine, s=targetSize)
# Loop over wiring seed...
for wseed in wseedvals:
iwseed = iwseed + 1
iiseed = -1
# Loop over input seed...
for iseed in iseedvals:
iiseed = iiseed + 1
# set filename
#outfilestem = '"%s/p1-%.2f_p2-%d_i-%d_w-%d_train-nqa.nqs"' % (simdatadir, param1, param2, iseed, wseed)
#outfilestem = '"%s/p1-%d_p2-%d_i-%d_w-%d_test-nqa.nqs"' % (simdatadir, param1, param2, iseed, wseed)
outfilestem = '"%s/target-%d_i-%d_w-%d_test-nqa.nqs"' % (simdatadir, param2, iseed, wseed)
filename = '%s/target-%d_i-%d_w-%d_test-nqa.nqs' % (simdatadir, param2, iseed, wseed)
if os.path.isfile(filename):
print outfilestem
# get errors from nqs
h('nqaload = new NQS(%s)'%outfilestem)
shAng = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ang0"))
#print shAng
elAng = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ang1"))
#print elAng
param1Subplots[iparam1].scatter(x[trajStart:trajStop], y[trajStart:trajStop], edgecolor=colorlist[iparam2], marker=trajMarker, linewidth=trajLine, s=trajSize)
# draw arm
plot([0,elbowCenter[0]], [0, elbowCenter[1]],'k-',lw=4) #elbow
plot([elbowCenter[0], varmCenter[0]], [elbowCenter[1], varmCenter[1]],'k-',lw=4)
fig.savefig('gif/%s_traj_%d.png' % (simdatadir[5:], trajStop))
# plot center out reaching trajectories
def plotCenterOutTraj(simdatadir, trajStartArg, trajStopArg, param1Arg=None):
##### obtain target locations
targetsAng = calculateTargetsCenterOut()
# convert to cartesian position
varmLen=[0.4634 - 0.173, 0.7169 - 0.4634]
varmCenter = angles2pos(0.62, 1.53, varmLen[0], varmLen[1])
targetsPos = zeros((8,2))
for i in range(len(targetsAng)):
targetsPos[i]=angles2pos(targetsAng[i][0], targetsAng[i][1], varmLen[0], varmLen[1])
# read and plot trajectory data (t,x,y from nqa)
wseedvals =[120456, 398115]#, 534031, 796321, 895199]
iseedvals = [1235, 2837]#, 3955, 4506, 6789]
# parameter values
if param1Arg==None:
param1_range = arange(0.8,1.24,0.04)#arange(200,375,25)#arange(20,180,20)##arange(10,110,10)# [0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1, 0.125, 0.15, 0.175, 0.2]##arange(0.8,1.24,0.04)# arange(1,9)#arange(50,550,50)# arange(10,110,10)## #[0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1, 0.125, 0.15]#[10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100]#[50, 100,250,500,750,1000]#arange(20,180,20)##
param1_range = param1Arg
param2_range = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
# Visualization options
figsize =[1300,500] # Figure size in pixels
targetColor = 'green';#array([(1,0.4,0) , (0,0.2,0.8)]) # Define excitatory and inhibitory colors -- orange and turquoise
targetLine = 2 #
targetSize = 30
targetMarker = 'x'
colorlist = ['black','darkgrey','blue', 'cyan', 'green', 'brown', 'red', 'magenta', 'orange','yellow']
trajLine = 1
trajSize = 1
trajMarker = '.'
trajStart = trajStartArg#2 # sample number to start from (each sample = 10 ms)
trajStop = trajStopArg#400 # sample number to finish on (max 400=4sec)
# create subplots for each of the param values tested
fig = figure(figsize=(figsize[0]/100,figsize[1]/100),dpi=100)
fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.02) # Less space on left
fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.93) # Less space on right
fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.08) # Less space on bottom
subplotsx = 5
subplotsy = 2
maxSubplots = subplotsx*subplotsy
param1Subplots = [None] * min(len(param1_range), maxSubplots)
border = 0.1
for i in range(min(len(param1_range), maxSubplots)):
param1Subplots[i] = subplot(subplotsy, subplotsx, i+1)
setp(param1Subplots[i].get_xticklabels(), visible=False) # hide x and y ticks
setp(param1Subplots[i].get_yticklabels(), visible=False)
param1Subplots[i].set_xlim([targetsPos[1][0]-border, targetsPos[0][0]+border]) # set x-y lims
param1Subplots[i].set_ylim([targetsPos[3][1]-border, targetsPos[2][1]+border])
# plot data for each of the 4 starting conditions in same color; different color for each target
# Loop over param1 values
h('objref nqaload')
iparam1 = -1
for param1 in param1_range:
iparam1 = iparam1 + 1
iparam2 = -1
param1Subplots[iparam1].set_title('param1= '+str(param1))
# Loop over param2 values
for param2 in param2_range:
iparam2 = iparam2 + 1
iwseed = -1
# plot target location
param1Subplots[iparam1].scatter(targetsPos[iparam2][0], targetsPos[iparam2][1], c=colorlist[iparam2], marker=targetMarker, linewidth=targetLine, s=targetSize)
# Loop over wiring seed...
for wseed in wseedvals:
iwseed = iwseed + 1
iiseed = -1
# Loop over input seed...
for iseed in iseedvals:
iiseed = iiseed + 1
# set filename and check if file exists
outfilestem = '%s/p1-%d_p2-%d_i-%d_w-%d_test-nqa.nqs' % (simdatadir, param1, param2, iseed, wseed)
if os.path.isfile(outfilestem):
print "loading "+str(outfilestem)
outfilestem = '%s/p1-%.2f_p2-%d_i-%d_w-%d_test-nqa.nqs' % (simdatadir, param1, param2, iseed, wseed)
if os.path.isfile(outfilestem):
print "loading "+str(outfilestem)
outfilestem = '%s/p1-%.3f_p2-%d_i-%d_w-%d_test-nqa.nqs' % (simdatadir, param1, param2, iseed, wseed)
if os.path.isfile(outfilestem):
print "loading "+str(outfilestem)
if skipValue==0:
# get errors from nqs
h('nqaload = new NQS("%s")'%outfilestem)
print("extracting trajectory data...")
#print t,x,y
param1Subplots[iparam1].scatter(x[trajStart:trajStop], y[trajStart:trajStop], edgecolor=colorlist[iparam2], marker=trajMarker, linewidth=trajLine, s=trajSize)
# plot center out reaching trajectories for 8 sims with same date
def plotCenterOutTraj8(simdatadirRoot, trajStartArg, trajStopArg):
# call plotCenterOutTraj for each sim in same date
numSims = 8
param1_range = []#[None] * numSims
param1_range.append(arange(0.8,1.24,0.04))#([0.012, 0.025, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1, 0.125, 0.15])
param1_range.append([25, 50,75, 100, 125, 150, 175, 200, 225, 250])
param1_range.append([50, 100,250,500,750,1000])
for i in range(numSims):
plotCenterOutTraj(simdatadirRoot+'_sim'+str(i+1), trajStartArg, trajStopArg, param1_range[i])
# plot center out reaching trajectories for 4param batch sims
def plotCenterOutTraj4param(simdatadir, trajStartArg, trajStopArg):
##### obtain target locations
targetsAng = calculateTargetsCenterOut()
#targetsAng=[[deg2rad(90),deg2rad(100)],[deg2rad(100),deg2rad(80)]] # only targets 14 and 15
# convert to cartesian position
varmLen=[0.4634 - 0.173, 0.7169 - 0.4634]
varmCenter = angles2pos(0.62, 1.53, varmLen[0], varmLen[1])
targetsPos = zeros((8,2))
for i in range(len(targetsAng)):
targetsPos[i]=angles2pos(targetsAng[i][0], targetsAng[i][1], varmLen[0], varmLen[1])
# read and plot trajectory data (t,x,y from nqa)
wseedvals =[120456,398115, 534031, 796321, 895199]
iseedvals = [1235, 2837, 3955, 4506, 6789]
# set param range by hand
param1_range = arange(200,400,50) # EMNoiseRate train
param2_range= arange(0, 8, 2) # EMNoiseMuscleGroup
param3_range = arange(500,2000,500) # EMMuscleNoiseChangeDT
param4_range = arange(8,40,8) # exploreTot
param5_range = arange(4) # only four targets
wseed_range = arange(2)
inseed_range = arange(2)
# read from param file
with open('%s/params'% (simdatadir)) as f:
param1_range, param2_range, param3_range, param4_range, param5_range, wseed_range, inseed_range = pickle.load(f)
# Visualization options
figsize =[1000,700] # Figure size in pixels
targetColor = 'green';#array([(1,0.4,0) , (0,0.2,0.8)]) # Define excitatory and inhibitory colors -- orange and turquoise
targetLine = 2 #
targetSize = 30
targetMarker = 'x'
#colorlist = ['black','darkgrey','blue', 'cyan', 'green', 'brown', 'red', 'magenta', 'orange','yellow']
colorlist = ['blue', 'green', 'red', 'magenta', 'darkgrey']
trajLine = 1
trajSize = 1
trajMarker = '.'
trajStart = trajStartArg#2 # sample number to start from (each sample = 10 ms)
trajStop = trajStopArg#400 # sample number to finish on (max 400=4sec)
# create subplots for each of the param values tested
for param1 in param1_range:
for param2 in param2_range:
fig = figure(figsize=(figsize[0]/100,figsize[1]/100),dpi=100)
fig.canvas.set_window_title('param1 = '+str(param1)+', param2 = '+str(param2))
#fig.suptitle('param1 = '+str(param1)+', param2 = '+str(param2), fontsize=8)
fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.02) # Less space on left
fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.93) # Less space on right
fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.08) # Less space on bottom
subplotsy = len(param3_range)
subplotsx = len(param4_range)
maxSubplots = subplotsx*subplotsy
paramSubplots = [None] * min(len(param3_range)*len(param4_range), maxSubplots)
border = 0.1
for i in range(len(param3_range)*len(param4_range)):
paramSubplots[i] = subplot(subplotsy, subplotsx, i+1)
setp(paramSubplots[i].get_xticklabels(), visible=False) # hide x and y ticks
setp(paramSubplots[i].get_yticklabels(), visible=False)
paramSubplots[i].set_xlim([targetsPos[1][0]-border, targetsPos[0][0]+border]) # set x-y lims
paramSubplots[i].set_ylim([targetsPos[3][1]-border, targetsPos[2][1]+border])
# plot data for each of the 4 starting conditions in same color; different color for each target
# Loop over param3 values
h('objref nqaload')
iparam3 = -1
for param3 in param3_range:
iparam3 = iparam3 + 1
iparam4 = -1
# Loop over param3 values
for param4 in param4_range:
iparam4 = iparam4 + 1
iparam5 = -1
paramSubplots[iparam3*len(param4_range)+iparam4].set_title('param3 = '+str(param3)+', param4 = '+str(param4),fontsize=8)
# Loop over param5 values (target)
for param5 in param5_range:
iparam5 = iparam5 + 1
iwseed = -1
# plot target location
paramSubplots[iparam3*len(param4_range)+iparam4].scatter(targetsPos[iparam5][0], targetsPos[iparam5][1], c=colorlist[iparam5], marker=targetMarker, linewidth=targetLine, s=targetSize)
# Loop over wiring seed...
for wseed in array(wseedvals)[wseed_range]:
iwseed = iwseed + 1
iiseed = -1
# Loop over input seed...
for iseed in array(iseedvals)[inseed_range]:
iiseed = iiseed + 1
# set filename and check if file exists
outfilestem = '%s/p1-%d_p2-%d_p3-%d_p4-%d_p5-%d_i-%d_w-%d_test-nqa.nqs' % (simdatadir, param1, param2, param3, param4, param5, iseed, wseed)
if os.path.isfile(outfilestem):
print "loading "+str(outfilestem)
outfilestem = '%s/p1-%.2f_p2-%.2f_p3-%.2f_p4-%.2f_p5-%d_i-%d_w-%d_test-nqa.nqs' % (simdatadir, param1, param2, param3, param4, param5, iseed, wseed)
if os.path.isfile(outfilestem):
print "loading "+str(outfilestem)
outfilestem = '%s/p1-%.1f_p2-%d_p3-%.3f_p4-%d_p5-%d_i-%d_w-%d_test-nqa.nqs' % (simdatadir, param1, param2, param3, param4, param5, iseed, wseed)
if os.path.isfile(outfilestem):
print "loading "+str(outfilestem)
if skipValue==0:
# get errors from nqs
h('nqaload = new NQS("%s")'%outfilestem)
print("extracting trajectory data...")
#print t,x,y
paramSubplots[iparam3*len(param4_range)+iparam4].scatter(x[trajStart:trajStop], y[trajStart:trajStop], edgecolor=colorlist[iparam5], marker=trajMarker, linewidth=trajLine, s=trajSize)
# set tight layout and save figure
fig.savefig('gif/%s_p1-%.2f_p2-%.2f_traj.png' % (simdatadir[5:], param1, param2)) # Save PNG files for movie
# save spiking data and arm trajectory to matlab file
# plot center out reaching trajectories
def plotCenterOutAng4param(simdatadir, trajStartArg, trajStopArg):
##### obtain target locations
targetsAng = calculateTargetsCenterOut()
targetsAng=[[deg2rad(90),deg2rad(100)],[deg2rad(100),deg2rad(80)]] # only targets 14 and 15
# convert to cartesian position
varmLen=[0.4634 - 0.173, 0.7169 - 0.4634]
varmCenter = angles2pos(0.62, 1.53, varmLen[0], varmLen[1])
targetsPos = zeros((8,2))
for i in range(len(targetsAng)):
targetsPos[i]=angles2pos(targetsAng[i][0], targetsAng[i][1], varmLen[0], varmLen[1])
# read and plot trajectory data (t,x,y from nqa)
wseedvals =[120456,398115, 534031, 796321, 895199]
iseedvals = [1235, 2837, 3955, 4506, 6789]
# set param range by hand
param1_range = arange(200,400,50) # EMNoiseRate train
param2_range= arange(0, 8, 2) # EMNoiseMuscleGroup
param3_range = arange(500,2000,500) # EMMuscleNoiseChangeDT
param4_range = arange(8,40,8) # exploreTot
param5_range = arange(4) # only four targets
wseed_range = arange(2)
inseed_range = arange(2)
# read from param file
with open('%s/params'% (simdatadir)) as f:
param1_range, param2_range, param3_range, param4_range, param5_range, wseed_range, inseed_range = pickle.load(f)
# Visualization options
figsize =[1000,700] # Figure size in pixels
targetColor = 'green';#array([(1,0.4,0) , (0,0.2,0.8)]) # Define excitatory and inhibitory colors -- orange and turquoise
targetLine = 2 #
targetSize = 30
targetMarker = 'x'
#colorlist = ['black','darkgrey','blue', 'cyan', 'green', 'brown', 'red', 'magenta', 'orange','yellow']
colorlist = ['blue', 'green', 'red', 'magenta', 'darkgrey']
trajLine = 1
trajSize = 1
trajSize2 = 1
trajMarker = '.'
trajMarker2 = '*'
trajStart = trajStartArg#2 # sample number to start from (each sample = 10 ms)
trajStop = trajStopArg#400 # sample number to finish on (max 400=4sec)
# create subplots for each of the param values tested
for param1 in param1_range:
for param2 in param2_range:
fig = figure(figsize=(figsize[0]/100,figsize[1]/100),dpi=100)
fig.canvas.set_window_title('param1 = '+str(param1)+', param2 = '+str(param2))
#fig.suptitle('param1 = '+str(param1)+', param2 = '+str(param2), fontsize=8)
fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.02) # Less space on left
fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.93) # Less space on right
fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.08) # Less space on bottom
subplotsy = len(param3_range)
subplotsx = len(param4_range)
maxSubplots = subplotsx*subplotsy
paramSubplots = [None] * min(len(param3_range)*len(param4_range), maxSubplots)
border = 0.1
for i in range(len(param3_range)*len(param4_range)):
paramSubplots[i] = subplot(subplotsy, subplotsx, i+1)
setp(paramSubplots[i].get_xticklabels(), visible=False) # hide x and y ticks
setp(paramSubplots[i].get_yticklabels(), visible=False)
#paramSubplots[i].set_xlim([targetsPos[1][0]-border, targetsPos[0][0]+border]) # set x-y lims
#paramSubplots[i].set_ylim([targetsPos[3][1]-border, targetsPos[2][1]+border])
# plot data for each of the 4 starting conditions in same color; different color for each target
# Loop over param3 values
h('objref nqaload')
iparam3 = -1
for param3 in param3_range:
iparam3 = iparam3 + 1
iparam4 = -1
# Loop over param3 values
for param4 in param4_range:
iparam4 = iparam4 + 1
iparam5 = -1
paramSubplots[iparam3*len(param4_range)+iparam4].set_title('param3 = '+str(param3)+', param4 = '+str(param4),fontsize=8)
# Loop over param5 values (target)
for param5 in param5_range:
iparam5 = iparam5 + 1
iwseed = -1
# plot target location
#paramSubplots[iparam3*len(param4_range)+iparam4].scatter(targetsPos[iparam5][0], targetsPos[iparam5][1], c=colorlist[iparam5], marker=targetMarker, linewidth=targetLine, s=targetSize)
# Loop over wiring seed...
for wseed in array(wseedvals)[wseed_range]:
iwseed = iwseed + 1
iiseed = -1
# Loop over input seed...
for iseed in array(iseedvals)[inseed_range]:
iiseed = iiseed + 1
# set filename and check if file exists
outfilestem = '%s/p1-%d_p2-%d_p3-%d_p4-%d_p5-%d_i-%d_w-%d_test-nqa.nqs' % (simdatadir, param1, param2, param3, param4, param5, iseed, wseed)
if os.path.isfile(outfilestem):
print "loading "+str(outfilestem)
outfilestem = '%s/p1-%.2f_p2-%.2f_p3-%.2f_p4-%.2f_p5-%d_i-%d_w-%d_test-nqa.nqs' % (simdatadir, param1, param2, param3, param4, param5, iseed, wseed)
if os.path.isfile(outfilestem):
print "loading "+str(outfilestem)
outfilestem = '%s/p1-%.1f_p2-%d_p3-%.3f_p4-%d_p5-%d_i-%d_w-%d_test-nqa.nqs' % (simdatadir, param1, param2, param3, param4, param5, iseed, wseed)
if os.path.isfile(outfilestem):
print "loading "+str(outfilestem)
if skipValue==0:
# get errors from nqs
h('nqaload = new NQS("%s")'%outfilestem)
print("extracting trajectory data...")
#paramSubplots[iparam3*len(param4_range)+iparam4].scatter(x[trajStart:trajStop], y[trajStart:trajStop], edgecolor=colorlist[iparam5], marker=trajMarker, linewidth=trajLine, s=trajSize)
# plot shoulder ang
paramSubplots[iparam3*len(param4_range)+iparam4].scatter(t[trajStart:trajStop], shang[trajStart:trajStop], edgecolor=colorlist[(iwseed*2)+iiseed], marker=trajMarker, linewidth=trajLine, s=trajSize)
# plot elbow ang
paramSubplots[iparam3*len(param4_range)+iparam4].scatter(t[trajStart:trajStop], elang[trajStart:trajStop], edgecolor=colorlist[(iwseed*2)+iiseed], marker=trajMarker2, linewidth=trajLine, s=trajSize2)
# plot shoulder+elbow targets
#paramSubplots[iparam3*len(param4_range)+iparam4].plot([t[trajStart], t[trajStop]], [targetsAng[0][0], targetsAng[0][0]], color='black', linestyle='..')
#paramSubplots[iparam3*len(param4_range)+iparam4].plot([t[trajStart], t[trajStop]], [targetsAng[0][1], targetsAng[0][1]], color='darkgrey', linestyle='..')
paramSubplots[iparam3*len(param4_range)+iparam4].scatter(t[trajStart:trajStop], [targetsAng[0][0]]*len(t[trajStart:trajStop]), edgecolor='black', marker=trajMarker, linewidth=trajLine, s=trajSize)
paramSubplots[iparam3*len(param4_range)+iparam4].scatter(t[trajStart:trajStop], [targetsAng[0][1]]*len(t[trajStart:trajStop]), edgecolor='darkgrey', marker=trajMarker, linewidth=trajLine, s=trajSize)
# set tight layout and save figure
fig.savefig('gif/%s_p1-%.2f_p2-%.2f_traj.png' % (simdatadir[5:], param1, param2)) # Save PNG files for movie
# save spiking data and arm trajectory to matlab file
# plot center out reaching trajectories
def errorCenterOutTraj4param(simdatadir, trajStartArg, trajStopArg, accuracyFactor=0, deviationFactor=0):
##### obtain target locations
targetsAng = calculateTargetsCenterOut()
# convert to cartesian position
varmLen=[0.4634 - 0.173, 0.7169 - 0.4634]
varmCenter = angles2pos(0.62, 1.53, varmLen[0], varmLen[1])
targetsPos = zeros((8,2))
for i in range(len(targetsAng)):
targetsPos[i]=angles2pos(targetsAng[i][0], targetsAng[i][1], varmLen[0], varmLen[1])
# read and plot trajectory data (t,x,y from nqa)
wseedvals =[120456,398115, 534031, 796321, 895199]
iseedvals = [1235, 2837, 3955, 4506, 6789]
param1_range = arange(200,400,50) # EMNoiseRate train
param2_range= arange(0, 8, 2) # EMNoiseMuscleGroup
param3_range = arange(500,2000,500) # EMMuscleNoiseChangeDT
param4_range = arange(8,40,8) # exploreTot
param5_range = arange(4) # only four targets
wseed_range = arange(2)
inseed_range = arange(2)
with open('%s/params'% (simdatadir)) as f:
param1_range, param2_range, param3_range, param4_range, param5_range, wseed_range, inseed_range = pickle.load(f)
# Visualization options
figsize =[700,700] # Figure size in pixels
targetColor = 'green';#array([(1,0.4,0) , (0,0.2,0.8)]) # Define excitatory and inhibitory colors -- orange and turquoise
targetLine = 2 #
targetSize = 30
targetMarker = 'x'
#colorlist = ['black','darkgrey','blue', 'cyan', 'green', 'brown', 'red', 'magenta', 'orange','yellow']
colorlist = ['blue', 'green', 'red', 'magenta']
trajLine = 1
trajSize = 1
trajMarker = '.'
trajStart = trajStartArg#2 # sample number to start from (each sample = 10 ms)
trajStop = trajStopArg#400 # sample number to finish on (max 400=4sec)
fig = figure(figsize=(figsize[0]/100,figsize[1]/100),dpi=100)
#fig.canvas.set_window_title('param1 = '+str(param1)+', param2 = '+str(param2))
#fig.suptitle('param1 = '+str(param1)+', param2 = '+str(param2), fontsize=8)
fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.02) # Less space on left
fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.93) # Less space on right
fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.08) # Less space on bottom
subplotsy = len(param1_range)
subplotsx = len(param2_range)
maxSubplots = subplotsx*subplotsy
paramSubplots = [None] * maxSubplots #min(len(param2_range)*len(param2_range), maxSubplots)
border = 0.1
for i in range(len(param1_range)*len(param2_range)):
paramSubplots[i] = subplot(subplotsy, subplotsx, i+1)
# create subplots for each of the param values tested
errorAvg = zeros((len(param1_range),len(param2_range),len(param3_range),len(param4_range)))
iparam1 =-1
for param1 in param1_range:
iparam1 = iparam1 + 1
iparam2 = -1
for param2 in param2_range:
iparam2 = iparam2 + 1
# plot data for each of the 4 starting conditions in same color; different color for each target
# Loop over param3 values
accuracy = zeros((len(param3_range),len(param4_range),len(param5_range),len(wseed_range),len(inseed_range)))
deviation = zeros((len(param3_range),len(param4_range),len(param5_range),len(wseed_range),len(inseed_range)))
accuracy_mean = zeros((len(param3_range),len(param4_range),len(param5_range)))
deviation_mean = zeros((len(param3_range),len(param4_range),len(param5_range)))
accuracy_max = zeros((len(param3_range),len(param4_range)))
deviation_max = zeros((len(param3_range),len(param4_range)))
h('objref nqaload')
iparam3 = -1
for param3 in param3_range:
iparam3 = iparam3 + 1
iparam4 = -1
paramSubplots[iparam1*len(param2_range)+iparam2].set_title('param1 = '+str(param1)+', param2 = '+str(param2),fontsize=8)
# Loop over param3 values
for param4 in param4_range:
iparam4 = iparam4 + 1
iparam5 = -1
# Loop over param5 values (target)
for param5 in param5_range:
iparam5 = iparam5 + 1
iwseed = -1
# Loop over wiring seed...
for wseed in array(wseedvals)[wseed_range]:
iwseed = iwseed + 1
iiseed = -1
# Loop over input seed...
for iseed in array(iseedvals)[inseed_range]:
iiseed = iiseed + 1
# set filename and check if file exists
outfilestem = '%s/p1-%d_p2-%d_p3-%d_p4-%d_p5-%d_i-%d_w-%d_test-nqa.nqs' % (simdatadir, param1, param2, param3, param4, param5, iseed, wseed)
if os.path.isfile(outfilestem):
print "loading "+str(outfilestem)
outfilestem = '%s/p1-%.2f_p2-%.2f_p3-%.2f_p4-%.2f_p5-%d_i-%d_w-%d_test-nqa.nqs' % (simdatadir, param1, param2, param3, param4, param5, iseed, wseed)
if os.path.isfile(outfilestem):
print "loading "+str(outfilestem)
outfilestem = '%s/p1-%.1f_p2-%d_p3-%.3f_p4-%d_p5-%d_i-%d_w-%d_test-nqa.nqs' % (simdatadir, param1, param2, param3, param4, param5, iseed, wseed)
if os.path.isfile(outfilestem):
print "loading "+str(outfilestem)
if skipValue==0:
# get errors from nqs
h('nqaload = new NQS("%s")'%outfilestem)
print("extracting trajectory data...")
#print t,x,y
accuracy[iparam3,iparam4, iparam5, iwseed, iiseed] = trajAccuracy(x[trajStart:trajStop], y[trajStart:trajStop], targetsPos[param5], varmLen, [int(0.1*(trajStop-trajStart-1)),trajStop-trajStart-1])
deviation[iparam3,iparam4, iparam5, iwseed, iiseed] = trajDeviation(x[trajStart:trajStop], y[trajStart:trajStop], varmCenter, param5, targetsPos[0][0])
# calculate mean over seeds
accuracy_mean[iparam3,iparam4, iparam5]= mean(accuracy[iparam3,iparam4,iparam5,:,:])
deviation_mean[iparam3,iparam4, iparam5]= mean(deviation[iparam3,iparam4,iparam5,:,:])
# calculate max over targets
accuracy_max[iparam3,iparam4]= max(accuracy_mean[iparam3,iparam4,:])
deviation_max[iparam3,iparam4]= max(deviation_mean[iparam3,iparam4,:])
# calcualate error as max of acc and dev for each param3 and param4
#error = accuracyFactor*accuracy+deviationFactor*deviation
# store
#errorAvg[iparam1, iparam2, iparam3,iparam4] = mean(error[iparam3,iparam4,:,:,:])
errorAvg[iparam1, iparam2, iparam3,iparam4] = max(accuracy_max[iparam3,iparam4], deviation_max[iparam3,iparam4])
#print errorAvg
iparam1 =-1
for param1 in param1_range:
iparam1 = iparam1 + 1
iparam2 = -1
for param2 in param2_range:
iparam2 = iparam2 + 1
# plot error results
#imsubplot=paramSubplots[iparam1*len(param2_range)+iparam2].imshow(errorAvg, vmin=0, vmax=0.04, origin='upper', interpolation='none')
imsubplot=paramSubplots[iparam1*len(param2_range)+iparam2].pcolor(errorAvg[iparam1,iparam2], vmin=nanmin(errorAvg), vmax=nanmax(errorAvg))
paramSubplots[iparam1*len(param2_range)+iparam2].set_xticks(arange(0.5, len(param4_range), 1))
paramSubplots[iparam1*len(param2_range)+iparam2].set_yticks(arange(0.5, len(param3_range), 1))
#scatter(x[trajStart:trajStop], y[trajStart:trajStop], edgecolor=colorlist[iparam5], marker=trajMarker, linewidth=trajLine, s=trajSize)
# set tight layout and save figure
cfraction = 1
cpad = 1
cshrink = 1
cfontsize = 8
#c=colorbar(paramSubplots[iparam1*len(param2_range)+iparam2, ax=rasterPsubplot, fraction=cfraction, pad=cpad, shrink=cshrink)
fig.savefig('gif/%s_error.png' % (simdatadir[5:])) # Save PNG files for movie
# evaluation function over 4 tragets -- note: not adapted to multiple seeds
def errorCenterOutTraj(simdatafile, trajStart=2, trajStop=200, accFactor=1, devFactor=0):
simdatafiles = []
##### obtain target locations
targetsAng = calculateTargetsCenterOut()
# convert to cartesian position
varmLen=[0.4634 - 0.173, 0.7169 - 0.4634]
varmCenter = angles2pos(0.62, 1.53, varmLen[0], varmLen[1])
targetsPos = zeros((8,2))
for i in range(len(targetsAng)):
targetsPos[i]=angles2pos(targetsAng[i][0], targetsAng[i][1], varmLen[0], varmLen[1])
# read and plot trajectory data (t,x,y from nqa)
accuracy = zeros((len(simdatafiles)))
deviation = zeros((len(simdatafiles)))
# create subplots for each of the param values tested
ifile =-1
for filename in simdatafiles:
ifile = ifile + 1
h('objref nqaload')
full_filename = '%s_test-nqa.nqs' % (filename)
if os.path.isfile(full_filename):
print "loading "+str(full_filename)
if skipValue==0:
# get errors from nqs
h('nqaload = new NQS("%s")'%full_filename)
print("extracting trajectory data...")
#print t,x,y
accuracy[ifile] = trajAccuracy(x[trajStart:trajStop], y[trajStart:trajStop], targetsPos[ifile], varmLen, [int(0.01*(trajStop-trajStart-1)),trajStop-trajStart-1], 'sum')
deviation[ifile] = trajDeviation(x[trajStart:trajStop], y[trajStart:trajStop], varmCenter, ifile, targetsPos[0][0])
# calculate max over targets
print "accuracy:"
print accuracy
print "deviation:"
print deviation
accuracy_max= accFactor*max(accuracy)
deviation_max= devFactor*max(deviation)
error = max(accuracy_max, deviation_max)
with open('%s_errortmp'% (saveFile), 'w') as f:
pickle.dump(error, f)
return error
def errorCenterOutTrajTmp(simdatafile, trajStart=2, trajStop=200):
simdatafiles = []
##### obtain target locations
targetsAng = calculateTargetsCenterOut()
# convert to cartesian position
varmLen=[0.4634 - 0.173, 0.7169 - 0.4634]
varmCenter = angles2pos(0.62, 1.53, varmLen[0], varmLen[1])
targetsPos = zeros((8,2))
for i in range(len(targetsAng)):
targetsPos[i]=angles2pos(targetsAng[i][0], targetsAng[i][1], varmLen[0], varmLen[1])
# read and plot trajectory data (t,x,y from nqa)
accuracy = zeros((len(simdatafiles)))
deviation = zeros((len(simdatafiles)))
# create subplots for each of the param values tested
ifile =-1
for filename in simdatafiles:
ifile = ifile + 1
h('objref nqaload')
full_filename = '%s_test-nqa.nqs' % (filename)
if os.path.isfile(full_filename):
print "loading "+str(full_filename)
if skipValue==0:
# get errors from nqs
h('nqaload = new NQS("%s")'%full_filename)
print("extracting trajectory data...")
#print t,x,y
accuracy[ifile] = trajAccuracy(x[trajStart:trajStop], y[trajStart:trajStop], targetsPos[ifile], varmLen, [int(0.1*(trajStop-trajStart-1)),trajStop-trajStart-1])
deviation[ifile] = trajDeviation(x[trajStart:trajStop], y[trajStart:trajStop], varmCenter, ifile, targetsPos[0][0])
# calculate max over targets
print "accuracy:"
print accuracy
print "deviation:"
print deviation
accuracy_max= max(accuracy)
deviation_max= max(deviation)
error = max(accuracy_max, deviation_max)
#with open('%s_errortmp'% (saveFile), 'w') as f:
# pickle.dump(error, f)
return error
# save spiking data and arm trajectory to matlab file
def save2Matlab(simdatadir, param1Arg, t1Arg, t2Arg):
# read and save spike and trajectory data (t,x,y from nqa)
wseedvals =[120456]#, 398115]#, 534031, 796321, 895199]
iseedvals = [1235, 2837, 3955, 4506, 6789, 1236, 2838, 3956, 4507, 6790, 1237, 2839, 3957, 4508, 6791, 1238, 2840, 3958, 4509, 6792]# [1235, 2837]#, 3955, 4506, 6789]
# parameter values
param2_range = [0,1]#[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
# plot data for each of the 4 starting conditions in same color; different color for each target
# Loop over param1 values
h('objref nqaload')
h('objref spikesload')
iparam2 = -1
# Loop over param2 values
for param2 in param2_range:
iparam2 = iparam2 + 1
iwseed = -1
# Loop over wiring seed...
for wseed in wseedvals:
iwseed = iwseed + 1
iiseed = -1
# Loop over input seed...
for iseed in iseedvals:
iiseed = iiseed + 1
# set filename
#outfilestem = '"%s/p1-%.2f_p2-%d_i-%d_w-%d_test-nqa.nqs"' % (simdatadir, param1, param2, iseed, wseed)
outfilestem = '"%s/p1-%d_p2-%d_i-%d_w-%d_test-nqa.nqs"' % (simdatadir, param1, param2, iseed, wseed)
#outfilestem = '"%s/target-%d_i-%d_w-%d_test-nqa.nqs"' % (simdatadir, param2, iseed, wseed)
outfilestem_format = '%s/p1-%d_p2-%d_i-%d_w-%d_test-nqa.nqs' % (simdatadir, param1, param2, iseed, wseed)
# get fields from nqs
if os.path.isfile(outfilestem_format):
h('nqaload = new NQS(%s)'%outfilestem)
h('nqaload.select("t","[]", %d, %d)'%(t1Arg,t2Arg))
xHand = array(h.nqaload.getcol("x"))
yHand = array(h.nqaload.getcol("y"))
xElbow = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ex"))
yElbow = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ey"))
shAng = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ang0"))
elAng = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ang1"))
shExtMusLength = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ML0"))
shFlexMusLength = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ML1"))
elExtMusLength = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ML2"))
elFlexMusLength = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ML3"))
#outfilestem = '"%s/p1-%.2f_p2-%d_i-%d_w-%d_test-spk.nqs"' % (simdatadir, param1, param2, iseed, wseed)
outfilestem = '"%s/p1-%d_p2-%d_i-%d_w-%d_test-spk.nqs"' % (simdatadir, param1, param2, iseed, wseed)
h('spikesload = new NQS(%s)' % outfilestem)
h('spikesload.select("t","[]", %d, %d)'%(t1Arg,t2Arg))
#save to matlab
#scipy.io.savemat(('bmm_%s_p1-%.2f_p2-%d_i-%d_w-%d_test_spk.mat'%simdatadir, param1, param2, iseed, wseed), \
#mdict={'t': t, 'cellId': 'cellId, 'celltype': celltype, 'muscleid': muscleid})
scipy.io.savemat(('%s_target%d_i%d_w%d_spk.mat'%(simdatadir, iparam2, iiseed, iwseed)), \
mdict={'tspike': tspike, 'cellid': cellid, 'celltype': celltype, 'muscleid': muscleid})
scipy.io.savemat(('%s_target%d_i%d_w%d_arm.mat'%(simdatadir, iparam2, iiseed, iwseed)), \
mdict={'t': t, 'xhand': xHand, 'yHand': yHand, 'xElbow': xElbow, 'yElbow': yElbow, 'shAng': shAng, 'elAng': elAng, 'shExtMusLength': shExtMusLength, 'shFlexMusLength': shFlexMusLength, 'elExtMusLength': elExtMusLength, 'elFlexMusLength': elFlexMusLength })
# save spiking data and arm trajectory to matlab file
def save2Matlab_iseeds(simdatadir, t1Arg=20, t2Arg=1000, simtype='test'):
# read and save spike and trajectory data (t,x,y from nqa)
#wseedvals =[120456]#, 398115]#, 534031, 796321, 895199]
#iseedvals = [1235, 2837, 3955, 4506, 6789, 1236, 2838, 3956, 4507, 6790, 1237, 2839, 3957, 4508, 6791, 1238, 2840, 3958, 4509, 6792]# [1235, 2837]#, 3955, 4506, 6789]
wseedvals =[120456, 398115, 534031, 796321, 895199]
iseedvals = arange(1235, 1235+(17*100), 17)
# parameter values
param2_range = [0,1,2,3]#,4,5,6,7]
# plot data for each of the 4 starting conditions in same color; different color for each target
# Loop over param1 values
h('objref nqaload')
h('objref spikesload')
iparam2 = -1
# Loop over param2 values
for param2 in param2_range:
iparam2 = iparam2 + 1
iwseed = -1
# Loop over wiring seed...
for wseed in wseedvals:
iwseed = iwseed + 1
iiseed = -1
# Loop over input seed...
for iseed in iseedvals:
iiseed = iiseed + 1
# set filename
outfilestem = '"%s/target-%d_i-%d_w-%d_%s-nqa.nqs"' % (simdatadir, param2, iseed, wseed, simtype)
outfilestem_format = '%s/target-%d_i-%d_w-%d_%s-nqa.nqs' % (simdatadir, param2, iseed, wseed, simtype)
# get fields from nqs
if os.path.isfile(outfilestem_format):
# get fields from nqs
h('nqaload = new NQS(%s)'%outfilestem)
h('nqaload.select("t","[]", %d, %d)'%(t1Arg,t2Arg))
xHand = array(h.nqaload.getcol("x"))
yHand = array(h.nqaload.getcol("y"))
xElbow = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ex"))
yElbow = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ey"))
shAng = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ang0"))
elAng = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ang1"))
shExtMusLength = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ML0"))
shFlexMusLength = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ML1"))
elExtMusLength = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ML2"))
elFlexMusLength = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ML3"))
outfilestem = '"%s/target-%d_i-%d_w-%d_%s-spk.nqs"' % (simdatadir, param2, iseed, wseed, simtype)
h('spikesload = new NQS(%s)' % outfilestem)
h('spikesload.select("t","[]", %d, %d)'%(t1Arg,t2Arg))
#save to matlab
scipy.io.savemat(('%s/target%d_i%d_w%d_spk.mat'%(simdatadir, iparam2, iiseed, iwseed)), \
mdict={'tspike': tspike, 'cellid': cellid, 'celltype': celltype, 'muscleid': muscleid})
scipy.io.savemat(('%s/target%d_i%d_w%d_arm.mat'%(simdatadir, iparam2, iiseed, iwseed)), \
mdict={'t': t, 'xhand': xHand, 'yHand': yHand, 'xElbow': xElbow, 'yElbow': yElbow, 'shAng': shAng, 'elAng': elAng, 'shExtMusLength': shExtMusLength, 'shFlexMusLength': shFlexMusLength, 'elExtMusLength': elExtMusLength, 'elFlexMusLength': elFlexMusLength })
# save spiking data and arm trajectory to matlab file
def save2Matlab_traintimes(simdatadir, t1Arg, t2Arg):
# read and save spike and trajectory data (t,x,y from nqa)
#wseedvals =[120456]#, 398115]#, 534031, 796321, 895199]
#iseedvals = [1235, 2837, 3955, 4506, 6789, 1236, 2838, 3956, 4507, 6790, 1237, 2839, 3957, 4508, 6791, 1238, 2840, 3958, 4509, 6792]# [1235, 2837]#, 3955, 4506, 6789]
wseedvals =[120456]#, 398115]#, 534031, 796321, 895199]
iseedvals = arange(1235, 1235+(17*100), 17)
# parameter values
param2_range = [0,1,2,3]#[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
tphase1_range = [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10] # range of training epochs for phase 1
tphase2_range = [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60] # range of training epochs for phase 2
# plot data for each of the 4 starting conditions in same color; different color for each target
# Loop over param1 values
h('objref nqaload')
h('objref spikesload')
iparam2 = -1
# Loop over param2 values
for param2 in param2_range:
iparam2 = iparam2 + 1
for tphase1 in tphase1_range:
# loop over epochs for training phase 2
for tphase2 in tphase2_range:
iwseed = -1
# Loop over wiring seed...
for wseed in wseedvals:
iwseed = iwseed + 1
iiseed = -1
# Loop over input seed...
for iseed in iseedvals:
iiseed = iiseed + 1
# set filename
outfilestem = '"%s/target-%d_tp1-%d_tp2-%d_i-%d_w-%d_test-nqa.nqs"' % (simdatadir, param2, tphase1, tphase2, iseed, wseed)
outfilestem_format = '%s/target-%d_tp1-%d_tp2-%d_i-%d_w-%d_test-nqa.nqs' % (simdatadir, param2, tphase1, tphase2, iseed, wseed)
# get fields from nqs
if os.path.isfile(outfilestem_format):
# get fields from nqs
h('nqaload = new NQS(%s)'%outfilestem)
h('nqaload.select("t","[]", %d, %d)'%(t1Arg,t2Arg))
xHand = array(h.nqaload.getcol("x"))
yHand = array(h.nqaload.getcol("y"))
xElbow = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ex"))
yElbow = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ey"))
shAng = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ang0"))
elAng = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ang1"))
shExtMusLength = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ML0"))
shFlexMusLength = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ML1"))
elExtMusLength = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ML2"))
elFlexMusLength = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ML3"))
outfilestem = '"%s/target-%d_tp1-%d_tp2-%d_i-%d_w-%d_test-spk.nqs"' % (simdatadir, param2, tphase1, tphase2, iseed, wseed)
h('spikesload = new NQS(%s)' % outfilestem)
h('spikesload.select("t","[]", %d, %d)'%(t1Arg,t2Arg))
#save to matlab
scipy.io.savemat(('%s/target%d_tp1%d_tp2%d_i%d_w%d_spk.mat'%(simdatadir, iparam2, tphase1, tphase2, iiseed, iwseed)), \
mdict={'tspike': tspike, 'cellid': cellid, 'celltype': celltype, 'muscleid': muscleid})
scipy.io.savemat(('%s/target%d_tp1%d_tp2%d_i%d_w%d_arm.mat'%(simdatadir, iparam2, tphase1, tphase2, iiseed, iwseed)), \
mdict={'t': t, 'xhand': xHand, 'yHand': yHand, 'xElbow': xElbow, 'yElbow': yElbow, 'shAng': shAng, 'elAng': elAng, 'shExtMusLength': shExtMusLength, 'shFlexMusLength': shFlexMusLength, 'elExtMusLength': elExtMusLength, 'elFlexMusLength': elFlexMusLength })
def save2MatlabTrain(simdatadir, param1Arg, t1Arg, t2Arg):
# read and save spike and trajectory data (t,x,y from nqa)
wseedvals =[120456]#, 398115]#, 534031, 796321, 895199]
iseedvals = [1235]#, 2837]#, 3955, 4506, 6789]
# parameter values
param2_range = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
# plot data for each of the 4 starting conditions in same color; different color for each target
# Loop over param1 values
h('objref nqaload')
h('objref spikesload')
iparam2 = -1
# Loop over param2 values
for param2 in param2_range:
iparam2 = iparam2 + 1
iwseed = -1
# Loop over wiring seed...
for wseed in wseedvals:
iwseed = iwseed + 1
iiseed = -1
# Loop over input seed...
for iseed in iseedvals:
iiseed = iiseed + 1
# set filename
#outfilestem = '"%s/p1-%.2f_p2-%d_i-%d_w-%d_train-nqa.nqs"' % (simdatadir, param1, param2, iseed, wseed)
outfilestem = '"%s/p1-%d_p2-%d_i-%d_w-%d_train-nqa.nqs"' % (simdatadir, param1, param2, iseed, wseed)
# get fields from nqs
h('nqaload = new NQS(%s)'%outfilestem)
h('nqaload.select("t","[]", %d, %d)'%(t1Arg,t2Arg))
xHand = array(h.nqaload.getcol("x"))
yHand = array(h.nqaload.getcol("y"))
xElbow = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ex"))
yElbow = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ey"))
shAng = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ang0"))
elAng = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ang1"))
shExtMusLength = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ML0"))
shFlexMusLength = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ML1"))
elExtMusLength = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ML2"))
elFlexMusLength = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ML3"))
#outfilestem = '"%s/p1-%.2f_p2-%d_i-%d_w-%d_test-spk.nqs"' % (simdatadir, param1, param2, iseed, wseed)
outfilestem = '"%s/p1-%d_p2-%d_i-%d_w-%d_train-spk.nqs"' % (simdatadir, param1, param2, iseed, wseed)
h('spikesload = new NQS(%s)' % outfilestem)
h('spikesload.select("t","[]", %d, %d)'%(t1Arg,t2Arg))
#save to matlab
#scipy.io.savemat(('bmm_%s_p1-%.2f_p2-%d_i-%d_w-%d_test_spk.mat'%simdatadir, param1, param2, iseed, wseed), \
#mdict={'t': t, 'cellId': 'cellId, 'celltype': celltype, 'muscleid': muscleid})
scipy.io.savemat(('%s_target%d_i%d_w%d_spk.mat'%(simdatadir, iparam2, iiseed, iwseed)), \
mdict={'tspike': tspike, 'cellid': cellid, 'celltype': celltype, 'muscleid': muscleid})
scipy.io.savemat(('%s_target%d_i%d_w%d_arm.mat'%(simdatadir, iparam2, iiseed, iwseed)), \
mdict={'t': t, 'xhand': xHand, 'yHand': yHand, 'xElbow': xElbow, 'yElbow': yElbow, 'shAng': shAng, 'elAng': elAng, 'shExtMusLength': shExtMusLength, 'shFlexMusLength': shFlexMusLength, 'elExtMusLength': elExtMusLength, 'elFlexMusLength': elFlexMusLength })
def save2MatlabMistPerturb(simdatadir, t1Arg, t2Arg):
# read and save spike and trajectory data (t,x,y from nqa)
wseedvals =[120456, 398115, 534031, 796321, 895199]
iseedvals = [1235, 2837, 3955, 4506, 6789]
param1_range = arange(0,192,1) # mistCell
param2_range= arange(200, 600, 200) # mistStart
param3_range = arange(200,201) # mistDuration
param4_range = arange(250,501,250) # mistRate
param5_range = arange(1) # only four targets
wseed_range = arange(1)
inseed_range = arange(1)
param1_range = arange(0,192)#192,1) # mistCell
param2_range= arange(0,1)# 600, 200) # mistStart
param3_range = arange(1,2) # mistDuration
param4_range = arange(1,2)#(501,250) # mistRate
param5_range = arange(1) # only four targets
wseed_range = arange(1)
inseed_range = arange(1)
#with open('%s/params'% (simdatadir)) as f:
# param1_range, param2_range, param3_range, param4_range, param5_range, wseed_range, inseed_range = pickle.load(f)
param1_range = arange(20,192,1) # mistCell
# plot data for each of the 4 starting conditions in same color; different color for each target
# Loop over param1 values
h('objref nqaload')
h('objref spikesload')
# Loop over param1 vals
for param1 in param1_range:
# Loop over param2 vals
for param2 in param2_range:
# Loop over param3 vals
for param3 in param3_range:
# Loop over param4 vals
for param4 in param4_range:
# Loop over wiring seed...
for wseed in wseed_range:
# Loop over input seed...
for iseed in inseed_range:
# set filename
#outfilestem = '"%s/p1-%d_p2-%d_i-%d_w-%d_train-nqa.nqs"' % (simdatadir, param1, param2, iseed, wseed)
outfilestem = '%s/cell-%d_start-%d_dur-%d_rate-%d_test-nqa.nqs' % (simdatadir, param1, param2, param3, param4)
# get fields from nqs
if os.path.isfile(outfilestem):
outfilestem = '"%s/cell-%d_start-%d_dur-%d_rate-%d_test-nqa.nqs"' % (simdatadir, param1, param2, param3, param4)
h('nqaload = new NQS(%s)'%outfilestem)
h('nqaload.select("t","[]", %d, %d)'%(t1Arg,t2Arg))
xHand = array(h.nqaload.getcol("x"))
yHand = array(h.nqaload.getcol("y"))
xElbow = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ex"))
yElbow = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ey"))
shAng = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ang0"))
elAng = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ang1"))
shExtMusLength = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ML0"))
shFlexMusLength = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ML1"))
elExtMusLength = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ML2"))
elFlexMusLength = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ML3"))
#outfilestem = '"%s/p1-%.2f_p2-%d_i-%d_w-%d_test-spk.nqs"' % (simdatadir, param1, param2, iseed, wseed)
outfilestem = '"%s/cell-%d_start-%d_dur-%d_rate-%d_test-spk.nqs"' % (simdatadir, param1, param2, param3, param4)
h('spikesload = new NQS(%s)' % outfilestem)
h('spikesload.select("t","[]", %d, %d)'%(t1Arg,t2Arg))
#save to matlab
#scipy.io.savemat(('bmm_%s_p1-%.2f_p2-%d_i-%d_w-%d_test_spk.mat'%simdatadir, param1, param2, iseed, wseed), \
#mdict={'t': t, 'cellId': 'cellId, 'celltype': celltype, 'muscleid': muscleid})
scipy.io.savemat(('%s/cell-%d_start-%d_dur-%d_rate-%d_spk.mat'%(simdatadir, param1, param2, param3, param4)), \
mdict={'tspike': tspike, 'cellid': cellid, 'celltype': celltype, 'muscleid': muscleid})
scipy.io.savemat(('%s/cell-%d_start-%d_dur-%d_rate-%d_arm.mat'%(simdatadir, param1, param2, param3, param4)), \
mdict={'t': t, 'xhand': xHand, 'yHand': yHand, 'xElbow': xElbow, 'yElbow': yElbow, 'shAng': shAng, 'elAng': elAng, 'shExtMusLength': shExtMusLength, 'shFlexMusLength': shFlexMusLength, 'elExtMusLength': elExtMusLength, 'elFlexMusLength': elFlexMusLength })
def save2MatlabMistProbing(simdatadir, t1Arg, t2Arg):
target_range = [1,3] #arange(4) # only four targets
param1_range = [0,1] # kill cells or synapses
param2_range = [0,5,10] # kill 5% or 10%
param3_range = arange(0,99)#arange(0,191,1) # mistCell
param4_range = [0]#[400] # mistStart
param5_range = [0]#[200] # mistDuration
param6_range = [0]#[250] # mistRate
param1_range = [0,1] #kill cells or synapses
param2_range = [5,10] # kill 5% or 10%
param3_range = arange(0,191)#arange(0,191,1) # mistCell
param4_range = [100]#[400] # mistStart
param5_range = [200]#[200] # mistDuration
param6_range = [250]#[250] # mistRate
h('objref nqaload')
h('objref spikesload')
# Loop over target vals
for target in target_range:
# Loop over param1 vals
for param1 in param1_range:
# Loop over param2 vals
for param2 in param2_range:
# Loop over param3 vals
for param3 in param3_range:
# Loop over param4 vals
for param4 in param4_range:
# Loop over param5 vals
for param5 in param5_range:
# Loop over param6 vals
for param6 in param6_range:
# set filename
outfilestem = '%s/target-%d_ptype-%d_pperc-%d_cell-%d_start-%d_dur-%d_rate-%d_test-nqa.nqs' % \
(simdatadir, target, param1, param2, param3, param4, param5, param6)
# get fields from nqs
if os.path.isfile(outfilestem):
outfilestem = '"%s/target-%d_ptype-%d_pperc-%d_cell-%d_start-%d_dur-%d_rate-%d_test-nqa.nqs"' % \
(simdatadir, target, param1, param2, param3, param4, param5, param6)
h('nqaload = new NQS(%s)'%outfilestem)
h('nqaload.select("t","[]", %d, %d)'%(t1Arg,t2Arg))
xHand = array(h.nqaload.getcol("x"))
yHand = array(h.nqaload.getcol("y"))
xElbow = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ex"))
yElbow = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ey"))
shAng = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ang0"))
elAng = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ang1"))
shExtMusLength = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ML0"))
shFlexMusLength = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ML1"))
elExtMusLength = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ML2"))
elFlexMusLength = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ML3"))
#outfilestem = '"%s/p1-%.2f_p2-%d_i-%d_w-%d_test-spk.nqs"' % (simdatadir, param1, param2, iseed, wseed)
outfilestem = '"%s/target-%d_ptype-%d_pperc-%d_cell-%d_start-%d_dur-%d_rate-%d_test-spk.nqs"' % \
(simdatadir, target, param1, param2, param3, param4, param5, param6)
h('spikesload = new NQS(%s)' % outfilestem)
h('spikesload.select("t","[]", %d, %d)'%(t1Arg,t2Arg))
#save to matlab
#scipy.io.savemat(('bmm_%s_p1-%.2f_p2-%d_i-%d_w-%d_test_spk.mat'%simdatadir, param1, param2, iseed, wseed), \
#mdict={'t': t, 'cellId': 'cellId, 'celltype': celltype, 'muscleid': muscleid})
scipy.io.savemat(('%s/target-%d_ptype-%d_pperc-%d_cell-%d_start-%d_dur-%d_rate-%d_spk.mat' % (simdatadir, target, param1, param2, param3, param4, param5, param6)), \
mdict={'tspike': tspike, 'cellid': cellid, 'celltype': celltype, 'muscleid': muscleid})
scipy.io.savemat(('%s/target-%d_ptype-%d_pperc-%d_cell-%d_start-%d_dur-%d_rate-%d_arm.mat' % (simdatadir, target, param1, param2, param3, param4, param5, param6)), \
mdict={'t': t, 'xhand': xHand, 'yHand': yHand, 'xElbow': xElbow, 'yElbow': yElbow, 'shAng': shAng, 'elAng': elAng, 'shExtMusLength': shExtMusLength, 'shFlexMusLength': shFlexMusLength, 'elExtMusLength': elExtMusLength, 'elFlexMusLength': elFlexMusLength })
def save2MatlabMistProbingMulti(simdatadir, t1Arg, t2Arg):
target_range = [1,3] #arange(4) # only four targets
param1_range = [0,1] # kill cells or synapses
param2_range = [0,5,10] # kill 5% or 10%
param3_range = arange(0,99)#arange(0,191,1) # mistCell
param4_range = [0]#[400] # mistStart
param5_range = [0]#[200] # mistDuration
param6_range = [0]#[250] # mistRate
param1_range = [0,1] #kill cells or synapses
param2_range = [5,10] # kill 5% or 10%
param3_range = arange(0,191)#arange(0,191,1) # mistCell
param4_range = [100]#[400] # mistStart
param5_range = [200]#[200] # mistDuration
param6_range = [250]#[250] # mistRate
h('objref nqaload')
h('objref spikesload')
# Loop over target vals
for target in target_range:
# Loop over param1 vals
for param1 in param1_range:
# Loop over param2 vals
for param2 in param2_range:
# Loop over param3 vals
for param3 in param3_range:
# Loop over param4 vals
for param4 in param4_range:
# Loop over param5 vals
for param5 in param5_range:
# Loop over param6 vals
for param6 in param6_range:
# set filename
outfilestem = '%s/target-%d_ptype-%d_pperc-%d_cell-%d_start-%d_dur-%d_rate-%d_multi_test-nqa.nqs' % \
(simdatadir, target, param1, param2, param3, param4, param5, param6)
# get fields from nqs
if os.path.isfile(outfilestem):
outfilestem = '"%s/target-%d_ptype-%d_pperc-%d_cell-%d_start-%d_dur-%d_rate-%d_multi_test-nqa.nqs"' % \
(simdatadir, target, param1, param2, param3, param4, param5, param6)
h('nqaload = new NQS(%s)'%outfilestem)
h('nqaload.select("t","[]", %d, %d)'%(t1Arg,t2Arg))
xHand = array(h.nqaload.getcol("x"))
yHand = array(h.nqaload.getcol("y"))
xElbow = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ex"))
yElbow = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ey"))
shAng = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ang0"))
elAng = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ang1"))
shExtMusLength = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ML0"))
shFlexMusLength = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ML1"))
elExtMusLength = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ML2"))
elFlexMusLength = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ML3"))
#outfilestem = '"%s/p1-%.2f_p2-%d_i-%d_w-%d_test-spk.nqs"' % (simdatadir, param1, param2, iseed, wseed)
outfilestem = '"%s/target-%d_ptype-%d_pperc-%d_cell-%d_start-%d_dur-%d_rate-%d_multi_test-spk.nqs"' % \
(simdatadir, target, param1, param2, param3, param4, param5, param6)
h('spikesload = new NQS(%s)' % outfilestem)
h('spikesload.select("t","[]", %d, %d)'%(t1Arg,t2Arg))
#save to matlab
#scipy.io.savemat(('bmm_%s_p1-%.2f_p2-%d_i-%d_w-%d_test_spk.mat'%simdatadir, param1, param2, iseed, wseed), \
#mdict={'t': t, 'cellId': 'cellId, 'celltype': celltype, 'muscleid': muscleid})
scipy.io.savemat(('%s/target-%d_ptype-%d_pperc-%d_cell-%d_start-%d_dur-%d_rate-%d_multi_spk.mat' % (simdatadir, target, param1, param2, param3, param4, param5, param6)), \
mdict={'tspike': tspike, 'cellid': cellid, 'celltype': celltype, 'muscleid': muscleid})
scipy.io.savemat(('%s/target-%d_ptype-%d_pperc-%d_cell-%d_start-%d_dur-%d_rate-%d_multi_arm.mat' % (simdatadir, target, param1, param2, param3, param4, param5, param6)), \
mdict={'t': t, 'xhand': xHand, 'yHand': yHand, 'xElbow': xElbow, 'yElbow': yElbow, 'shAng': shAng, 'elAng': elAng, 'shExtMusLength': shExtMusLength, 'shFlexMusLength': shFlexMusLength, 'elExtMusLength': elExtMusLength, 'elFlexMusLength': elFlexMusLength })
def save2MatlabMistRepair(simdatadir, t1Arg, t2Arg):
target_range = [1,3] #arange(4) # only four targets
param1_range = [0,1] # kill cells or synapses
param2_range = [0,5,10] # kill 5% or 10%
param3_range = ['perturb', 'repair']
h('objref nqaload')
h('objref spikesload')
# Loop over target vals
for target in target_range:
# Loop over param1 vals
for param1 in param1_range:
# Loop over param2 vals
for param2 in param2_range:
# Loop over param3 vals
for param3 in param3_range:
# set filename
outfilestem = '%s/target-%d_ptype-%d_pperc-%d_%s_test-nqa.nqs' % \
(simdatadir, target, param1, param2, param3)
# get fields from nqs
if os.path.isfile(outfilestem):
outfilestem = '"%s/target-%d_ptype-%d_pperc-%d_%s_test-nqa.nqs"' % \
(simdatadir, target, param1, param2, param3)
h('nqaload = new NQS(%s)'%outfilestem)
h('nqaload.select("t","[]", %d, %d)'%(t1Arg,t2Arg))
xHand = array(h.nqaload.getcol("x"))
yHand = array(h.nqaload.getcol("y"))
xElbow = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ex"))
yElbow = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ey"))
shAng = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ang0"))
elAng = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ang1"))
shExtMusLength = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ML0"))
shFlexMusLength = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ML1"))
elExtMusLength = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ML2"))
elFlexMusLength = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ML3"))
#outfilestem = '"%s/p1-%.2f_p2-%d_i-%d_w-%d_test-spk.nqs"' % (simdatadir, param1, param2, iseed, wseed)
outfilestem = '"%s/target-%d_ptype-%d_pperc-%d_%s_test-spk.nqs"' % \
(simdatadir, target, param1, param2, param3)
h('spikesload = new NQS(%s)' % outfilestem)
h('spikesload.select("t","[]", %d, %d)'%(t1Arg,t2Arg))
#save to matlab
#scipy.io.savemat(('bmm_%s_p1-%.2f_p2-%d_i-%d_w-%d_test_spk.mat'%simdatadir, param1, param2, iseed, wseed), \
#mdict={'t': t, 'cellId': 'cellId, 'celltype': celltype, 'muscleid': muscleid})
scipy.io.savemat(('%s/target-%d_ptype-%d_pperc-%d_%s_spk.mat' % (simdatadir, target, param1, param2, param3)), \
mdict={'tspike': tspike, 'cellid': cellid, 'celltype': celltype, 'muscleid': muscleid})
scipy.io.savemat(('%s/target-%d_ptype-%d_pperc-%d_%s_arm.mat' % (simdatadir, target, param1, param2, param3)), \
mdict={'t': t, 'xhand': xHand, 'yHand': yHand, 'xElbow': xElbow, 'yElbow': yElbow, 'shAng': shAng, 'elAng': elAng, 'shExtMusLength': shExtMusLength, 'shFlexMusLength': shFlexMusLength, 'elExtMusLength': elExtMusLength, 'elFlexMusLength': elFlexMusLength })
def save2MatlabMistSingle(simdatadir, t1Arg, t2Arg):
# read and save spike and trajectory data (t,x,y from nqa)
# plot data for each of the 4 starting conditions in same color; different color for each target
# Loop over param1 values
h('objref nqaload')
h('objref spikesload')
# set filename
#outfilestem = '"%s/p1-%d_p2-%d_i-%d_w-%d_train-nqa.nqs"' % (simdatadir, param1, param2, iseed, wseed)
outfilestem = '%s_test-nqa.nqs' % (simdatadir)
# get fields from nqs
if os.path.isfile(outfilestem):
outfilestem = '"%s_test-nqa.nqs"' % (simdatadir)
h('nqaload = new NQS(%s)'%outfilestem)
h('nqaload.select("t","[]", %d, %d)'%(t1Arg,t2Arg))
xHand = array(h.nqaload.getcol("x"))
yHand = array(h.nqaload.getcol("y"))
xElbow = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ex"))
yElbow = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ey"))
shAng = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ang0"))
elAng = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ang1"))
shExtMusLength = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ML0"))
shFlexMusLength = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ML1"))
elExtMusLength = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ML2"))
elFlexMusLength = array(h.nqaload.getcol("ML3"))
#outfilestem = '"%s/p1-%.2f_p2-%d_i-%d_w-%d_test-spk.nqs"' % (simdatadir, param1, param2, iseed, wseed)
outfilestem = '"%s_test-spk.nqs"' % (simdatadir)
h('spikesload = new NQS(%s)' % outfilestem)
h('spikesload.select("t","[]", %d, %d)'%(t1Arg,t2Arg))
#save to matlab
#scipy.io.savemat(('bmm_%s_p1-%.2f_p2-%d_i-%d_w-%d_test_spk.mat'%simdatadir, param1, param2, iseed, wseed), \
#mdict={'t': t, 'cellId': 'cellId, 'celltype': celltype, 'muscleid': muscleid})
scipy.io.savemat(('%s_spk.mat'%(simdatadir)), \
mdict={'tspike': tspike, 'cellid': cellid, 'celltype': celltype, 'muscleid': muscleid})
scipy.io.savemat(('%s_arm.mat'%(simdatadir)), \
mdict={'t': t, 'xhand': xHand, 'yHand': yHand, 'xElbow': xElbow, 'yElbow': yElbow, 'shAng': shAng, 'elAng': elAng, 'shExtMusLength': shExtMusLength, 'shFlexMusLength': shFlexMusLength, 'elExtMusLength': elExtMusLength, 'elFlexMusLength': elFlexMusLength })
# plot center out reaching trajectory for single target
def plotNCM14CenterOutTraj(simdatadir, trajStartArg, trajStopArg):
##### obtain target locations
targetsAng = calculateTargetsCenterOut()
# convert to cartesian position
varmLen=[0.4634 - 0.173, 0.7169 - 0.4634]
varmCenter = angles2pos(0.62, 1.53, varmLen[0], varmLen[1])
elbowCenter = [varmLen[0] * cos(0.62), varmLen[0] * sin(0.62)]
targetsPos = zeros((8,2))
for i in range(len(targetsAng)):
targetsPos[i]=angles2pos(targetsAng[i][0], targetsAng[i][1], varmLen[0], varmLen[1])
print targetsPos
print varmCenter
# read and plot trajectory data (t,x,y from nqa)
wseedvals =[120456]#, 398115]#, 534031, 796321, 895199]
iseedvals = arange(1235, 1235+(17*100), 17)#, 2837, 3955, 4506, 6789, 1236, 2838, 3956, 4507, 6790, 1237, 2839, 3957, 4508, 6791, 1238, 2840, 3958, 4509, 6792]
#[1235]#, 2837]#, 3955, 4506, 6789]
# parameter values
param1_range = arange(1,2,1)# arange(0.8,1.24,0.04)#arange(200,375,25)#arange(20,180,20)##arange(10,110,10)# [0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1, 0.125, 0.15, 0.175, 0.2]##arange(0.8,1.24,0.04)# arange(1,9)#arange(50,550,50)# arange(10,110,10)## #[0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1, 0.125, 0.15]#[10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100]#[50, 100,250,500,750,1000]#arange(20,180,20)##
param2_range = [0,1,2,3] # [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
# Visualization options
figsize =[800,800]# [1300,500] # Figure size in pixels
targetColor = 'green';#array([(1,0.4,0) , (0,0.2,0.8)]) # Define excitatory and inhibitory colors -- orange and turquoise
targetLine = 2*2 #??
targetSize = 30 *2
targetMarker = 'x'
colorlist = ['black','blue', 'red', 'green', 'brown', 'cyan','darkgrey', 'magenta', 'orange','yellow']
trajLine = 1
trajSize = 1
trajMarker = '.'
trajStart = trajStartArg#2 # sample number to start from (each sample = 10 ms)
trajStop = trajStopArg#400 # sample number to finish on (max 400=4sec)
# create subplots for each of the param values tested
fig = figure(figsize=(figsize[0]/100,figsize[1]/100),dpi=100)
fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.02) # Less space on left
fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.93) # Less space on right
fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.08) # Less space on bottom
subplotsx = 1#5
subplotsy = 1#2
maxSubplots = subplotsx*subplotsy
param1Subplots = [None] * min(len(param1_range), maxSubplots)
border = 0.1
for i in range(min(len(param1_range), maxSubplots)):
param1Subplots[i] = subplot(subplotsy, subplotsx, i+1)
#setp(param1Subplots[i].get_xticklabels(), visible=False) # hide x and y ticks
#setp(param1Subplots[i].get_yticklabels(), visible=False)
param1Subplots[i].set_xlim([targetsPos[1][0]-border*1.5, targetsPos[0][0]+border]) # set x-y lims
param1Subplots[i].set_ylim([targetsPos[3][1]-border*2.5, targetsPos[2][1]+border])
# plot data for each of the 4 starting conditions in same color; different color for each target
# Loop over param1 values
h('objref nqaload')
param1Subplots[iparam1].set_title('Trajectories for multiple input seeds')
# Loop over param2 values
for param2 in param2_range:
iparam2 = iparam2 + 1
iwseed = -1
if param2==0:
elif param2==1:
# plot target location
param1Subplots[iparam1].scatter(targetsPos[iparam2][0], targetsPos[iparam2][1], c=colorlist[iparam2], marker=targetMarker, linewidth=targetLine, s=targetSize)
# Loop over wiring seed...
for wseed in wseedvals:
iwseed = iwseed + 1
iiseed = -1
# Loop over input seed...
for iseed in iseedvals:
iiseed = iiseed + 1
# set filename
#outfilestem = '"%s/p1-%.2f_p2-%d_i-%d_w-%d_train-nqa.nqs"' % (simdatadir, param1, param2, iseed, wseed)
#outfilestem = '"%s/p1-%d_p2-%d_i-%d_w-%d_test-nqa.nqs"' % (simdatadir, param1, param2, iseed, wseed)
outfilestem = '"%s/target-%d_i-%d_w-%d_test-nqa.nqs"' % (simdatadir, param2, iseed, wseed)
filename = '%s/target-%d_i-%d_w-%d_test-nqa.nqs' % (simdatadir, param2, iseed, wseed)
if os.path.isfile(filename):
print outfilestem
# get errors from nqs
h('nqaload = new NQS(%s)'%outfilestem)
param1Subplots[iparam1].scatter(x[trajStart:trajStop], y[trajStart:trajStop], edgecolor=colorlist[iparam2], marker=trajMarker, linewidth=trajLine, s=trajSize)
# draw arm
plot([0,elbowCenter[0]], [0, elbowCenter[1]],'k-',lw=4) #elbow
plot([elbowCenter[0], varmCenter[0]], [elbowCenter[1], varmCenter[1]],'k-',lw=4)
fig.savefig('gif/%s_traj_%d.png' % (simdatadir[5:], trajStop))
# save EMG data to matlab
def save2MatlabEMGs(simfolder):
for file in os.listdir(simfolder):
if file.endswith("muscles.p"):
with open(simfolder+'/'+file) as f:
[musExcSeq, musActSeq, musForcesSeq]=pickle.load(f)
#print [musExcSeq, musActSeq, musForcesSeq]
print "Saving %s .mat" % (file)
scipy.io.savemat(('%s/%s.mat'%(simfolder,file[0:-2])), \
mdict={'musExcSeq': musExcSeq, 'musActSeq': musActSeq, 'musForcesSeq': musForcesSeq})
# generate pdf figure of fitness evolution
def figureFitEvol(outfilestem):
with open('data/%s/fitevol'% (outfilestem), 'r') as f:
[stat_gens, stat_avgfits, stat_worstfits, stat_bestfits] = pickle.load(f)
genMax = 100;
plot(stat_gens[0:genMax], stat_avgfits[0:genMax], 'b-')
plot(stat_gens[0:genMax], stat_worstfits[0:genMax], 'r--')
plot(stat_gens[0:genMax], stat_bestfits[0:genMax], 'g--')
xlabel('Generation number',fontsize=fontsiz)
# find best fitness solutions and generate data for analysis
def bestFitness(folder,islands=10, top=50, runsims=1, iseeds=1, wseeds=5, calculateWeights=0):
timeout = 500
wseedvals = [120456, 398115, 534031, 796321, 895199]
wseedvals = wseedvals[0:wseeds]
iseedvals = arange(1235, 1235+(17*100), 17)
iseedvals = iseedvals[0:iseeds]
print "loading data..."
# load data from fitness evaluations
dataFrom = 'fitness' # 'individuals'
ind_gens_isl, ind_cands_isl, ind_fits_isl, ind_cs_isl, stat_gens_isl, \
stat_worstfits_isl, stat_bestfits_isl, stat_avgfits_isl, stat_stdfits_isl, \
fits_sort_isl, gens_sort_isl, cands_sort_isl, params_sort_isl \
= analyse_funcs.loadData(folder,islands,dataFrom)
print "calculating best solutions..."
# combine data from all islands
all_fits = all_gens = all_cands = all_params = all_islands = []
for isl in fits_sort_isl:
all_fits = all_fits + isl # get fits from all islands
all_islands = all_islands + [fits_sort_isl.index(isl)] * len(isl) # create vector with island
for isl in gens_sort_isl:
all_gens = all_gens + isl # get gens from all islands
for isl in cands_sort_isl:
all_cands = all_cands + isl # get gens from all islands
for isl in params_sort_isl:
all_params = all_params + isl # get params from all islands
# unique params and sort fits
all_params, unique_indices = analyse_funcs.uniqueList(all_params)
all_fits, all_gens, all_cands, all_islands = zip(*[(all_fits[i],all_gens[i],all_cands[i],all_islands[i]) for i in unique_indices])
sort_indices = np.argsort(all_fits) # sort fitness
all_fits, all_gens, all_cands, all_params, all_islands = zip(*[(all_fits[i],all_gens[i],all_cands[i],all_params[i],all_islands[i]) for i in sort_indices])
if runsims:
print "running sims ..."
# for each of the top solutions run sim to get data
if iseeds==1:
for i in range(top):
# call runpbatchpbs to run sims saving muscle, weight and LFP data
command = 'python runbatchpbs_iseeds_16params.py %s_best data/%s_island_%s/gen_%s_cand_%s %d 0 -1' % (folder,folder,all_islands[i], all_gens[i], all_cands[i], iseeds)
print command
elif iseeds>1:
i = top
# call runpbatchpbs to run sims saving muscle, weight and LFP data
command = 'python runbatchpbs_iseeds_16params.py %s_best data/%s_island_%s/gen_%s_cand_%s %d 0 -1' % (folder,folder,all_islands[i], all_gens[i], all_cands[i], iseeds)
print command
print 'Sleeping for 10 mins to wait for results...'
# for each of the top solutions run sim to get data
if top > 1 and iseeds == 1:
total_jobs = top
converted = [None]*total_jobs
num_iters = 0
while jobs_completed < total_jobs:
print str(num_iters)+" iterations, "+str(jobs_completed)+" / "+str(total_jobs)+" jobs completed"
unfinished = [i for i, x in enumerate(converted) if x is None]
print "unfinished:" + str(unfinished)
for i in unfinished:
# check if file exists
subfolder = 'island_%s_gen_%s_cand_%s' % (all_islands[i], all_gens[i], all_cands[i])
simdatadir = 'data/%s/%s' % (folder+'_best', subfolder)
for iseed in iseedvals:
for wseed in wseedvals:
for itarget in range(4):
filename = '%s/target-%d_i-%d_w-%d_test-nqa.nqs' % (simdatadir, itarget, iseed, wseed)
with open(filename) as f:
print 'Reading file: ' + f.name
save2Matlab_iseeds(simdatadir, 20, 1000)
if calculateWeights:
converted[i] = 1
#print 'Not found: '+filename
num_iters += 1
if num_iters >= timeout:
print "max iterations reached without completing all jobs"
for j in unfinished:
converted[j] = 2
jobs_completed += 1
elif top >= 1 and iseeds > 1:
total_jobs = iseeds
converted = [None]*total_jobs
num_iters = 0
while jobs_completed < total_jobs:
print str(num_iters)+" iterations, "+str(jobs_completed)+" / "+str(total_jobs)+" jobs completed"
unfinished = [i for i, x in enumerate(converted) if x is None]
print "unfinished:" + str(unfinished)
isol = top # top solution only
# check if file exists
subfolder = 'island_%s_gen_%s_cand_%s' % (all_islands[isol], all_gens[isol], all_cands[isol])
simdatadir = 'data/%s/%s' % (folder+'_best', subfolder)
for iseed,iseedval in enumerate(iseedvals):
for wseed in wseedvals:
for itarget in range(4):
filename = '%s/target-%d_i-%d_w-%d_test-nqa.nqs' % (simdatadir, itarget, iseedval, wseed)
with open(filename) as f:
print 'Reading file: ' + f.name
converted[iseed] = 1
#print 'Not found: '+filename
num_iters += 1
if num_iters >= timeout:
print "max iterations reached without completing all jobs"
for j in unfinished:
converted[j] = 2
jobs_completed += 1
# after all iseeds have finished - convert all together
save2Matlab_iseeds(simdatadir, 20, 1000)
if calculateWeights:
print "Have to choose either top>1 and iseeds=1 or top=1 and iseeds>1"
# Script code (run always)
# Load default parameters and initialize the network.