# armGraphs.py -- Python code for the following purposes:
# (modified from testArm.py)
# *Read joint angles, muscle exc, muscle activation and force from .pnt files
# *Plot for each muscle: exc, act, force, muscle lengths (3 fibres+avg)
# *Plot joint angles and trajectory over time
# Last update: 6/17/13 (salvadord)
import sys #for exit
import struct
import time
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.lines as lines
import matplotlib.text as text
import matplotlib.animation as animation
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from pylab import figure, show
from numpy import *
import csv
#import os
# Global constant parameters
#secLength = 6.01 # length of simulation in seconds (first 10 ms used to set start pos)
#msecInterval = 10.0 # interval at which packets are sent in miliseconds
#n = int(secLength*1000/msecInterval) # calculate number of samples
#toSamples = 1/msecInterval*1000
numMuscles = 4 # number of muscles = shFlex (PECT), shExt (DELT), elFlex (BIC), elExt (TRIC)
#muscleNames = ["Shoulder ext (post Deltoid+Infraspinatus)", "Shoulder flex (Pectoralis+ant Deltoid)", "Elbow ext (Triceps)", "Elbow flex (Biceps+Brachialis)"]
muscleNames = ["Shoulder ext", "Shoulder flex", "Elbow ext", "Elbow flex"]
numMusBranches = 18 # number of muscle branches
numJoints = 2 # number of joints (DOFs)
armLen = (0.5*0.55, 0.5*(0.3+0.06+0.095)) # shoulder to elbow (check if ms = wam length !) #elbow to center of hand = elbow to wrist + wrist length + hand length/2 (check if ms = wam legth)
useJointPos = 0 # use joint positions vs joint angles for 2d arm animation
showBranches = 0 # include muscle branches in graphs
verbose = 0 # whether to show output on screen
# Function definition
# function to read the result .pnt file containing muscle excitation and force
def readPntFiles(msmFolder, pntFile, secLength, msecInterval):
n = int(secLength*1000/msecInterval) # calculate number of samples
# read joint position
# open pnt file and read data
fileName = msmFolder+"SUNY_arm_2DOFs_horizon_static_coordinate_status.pnt"
#f = open(fileName, "r" )
jointData = []
with open(fileName, "r") as f:
for line in f:
print line
jointData.append([float(i) for i in line.split()])
jointData = array(jointData).transpose()
jointData = jointData[:, len(jointData[0])-n:] # make number of rows equal to n (packets received)
# create arrays to store read data (joints include shoulder, elbow and wrist * 3 coords (xyz))
jointPosSeq = zeros(((numJoints+1)*3, n))
# assign activation and force to output arrays
# file has format: time,ground_thorax_xyz,sternoclavicular_xyz,acromioclavicular_xyz,shoulder_xyz,elbow_xyz,radioulnar_xyz,radius_hand_xyz
#jointPosSeq[0:6,:] = jointData[10:16,:]
#jointPosSeq[6:9,:] = jointData[19:22,:]
jointPosSeq[0,:] = jointData[10,:]
jointPosSeq[1,:] = jointData[12,:]
jointPosSeq[2,:] = jointData[13,:]
jointPosSeq[3,:] = jointData[15,:]
jointPosSeq[4,:] = jointData[19,:]
jointPosSeq[5,:] = jointData[21,:]
if verbose:
print "coordinate pnt file not available"
# Read muscle activation and force
# open pnt file and read data
#fileName = msmFolder+"SUNY_arm_2DOFs_horizon_static_muscle_status.pnt"
fileName = pntFile
#f = open(fileName, "r" )
muscleData = []
with open(fileName, "r") as f:
for line in f:
muscleData.append([float(i) for i in line.split()])
muscleData = array(muscleData).transpose() # transpose
muscleData = muscleData[:, len(muscleData[0])-n:] # make number of rows equal to n (packets received)
# create arrays to store read data
musExcSeq = zeros((numMusBranches, n))
musActSeq = zeros((numMusBranches, n))
musForcesSeq = zeros((numMusBranches, n))
# assign activation and force to output arrays
# file has format: time DELT1_excitation DELT1_activation DELT1_force DELT2_excitation DELT2_activation DELT2_force ...
musExcSeq = muscleData[1::3 , :]
musActSeq = muscleData[2::3 , :]
musForcesSeq = muscleData[3::3 , :]
return jointPosSeq, musExcSeq, musActSeq, musForcesSeq
# Plot for each muscle: exc, act, force, muscle lengths (3 fibres+avg), joint angles and trajectory over time
def plotGraphs(jointPosSeq, jointAnglesSeq, musLengthsSeq, musExcSeq, musActSeq, musForcesSeq, t1, t2, msecInterval, armAnimation, saveGraphs, saveName):
# graph parameters
toDegrees = 360/(2*pi)
toSamples = 1/msecInterval*1000
legFont = 11
linWidth = 3
color1 = "red"
color2 = "blue"
color3 = "green"
color4 = "purple"
line1 = "-"
line2 = ":"
gridOn = 1
# plot with 6 subplots for joint angles, trajectory and each of muscles
fig1 = figure()
# time variables
T = arange(t1, t2, msecInterval/1000.0);
t1Samples = t1*toSamples
t2Samples = t2*toSamples
if armAnimation:
speedFactor = 1 # speed of animation
#create figure and axes
figAnim = figure()
axAnim = figAnim.add_subplot(111)
# set axes size to fit arm
axAnim.set_xlim(-armLen[0]-armLen[1]-0.1, armLen[0]+armLen[1]+0.1)
axAnim.set_ylim(-armLen[0]-armLen[1]-0.1, armLen[0]+armLen[1]+0.1)
# 2D arm movement animation
for t in arange(t1Samples,t2Samples):
# Update the arm position based on jointPosSeq
if useJointPos:
# use x = z (pnt file) ; y = x (pnt file)
shoulderPosx = jointPosSeq[1, t]
shoulderPosy = jointPosSeq[0, t]
elbowPosx = jointPosSeq[3, t]
elbowPosy = jointPosSeq[2, t]
wristPosx = jointPosSeq[5, t]
wristPosy = jointPosSeq[4, t]
# update jointAnglesSeq based on pos !!!
# Update the arm position based on jointAnglesSeq
armAng = jointAnglesSeq[:,t]
shoulderPosx = 0
shoulderPosy = 0
elbowPosx = armLen[0] * cos(armAng[0]) # end of elbow
elbowPosy = armLen[0] * sin(armAng[0])
wristPosx = elbowPosx + armLen[1] * cos(+armAng[0]+armAng[1]) # wrist=arm position
wristPosy = elbowPosy + armLen[1] * sin(+armAng[0]+armAng[1])
# create
armLine1 = lines.Line2D([0, elbowPosx-shoulderPosx], [0, elbowPosy-shoulderPosy], color=color1, linestyle=line1, linewidth=linWidth)
armLine2 = lines.Line2D([elbowPosx-shoulderPosx, wristPosx-shoulderPosx], [elbowPosy-shoulderPosy, wristPosy-shoulderPosy], color=color2, linestyle=line1, linewidth=linWidth)
#label = plt.legend(armLine1, str(t/toSamples) )
label = text.Text(x=0, y=0.5, text="time = "+str(t/toSamples), weight='bold' )
armImages.append([armLine1, armLine2, label])
# add blank frames
blankFrames = int(1*toSamples)
for t in range(blankFrames):
# Update the arm position
armLine1 = lines.Line2D([0, 0], [0, 0], color=color1, linestyle=line1, linewidth=linWidth)
armLine2 = lines.Line2D([0,0 ], [0,0], color=color2, linestyle=line1, linewidth=linWidth)
armImages.append([armLine1, armLine2])
# generate animation
armAnim = animation.ArtistAnimation(figAnim, armImages, interval=msecInterval/speedFactor, repeat_delay=500, blit=True)
# Plot joint angles vs time
ax = fig1.add_subplot(321)
#T = arange(0, secLength, msecInterval/1000.0);
ax.plot(T,jointAnglesSeq[0,t1Samples:t2Samples]*toDegrees,color=color1,linestyle=line1, linewidth=linWidth, label="shoulder")
ax.plot(T,jointAnglesSeq[1,t1Samples:t2Samples]*toDegrees,color=color2,linestyle=line1, linewidth=linWidth, label="elbow")
ax.set_ylabel('angle (deg)', fontsize = legFont)
ax.set_xlabel('time (sec)', fontsize = legFont)
ax.set_title('Joint angles')
ax.legend(loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 1.0), borderaxespad=0., prop={'size':legFont})
#ax.set_xlim([t1, t2])
# Plot x-y pos vs time
ax = fig1.add_subplot(322)
# calculate x and y trajectories based on angles
if useJointPos:
xTraj = jointPosSeq[4, t1Samples:t2Samples]
yTraj = jointPosSeq[5, t1Samples:t2Samples]
xTraj = armLen[0]*cos(jointAnglesSeq[0,t1Samples:t2Samples])+armLen[1]*cos(jointAnglesSeq[1,t1Samples:t2Samples])
yTraj = armLen[0]*sin(jointAnglesSeq[0,t1Samples:t2Samples])+armLen[0]*sin(jointAnglesSeq[1,t1Samples:t2Samples])
#ax.plot(xTraj, yTraj,color=color2,linestyle=line1, linewidth=linWidth)
ax.plot(T, xTraj,color=color1,linestyle=line1, linewidth=linWidth, label="x")
ax.plot(T, yTraj,color=color2,linestyle=line1, linewidth=linWidth, label="y")
ax.set_ylabel('position (m)', fontsize = legFont)
#ax.set_xlabel('x position (m)', fontsize = legFont)
ax.set_xlabel('time (sec)', fontsize = legFont)
ax.set_title('X-Y trajectory')
ax.legend(loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 1.0), borderaxespad=0., prop={'size':legFont})
#ax.set_xlim([t1, t2])
# Plot excitation, activation and force for each muscle
# calculate normalized force (activation and length already normalized)
#musActSeqNorm = musActSeq/musActSeq[:,t1Samples:t2Samples].max()
musForcesSeqNorm = musForcesSeq/musForcesSeq[:,t1Samples:t2Samples].max()
#musLengthsSeqNorm = musLengthsSeq/musLengthsSeq[:,t1Samples:t2Samples].max()
# Note arrangement of muscle branches in data arrays:
#DELT1(0) DELT2(1) DELT3(2) Infraspinatus(3) Latissimus_dorsi_1(4) Latissimus_dorsi_2(5) Latissimus_dorsi_3(6)
#Teres_minor(7) PECM1(8) PECM2(9) PECM3(10) Coracobrachialis(11) TRIlong(12) TRIlat(13) TRImed(14) BIClong(15) BICshort(16) BRA(17)
# is different from muscle groups:
# Sh ext = DELT3, Infraspinatus, Latissimus_dorsi_1-3, Teres_minor
# Sh flex = PECM1, PECM2, PECM3, DELT1, Coracobrachialis
# El ext = TRIlong, TRIlat, TRImed
# El flex = BIClong, BICshort, BRA
musList=[shext, shflex,elext,elflex]
for iMus in range(numMuscles):
ax = fig1.add_subplot(3,2,iMus+3)
# set number of muscle branches - assume each node has 3 branches (treat the Brachialis as a branch of Biceps=elbow flexor)
#iBranches = 3
### Excitation and Activation ####
# equivalent for all branches of same muscle group
offset = 2 # use offset 3 because only DELT3 is used (order of muscle branches doesn't correspond muscle groups!)
ax.plot(T, musExcSeq[musList[iMus][offset],t1Samples:t2Samples],color=color1,linestyle=line1, linewidth=linWidth, label="excitation")
ax.plot(T, musActSeq[musList[iMus][offset],t1Samples:t2Samples],color=color2,linestyle=line1, linewidth=linWidth, label="activation")
# for show branches plot individual branches and mean value for force and length
if showBranches:
### Force and Length ###
for iBranch in range(len(musList[iMus])):
ax.plot(T, musForcesSeqNorm[musList[iMus][iBranch],t1Samples:t2Samples],color=color3,linestyle=line2, linewidth=linWidth-1)
ax.plot(T, musLengthsSeq[musList[iMus][iBranch],t1Samples:t2Samples],color=color4,linestyle=line2, linewidth=linWidth-1)
ax.plot(T, musForcesSeqNorm[musList[iMus],t1Samples:t2Samples].mean(axis=0),color=color3,linestyle=line1, linewidth=linWidth, label="force (mean)")
ax.plot(T, musLengthsSeq[musList[iMus],t1Samples:t2Samples].mean(axis=0),color=color4,linestyle=line1, linewidth=linWidth, label="length (mean)")
# for NOT show branches show mean value for force and single value for length
### Force ###
# For shoulder extensor group show only posterior Deltoid, branch 3 (DELT3) or Infraspinatus (INFSP)
# branch 2 (DELT2 = lateral deltoid) also available but currently not included in shoulder extensor group
if iMus == 0:
offset = 2 # DELT3
#offset = 12 # INFSP
ax.plot(T, musForcesSeqNorm[musList[iMus][offset],t1Samples:t2Samples],color=color3,linestyle=line1, linewidth=linWidth, label="force")
# For rest of muscles use mean value of all branches
ax.plot(T, musForcesSeqNorm[musList[iMus],t1Samples:t2Samples].mean(axis=0),color=color3,linestyle=line1, linewidth=linWidth, label="force")
### Length ####
# show length only of one muscle indicated by the index 'offset' - DELT3, PECM1, BIClong, TRIlong
maxLength = 0.20
ax.plot(T, musLengthsSeq[musList[iMus][offset],t1Samples:t2Samples]/maxLength,color=color4,linestyle=line1, linewidth=linWidth, label="length")
# show branche label
if (showBranches):
ax.plot(-1, -1,color=color3,linestyle=line2, linewidth=linWidth, label="force (branches)")
ax.plot(-1, -1,color=color4,linestyle=line2, linewidth=linWidth, label="length (branches)")
# axis properties
ax.set_ylabel('normalized value', fontsize = legFont)
ax.set_xlabel('time (sec)', fontsize = legFont)
if iMus==3:
ax.legend(loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(-0.2, 1.8), borderaxespad=0., prop={'size':legFont})
# show graphs
# save graphs using startPos and pattern in filename
if saveGraphs:
saveFolder = 'gif/'
fig1.savefig(saveFolder+saveName, bbox_inches=0)
#if armAnimation:
#armAnim.save(saveFolder+saveName+'.mp4',writer = writer)
# run single test (udp transfer, read files, plot graphs)
def readAndPlot(jointAnglesSeq, musLengthsSeq, msmFolder, armAnimation, saveGraphs, saveName, timeRange, msecInterval):
# Sim parameters
#armAnimation = 1 # show 2D arm animation
#saveGraphs = 1 # save graph and animation
# define time interval to display
#timeInterval = [0.1, 30]
# Send muscle excitations to MSM and receive joint angles and muscle lengths
#jointAnglesSeq, musLengthsSeq = sendAndReceiveMsmData(initJointAngles, musExcSeq, readSimFromFile)
# Read data from .pnt files
jointPosSeq,musExcSeq, musActSeq, musForcesSeq = readPntFiles(msmFolder, timeRange[1], msecInterval)
# Plot results (last 2 arguments = initial and end times in seconds)
plotGraphs(jointPosSeq, jointAnglesSeq, musLengthsSeq, musExcSeq, musActSeq, musForcesSeq, timeRange[0], timeRange[1], msecInterval, armAnimation, saveGraphs, saveName)
# Main script
jointAnglesSeq = zeros((numJoints, n))
musLengthsSeq = zeros((numMusBranches, n))
armAnimation = 1 # show 2D arm animation
saveGraphs = 1 # save graph and animation
timeInterval = [0.1, 30]
msmFolder = "/home/salvadord/Documents/ISB/Models_linux/msarm/source/test/"
readAndPlot(jointAnglesSeq, musLengthsSeq, msmFolder, armAnimation, saveGraphs, saveName, timeInterval)